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<br /> , , ,� . � t �Y 5 , . � .. � .. aZv � C�•i� "�"{��::)6��;.!S�9 ._ __..
<br /> .. ..., .Y...._s•{ �..�:-�]°.�,.:Jt._t 4.,�d�.s.f.R i;.; t���?1.t�.�v:.,�{�P,;�Sr,i,�r.:'.:�:�C:i t'..,c� :,�6zct�:,�c��' � :1 �� L,.
<br /> .;t ..+
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<br /> `=-:.4t_j;:_i^n� [;:u:;;�Y 1�[v ��ii�'Jifiy' ���� [IC:fi(�i4 ��li}��'ii}I 'IS Y7:'i:!iCC'.11t�P�fi.�� (`�G�i� �ui'C31�Ui1f?i3::G_"7 Gt 1'�i�tiil.. iil+u`l'it�l.a�7iutt:�t:-)i'.t.t3 t�?�R . .�
<br /> � � t�ci��.cl Eenr,xalt�t��2it�r tc�(he P,rpjxsqr t�gsi�.�t�11 eiaims e:itd cten►snA°;,su'��xt[o t��p�'ncu�tibronces af rcr�i�: <<�"--
<br /> "�,:�-�.. L..;�-:
<br /> �°"� 7'Hi5 S�?CUktI`1'Y IN5't42i)N�e.�,N'1`c�rnb:ncs uniforrn cavr.rants �'or naiinnal uv�arc� uai�-ui.ifor��i ct,v�.yata��:z�v�l1�Ia,�it�.! _
<br /> _--_.�;,-,,;:�;:�-; • vaxtadr�ns hy iurisd�:de�t�co cons6tut�a unifotm sex:uriry tnsiniment covsaing re�f p�roperty.
<br /> -°-- '•rrt-��nnntr►S t� • r •...� �,;�4..Qt78: ��,V...
<br /> - Ui�•i1�tl�t�l�t t.V M 1�r..��.�:Cu:::.T«.^.��P.�i C'Jt':.:`�.::!�.!. �,o rn {I . _
<br /> � 1.1�ymcat ot[Mncipa�and Latereal;Prep�ymnuE antd I.�ele ChorBeR. Borrowu sl�aL promF�Y PRY whcn d�e Oie _---
<br /> -- = psincip�l af and Incerest on the d�bt evidenced by tb.e Nata an�Any prcpaymeat en�l late Char�es due ander the NWC.' ___ .
<br /> 2.Funds tar T�x¢s�wnci Iasur�acx. Sub}xt to spplicablc inw or tn A written waiver by I.endu,Horrower ahal4 pay to °-
<br /> L.ender on tho ciay monttely ptiymoni9 arc dua nnd�r uj�i.vu;.ii�,t}1 ths Nate is paiul in full,a sum("�nds")for:(a)yaarly taxes --
<br /> v -� -- s�d as.5cssments wDich may aYtain priorIty bver this Sccuriry In�wment ns a lltn on Uae Property;(b)ye�•ly leasehold�aymenis � _--
<br /> - -- R=—_ o.�aa,-�d re,1t�cn tha ProF;-"i�'�if:aay:(c)yt�siy t�•r;rd ar prQ�^.,sty L�uc2a�ptcmi�snts,(d)Yearly flc�otl insurance pn,�niums,if ,-.
<br /> — -,,,, �Y�(�)Y�Iy rctortgage in�w�anco prtmiwms,iF any;ar�d{�at►y sums payablo by Hunower to Lendrt.in eccordancc with the :-
<br /> -- provisions of paragrap�.8, iT lieu ef tlx:payment of mortg�ge insurancc premiums.it►ese it,ems are callod "ks�xaw Items."
<br /> Lcnder rnay.at any time.coAect s�jd hcdd Funds i,e n,n amount not to excoed ihe mtucimum amouat a lender for tt federally xelaied �:__=_
<br /> _- _- mortgRge loan may require for Horrower's escmw accnunl undea tha federnl Real Estate SeWcme�t Procedures Act af 1974 as =-_-
<br /> � ameatbd itom time w tinw,12 U.S.�.Sxdon 26Q1 et seq. ("RPSPA"),uNess anothu law that agFlies w tho Funds sets a lesser _
<br /> arnoun�If sa.Lendu rriay. �t any timc.colfect and h,old Funds in a�i ama�nt not to exce�d Qie 1essrr amoura.I..enQu may __
<br /> .__�_;��° estimau tha r�cxu►t of Funds due on the bas�s of eurmnt data s�nd c�,esonabte es�mat�s of eapeuc➢iture��f fu'uuz Bse�u�I'�.;zs�,- ;_,_..,
<br /> -- - adhccw�se in aocardance wi�h applica6S�law. . � ��.
<br /> ��,�-�=�:=�F��s'�a 'Ci�!v Fwtds sha11 he held in en institu�Fon whose d�nosits are iasur�td by a federal agency.instcumentaltty,or endty(innliii$�g —
<br />=_'�'-`'`'-� i,er,der�if Lx��is sucfi�an.inst�tution)or in any Fedcral F�nma Lo:m IIank.Lea�der sliall a�ply the Fun�s ta pay the Bsao�v _
<br /> �c ��� Items. Lender mny nat chnrgu�Bortower for holding and applying thr.Funds.anmtally analyzIng the escrow account,qr verifying �q
<br /> -` _�•��t��
<br /> =- tk�o E�row Items,unless�.�arttler pays Bonowe�in4r.�est on the Funds and llcuble Isaw ts Lender to mfltce sur.h a.chacge. �•,
<br /> �PP P�� -'''�
<br />:�".�:'�`.-� H4wcver,Lender n,ay rrquub Borcawer to pay a ane-time charge for an independent real estasa tax reporting ser+nica.axed by
<br /> __��_..�.,._
<br /> L.er�der�n connec�don with this lonn.a�n'ess nppl3cable law•provldes otherwisc.UnMss an r�greement iv made or sp�lic�tiit law p���'°�'"
<br />;.�-,�;:;;:F�`� requIres intuest tz�be�aid,Lexlder shall not be requicerD w pay 8ormwer any interest or eamings on the Funds.Bomnwc:r nnd E[`.�=:.�.
<br /> =�.�:� I,en4ear may egree in wriang,ho�vevcr.that interest s4�sll be paiid on the Funds.Lender shall glve W Bormwes,without shargo,an �."�Yi:
<br /> �`u°��;�?� annuat accounting of tne Funds,showing areditv c�nd debi[s to the Funds and�he puepose for whicb eacri debit to the�unds was � �s
<br /> �RE��•=°'�' made.7tie Funtls are pledgeci as addititsnai secnriry i�¢iI sums secsucu by inis Scc�aiiy u�suuniaui. �• �`
<br /> �:W..rs�,�;;.s� If the Funds hald by U;ndcr execa.cl a;ho amounts p�e�mitte�i to ha�eld by agplicable taw.Iandu shall account to Sonower for .,
<br /> =�:::���+��:�: the txsess Functs in accurdanca with d:��uirements of applicabla law.If the umount of tho Funds Izeld by I.er►der at any tune is 'F�:
<br />:_x:;��`�; • ;.',not su�'fkieat w pay the IIscr�ow Items when dua���►Y so RoUfy Bnrronra in wridngv r.nd,in such casQ l8orrower shall pay
<br /> - "�.� � ' to Lender the s�nount necessary ta mnke up th� deficiency. Bomower sha11 make u�+ the de�icieaicy in no more than twelve '.;�•
<br />---�W:;r��.
<br /> - ;;'� ��1Y P�3'���,at Lendcr's sole dis�xeiion. -
<br /> -==A�'``� il�poa p�ycnent in fiill of all sua►s secured by this Se�urity Instrument,Lender shall pmmptly refand w Bonower any Funds _
<br /> ---""""`�''! tiejd by Le�ler.If.under para�graph 21,Lender shall scquire qr sell the Property.Lender.pr�or to ihe acquisidon or sple of th� �
<br /> _`="'-`2�'���=� prop�ty,shall appty any Funds hetd by Lender at the ticne of aoquisi6on or sale as a credit against�te sums secured by U►is �
<br />;;{_:-;,;:��t�� �� �
<br />-�:�_':u.v;� .SCCIl1�L}�Il7SI[Ulilttl�.
<br /> - -'°'" 3.Applic�tion of hyments. Unl�ss agplicuble law provides othetwise.all payments rece.ived by Lend�r under paragaphs
<br /> �v:_���,:�,�� ss t
<br />-------,:;`� i a�d 2 shall be applitd:Cu�t,to enY A�Ymeaet charges due under the Note;second,w ame�unts p�ayabl�und.er patagrnph 2:
<br /> "`"�`�:'''g'"'�'�� third,w interest cluc;fourth,to prenc(pal du�and last,ta aay late charges due undcr the Note.
<br /> "'"'•` ��``� 4.Cf�r`ai;Li2�+. 8oirower shall pay all taxes, a�sessn'►ents.charges.fines and imposidons atuibutable to die Progerty ,.
<br /> ---�=-;'�,a� �:•, which may ntffiin priorit}over this Secuniry Iasuument,und IeasehuTd paymentv or gmund rents.if eny.Bo�'ror�e.r shall pay these .
<br /> R=-n:±��%�":.,., � obllgat+oas 3n the manne:grovided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Banower shall pay thcm on time direcdy to th�e
<br />-_�:�����%���' � pcxson oweti�saymeat Dorrower shall promptly fumish to I.ender ul!noticrs of cimnunts ta 6e paid under this p2ragraph. If
<br /> :_:�•:+�f�*i�� Bocrower matc�s these payn►�nt�directiy.Borrower shall pmmptly fumisli oo I.ender xeceipts evi.dencing�lic gayments.
<br /> - - - -'--~.�� Borro�ret shall pram:�t�y discharge any lien whic:h has priority over this Security Tnsuum�t unless�orrower.(a)egrces in
<br /> -���n�;j,;-'i:�' writing to the payment of the obligation secural by the IIen in a manner ecr.�puible to Lender;(b)contests in gnod faith the llen
<br /> ��� '"`�� by.or dofends ogainst enforcemeat of tha lien in, iegal prncecclings which in tho Lender's apinIon operase to prevent the
<br /> «�,:�:';�_-:_. r e ci
<br /> '"�-""!'.;;:,,:�'-�
<br />_;'_���.�.��p+•_ enforcemcnt of'the lien;ar(c)se,cures fcom 1he holder of the lIen an eareement satisfectory 4w t,ender subordinuting the lien to
<br /> -r����;�..;.:i ' • this Sectuity Irtsmiment.Yf I.endar determinxs t�at any paat of tho 1>roperty is subjcct tn a Ilcn ii;hich may at�in pdorlty over this �
<br /> `""''�'-�''='' '' Se;,uraty Insuument,I.endcr may give Hotrower a nodce identifying the lien.Boaower ahall saiisfy rhe lien or tako one or�nore
<br /> :,_•��4._,
<br />``-�'-f.-1`�`'`:; . , nf tJ►e xtions:ct fcuth a6ove witttiu 10 days of thc giving of notice.
<br /> - :...�:,�...
<br /> ,_ .F���CCC Form 902m OIliO
<br />_ ;,.i'.:^.i,�.`�- ` �.SV(NE)1�112) PaaoBof6 Inillsli: ..
<br /> ;;yi:r':i�,..
<br /> +'�:J'�i`. :� ' 993-1
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