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<br /> T}x� a.ii���t;X�cln.esa r�PCUZ�d b,y r.h� a�e�� �� '�`�'e.��� ��cocar.�e�! �ay
<br /> - ►n ,-.y..�,.. 1 xrs> >r>r� �"� A�AV4�1] rr�. I�+�C.�wk�uiw t�il�� . - --
<br /> ' - UtL?IlV„QfI��V .�tlFaruY�. trv lr:.�.r- ..� �w •....j�..y-. -. .-�..�_�.._� ,...� ' ._ ' _ - , _.
<br /> rh�a bei�Rf.3�t oi .ROHERT d,. B�OgK�1., i�e H�na�tici��r, d�teQ 8epka�ai�
<br /> , �2, �.99�,� And rf!���e�rc� :ln tti� a1:��.��a ax Ghn Ke�iac�,b� ai D+�r�ls �� ..
<br /> Ha�� Cnur��y, Nebr�a��ka, �a i�c�ct�r�r„ Na. ]�i���07835, k�ae b+a+pix ;:3�,
<br /> xcnd �he� S�n�::,a�.a�y 2aa.s z�ecyuesGec� in wr3.t�.�g thaC Ghi� 17��s1 ot
<br /> . Reaan�r�yaric� be exec�at�d �nd �1���.vex�t! t�e d.c�n�i.rm.er� k+� i.��
<br /> r`iiur��i�cui8i'1u ,`3?�.C3t�. � °
<br /> �n �mns�.dea�a�i.on af euo�h pa�►men� anc3 in ar.cca��ian�� with �he
<br /> xec;ue�t �f. ehr� �en�fici�►ry, �k�e �'ru��es recc�nveys tc� 4he ��r�an
<br /> ox .�rsor�s .erxtis:l�� �h�re�o �a;l.l L•lie �ighC, t3.t1�, in��r.est anc�
<br /> - claim acquired by th� 7r.us�ee pureuant to the Deed of Truafi in
<br /> � the fn�.lowing, ��
<br /> ,A Cre��t of lnnd c�ri�ing Ctie Nox2h. S50.fs0 Yeet o�F tiie NorthWeet
<br /> quarti�x lNfi�i? o£�Section s�, T�awns3�ap ���ozth, Aar�ga 10 iteat aP .
<br /> the 6t•h P.�i., Hall County, Nebrca�ka, aAid tzac�t loaing �rcaro .,
<br /> ,, pa�:i.icttl��ly Be�Cri�d t�� i'.ol'1CU�:
<br /> BhGxNNINCi aC r.hs NoxLlneroet corner of ea�ici t�W3t; Chenc� running on
<br /> . an a�eume baarfng of N 90° QO° OOp R on Ciae NnzCh �ine of said Idi�,i
<br /> £or a diatance oE 36s1.36 fse� to the Nor�tteaeC co7rn�r �horeof;
<br /> ther►ca S OU° 12° 21� W an the SasC Z3.ne oF 5�aid NW',( for. 26�2.40
<br /> FeeC to a point on the West line of said NW�; thenca N 00° 16° 42�
<br /> 8 on th9 Wesx line of eaid fiK� £oz 556.00 £eet to the E+OTNT OH
<br /> - sTsGINNTi4G, said tracC cont+�inin� 33,35T aczee mare or ].eas tha
<br /> " iic6i�;I1 w'I.�n k'..Z:�.:'�«31 33.itU Z�L T!2°L°�= ^°==�� _'s�_-_ -----� --_i1_' •
<br /> right-of-xay.
<br /> �ATBD: NZarch 1, 3.995. _
<br /> . G- f/L.---
<br /> P.R�HfJ�t G. b�'�,Y�R. Tz`ust
<br /> ^��',P�`TE UF IJ�BRA�ItA ) , -
<br /> � .���, ) 88.
<br /> COUNTY 0�'•.HALL ) :
<br /> � . . The �oregoing in�t•rumen�C was acknov,rledged before me on �Jarah -�• �
<br /> 1:, .�1995, by Arthur C. M�yex, a� 7'xus�ee. .-
<br /> . ����� ' � . �lC.�_
<br /> � 1ro�r.p�.�elf�tce� Notar�r lic -
<br /> Tk►e B�ne�iciary requeats the Trustee tc� reconvey the r�a].
<br /> estate descri.bed above to the persam or persons entitlefl thereto. -
<br /> ^ Benef iciary =
<br /> S'A'A'�'E rtF IJhB2�SK� ) • - . �-
<br /> . . ) 88. � :
<br /> cc�vrrz�x o� x�z� )
<br /> � � T}3c: foregoing i.�stx�ur�icnL• was aelcnow��dged before m� on M�rch
<br />