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<br /> �� ��1����i t`?�rA#����L�.3�r ��t �.LtA��Ii JJt:e�°�l'].3:�pl�lYY.i.51`V�A� 4JJi.� Vf ll�er��f�.`e�:�i.�l\1►.7 �'e.�,:_'
<br /> .3 .A�`l�'A�.)[R.� C)R. I�'� ,�.[:1�'�'(��.I�;�',17 �1►��ari1'I'. �;_�}.�:.
<br /> ' TkIJS'l�.A.GrUARAIV�D LAA►N A�Vri ASSUIe!!P''f7(9N�DIdCY�DHR u m.nde thi.4 26Tx day of = .._
<br /> FfPRI=� � I995 .9n¢l15 it►CatpllC�drll into eniQ i1ha�;bC dCestltCtl tA a1nC1►d eric!Su[YplCmCrtY tlwe
<br /> t�ic►rigage, Deui ef(tust cx Deod to Sa:u�Deb¢(ha�cin "Securiry Insuums.nt") tlatrd of evcai t�ue ha�eweth.
<br /> .-� . gi,tren by tlic unslasigr�ed(t�In"BQrrAw�")to sx;ue Borirowcr's i�i'ata Ra .
<br /> -
<br /> - IiC�LE }SDBR�EJ, 3AV7C�tCiS & I.C)AN
<br /> - (t,�sc,�e ��'��ti.K°�, . _
<br /> _ � a�ed wvering the Praperty d�scribW in d►e Securiry Inst�rnene and{ocatr,d mt
<br /> 1312 41EST 5� STR.BBT
<br /> "'- tiRA2dD LC,7,,11NA, NEZ3RASItA. 6880X
<br /> --- (FYr�erty Addxeu) -.
<br /> ";� V.A.GUARl�IV1'EEifl iAAN CAVGI�AI+lT:In additiai to t?�G cuY��.;�:�:3�:�+titnt4 madt:tct the Socuaty
<br /> __ ����g�wa und U�tder f�uthra caven�nt and egcoc av folbws:
<br /> -_ 'u'iile i[xlei�txiitc�5 ya:ti�ct�irae�iy Gd �uur'aiyoc$v;6-,aw�cd�'i.�'�t•.�:. 3$�U.^.it��•"...:,�,.•� �!!,��,•`-�7"�lr grul . �_--
<br /> RcgWatuxns �ssued 4hrxeun�cr�d in cffcct c►n the date hcl�euf st�all 1c�vr,�n the rights,duries and liabiL'tie.q af �:�-
<br /> Br��rower$tid Lu►du.Any pso 'v�.iuns at i�te�uuritY Instra�.inent or attur inssrumen�s executed in casr�;l9o�r►with
<br /> � e�ici�sr�hicdaess which ara inc�yisls�t vvith said Ti�le a�I':�P�f"�nn�,ir,elidin�.but rtUt�fmit�t0�L�e g:av�s?ns► ��-:-
<br /> -- fa pa3►rr�ent�f eny sam i�t�u►eco�n c�rith�mpayment of lhw sec�trEd indebtedness and the�sov�•sion that th� ww.;�:
<br /> -- I�uH1er rcwy aecelet�se payment of the secure4�debt�dn�ss purs��nt w Cave�ant 1'l of the�ecunty Inst�um�nt,are
<br /> - I�eceby arner�ed or c�gated w the extcni nc�xssa�y ro confar�n such instn�cnts to said Title or Regulauons. �`_::
<br /> - LA'Y�3 CHAROB:A,t I.ender's option,Bo�mwcx will pay a•`late chargo"not exceeding four per c�r►asm(456)o� _~:`-
<br />`,:y3� ctx�ovudu�e payment wE�en pai8 r�ore than fiftocr+(IS)days aftrt�he dite duw thereof 3a caver tt�e eatta w►pense �,-_
<br />=-- involve�in I�sdling delinqw��nt paymen:s,but�ch"fat�cha�ge" stea116ot b�payable�ut of the procceds of any. =
<br /> - . �,_---�. •- -• - •�.;,�..,�,+�u,.�.� �rymd iurebv;unlcsg snch Dracoeds are suffx:Ienc ta discharge the entire �---
<br /> ..,.,�,.�. .�,,a.«a. �
<br /> -_ � indebtodness end alf gro�xr costs ancl expeus�3.�ect�eA herel►y. --
<br /> . E'--.
<br /> ' GUARN3'CY:Should the Deparunent af Veterans Aff�ira fail or�efuse to Issue its guaianty in fuU a�nount within ____
<br />__ 6p diays frpm�he datG that this lonn wouL1 nonnalty beca�o�ligible for such guaranty commiiu�d upor�by the •_
<br />-•�- �ia;�rnerYt of Vctcrans Affsirs undcr tht pzvvisions a�'Tit1�; 38 of th� U.S. Code "Veterans Henefits;' th� _-_
<br /> -= Mor�gagee�nay dxlaco the indebtedness h�ereb��ocwed at once due and�ayable tind may forcelose immediately or -_
<br /> — may exucisa auy otha rigrts haran&x or�aL��ny otha proper act�on as by Daw pmvided. �
<br />-_= TRA.'dSFER OF'T�PROPEI2TY:If aU or:�,y pact of the Ptoputy or any interest in n+t is sald ar uunsferral.tLis =--
<br /> � loaz�cnay be declared immatint�.�j du�a��d paya6le upon transfer(••assumpt�on")of T����xopaty scc�uing suc[� ,-,-
<br /> _ ➢aan w eny transfexoe (�•aastirn�t"), unlas the acoe�xebility of tl+e assumptioa ancl vansfer of �us la� is ��-:=.
<br /> 'a e�ls�ished 6y tfit Dq�us►a�!o�i Vetam►s Affairs or Rs aut�wrizai agent pursuam w Secdon 3714 of Chagtcr 37� {.-`"
<br /> _ ' TStk 38�IUnited Suuas Coda. '•
<br /> �;;�:;:.
<br /> -� . Aa au�horizixt vansfer(°'assumpti�on")of dus pr��sy s1�a11 also be subJect to addiHonal covenants�n�i a�ecments ,-
<br />,__..., as set fatti below: ` "
<br /> ��i-,
<br /> .� {-_;__�
<br /> ,.� (a)ASSUIu�'PION FUNDINa F7S6:A fPeequal w one-half of 1 pescent(.5696)of the wrpaid Uafa�►cc of lhis ��
<br /> lo�a as of thc da�c af transfer of tha pcvpc�ty st�aU be paynbla et tbe timo of transfer w the mosy�agoe or it� ,�.
<br /> � autlanimd�c�t,a5 tnutae for tt�e Depa�unen2 of Veterans Aff�irs.If ehe��umer fai9s w pay this fee a:�tha time of ��-�,LL
<br /> _. aansfa•.tho feo siu�ll constitnt�an additlaa9l debt to that alc+eatly secured��+y this insuument,shall benr untet�st at 1he �'?�
<br /> rnte hereinp�vided�Ancl,et t°a�;opbc�n oE the mortg�,qce of the indebtedr►ess herc�y secured or anY uansferec f��_;=
<br /> = ttxreof,shall bc i�mmcdiately due and�ayablc.'Ihis fce is automaticaEly waivod if the�umcr is Gxempt undcr tiae '� .
<br />-°- �vis�aas oE 38 U.S.C.3729(c). ?r`:
<br />_� (b) ASSUNII�TIQN PROCESSR�IG CHARCB: Upon n�Qfica3lUn forapp rov�! to allow assumpgon and �x T
<br /> -== tr.�►.sfa of th�s loam.a processing toe rnay 6e chaeged by the mw�,gagee er its authorizea eg�nt far detennuii�g the
<br /> - c�ncditvroRhiness oY the assum�as�d subsequently [evisu�g the l�ofder'3 owncaship rcrArds wtsen an apgmved
<br /> -_ �rufcr Is oomplUtd.The amaunt of this charge shall aot exc�eed the Ir.sser of Ihc maximwn established 6y ihe "
<br /> ,_� Dyr��enc of Vaurans Affeir3 for a loat►to w{uch Sec�on 3714 of Chnpv:r 37,Title 38,Unital State.s Code
<br /> aDplics or any m�ximum prescribed bY nFPlicable Stnte law. „ :�
<br />�.� (c)ASSUNII�'I70N INDBMMTY LIABI9.ITY:if tliis obliga8o,�is hssumed,ehea the�usumer herebY ag�es
<br />,��� to assome sll of the rblig�taons of th�vetaar�eu�dee fho uxms of tha ia3suumeuts csc,��ng and sccuring the la�n.
<br /> - in,cluu'ing the obllgafion of the v.eicran w indemnify thu 1)c�,�rtmc�t of Vetc,�ans A.tfairs to the eacteat of any claini
<br />-��� FaY�t�si,u:g from che�r:urry oa u..1cr^r,^.ac�o�tta�ircdr,l�t�dr.rss �� Uy tI�s insuumen�
<br /> -. IN yVI1`ld�S3�'J�OF.Florrnwe.rds)ln.as�ic•xuted this V.A.Guaran±a��Loam and Assumpdon PQSic3r Itidcr.
<br /> _ D �
<br /> - --- ,-- --
<br /> _ ,- _
<br /> a. . 1I�A22RY RE1P,N -Donowet •Bnrroxcr
<br />•� -`^--5�' , - --
<br /> ;�� �
<br /> - (.�RI 7. GEtCEl1! • -Boaowcr -Iiornn�cr
<br /> - V.A.S�llAitFYHTCEt!Lm t AND
<br />,,'�„ A3g6lENPYION POIICY .OER
<br /> �V4PN RTRIIC�FORtl9•(800)621-T291 r�� ii��i�ll!li��II�I�I��IJ��I�i1lII��� "
<br /> 'ti
<br />_..F:.
<br /> :�'.
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