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<br /> :.��ii�„�,ti-t,/Ihr:11'uls:,-(� in:S�h5t Ih4 M��rv•rt}ri. r�rn����m►xrc�1.rt^c.�t f�ar rnrumM-+;�n�-r.�nI rrc<�r�i. (3n1�'�nver vietn�nix ancj
<br /> '�vtl1 dtt�:�d$roeruJty tlrc titlC W ti►elk�SAy��uinsf siii claitn�un�f tfecnnncl�,�i+hjt�E tn ui�y riticwnhrar�:.o5 a[�awJ „ .
<br /> 'l111S Sr.�'1!R[�'i` 11VS'i'�i1MFMT'c�ri�n�+inn5 unifcwm �^c���enmits for. r.ationnA_ttu nu�f nun-unifcxnt rayc�n�at� with
<br /> •. "" 11RULCG V�1lJ.MIItX U�.JW�YUw��V�r iu�v�u..��y,.r....�............._..::i:.:j:«.�":":�: :��'�o-i'--t i-'"�r . . , ._ . '� .
<br /> „" �((�j�!(Hi.FI��'C)vj�A�. ROTfr'JM'EK YId�pl�COMG11�4p�L7d�YCe ils fU`�41iNl: ' - , '
<br /> 1. P�r�uf Pxtnclpnl�l�ttrceli Prlpuymt�t and i.pte t,'i+rrgeY.. Rcxmaer shal!P�1?�Y F�Y when duc thc
<br /> p�nci �t'and inuarat rx►the�.bt�er�rdenecd by tte,N�KC and aaY�e�►Yment�.n�E iate chwges d�ur,under ilw;Nott. ,
<br /> �,l��rd�t�t.'(k�oa rnd Iaear�aer. ysabjat to appticsfile.taw oe lo a�w�itttn.waivar by,P.aitder,Bcxrr�w�r•RFuwl!�y to
<br /> �,�,;�t}n�h�.��,y manthly paymen�4 urk due under thc Notc,IlRtlt t}tC Nn�C t3 j)tl(�JI7 1�U�{1,q swn {"i�unds")for:(a)yr.�vly
<br /> Iaxes u�.�usrs:���ents which may Attain prr.airy over thi�5ecud�y Instnm�et.t ay a lien on�t��'m�crty;(b� yeazly IoaM,hal�i
<br /> p�tynKnts ur grouiid tcnts on the Prcr�xny, if uay� (c) Yeaaty hurard ar pmpeR,� insurance pc�rruuma; {o) ycxriy ,'t�x,ci
<br /> inaua�r,;;�prem��ms,if ariya(e)}xarty moxtgage insuranw preroiunts,if any: and (� nn}� swns pay�btu by Barower{�i
<br /> I.endcr, in accc,rdame with th�prmvis4ons�f paragraph 8,in ii�u af the paymcnt of mortgaga.ivsur�ux:e premiums.•'�liesa .
<br /> iten�s a[+�collcd"Esrmw ItemS." [.ender may,nt ony Ume,collect and l�old I�unds In aa amount nat t�excecd tht rnazimum .
<br /> a�munt a It�.ier f��r a federalty refsteit morigsge foan may tLqulrc foi•�orrowerF escr�w aecuuni ptxlCr the Q'eckral 1tet�� ,
<br /> E.stnte�ttle�rn:nt P'�cncGdut�es Auct of 1974 ns amendect from dme to Gme,t 211.S.Q;:�260� et seg.("1tES!'A"3„uNess:uxrth� ,
<br /> iaw thet s�pplies to►he Funds sets a Ir.,sser.�maunt. lf sn,1...endex may,at uny time,colle+:t a��d hold 1'unds in�n•�mount not tn
<br /> Cxi:i."ini un'.;�sx,-r :,�rvar.t. I,�r.��r�.�y estfm�rP thr�Azno��pt oP Fimdc duc nn thc basis of curreni-dxE7i:hitd�t?�esctr.uBlN�-..,�,� , _.
<br /> esiiaiate�of e�penditiu�es oFfuu�re B�crow Items utotherwise iri nccordance wltF�applicable law. •.•�� '�.. � � _
<br /> 9'hc 1'unda shall be he!d in�n instiRidon wliose deposits are insurui by a fede.rnl ;,g��cy: inetrutngnt�f9ty,�� ���?ii}�;�: ` � �•
<br /> ' (ir:�uua;s,b i a��cr, :f L:.n�°*is su�h n�insEitation)o�!n e.*�y E7e»�P*al Hnme Luaa Bank. Ltiidit.shall anj�ly ilie Fandr�:l°P,:iY'',, .:;'�,',. �r.-'
<br /> the Tscraw Items. Xwuior may n.ot charge Aarr�.��r for holding and np}alyins thc Funds, a+�d��ially,;a•nu1y{ing th�;eSts��yw • •`;t:,:.__
<br /> , account, or vcrify�iu,i�;`;��f�t;�:scrow Items,unlCss Lelndcr pay9 BRI:OWCt�3�t'i;;:;:;s!on the Fu��ids arid trp�ill'h,wb�� !aw'permics `,��+'�,sri,;:_
<br /> .. LenclG�,'t:�mak�huc�ti:[i r;:hnrgo. Howcvcr. Lender may rec�uire�iortowcr tu�;i�a onc-ut�iC'c;�arge for��i1;;�i�iepende�l:rc�1 �• ;�;...'�;;,�.
<br /> estntr.;'in:�;r7}w�un�t'ri'vice useJ bd7�1�.�nder in cnnner:tion with:4'hi��.sl��an.unless uppticabls�piti�;�tqvides'bd�erwi;e. Unir,,�c.Eu1 .
<br /> ugr�:cjpj�RI-lA J17811C QC�,[1j1IICArIE If1W 7C[JUIt'CS 1qLC�:3i t011��lai';1,;Ik�Cii�or shall hot be requie�;:f!to¢:cy l3otrower an�inu:r�s,yt�rit�
<br /> cruninga'•�?��iP►e Fun[�3: ��ormwer anrJ i[.ender�niay ugrec iti�c:t;'tin�s'„'howevcr,dilt iiiceiest sl�a�l��iie paid on Ute Funds: I�;��t;f� ..,
<br /> �.,.� , shall b�i4r+to Bor[ntivtr;iyithout charge,nn annual accounpn�'�jc.,tbe Funds,showing credit's a»d dcbits t���tc�'unds artc�t�ie ���:'"
<br /> �?:;' ..- riurncse_fot vuhi�h�:iaitch'detut to.lhe Pun6s vras smadc.�T'he F'unr�s.are p1edBG�as additioriul,sccurity f�;r.�tiff'��m�secar�d by ,,�;,''
<br /> � ':'�:: � d►';n S�z��si�y inswiiu:AE. � , � �. , ,�• •;� • � • .; � . ,::t, ,� ,,.
<br /> ' . �� �l 'ih��Funds flCjQ dy �.CA[�CT,�[TOCtI.1�iC atnttzihts [�rrlfl�Htti��tV VC ilGt� `vj &17ji�1Cn�t� �aK%.,,�.�ctc'�n.�a �iai�o�4�;iss�u.8-
<br /> � �6ofxotvcr for the excess Funds �q;riccardance with ITie t�qui��;nFents of apPLrnt�1�.'Faw: 9P,the.ai�.ta�nh of etrs:Funds:�ic:'d`•.�ty
<br /> � �'� LeAdet�t any tintc is not sufficicnG•u►pay•th�1?�crow Ttents,whcn due,Leitdcr.ntn_y sc+�4_`y BotmtiT�e�'ui�pvsiting,an�/,in :
<br /> s�ach case}Ionower shal! �ay to Lender the arcmtnt necessary to make u�ci�,c�c��fi�iency. Bormw��"s�ia3f make up the '�•'
<br /> � ckfi�ciency in no rreore thnn tw�lve monthly pay�i%:ccs,at L.endcr's sole discreGor,�•
<br /> Upqn payment in fu11 af ali sums secured by this Secivity lnsmnmcnt,[?.ender shall prompdy refund to$uROwcr any
<br /> f�unds he3d by Lcnder. If,uncler paragraph 21, i�endcr sfiall ucquirc or sJcll the Pcoperty,Lender. prior to the acquisition or
<br /> sale of the Ptoperty,shaA appl,y any I'unds held by Lender at the dme of ncquisition or s;►le as a credit against the sums
<br /> sec►ued by this Secwity Insuument.
<br /> �, ppplicatlon ot Paymentsi. Unlcss apptic.�blc law provides othc�visc, nll payments cescivc�i by Lender unitcr
<br /> paragraphs 2 and 2 shalf be ap�lied:�rst,co any prepayment chnrses due under die Note;seco�d.to amounts payubla under
<br /> paragraph 2;third.ta interest duc;fourtti,to prin�ipa!duc;:uid last.ta any late cl��rges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. C6arges; Lienv. Bonower shall pa,y all taxes,�sscssmenu,charges, fines and impnsitions attributable to thc:
<br /> Property whicl�may anain pric�rity over this Secarity Inswment,and Icaset�old pnym;nt�or ground neuts,if any. Bormwcr
<br /> shall pay these otsligations in the m�nncr pmvided in patagraQh 2,or if not paid in tt►at manncr,Bnrrowcr s9iatl pay dticm on
<br /> tipne ticrcctly to die person owed payment. Borrower shall proanptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid undcr
<br /> this parugrapi�. If Borrowcr mafces these payntenu din:cily,Borrower shaU promptly fumisti to i.cn�cr nercipts cvidcncing -
<br /> the p�yrncnts.
<br /> ' Borrower shall promptly dischnrge any lien which has priority over this Security Instiument unless Bumo�ver.(a)a��s
<br />- in v��iting to the payment of tl�e obli�ation secured by the lien in a manner aceeptebte to Lend�r.(b)cuntest5 in good faith tb.e ._
<br /> lien 6y. or defends a�nse enfdrcement of the lien ire,legal py�c�ceedings whic4 in the Lertdec's apinion opecate to peeven2 the
<br /> cnforccmeut of the licn;or(c)secures from the holder of thc licn an agreement sntisfactory to I.ender subordinating the iien
<br /> to ttiis Sscuriry Instmmont. If i.endcr dcterminrv that any part of thc Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority
<br />- aver this Sccuriry Inscrument,Lender may givc B��re�w�er a noticc identifyinb th�lien. Borrc�wcr shall satisfy thc lien or tatce =
<br /> one or rnone of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the giviug of notice. __
<br /> 5, H�rd or property[usarar� Borrower shnll keep flic improvements now custing or hereaticr c►rcted an the -
<br /> • Fynpetty insuned ag;unse loss by fire,hazards irtsl��ded w ithin the tenn"etctenderl coverage"artd any other Ezazaads,including
<br /> RooEs or Roodin�,for�vhich l..ctuicr req�aires insurince. This insumnce shaf!be maintained in the amannu:uid for the �:
<br /> F�
<br /> ,' Form 3D28 9190 (Page 2 oJ6 page.r) —
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