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�-�+��' `,n�rrro[ �- ' :c�V,IS�.l����:v�: _ . . '�YT�u''��`.wow...+w.w..� . <br /> . ' . .�+w�45��.,..,...»vw�.o� . t-.�� . . . .r w...o.�a.,...-� ' .i , ...- ..-. ._._,� __ �_" �. <br /> � -`rIH � � L:Sl�1 c,v-ir.�<_�. -� 5r-y.....�.�.._ -- "--- -- — _.�.._�.,�._�� . _� _ ___ _ ._ - �' - �^-'- <br /> .�. - �aC/!.Jr . ._. . .7_�i.t�`t 13. �:.]Y.YlF�°PdP'Y7Rf(l.�S F�- 1Y'fsi'3-J t �3�:�-+ ""�lY�ts�fl. <br /> . . • .� �I I {+Y+�l - J....L'.�`�:..:.�. ' ... ....._ifll:. . wfYl uY�C7t111.Sil.y ras ��c:r,.-.:t s ru�...t � a .�W .1�,� <br /> .`., . -• - - ' -- ---- . _ .... ._�r_ _... _ . . <br /> — --. .r.... . ,.�, 3'1.. <br /> ..�.�....__ _..,�_. <br /> .Atfsc�"� Y�Y�'o:1ti2TS���4'kdx!3��}_ __ '�� - <br /> 1� <br /> _ _ _".r" �._._____. ._._...._..- - - _"iaiu:� ,�._Y...y.�. .._�...._.,, .r-,..x�,.,..n .. . ---•..�....,... <br /> ,.... .,,�... _. <br />_ � � -, --- --�----._ _.• _. . �.T,.....-.___.....�.._�_-------._. <br /> --- ..��.1�_�.. .. .�...,o <br />._.:,-..�.,:av�'r:--:�p �i0{�r�.Q�Y$ Y �,�$�� .r �C; ����^�'l � _.. <br /> � ,�? °'� �e::H S <br /> 1 Q. �': -- _ C�:r�.:7 c� �� cn r.e:::� e.'1 Ea��.,_��2� at�G::� c�Gi!iCtV C��S)4 l'Ji::17 �a��. U�:.__� C..�rn.':,:7 CT.'I I r7::��7 t�::7 Oui',/�.;��;).rr..� . <br /> � F. ,,�:: :i�l�� �t:�rC:: t.c:,i C ;7���cT ct {'iti f: ;iCl.:�7 O I:::1,Ld�:;:1 5:�c;":'_:ri t,��t t;� r.��y C;�:�u��t� L�.ro,<:: a..::;c�+t�.� r.�c�[s�:a r�-_.:2 <br /> _. <br /> . ' c��� �.��.�I�; : -,� ��.� -� �:�::f t�L.t..,;.,�r::�tii:�ifc�E:�L�)::'��f.17 p�.r�t:1�:rc:;�:��:�,::��t�?t���r�f.L'P�.(�(�:.,:c�[.,�r�f�7 c,�e;:::^:.:i,iti�.:? <br /> _ .. � 632•f,::'":)Gl f.::{;!'..�t .�.J L..��:,t�•'���(i'.�n .���lr+::i�h�)I..4ICt1A ES..11I 1.)�!';;��;i Sf!!1. . . <br /> • :;�:.' a r.f:!�s��At�?�'nni`tiK+s,�SiP:;:,�r�st;�l UR�'r.�i tkr�::f,e€�c�sm:ss2o,c�td o�ncr cie.r��a uEi�i'�.�itb{:�W tS'�:�p,-a�c�ty�rn�n du:;ard��i'.!�a::.;��tf..;s <br />'a�`�•'.-���,*:,e;,..-�D� ZO�iS�pt6�'F(iV ettaintt•apX o`.����Wt�lth wc�vCd I�;�ps�r ihs Q:n af thie dsed a4 trusA.L.F�tdsr n�sy re.���tro L?orrowcr to eas!gn o�iy rl���te,elar;,i�ct y�: <br />,��•�}„�,f y�� d;;tnsen�.:Ici�ilt+.m'rrnr er+r�y Y•:i1 u H;��'•,�t F�;,i��:�s.wh�cupp�y In6o7 or n�btcrlats to improva or malr�te!n tho prapariy. <br /> ---- 1, MMxtNSew.Botrow�r wiif k�ep ttw proper2y tntund un�d�r Lerrtu eccepteble to Lerxler at Bo�rowor'�sxpenxa anb for Lendsr'o benef�t,Alt _ ___ <br />`'�"'�"°"`"'`"" ln:urer,ce pa!Ic'bs ohall Inr.!�cda�etaredarQ man0sae C1e��o�In favor of Lender.L.ei�er wili be npmed ae toee payee or ea the Inaurod on any�uch �=��._ <br /> ... "°� ln,�c:::a��";�."r,;+drr_a�^n^���Irr�'e�mnl�F:�r��llerl,erllhj�Len�ePa diecretian,to eiti�cr r.ha rostmuttan ar ropnlr o!tha derre�p�d prop:r:y �:- .. <br /> Y � - a to tM�sc�x�d d�ht.If L�ndct r�k�s�nortQ�ye Intuv�nce,Borr�►wor ntlree�ta m�intain sucb inwr�nce for a�tonp a�f.enc;er rnquKwr. .__.__. <br /> '°� 4.Prep�ety.Borrowet will Y.e�p the property in yaad candltlon und mako ail repeire�casonabty nececaery. - <br /> ��, 6.Ex�atlwa.Borrow�r�greo�to p�y�tl Lender's expanaea In�ludin�reaaona6le ettorneya'feea,if Berrower breaka eny covenent�in thia dend �+��� <br /> --- � of tru�t or in�ny ohliq�at{o,h o�cu�ed Oy this dued oi vuat.�orrowe►will pay thece emaunU to Lender a�provE�ad in Coventnt 8 04 th(�deed of ° <br /> � _ <br /> ,�. ti.��, n tn;�t. �` -- <br /> �c'}5^�lY� �3.�# 1F�,'t ,_. <br /> - y.�� A.fMw S�et+rtty MMar�U.Unlass Borcower fint obtains Lender'�v+altten conoent,Borrowar wifi not mako or permft any chanQea to any prtvr <br /> saeurity Int�►oacy.6orrowm' wiH peYPOii�i pi{6f G{36t6War's oCllgattanc und�r tay prlar murtpeas, dsed of tPUet ar o*.her anr,urity a3rcemont, � <br /> ----- -- tnchxliaq Borrovr�r'�cov�nsnU to maks peymentr when due. - <br />___����`'� 7.Ao of N�rwi Pivfiri.6orrow�r a��iyna to Lendsr tho rents�nd proTits cf the properry.Unlesa Barrower nnd lendar havs ayra�d "-': <br /> - otf�rw te in writtnp, @arrower mmy collect and refeln tho ronte es lonp as&xrowu i�not in defauit.If Borrowar defaults.Lender, l.ender'a � r__ <br /> ==�°"?' �snt,w r court�ppaintec!rocelvar m�y tok�pa:casslon n�al manepe the property and aolleLt the ranta.Any rr•,nta LervJcr collects shill be <br /> _�''��.:� a�+plbd tkst to ths coate at ma��gf tfie property.Inciudin cuurt coata and Attosneys' fens, cammlaoion5 to rentnl a ente, end sny other v- : <br /> net�cauY rst�t�d expemes.The nma nfn�amaunt of rentd w 1 then epply to paymente on the secured debt ea provlded In�ovbnant 1. R� <br />--=x��;� `� � �:�_�.� <br /> -=��; �,��p�iwidr;gp�don�kyu�wt pluwwd Udt awtiopm�nb.Boerower a roee ta compty wkh the provialons of any lease if thts dwd of trust b on -. <br /> -- ��:'�n a,I��e� tfite d��d of uust ia on a uMt in a candominium or a p9anned unfi devatopment, Qorrawev will perQarm all of Borrower's d�Rle� - <br />- ����-''`v� urW�r ttw cavanant�,bylevias,or�eyuteUanr of the condominlum or p!unnad unit deveiopment. '�� <br /> _�a�sss:i=,�.,: <br /> ��; 8, Autfprity a1 Lw�dw eo Wdom�fer Ea�ruwu. (f Borro�e� feils to�pertorm nny of Borrower's dutiea under thia daod ot teust,lertcler msy �=''� <br />_�....,� pertorrri the duties or cause them to be perl`ormed.LenQer rney sign 6nrrqwer'e name or pay eny emount If eecoasery tor pertorm�nee. If erty t_._r_ <br /> -- cn�u�uction on tl»OroDdriy U diacontinued or not canled on Irs a reesonabfu manner,Landor may du whnievar fs nocos�ary to protect londor•a f <br /> �`�� � ? sac�xari tncs7u.t rn�riy. 7n!a mey Inciuda compietinp Yv�e constraczion. `"_`� <br />'�h����.v.� I.ender'�tailure to periorm wlll not prectude l¢nder from axorctsing eny of(te othor dgh3a under the law or thte deed of trust. <br /> � ��� An emounte s.kt b Le�tir}e►to protect Lerxier'e secwity intereat will be cecurod by tiiia dead of truat.Such emounto will be dae on dsmar9d �'`;I <br /> �,".LSfYlI:�_..� y <br /> -=--_—- end will Ms�irtere�t from che date of ths paymont until patd in full at the interest rate fn oHact on the secured dob2. "t=�- <br /> �.. <br /> -- -= '�i'- <br /> ~u����.��,, 10.Wf��tt r�d Aeeola�.!f Bflnawer taits ta mako any payment when due or 6reaks eny covanants under thts deed oi t�ust m any ,. _ <br /> obliqatior►sacxed by thii drad of trust or any prinr martg�ge or deed of•.ruot, Lendar mey accetarate the maturity ot the aecured dabt end <br /> -'��� •� damand immediate�iaymant cnd mey Invoke the power of eele and any other remedles permitted by applloablo lanr. ��"';� <br /> .hT21'gY t -i-. <br /> ��_���.;Y.�.._a�; �.„�o�.,�..U.n.,f�taul�acvi aste 6e c�nr to each oetaon wha ts a pvtv < <br /> i i. 'iw iiow.-w m v:iw.:a...,o , ...�........... ....�.-- <br /> �' -����� ��:. .�j r�j...1�.ea e+}�sr.���r.h n�rmn,aa eat tarth bacein. •-- S <br /> a , <br /> �'`° i� 12.Poww a!Sal�.IF tAe Lender invakes the pnwer of eeio,the T�ustee shaU first rocor�i in the of8cp of the ropistor of deeda of oach sounty �a'?= <br /> r�'� � wherefn thn tru�t propertY w cume pa:�or psrcel thereof ia situ�tad�notice of detauit containfr�2hn(nfarmation requfred by Iaw.Tha TNnee ,,,r,s• <br /> _»?5;,.;.. r ahsN also m�8 copiea of tho notice A�albfauit to the 8oreower,to eech peraon who Is e party hflrm'to,nnd to othsr parcane aapraacril3ad by r,r�rss <br />_`- :S, � �ppiic�Lb law. Not lesa than one mbrtth eftar the Trustee rocada 4he noUce of defautt or two months If the trust property te not in eny <br /> '`'�'��--��-- fncorpont�d city a viH�p�and t�us�d in hrmtnp operaUon�aarried on by the 4rusior,the�rustae shali ytve pubitc rtotice of sile to the percon� <br />_-==-- and In tM muuwr p►e�acnbed 6Y�epppfaable law. Trustes,xithout doman�on Bonower,sheil�ell tho prope�/At pubtie auetbn to�Ae Ntp;est . , �`y��` <br />"'�'�'��+?�?�" tfidd�r.It rnquk4d by tho,Farm Homestoed Protectlon Ant,Truatee shall oNer the praDorty in twn aeparate setes ae r�quired by appl cabte aw, �i"� <br />- � - Tnn2N may postpone ab o4 stl a any psrcei of the property by q�blio announceme�t at the tdmo end place of any�rrevlousty scheduled sato. ����; <br /> -"-=="=� L�nQsr or Itv ah�ipnse may pwcfiase the property et any sele. . k��� <br /> zL: <br /> "`"�`��� Upon roa�ipt of pa�nent of tM prlce hid,Truatee ch�ti deliver 4o thz+�urchaser Truatee'o deed conveytnp the propA►ty.Thn racitiata cantatnad in <br />--��:��%K"�tn�� l Tru�tee's deed shall bo prima Mcle ov(dience o!tho truth a}tho atatmmente corttai�ed theretn.Trustee shail eppty the proceeda of the sate In the � <br />-��::�F_===��� tollow(np order. (a) to ell expenses of the seto, incluAinp, but �ot flmited to, reasonebte Truatea'e fens, reaaonabl� attorney'a fee�snd •- <br /> -;�;g:.;s.�:;� reinseat�ment feas;(b)to nil surtea secursd by Mis deod of wst,end(c)the baianco,H any,to the pc:reona legally entitlad to rocoive It. <br /> ---:-^*.�rvieiw <br />- �'"`�`�'-'� 13.Fandouu�.At Lender's optlon,this deod ot Vust may be foroctosed In the mennor provtdo by epplicabta law for foroctosure of mortpapoa <br /> - -----. <br /> '"µA:,�� OD f�il p�O�y. ••r. <br /> {y. <br /> �''���R� i4.k�p�c:Hon.Larxler rnay enter thn praporty to incpoct It ft Lender qivu9 Bortowor rtoNco beforehand.Tho n�ttco must stato tho reasonablo <br /> :��:�'3r."°�".,,.�'� cause tor Lendar's inspectfon. <br /> �- u-��� 16.CaidKrn�.Banower osaiQree to Lender the procaeds of eny award or ctalm tar dameges connoctad with a condr.mnation or uthor taking ' <br /> _ '"�,�� of�I!or my part of t�+aproperty.6uch proeoade wiil be epplied as provld�d In Covana�t 1.1'his etelgnrnent ta subject to tha tarma of any prior <br /> ';,=-• sscuricy apreemsin. <br /> '=�-`�'�� 1�,tlllnl!n.r,By exercie!np any resmec1v ravetleble to I.ender,londer aioas not glvo up any righte to tator uso nny othor romady.Ely c�at exarcistnp <br /> s.�;�,��;I`�� eny re^�n�iy upon 8orrower's d�fault,lender does no4 waive any tl�Yrt to leter consider tho overs4 a dafautt It It heppens epefn. <br /> —f p=''•*`� .� <br /> ,, 17..ioint ��d S�vKal�� Co-at�»rs: SucGU�on rM 4lutyn�Bound. All dutEes under this deed of WAt ere joint end several.Any <br /> 6orrowK who casf8ne ttsts deed of wat M[t does not caaign tho underlying debt Insuumentle) daee so cvily to eren4 and convey that <br />-- - Y?k,�, - Bonower's Mterost in tM p►operty to the Trustee under the terms oi this deeG of Vuat.In edditiom,such e Borrower egroea that ffio Londer end <br />=�-w-,:;�='_�:=; ?�1,: �ny otlbr Borrower under thia deed o4 uust may extand, modify or meha any ather chengea tn the terms of tfiis deed ot truat or tho saarod <br /> �,,,; T•z-- �, debt withaut that Burrowar'e cons��rt and withaut�oteasfng that Borrowor from tho terms ot this dood o!trust. ' <br />-'._;S+r,.��.�r.r <br />_'�r'r`:31'_'t:' �:'r 7tze dutka and benefite of thin deed cti't 2ruat shnll b(nd and 6enefit c'�e succossore and esslflns ot londer and Bortowar. <br /> �r nu eS: <br /> ".. <br /> '_.�`�°� 18.Aialke.Un[eo�otPwnvise roQuired by hw,eny eotice to B¢rrowar ehall be givon by dalivedn8 it ar by mailing it by certiTtad matl addrassed to <br /> ;?<- ;,--.� Borcower at tF►�prc eml addresa ar eny other addreas that Borrower has given to lendar.Borrawor wdl pive eny noUco to Londor by cortifind <br /> ?.�-=-;,,�, �; , ma0 ta Le�r�der's�ass un paQe 1 of thia dbed of trust,or to any othor addror.s whEch Londor has dosigna4od.Any othor notico to Landor ehnil <br /> --.s�; �µ � ba cent tn 1 encter's a�S�reas e�steted on page 1 of tt�is doed of trust. <br />°° ,«•;.�.r <br /> �' '`"•:;'�L•� Any rrotice nha11 be daemed to have�een Qiven to Borrowar or Lea�ler when pivon tn Mo manncr etetad obove. ' <br /> '"'-�-''`���-��'�� 19.Tr�mtK of tM Prop�riy a�Bwie?Ic1�1 kitw�st I+�tfi�Borrowar.if aU or any part ot tho proDarq�or any Interost In h Is cotd or transforrud <br /> �;�•:..:.,,:��.� wirtixwt Lende►'e prior writien cronsent, Le��der moy c68mant9 immod?ate paymant�f tha cecurcd da6t. Lon3cr may also demand ImmCdiato <br />�:�ti_°:�rx:- paynent if the Borravinr is nut e naturaf poraon end a benefidat lntarest fn Uie Bortower Is sotd or Venstorcad.Howover, lvndar may not <br /> • �-°'�•� domand payment tn tfie ebave eituetions ii It Is proh(bited by tederel law ea of the dete of thfa daed of trust. � <br /> 20.R�conv�y�nc�.�1lhen the obt:patlon sccurod by thia dond of ttust has boon psid, end Lendr,r ha�no furth�r obltOoUon to mako advnncos <br /> _ �_„h�i;°_ un�e►tM inetnemenUS w n�reamenta socured Dy thie doad of Vust,th�Tructee oimll,upon writton requost bY tfto Londar, rccanvoy tho trurt <br /> ��� o'f��ga6 n so s�tl flad6[ie�rrow�e�shs11 pay ony record�tton�COSta trs auccosscr In interest,tho trust dacd and tho noto or othcr ovidonco of tho <br /> - �- �"'��' ; �1.5uc��se.s Tnnie�.lender, at ►.cnder's opifon, maY ramovo Trusteo nnd oppotnt a suacaasor uustoo�y flret, mamofl a capy of th� <br /> • � " cu�titutlaa►o!Lt¢staa e�reyvl�ed by eFpliceh'.�f lew,snd then,bY fitinp tha GubsUtution ot Yrustoo for rocord In tno otflco of tho rQaiotcr of deeds <br /> • . � of sach caunty in�rhlch�o tnt�t proprrttr,or cama part thcreAf,I�cituated.Tho succassor trusteo, �vithout aanvoyanco of tho property,6PlLII <br /> succeud to ell tl►d power,dutlss.authority and title at tha'frustae named in tho rieeA ot trust und of any succassor trustao. <br /> ,•, , <br /> i <br /> . `,.,... . fPage�o/21 <br /> OIWKEA9 6VSTCM9,kiC..fiT.ClOUD.M?7 t8301 11�OD997•21�tI F011M OCR7Ni6llE 011 QN1 <br /> •'': '_ tzc'...� <br />