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<br /> 7. C�,---�'�. Cc;�ar:.7 r*;ic:"1 so r�ir..':a r.'.I p:y��ic;:ta c�iii� c,r,i?n:i9 C�`�2 t:irn tu�. U�if�c� L'orto::Cr Cr,t� lr..nd:r r.;rc� ut��:si.l:::, CaJ
<br /> ,. _• ,, pinrf��;�i;L�r�_t cnr�(,�29 F79iil f:=:�ro�:r.a ur POT(:fiJOl:"70 ti::il�fi2 l'.'�i� �I�C.'ja::.",i�ti;rGi 4o c.�ry c�uou��to L'c;rr;r::;r f)l::J l�0 SiiJ f.::Ci!iJ:�(i:�il
<br /> I U7!+�ItIDI'JQ D}Il,yc;,:�c cr F�Li;;','f,c�ecr.J to lzit_rc�i.cr�40i_n tQ princ;p�l�IP p^rit�f prc�ny,-�i_��t of th�cccurcrS r�::�bt ceeuro�nr cny rui:;:ur�,Ii ti•:I'! .
<br /> f r,n4«3u::�Of ClKLIt3fl h.�y HL1�ad,�'.9 P`ay:�;o::u,�;.l Y;:�as�urod�,eb2 b pw.3 In 4u�1.
<br /> �' '"�'�'` " d.�!i.t:::�A;s2���s'P1�Ja.EtonnNer Ey��!g�ay,.r.N tnxes,esee�smonio,end other etlarQss ettdbutehla to tha properYy whvn due end will cfefend titin .
<br /> ta the prape�tqr atIs'nsY bnd Gtatn:x wlilc3iuyoulcl troi�tntr the Ilon o!tlila dcod ol 4rust.4en�cr m�y rcr�ulro fi�rroLlc�to ns:iDn any rtph4a,clai;tiia ar
<br /> w�Y�!�'��'�»�� drten�ee wM�h Herrowe+r�ax�Sev�sD�inst�uit*a wta aupp!y lebor or meteriaic to hnprave ur meinteln the propanty. /;a__
<br /> :r,.:n�z�"'°^ -� . . . . tir_ .
<br /> :i.InR�+rh:xo. E7arrower w::l kas�tita propt3rty in�ut�d und°r forme acceptnblu to Lendur ot GarrovlcYo o�cp�naa and tor Land�r'o L•ersafit.All r n �±
<br />_.---°.°.���ti] (ncunnca poIICUa ah����n�t►rde��tandard rtirott{]OQB C!AJCO�O ICYOT OP I.Bfl�iOP.LBRGut wAt 5a��:,cnc�c�lo��;�:.y�a az:a th^ln°�:;cd cn cny cuch
<br /> -=— °' orjin the secuied debt�IP Len�Ar Coquiee�mortprpo Pnsurence�Barrowtr�a�pre�ea to melrtit�ain euch Inen�ir�ance Yor es lung er�lende aceq��iree roperty ��-
<br /> �',
<br />_-_._?�Y .... � '
<br />---_-:_-�'- ;; �,Rtopatey,Bnrro�nrer Nill keep tha praperty In pood conditlon nnd mako nll repnire reasonabiy nocaseary. ,�'
<br /> ��- �� 6.Exp�r►s��.�arovaer a9rea�to pay ell Lendar'o expensoa Including rensonahin ettornoya'feea,If 6arrovfer breeke any covenanta In this deed �-
<br /> -•�'w:.�'.��`�'�.`� o�truit or In any obtipntlon secured by thia dted of ttuet.k�orrowor will puy those omnunto to Lender a�provlded In Covennnt 8 of thie deod af
<br /> �" �� $:„ trust. " .
<br /> '�"`�.'"F t 0.Frior S�cuHt�r irN�rut.�.Unta�e Eiorrowar tlret o4talna Lender'a written coneent,Borrowor wfi!not meke or permit eny chaRgas to any pdor ;
<br /> � k �cwrity Inter���. @orrawer wiii perform ail bf Borrawer'�oblty�tlani undor eny prior mortpepo, deed of trust or other eacurlty e�raemont, "`'
<br /> ± t inc!udinp Borrowar'e coven�nt�to make peymanta wl�en due. �;; ` -
<br /> ti a c_
<br /> 7'.Atai t of�imta�nd Prafitr.Borrower essigno to Lendsr the rents and piofRe of tho proporty.UnlasF tiorrowcr and Londar havo c�gread
<br /> .�;'.ns: '�'hA otherw se In writinp, @arrower mey coltect end retein the ronte as long es 6orrowar(s not In datauit.14 Borrowef dofaulte, Londor, Landor's
<br /> �„° ,��� epont,ae d court apgointed rocalver may take poases6ion end manepe the property and colloct tho ronts.Any ronts lender collecto shall be
<br /> „�� ,,,.,, �pplled flrst to ths cost�of maoapin�the property, Includin� covrt coats and attorneys'fees, commleaions to rental epants, a�d eny other
<br /> ____�;;;Q�,:,� nncet�ery rolatad axpense�.The rema.nin�amount ot rent�w I then apply to peymente on tho socurod debt es provided in Covenent 1. __
<br /> :±.,r..z���.
<br /> Y sg;,�e; �,� ; 8.l�aa�'redds•Con6wnkiiurr+b;FFr�H�d if�:2 O��O�V{�I���N�Borrou�r cpra�to comp!y t�itl�iha proeis4ons of nny leaso(}thia deed of tru.t is on ' <`
<br /> a ieasehotd.tf this doed of Vust ia on a unit tn a condaminlum or a planned unit developmem, Borrawar w(11 parform eil of Bortowor'o dutied �
<br /> -- _ Y��, untler the wvcnants,AyIawa,or repulationa of the condominlum or planned unit develapmerrG �
<br /> -u�.;�`-�
<br /> F � fJ,AuUtiortty o!Land�r w Porfe�eet icr Iicrrawas.If Borrower falla 4o pnrform ony of 8ortawor'a�utiaa und�r thia dood ottruat, Loodor mny {;�;�,._.,
<br /> � ..�•��T. a4" perfwm the duties or cauce tham 4o he pertormed.Londer ma�{stpn 8orrowor's name or m�ony amount 1}aocossary for porEormanco.I?uny ,..,,f,,:.
<br /> . conspructian on the propecty is discontinue�or�ot carrled on ir���eeaonable mannor, Lan�ap may do whatever ta necas�ar�to protqct Lender's .
<br />���...,
<br /> , . se�utiry tnterast in Uie ryroparty.Tt�la may induda comple3fn�tha consVuctlon. �:�;",�;
<br />°?'�`., .y . Lendar's feiiuro to.�erfotm wiil not preciuda londer,trom exercising any of its-other�Ights under the law or Zhis daad of trust: • , -., •
<br />:,,^�'i��.,. .�::.ti . _ . rf�
<br /> "�•�---- �� Any amounts paid 6y Lender to ptoteat Lender'F securtty tntere�will be ser.ured by thfs daed of Vust.Such amounte will 6a due on domand
<br /> '''�`'""�r en�l wlll bear intorast from the date of thp paymont until�ald In fu I at tho Intoreat rete in oNect on tha socurad dotrt. • •
<br /> .:_•�,+.�'r= `
<br /> {";r4'± G ohligatio�ec�y.red by�thla�deed o?trlis�mi any p Ir or�a flrtg pePor d6ed o}tructuLo dEr m�accaierate�the maturirihot=he sncured debt and _�
<br /> . , dmnmsai�mmeaaso paymartE 6��..��6}i ia:a�«:�II a0W°!n4 ltdtl elld eny otQar ramuA!gg '`u a iicante iaw. �.
<br /> ��......w Y NY
<br /> —�,c:�
<br />�:;i�ayi�i 71.R�quNt f01 NotiC�oT O�TUYt It Is�tareby�equestad 'mei COjlI0.7 OI GIO IINt�4V5 u4�oisuii a�d 6si6 t',;�'sii iC �oslt r.:r�st�:ho f�s pefi;
<br /> - ��areto,at tha�ddrese of each suc�person,o�set fonh hereln.
<br /> :...',..1�!��,;t: i
<br /> �,.�.x.. 1x.Poww uf B�N.If the Len�er invoke�the power of matu,the Truttee�hell ttrot record In thn oHice o1 the ropis*.er o}d�eds of ench county ,
<br /> ' a«•.�` "' whsnin th�trwt property or some part or pirc�l th�nof i�r.ltuatsd�noilce o}doteutt contalninp tho inform�tlon requlrcd by law.The Yruotee
<br /> 1 `' ��'?�� �h�N�iso m�ll copl�s o4 the notiae of detault to the @orrow�►,to e�ch poreon whu Ir e perty hereto,and to other pereon�a�prescribad by
<br />->��� "z; appllcabie I�Hr.Not Nu th�n one month attu tM Trwt��rocord�tNe noiic�04 deteuit or two month�if th� trutt property Is not In�ny
<br /> �� Incorporat�d city or vfll�pe�nd I�ut�b In ferminp op�ntlans aurled on by tl»trustar,th0 fru�tes�hell plv�publlc notice aS�ale to the�x+nons
<br /> ''°"'�"`"-��"�V �nd In tM rte�row►pretcriMd by apppllcebM I�w.Tru�tse,wltFrout d�m�nd on Borrowar,�ha11 sdl ttw proputy at Qubilo auction to tha hlptiest
<br /> ..:,,arc.,.ss, a -
<br /> _����,;X�..r-,• bldd�r.If uquk�d Ay the Fnm Hom�etad Protactlon Aat,Tru�U�oh�Sf offa ths{xo�rtY In two iep�r�te�ot��ar uqulred by epptic�bta faw.
<br /> - Truetw rtuy patpaw tN�mf WI a sny pareH o4 th�prop�rry by pu6110�nrooanc�ment�t tM tleno anA pl�es af rn4 prtvlou�iy�cheduted�ote. . .,
<br />_-.,-••r"��;;�,�.� Lar�r a fti ck�lgna�mey twrchiRO the pruP�►tY et�ny�rl�,
<br /> ;,-�;:�jt":e•yF.`.•iY?•
<br /> - - Upon nc�Ipt ot paym�nt of th�pric�61d,Trwtas th�ll d�live to ih�purchaav Tru�tee'a daod convayinp tho property.Thn rocltlal4 contatned in
<br /> '�-�'�:�~� Tru�t�t'�dNd thall b�prima facle evldNnca of ths fruth of tho rtatamenU contained tharoln.Trueteo shmtl eppty tho procoede ot tho eele In tho
<br /> =LL�,L•'�.�T�� fo11owing ordp: (a1 to etl experue� o} the ssls, Inr,ludin�, but nnt Iimltod to, reeton�hte Truatoo'e feoe, roeaonable ettorney'e faoa dnd
<br /> '-,';�''°�'''•�" rcin�tstement leeo;(b)to�11 sums�qcured by thle deed of trua4,and(cl the b4lanao,lf eny,to the persona leyalty entltiad to recolve it.
<br />-..,c;._r�,w
<br /> - " -=-..� 13.6or�doaun.At Londer'4 optian,thio daed of uuat may bo torociosed in the manner provide try eyp8cabio law for foruclooure ot mortflapes
<br />.'`�'�-°''`= on roe1 property.
<br />-�:S:.G;"_'�'_�':.:;,y.
<br />----��y��. 14.kMp�cUon.Lender may enter the property to In�pect It if Lender givea Borrower notico batorohend. Tho notico muat etnta tho ronsonabio
<br />�;,ys,_..�; cauee tor LnnAer'e inspaction.
<br />--;��� 16.Cor�tlon.Borrower ass:0�na to Lender the Procoada of any award or tleim for damopes connectad with e condamnadon or other teking
<br /> * securiry e�eemer�itf,the property.Such procaeds wi,l be epplied es provided!n Covennnt 1.This assignment le aubjoct to tlie torms of eny prior
<br /> - ' a '?�:'
<br />'��.::~;+:.;;; 18.1N�iwr. 8y exorcislnp any remedy evaiiabte to Lender, Lender doea not piva up any righte to later uso anY otho►romody.By rtot Axarcising
<br /> - -•.���. eny remedy upon Boaownr'e defnult,Lender doea not waivo eny dpht to ieter conslder the ov�nt a default If it heppena egain.
<br />- °'r�•�< y��` 17.JokK�nd SsrrK�l U�� Co�siy�»ro;Succ�stws �nd Aalpm Bou�nd. All dutioa undnr thia deed of vust are�oint and sovaral. Any (
<br /> ----- •.. :. Bonowor who co-slgne th(s deed o� Vust bu4 daoa not co-sipn the undarlVinp dobt insVumontla) doos so oNy to prant ond convey that
<br />.;��,;.;:•y�� - Borrower'e(ntorest tn the prope►ty to tho Trutieo under the terms of thls deed oTUUSt.in additlon,such a Borrower a.yeos thot tho Londor and
<br />= `�••���'�� anY other Borrowar undor thio dead of Vust may eMend,madifv or meka nny othor chanpcs In tho tnrms ot this dead of vust or tho socured
<br /> ������� �� debt without thet Borrower's consent end without refeasina that�orrowor trom tho terma of thls dood ot trust.
<br /> ::..Q.,� . a '
<br />. ,:;°'".::;r�-•._4,: The dutiee and benofita of this deod of trust shell b(nd cnd banefit the succdssore and aeslgna of Londor and Borrower. (
<br /> ' ��' �' 18.Pfotfce.Untoss otherwlse roqutred by tow,any rt�otico to Borrowor shail bo pivon by dolivor(ng f4 or by maUtng tt by crortified mait nddrossod to
<br /> e., ..��";,x`�� Barrotetor et the property eddreae or anV othar eddrase Rhet Barro�var has gfven to Lender.Borrowar wlti gtvo any noUce ta Lorsdor by cort►find
<br /> - - •�►� mnll to Lsnd'r's eddibe�an pape 1 of thls deed of trust,or to eny other eddroao which Lender hea dealgnotod.Any other notice to Londor shall
<br /> - ' � . . be cent to Lender'�Rddrese eti et�tod on pape 1 04 ttd�deed of trust.
<br />� � � �. Any notice sl�au i�e deemed to have been qiven to Borrowor o:Lender when glven i�the manner statad a�bove.
<br /> . '� 19.TrarrdK of t!w P�oR�tty a�B�mflcid 1►titaut In tt»BoROw�r.If n11 or aoy part of the prapcvty ot cny IntePOSt In it Is sotd or trnnsforrod
<br />- • � - -� withaut Lenda'� prior v�rtlttan consent, Lender may domand Immedi9te peyment of tha eocured debt. Landor mey etsa domand immediato
<br /> � demendtpaymanetn tl,e oh�ovo oituatlon��tf it Ia prohibto�oy rcdorAOl law uo of tho dato�ot thlo dead�of truot��Qrrod. Howovar. Londor may not
<br /> ��� - 20.R�convoyenc�.When the obllpation socurod by thls dood of truet Mes boon pnid ond Lundor has�o furthor obtlpation to mnko advancoa
<br /> ' � undnr tho inst�uments nr aprooments caoured by thla dood af truet,ths Truatoa ehaif upon wrltton roquoat by tho londor,roconvoy tho tru3t
<br /> OropettY•The I.dnder.ehall deitver to_tha Qorrowor,or to Borrowor'o ouccossor in Intarost,tho tnest daod und tho v�oto or othor ovidonco ot tho
<br /> '-`",''� . . .' 09R�6Zt011 Em��If817�p.BOlfOVJST attefl pey airy recorOa[ion catrio. =
<br /> � � 21. Succn:or Twt�s. Londor, at Londor'o optioa,may romovo Ttuatuo end oppoint n ouccoasor trastuo Gy fUat, molling o copy of tho �
<br /> ' ., '� euhstituUon of Vuytoo as roqulred by npplicnbla law,ond thon,by fitlnp tho sub�titution of trustao for eocard in tho offlco of tho roplator of doodo
<br /> � of eech caunty fn which tho Vust nropony,ur somo part tAoraat,lo sitvated.Tho succossor truatoe, without conveynnco of tho property,shall
<br /> ° a�ccoud ta all tho powor,dutios,authodty nnd tttio of tho Trustoo namod in tho dood of uust and of any succosnor trustoo.
<br /> ;�y�, '.. � ,
<br /> �°,� �. ��;.;�;.
<br />, �'�;.�. ��.
<br /> F,: ' .
<br /> ,�,�. • ,
<br /> • ' rvose 2 0�a� f �.
<br />` � DAf:XE115 5Y8tEM1t9,iNC.,6T.CLOU�,MN E03a1 It-800397•4�411 FORM OCP-MTO-N60/18R1�
<br /> '..z'.... � ' ....
<br />