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<br /> ., p.��.�'_�''�, t�;iur t��iitt.it +'n;i -��t� C� ndr�iir.�y, r.t it•; u�,:iuii. ii!��•i��� liqia,-�f 7+: jity::n:dii fu ft�ll nf all :,a��'� �. :!'�� i i�y II��.. '. ..
<br /> ._ ,� �:;snilty lu�:bnmtc�tl. 11;Sti:cvcr.Iltl:, npl:an t,i�t:l) t:nt i.��;�3v:r�ir::�1!;y l.r.��:!�•�e if clte;i:f::�ir��3:ciSdbitcti f�y i,itc;,�l!;.�:��s!E�c^c�,::� 4
<br /> . n:• ofcS�iti��ci�ri�yYu•,r�r�or.;;n. . `•i,:-_,
<br /> --_-= -==��t:' if I.c:nde�•c;;cr�i;e�;thi�i��tiuja,l.endcc�h:eii pivc iinrro�v.r�t�l;co uf t!::ceicrnticn.'!`he ttuticc sSi:fl ii1)VItIc a {�Er i�;�1 i:ti'nuc —
<br /> ':-�:���T,-'��• te�,� tha�� 30 da fi-am� th� d•.itc tlic n�tdcc is�fcliocrcd c�r mailca.l���ithiu �v6ich Uo���o�ier um�,t pay nl� stir�is ec::m'::d Isy il�i�: __--_
<br /> -_-�:a.�..�� 3''� ---
<br /> Sccurlty InSt�umcnt. !f f3ci��ro�vcr f.dl3¢u��ay tiic:;c Eurns prior to the cx��imtion of'tid:�ps:a•iotl.l.cndce niny invakc anJ•rCma�Jics
<br />-__,��:�� p�rn�incd hy tiiis Scewity[��ttruiu�nt��rithut`t furthcr notic�or dcm.�md on R�ttrua��:r. ___
<br /> - __—= 1�'f. piUnx�n�i'�h �iKid E�l �C�Giiiiii:. ��� rili�iclWai' lii..11;, Cr�161�i1 l'a5{:3j(Zt7iii. P1F'l6�.'CL ::�I»1! �I:;YC (jI° YY��it`! [� Iw•rp
<br /> entorcenient.of this Seeu�ity InstnEnxxu diseontinuecl nt a�y time prior to the�arli�r af: (a)S days (or Such uther pedc�l as
<br /> applicable I,iw msy speri(y for rcinstutement) hefare salc af the Pr�perty p��sunnt h�i a�zy �xuv,.r c�f sale cantaluc�! i�n �liis
<br /> -�� Sccurity Instivmcnl; or(l�)cntry of n j�adgment enforcin�tliis Sccuelty lnst�vmcnt.'Pliuse ainditions nrc rliat�inrra�+•cr:(n) ���yy
<br /> I.endcr all sunu wl�ich tlicn would bc �uc undcr this Sccurity Instrument nnd thc Nntc us if nu:tcccicration h;!d ac�n�ed;(t�)
<br /> _ -- cw•cs any defnult of any otlicr coven.mts ar n�;recmcnts: (c) pays nlE expenses ittcurrcd in enf�ning this �ecurity Lxstrarrient.
<br /> --- includin�, but nat limitul to, rcasnnzhle nuorneys' fees; aad (dl tnkes such ncdon ns Lc�zdcr may rcnson;ihly rcqtdre to assurc
<br /> - -` = that thc licn uf ti�i���curity Ins[iu�ncnt,I..eiider's rigl�ts in th�Pr�pzrty and�arratiscr's ��Isl:gatYOn to pay the su�us secli�:s!by � -•
<br /> tlils Secui7ty instcume:�t shall enntinue unchangeJ. Upon reinstntement by Sorr�wer, this Sccurity Pnstrument a�� A1c
<br /> -- obltgations secured�ereby nhall remaiiz fully effective as if no ncceleration had occurred. However, this eigt�t to relnstate >ha.11 —
<br /> ,.,_„_,�a not appty in the case qf accclemtion undcr pArag�nph D7.
<br /> --- 19. Snle of Nnte; Ctu�ntie of Lann Servfcer. The Note or n partiAl i�!crest in the Note (toged�cr with thl�;Security _
<br /> ----- - Instrument)mny be sold one or more ti�nes�viUiout prlor natice to l3orra�ver.A side may result in u change in the enticy Iknown
<br /> as thc"L.aan Servicer")thnt callects monthiy payments due uncler the Note:�nd this Security Instrument.Thera alsa may bc one
<br /> or more changes�f thc I.oan Serviccr unrclated to u snle of the Notc.If there is a chsunge oi tt�e d.oan Scrviccr.Dorrowcr wall be
<br /> --
<br />