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<br /> _ �:en�l �
<br /> �fir.W� . " ., � . .. .. ,., . . ��`` ` � � � r.. .�.�i;H,{*�:.:�.'f ��^";`-
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<br /> '-�'Y.. Aitis�i;�i
<br /> �• � . C,�.. ���:;�4ir:'. ,� (:. 4'st`..�t . E�j�;�.���t�� .. . E i „ C.. : �. .,' s., r. ��, _ ' . . _ . 2 � - --_._ `-
<br /> ., • :• �� '. . ._ ..._ � ' .. . __. _ '. . . _ ... _. .... _. __ "— �' —
<br /> ..�1��.�J_ ..
<br /> �ii x. ..<� C34`+r�r�+;�bw�d-a�a14i,iar �iil�s FIL�LI EfT O,C�I�b iiGTt�n��':�:=.i9i::...4�::a. . . -
<br /> _ �;�;,, .+.� f�F p�tt�y�sc,�,��a'�i,��`ri�t+`�'�Gaait�r kno�?dl;ii��+� tsY tlan.4��rnx ni thr� Q�r�nR�.gr�nmHnt�s thta 5)eted s�€7'ru�,t vr uny fn�iure +�f
<br /> -- tfe�Tru�x�r to acR�raqtslr�d by ths I.u�n�NQr�m��t ar�hFe C3a�d eaf 7r u�t, aAr,h uf Whlct►'i'ruaior hsrutry+�ts�
<br />-_.,r:.�wa;��_-���-�; hauH e,� �t;ir�s�tr sffaat an 'tt�r� pnrr.etir.l��'e rer.��rlty t��r qhey„11ncs nt' �cre�ciix e�atePnti9ha.� and th�s rlght�o ot tha
<br /> --- -_- - �s►*fi�lar� fn suah sacurity. � . . . _ �
<br /> �.�.ie� rnd upnn the heppere6np ol►nny euch event of defa�ult. Raneficlery rriay dectnre �+Il aum� aecured hara�by immrdi�tsly
<br /> duo and Ray�bls by dslivur to i'ru�t�o� writtdn daclaretiat�ag d�?�K• The 7ruetee shalt hevs ths powsr oi'rsN of --
<br /> � 3he proporty, a�nA it Benetlr,lery da�slr�e 46�e Praperty to b�autd,it ah�1i depn�s!t witte 7runtee this nee�crf i'rust an4�11 °
<br /> � promi:�ory netea end doc���zent�evidenCing sxpandltura�seaurecl E�ara�y er'�d tt�ait deliver to Tr�tte�a wrftt�n��otirar -
<br /> �-------=-
<br /> Of l'�A'�aUlt ar+d elect�on to oause the i�roparty to ba doici, and fno i riJES�ba fii i�fii Siiilii�]Fer,s+aie Ei i�Gi�w �il iiro iui�7�
<br /> - requira�hy lew, wl�ich ah,eil bo dut�O iiled fcsr record By Trus4ee.
<br /> � -_:=�- (A) F�itrr.thi' qf tirow ea.rxtey bo rnquired by law ioUowing the racord��ion of sa:�rtotice of default,and
<br /> �� . � � ,��
<br /> .. i�otlCe o�f'defau�,�d'�e af�a�fe f�evi�ng be�n giv�n as requ�red bY law,Truateo. without d�ma��d on 'i'ruttor,
<br /> ----- -- sh�11 selk4ht�'ylfp�r+�[�ir, dnts and et the tims nnd plACe dasignated in e�ld noti�a�uf anl�►,AY publia+duction io
<br /> '°s�A.. .. .
<br /> the hig isat`ESTt�N; thd�roh�ta..prica peyeble (n lawful money of tha United Str.tea at the tlms,pf sale. The
<br /> _____ l �erEnq�nqde�ating the asle may, 1or any Ceuee he+deema oxpadient,paftpane 4he sAle frorre time ta tim4�ntii it
<br /> --- Bhell ha cumpleted and,in e�ery auch aase,noiice of postponament shall Exe given by publiC declarAtior�tharnaf
<br /> by such pe��on at the tims and piace la�t oppointac3 far tha eale,prav�d�d,if th�aates is postpona�fcr lon�sr th�n
<br /> --=_-����m��� one191 d6y @eyand the day designated in the nr�tiC�of salo,nozicp theraof�hail bp glven in the.��rria m�r�ner�z �=�.-
<br /> - -- �r..y tha ortginel n�tice ofi sala. Trustea�hetl execute end de7iv�tA tho purri�as�r irs f3b�i�.�c�r�r:�y�n���p�'z��;ariy�c --
<br /> ;`�":�`'`�'"'�5'��'�,r] sold,but wlthout andy cavenanr,.�.^sY warrsnty,�:��rASa ar.ht��lli�d. The cecitals tn Z�fa�doad�of c�iiy mettera.c�t'aats
<br /> ��..5°il�:i�i•
<br /> -- - sha11 h�c�onclusive praaof of th�tiiartMtulness�C��feof. Any p�rsen,iwr�futl�ng�8eneficiary,may pu���hese et the eale. �, .
<br />� '�'��`' tHI �1hen Yrustea sei�s��ix�zsu�ant to 4he pawers Nerofn, the Trustee�sh�11�Q�ly 4ho proceeds of t}�ti�Sele tu pe,yment •�.';.'•-
<br />�`_,�:�;,� � of the costa and oxpp��a�of ekt��cising tha puwer of aalm end af tha sfl t�u,(ncluding the paymeM of tho Veusteo'a =
<br />-���,;� .#aes act+,�ally Incu�red, whicy i'r�i�4E�'�is�;,�hali rtAt!n tt;�ag�rcasta a�caeu tha fc�l�wir�asnount based,upon
<br /> �=�°?�:'.�.`�"'� tha erno�.int securedlimraby end'iemalning unpeid; G percantum on the, first 91,000 thereaf, 1 �ercentum on the
<br /> - -;��:'x:�,?'l bafance therenf arns�.�laon to the itoms in sub�+ar�Breph(CE in tt�e ordor•tnare siaieo. � -
<br />``�"g',�'""°`' '!�J Aner paying the iterr�� spacifiad in subpsra�raph(k31 If tha oele is by Tr.'ustea,or the proper court 8nd othar coste �
<br />,.,�,.�a.�.s � .
<br />:�P.;;���;��s� � � flf loreclosure and aale if the sele is pursuent to judiciel fora�losure,the prraceeds of sale sheil be capplled tn th4 grdar
<br />�r ° ..��•.:�, �, �
<br />,, v-.��• ��,: ,�+p►, . starnd to tho payment of:
<br />:,�.�. �;�,�,}�5::;:w:�
<br /> !1) Cost of any evidanca of titie procured in conneCtfon with saich sale end of any�evenuo�tamps;
<br />'_�y�„� . ��� �- tll) A!1 sums the secured he�eby;
<br />___—t?�� plq The veme3nder,ff any,to the person le8ially entitlesl thereto_ ---
<br /> �y� f 13. Dati�e and ObNOailona oi Trustws. (a) 7he dutles end obl(gationa of uustee shalf bo determined soiely by ""`
<br />.�1;�::���ti;';;� . . ,'
<br />:�r-;��__>�,;.�:�;��� the exAress provisions of this aeed of T�ust,snd Trus4ee ahaA not be Ilable except for the performance ot s�ch dutiea
<br /> :��s.~".:i<'.� and obflpetlona es ore specifically set fortis hereEre, and no implfed covenente or obHgotlona ehall be imposed upon �, _.
<br /> �,�#,F�x,Jx�� T�ustee; (b) No provislon�of this Deed of Tvust�hell�equire Trugtee ta exgand or risk tts awn funds, or otherwise --
<br /> �Y.
<br />_°��_��=���- ir�cur e�y iinanciel obligntion in the performence of any o4 its du4fes hBreunder, or in the exercise of eny of its Pighte �_�-
<br /> - -_ - �,::t��� or power,if it ehall heve grounds for believing thet the�epayment o4 such funds or edequete Indemnity egeEndt such ^�°T
<br /> _��-•:;a,-���j�;_�;� risk or liebllity is not reesor+ably assured to it;(o) Truatee moy consutt with cAUnsel of its own choaafng and the advice ���''��
<br /> �-�'�°�°'�'��� of such counsel shail be full end completo authuri�etion and protection inthe respect of any ection takon or suHertrd �R�`�
<br /> ---_r._�;f�ii��n r a.�.`,-:
<br /> -F�� . by it hereunder in good faith and�elie�ce thereon;(d) Trusteo shell not be Il�ble for any action tekan by it in pood feith _
<br /> '°�'�` �a and reasonabfy beliaved by!t to be euthorized ot wfthln the discrotion cc rfghts and powers confnr�ed upan it by this U
<br />:,:--• .
<br /> �:.;�;;..•.,,..�.�. Daed qfi Trust.. .. :
<br /> :•:-. µ�.: � . t4. Addit}anal S6curity Instruments. Trustox, nt its eMponse, wil!exscuto and deltver to the Trustee, promptly
<br /> �..,..,., ,�r• ,_;,
<br /> -"�� �",�••� upon demand,sueh security inutruments as may be required by Trustea,in form and substenae setfafactoey to Trustoo, _
<br />-�..:T�..a:..r.����.��. .�. . ..
<br /> �:-.�":�';;�::; covering any of the Property canveyed by this Oeed af Trust,which sscurity instruments shall be edditione!security
<br />�'" "�'"-'�'° '" for Trus�tor's feithful performence of all of the terms, covenants e�d conditions of this Doed of Trust, the Loen
<br /> '�'"'"� '��� � 'i Agreement,uny promissory notes secured hereby end any other oecurity instruments exacuted in connocYfon with this
<br /> • .r � `'` transaction. Such InstrumeMs shall be �ecorded or filed, and re-�@cordaA and refiled, mt Trustor's expsnse. �
<br /> � • • -- 96. MisceNanenua.
<br /> • .A •a: (A) In t�hc�ev8nt eny one or mnra�f the provisions contefnad in tlio Deod of Tru�t. or the Loan Agreement or eny
<br />;: :f. promissory note, ar any other securlty Instrumont given irt connection �vlth this transection,shell for a�y reason �
<br /> - to be held to be inv�9�d,illegal or unenforc�eblo In eny respect, such InvalldEty, illegality or unonforceability ehall, .,
<br /> � at thv option of 8eneficlary, not nffioe2 any other provision of thfs Qond of Trust,thot this Oaed of Trust shall bo
<br /> ' :,�� construed as if such involid, illegel or unonforceable provision hed novar be0rt co�Zatned herefn or theroin.
<br /> ' �� '� (B} This Desd of Truat shnll bo construed eccording to tho laws of the Ste4e of fVebrask9.
<br /> tC) the Dead of Trust shell insure to end bind the helrs,legotees,devtseos, administrators,oxocutars, successors and
<br /> �` . �: essigns of 4�he partio� hereto.
<br /> • (D) T�uator�hall pny all tuxoa lo��led upon thte I�aod of'Pru3t or tho dabt securodi i�oroby,togothQr with any other toxas �
<br /> ' �• .,,.e...o wMtnt�mau!w louicrl anninat thn Trustc9 or BonnfiClBtv or tha leaal holdor nf the Loan Aareoment
<br /> -- --
<br /> - .. - .:. �..00........� ....._.....-� --•--•--
<br /> : -�-��- -�--�--- - - • - - -
<br /> '' on account of the indobtadnoss ovidonce thereby.
<br /> (E) Whonover usecl hmeoim,tho singult�r numbor cF�all includo tho ptural,tho plural, tho cingular, ths uso of any gandur
<br /> - � shnll ba�pplicahl�?A�oit penders,and the torrs� "Boneficlary" shell include any pnyeo of the indebtadnoss hereby
<br /> � cecurcd or dny trnns�ar th�reof, wF�ether by operetion of lew or otherwiso.
<br /> " � 10: S�saeasar 7'�uatao. Ben�3b�inry may from timo to timo sNbstitute e euccessnr or Euccessors to any�rusteo
<br /> named horoin or ecti�g horaunder Yo exacute 4his Trust Daod. Upon such uppointmont and without convoyanco to
<br /> ,� � ct�o auCCOSSOr Tru�toa.R�he letter shall be vos'toc�with ail title, power.s and duties con4erred upan any Trustea herein
<br /> ,. named or actin�horeunder. Hac�i such�appoirs2��nt ur substitutfon shall bo 7nade by writton inateurn�nt by Beneficlery, t
<br />- contafning roferanco to th4s�eod of Trust and its pleco of record, which whero recorded in the of?ice of the Register
<br /> - '� , of Dood�of the coun4y or counties in wMoFa said property la sltuated,sNoll mo conclusive proof of proper eppofntment
<br /> - of tho succos3or Trustee. The foregoln�power of substltutton ond tha procudur�therefnro shatl not be exctusive of
<br /> • .. 9/94 408-3
<br />" --•_---------•• --------•° -.•---�— .----- -- -
<br /> _____..,__-----------•-.__.__._ .
<br />