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<br /> ��=°°- ANU WIP� � hereina$ker rePerre�l to ae �he "Txu��or"��to
<br /> --=".{""�!�"�_� r3ecv.xc, a t�'oCe �c�nxl.ng evea ciaf:a tzareta�.Ch Pox x�to p��uc�.prs�, nrr.ounL• of PLF7'Y EIGII.T .-
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<br /> -� �� to thes orc�ex o� GRA9'� 't&LAND Itr'VESTI�NT CUI�PAIQY. hereinafter refexred to ae t'he - -
<br /> ------.=:-� °'HettefiGiary"� pxovid�.ng for paymeaC oE the eneire pxincipai bala�ca, togefiher �'"�'�.
<br /> with int�xe�C ac Che rnt� of Z�� �D ON��E-��F013RT.�t� �xcent ( l0.25 x� Pex e�nnu�n� ��-
<br /> __ -_-_== �n a�onthly inezellme�ate uf SEVSN HUNURBD S•V- C r^,NTY ['OUR AND�37'�ItT--�---------- F'°`,:�;
<br /> �f-
<br /> --- -- -- Dollare ($ 774�83 ) eaeh uat�.7. , �at �;.°;:
<br /> -��=� � �.,�..
<br /> ------ which time 81�. principrsl and qntereet pran3.ded for by thfe No�e ahall have been p81d, ���•-
<br /> == = do hereby gxant aad conve�+ un�i1 AREND R. BAACIt, Attora�ey at Lr�w� the "Tr:uetea", =°t;--_::
<br /> -____�� Clac� Eollowing••dese�cibed gropeYCy: 'S'�;
<br /> --���.�,�� --
<br /> � �ot Four (4)� in nlocl: T.hree (3), in kiann's Sacond Addition to Grand Ieland, Ha11 "--;'
<br /> � �:
<br /> ��..
<br /> _ ---_-_-'� (:�unxy, ?Iabraeka t�":-"
<br /> _��
<br /> ..+�twj+sv:�►�;.� f'va•'
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<br /> - - -_ --- TO I1l1VL AND TO HOLD the eame, together wich a31 appuxtenancea, in truat �+s:
<br /> __^__-�.� nevertheleas, snd in case of de£nult i.xt th� paytneat of ea3d Note or any parC ;+���t
<br /> -��YJY �.Ls�o..0 .. ��......�s :::.°.�C.^.3 ^� �� hl�e e�:^�.�...�.C.°. '�� .°.ov r^..^.:�.?..^..'..�.� t:°:°.'�«L��.°.: �jjl••,
<br /> Md° \ 11 Y�����v� v� YbR+bYO� � Cr� v V w� �n
<br /> ��'� aec fort&, taen che TzusLee enalb have z�e powar to ae31 tae abone�descYibed �
<br />-, '`'';-�,"�',,'n�� property� a�ad upoa zequeat of the Be.neficiary, the Trustee ehalr file for record ' �•'r
<br /> .;:;�,_�� in the Regi.e�er oE DE�da' Of�3ce af flall. Countp, Nebraeka, a NQtice of ::;�;
<br />,:;�?�;��;=�% Arfault, aetttng £ar�h that a breaah of aa obligation, fo� which the eaid property �
<br /> -_=_-�.��� was cnnveyed os aecur�.tq, ht�e occurred, and set�iag �ort3i the nature of euch " �
<br /> �w�"'-"`'�� bre�sch and ��s Truetee's electioa to se11 �he prope.r�ty to oatiafy tSae.obligation;
<br />--°-=_'ffi'-�`� and after t�+�e lapse of not less ehan aae (1) month, the ��uatee ehail give _
<br />--=-�=���-�-� wz�.tten no�tce of the. t�ime aad place oF saxe whicli may be 68tween 9:00 a.m. ��d
<br />''"''�'`-`��'"'��-� S.QDO p.m. at the prem3ees; or at the Hall Caunty Ca�rthouse, and part�cularly •
<br />-.��y "����� describi.n the r4 ert to be sold; enid Notice to be �
<br /> �+���n� g p p y published in a newspapex of
<br />- - -� �-•-:�'� a geaeral c:�rculatioa in Hall County� Neb�eaka, once a week foY f3ve (S)
<br /> -- --����� coaeecutive•va�eeke, the 13et �ublicatioa to be at 9.east ten (10) days but uot � '
<br /> -�-���•-=��`-__-� more than ttiirty (30a daye prior to the eale; und ehe Trtio�ee eha].1 then sell. ae�id
<br /> '-'=''���"ri'°'�`� pxopertq at the tisae rand place designated 3.n the Notics� 3n the manner provided
<br /> � :�;.� by law fn e�fect at t�he time of fil3ng said Notic�, and public auction to the
<br />_���±=��s� higheat bic��3er, for caeh and dkaall deliver to such puxchaees a deed �o the propertp
<br />-�;���,_ , sold, cone3���tceat with the law Aa effect at that ti.me. Additionally, Truetee eha11
<br />,�:;.���;�ic�,+�;] ma31 Trustar a copq a& sny Notice af Default and Notice of sale hereunder
<br /> ` ^��.,,'�'�'� 31!l Brent��aod 1?rive, Gr�ncl Island,Ne G8801
<br /> -_ _ __ _�� upon deFault addre�s�e�l to Chem at Out of the
<br /> _-�;,�;::�,�;;�5 proceeda a£ sai.d sale, the Truatee ehall retain aad pay firat all fees. charge� '
<br /> $,
<br />-_.-_T°'��`- an.d costs a�ff. aale and all m.oniee advenced 3n the exarciee of the po�rer of sale� �.
<br /> _����',�"��':�`-. including QFa� peyment of the Truetee'� �eee actual.ly f.ucurred, aad pay secoad
<br /> '�'j �=� Che obligationa eecured by this Deed o£ Truot; nnd the balanee� if anq, sh�il be "
<br /> a[S'�.c� .
<br /> �.� g�a�d t� the persoa or pereotte legally entitled thereto. Anq peraon, including the 4 ``
<br /> -_�':'�:`S�'.�-_ Bene£ici�ry, may pL�rChase ea�d px�perty at auch ea1e,
<br /> - - ^"r..:'qc. ..
<br /> _..:::1�'di'..�`;ti:tL'"SC'
<br /> �'"�'��`'`�^�'� Thc t;c�ustor covenante that at the �3me nf del3very of thase pu�:qenls,
<br /> ���.;,Yx-��;,
<br /> ,,� , they are Heizad oF eaid property in fee •nimp].�, and that oald pr►�perty is free
<br /> :... �!�r_.���, of encumbr�nces, except eac�brances, e�oementa, r9.ghta-of�way, restrictions and
<br /> -t� `-''ti��'i�v�� xeservntl.ana of recoxel, and they wi.11 properly mainte�a the proper�q� ke�p nll ' '�
<br /> _:�_ar:::,�....
<br /> - ... ". . .,. buildinga insured fox f4ra und e.�tteaded covera�e in aa nmoune equal Co the
<br /> � . • unp�►id br��-�ce of L.he aEaxeeaid Noce� wi.th lo�so pnyable to the Beneficiury, r�nd
<br /> -�=Y-,-'%'�='= ' will pay a�11 taxee and asae�smen�a a ainst said
<br /> . __. _ B property nnd aaoua�s due on prior • �.
<br />_ , �� encumbrance�, and �.f Chay ohull fail Co �ry inaur�uc� prema.un,s or �uxes on 1`::���,.
<br /> � .=_- ;-� cimounte duQ on prinr enc�nbrancen, the Beneficiary may puy the sctme and all f°":°
<br /> �' amounte so paid ehnll b�comc additional �ndebtedneas due hereunder; and in case
<br /> �� .. . � of foreclosure, Truetor w311 pny auy reaoonabLe attorney feea incurred by .
<br /> Y�i". ": •„�.; Deneficiary or Tru3tee in such fareclosuee proceedfngs.
<br />. ,....
<br /> ` .� �. .,, �• •
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