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<br />. ._.._�.1�. .�`F��YIfM�bT'F•F ..���f'C/T"�'F�T'+1�..�I�ll ��'Ofa�{...RY�.�_.J.�.���..� � ���5_Sl�:i.�n.wriu�rv�ar�...�.....-_
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<br /> - .��r. ..._:-�-.�p+r'+�w4 . . .:•�e�.�T•� .n��a�w��r�.��.�r.w r�'.^'T%T^T!�^.r .�'4�i"U`. T[S�^'f�'n�m+�� 'T}: ]T�..�zl.a.�c��r.ar�� n . _.�_.-._.�._-�._-_... �
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<br /> ,-:-._�s,�.�4-�• 4;�b�xnm.i:i!ly cyui,vatr.nt rrort;;nge insuennce coverag�is not uvailnble,Aorrower sh�Cl pay to Lender sach�no�th:i sum eyual�c�,
<br /> ' , ..� , os�c•3e:.liei�+>>etic yc�;'Iy nta:Er��c ittc.urancc premium b:;in�paitl by t�nrrosmr�vhen thc iz�suratteC Cuveii�nC lc���c,1 nr ct�^�+.I tlr;�d
<br /> . 4-�i�y cffc�;i 1�`-.',.;.�,��'l;�c;:l,t,u.".:illl(J i'i:181fi11I1CSC�IC��ntcid�;cL� n loss resceea�n licu af mn�2�n�c ii�sui•�nt:r. E�n::s rc:;s:'tv;���
<br /> , � " � + � �.�I.'.7�:[1!�C�cj. Cl 8il^u pj)1�011 Of�.S'Pt�CP�If�11Ui1[?il�i.IR�>u`ancc covcr��c(in�hc a�iu�i�sir,i�uti fnr IEI�^,EY,:il���t..i ^
<br /> . �c:y��ic��.: �::::� c:; <�n,;..� � ,•
<br /> - � t�e! �..cat�i<^r r�;!rire�)�ravid�,i i�,u Ol�II!SIlfCk'�})��l)VC(I�]Y I.CI]t�CY EI,^,11Fi IS�CUIItCti av�iiF;bic nati 'ss nf�t��incil. i:u��i►c.,-�;h;•ti p.�y ,, .
<br /> ,+ ��. . • ttic�rcmdums scquiecd to maintuin mo�ttcagc +n�ucuncc in efFccs.UP�0�)i'OV1f�C il�tl:i9 PC521YC�UI1Q1�If1C f'2(ll'eli'i.f7l::llt IIY�iYIGYi��:t�;:: i_i�•
<br /> - "� ' ieisi+r�uce cndR in�ccardmice��ith any�vgitte�i ngrcmcnt b�t�:cen�o►r��ver and I..cndee or upplienhlc l�►�v. `'���',.
<br /> T� ..'�'`°.;'" 9, r�tsp��t�an. l,end�r ar its n�;cnt may make rcasonnble entvics upon u:td inspections of Qt:Praneny. Lc�cler r:b;Jl give �:�"'`,
<br /> __�_:"�^�-`"-"�: liorrower noticc at the timr,of or rinr to an insp,,ction specifying ro.+�onable causc fcrr thc inspection. � �--��
<br /> -�.�� 10. Condcmautlon. The proceecls of nny a�vard or claim for damn�es, dircct or c�nuquential, in connection with nny� �
<br /> '� - cURd�ltm�tio�t oe R1hPr tnkirt,�,of nny[�srt of thc P�'ogc�iy,�r f�r conv�ynnce in Heu�f condcmnatlaai.arc hcreby nssi�r,c�l nr�sD �..'"'�
<br /> �_�--: = --`�' shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> ln thc evcnt of a totul takin�of Ihc Aro�perry,thc pracceds shail bc i�ppNed to die sinns sccured by[his Security lnstrument, —
<br /> „�'.�:�,�� whethcr or nut t{ien duc,r�ith any exa�ss ��id ta Borrowcr. In thc event of a partial tnking of�I�e Pcaperty in tivhtch tfic fiiir _�
<br /> = market vnlue of the Property immediately�efo�+�the tuking is cqual to or grcater than the:►mount of thc sf�ms secured by this ___
<br />_~�"��:`�.,�'" } �ccurity instrum�nt xmmecliiucly befa��e ti�e taking,unlese Bonower aad Lendcr otherwisc a�ree in writing. thc sums sccurcd by --_
<br />-_�''�'��:�sE!�'� this Security Inst��ma�t shttll be reduced by thc nmount of the ptoceeds multiplied by dte followin� fraction: (1) the total __
<br />'��Wa�t'��+,_� amflunt of thc sume.r,ecnn�l immediatcly bcforc the takin�, divided by(b) the f�ir markct valuc of chc Property imrnr.diately ___
<br />-'""°"'`"���� before the tnkinII. Any balance snall be paid to Borrowcr. In the event of a partial tnlu�g o�'th: Property m whtch the fair
<br /> � '-`,�n.
<br />;"'-��;�"' �'r; .�; m;tricct valuc of the,Prop�;rty i�nmcdiately before d►e taking is lcss than the amounr,of tlie suros securarl immcdiazely before U�c _
<br />;:;_;��;��;�' tal:in�,unless Horrnwor nnd C.cnder othcnvise:►gree in writing or unless applicable Isw otlt�rvuiso pravidVs,the proce•:ls shall �
<br /> >.,..«.w
<br />;;�:hq;,,;y,��;,,:� , bo appliod to tho,s�tme��ccured bg+this Security Instrumcnt whethcr ur not the sums nre dien due.
<br />-"='^f,,� '� If the Propa��y.is abnqduned by Bonower,or if,aRer notice by L.ender tn Sanower that ehe cendemnor offers to make an _--
<br /> -„s„�„�� ctward or s�ttle a clairn for dnmagcs, Bnnower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the naticc is given,
<br /> =-�':r~,�'�r:��l �.ettder is nuthorizcd to collect und apply thc procecds,at its option,eithcr to restoration or r.pair of the Prap�rty or to the sums _
<br /> -,r.,'a�':
<br /> _=_��:.-�,y!, securr,d by this Sccnrity Instn�ment,elhethec or not then due. =°
<br /> ..w+�rM�'�1�'[� Rr_:�:�
<br /> __�,.,�,�,, Unless L.ender and Aorrowcr othenvise agrce in writing, any applicatian of proceeds to principal shall not extend or �,.,:,
<br /> -= �!:_ postpone the due date of the monthly puyments referred to in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount af such payments. : ---
<br /> � Il. �i�rrower Not Releused;l�orisenrnucQ�y Y.ender I�Tot a VJa3ver.ExtCnsioii af thc ti:nc for payrnent or modification - —
<br /> ty of amortization of the sums securecl b this Securit Instrument ranted b i.ender to an succe�sor in interest of Borrower shnll
<br /> Y Y � Y Y ��T�..�
<br />- `' not aperate to release thc liability of the original Horrower or Borrawer's succcssors in interest. Lcnder shall not be requir e d to
<br />.,;,�_,��
<br /> ,'•' commence proceedings agninst any successor in interest or refuse to eutend time for payment or othercvise modify amortization ��?"
<br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Bonower or Borrower's ��,';;�
<br /> ';-��;�;,:; . ' successors in intexest. My t'orbearance by Lendcr in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the _"_'
<br /> .. •a caercise of any right flr rcmccly. a'' �
<br /> � �:'� ` � 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Jo1nt und Severnl Lis�bility; Co-s'rgners. The covenAnts and agreements of this � -
<br /> - �ecu�ty inssrument snaii bind aid bcircii< <t�a �scc.;.»zr�a:^:!.^.s��o.^.s ctf!er.�±pr an�t R�rrower. �ubiect to the nrovisions of �
<br /> �i $���;-� paragraph 17. Aorrower's covenants nnd agreements shall be joint und several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security ^. _-
<br /> ..:�=q;;.,�:,+.$�� Ii�Si�ilCiici�t biii 3'vw iivl vnu."iliC i�� ::GiC: (�) to x St&ri:Bg Sl2i�cP.�.'!!Zlt� ISL!rl2l!!?riI ��ll�r tm m�rtvage, erent atld convCy lhat F_--
<br /> y: �:�.- x Borcower's interest in the Property under d�e terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally oblisated to pay the surns =_
<br /> _�'°"�`��.'��y, secui�ed by thfis 5ecurity Instrument;and(c) agrees that f..ende:and any ather Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear or —..:
<br /> :�'•-� ,y;rt::,�, make uny ar�commodations with rcgard to the renns of this Securiry Instrumcnt or the Note wrthout chat Borrowcr's consent. —
<br /> �' Y °�' 13. Loun Ch�r�es.If the loan sccured by this Security Insttvment is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, (
<br /> '!��'.:l'1�' U� lL".,:'
<br />` :n��>�er��:?+ and thst law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chazges collected or to be coltected in connection with the �i�;_:__
<br /> '" 1�=-� loan exceed the permittal linuts,then: (u)any such loan charge shall be reducc:d by the amount necessary to reduce the charge �
<br />:=a��3�_.�"'„�� to th�permitted limit; and(b) ttny sums alra�tdy collected from Barrower which exceeded permitted limits will be reNnded to
<br />-- � ,-"�""` Aorrower. L.ender may choose to make this refund by rcducing the principal owed under the Note or by muking a d'uect �.�.
<br /> ;;°�.;::�,,,, �::::
<br /> paymerit to Borrower. If a refund teduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partia! prepayment without any
<br /> ��-�,,;'`.�;^�^q; prepayment chargc undcr thc Note. �';�`
<br />_:�_ y. ;.,._r, lA.Notfces.Any notice to Borrower providcd for in this Security[nsuument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br />- - -- „�.,�:, it by first class m�il unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shull be directed to the Propeny Address
<br /> �;"�-"�''��� or any other address Borrower designates by notice to I.ender. Any nouce to Lendcr shnll be given by first class mail to �_..
<br /> ;•,•�+c«r�.1�r`
<br /> __ _�.1.�._s�. I.ender's addmss stated herein or Any other addmss Lender designates by natice to Borrower. Any notico provtded for in this� �::r.
<br /> �_ __�'�;�tr� Securiry Instn►ment shall be deemed to have been Qiven ta Borrower or L en dcr w hcn g iven as provided in this parn gra ph. M--•
<br /> ~��c�{a±,:;-� 15.Governing buw; Severnbllity. Tliis Secvrity Instrument shall be govcrne� by federal lu�v and the law of the .��
<br /> -.:-�N:� '=c: '`f�tr�
<br />_ _ ,_..:. jurisdictian in which the Properry�s located.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note �,.
<br /> �?�,�+"' :, c�nflicts with applieable law,sueh conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which ean be •�s�„^;
<br /> � given effect without the wnfllcting provision. To this end th�provisions of this Securiry Instnmient and the Note are dcclared '�''�
<br />:.,;:`: ,. _�., '�� to be severa'ole. .
<br /> . ,,��.'�::F 16.Borroiver's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confomied copy of the Note and uf this Security Instrument.
<br /> ,.-;;,�:.;,�:;' 17.TransPer of tt�e Property or a Beneticlnl Interest in Borro�vcr.If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it
<br />_-- _:,;�;°;;:d�k. is sold or transfr,rrcd(or if a beneficial interest in Borrowcr is sold or transf.Red and Aorrower is not a natural ,person)without
<br /> _ ;;,..�,�;;� Lettdcr's priur �vritten consent, [.ender may, at its option, rcquirc immcdiate pu��ment in full of all sums secured by this :
<br /> __ Security Insera�ment.Howcvcr, this uption shall not be exenise�d by Lender if exercise is prohibited by fedeml law ns of the date
<br /> ` �- " � of this Securney Instrumcnt.
<br /> " " � If I.ender exercises this option, Lender shall give Bonower notice of ncceleration.The notice shall provide a period af not
<br /> " : �'� Icss than 30 days from the date the notice is dclivered or mailed within which Barrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> . Security Instrument. 1f Borrower fails tu psy these sunu prior to t he expiration o f t his perio d, L en dcr may inva k e a n y r e m e d i e s
<br /> � • •~����• permittcd hy this Security Instrument without further notice or demnnd on Borcower.
<br /> � „ � , � l8. Rorrotver's Ri�l�¢ to Retnstnte. If Bnrro�vcr meets certain conditions, Horro�ver shuU have the right to have
<br /> � enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinue.�l at any time prior to thc earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br />-_ �: � ,. •.c applicabtc I¢�v may spa:ify for rcinstatcmeny bcfore sale of thr. Propeny pursuant to any power of salc contained in this
<br /> _?` -:`.:y�:•'•.,_„j; Sc.�curity Instrument;or(b)cntry of a judgmcnf cnf�rcing this Sccurity Instrument.Those conditions;uc that Bonower:(o)pays
<br /> � - �„ • �_�� , iender all sums whicG tlien rvould be due under this Securiry instrument;►nd the Note as if no acceleration had occurred;(b)
<br /> " ' cui-es any default of any other mvenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurra! in enFarcing this Security Ins�rument, .
<br /> including,but not limitcd ta, reasonable attorneys' fi.�es: and (d) takes such action as I.endcr may rcasonably require to :usurc
<br />- _.'":-- tltat the lien of this Security Gtstntmeni,Lendcr's rights in the Property und Bonower's obli�ation to pay the sums secumd by
<br /> � this Security Insnument shall continue unch�mged. Upon reinstatement by Borro�ver, this Secunty Instrument and the f
<br />.. _ _L. ..L..II L-.
<br /> • oBTlgutians SCCUred i1CfC0y SflaII YCntaicl[ulty C1fCCUV�as It no neceieratian nan oczurmi. riuwc.c�, ini� iigm i6 icin��a'a:..,�....,
<br /> , not apply in thc rasc nf acccicr.�tion wider p:vagr�pt► l7.
<br /> l�. Sale of 1Vote; Chan�e of Loan 5ervtccr. Thc Nfotc ur a partial intcrest in thc Notc (to�;ether with this Security f
<br /> .• ' Instrument)may bc sold ene or more timcs without prior notice w Borrowcr. A�ulc may result in a change in ilie entity(known �
<br /> - as thc"I.oan Scrvicrr")that colle�ts ntonthly payn?cnts duc undcr the Note:►nd this Security Instrumcnt.Therc also may bc one
<br /> � � or morc cl�anges of thc Lnan 5arvicer unrclatcd to a salc of the Notc. If thcn.is ct changc uf tlte Loan Serviccr, Eiorrawcr tvill bc
<br /> given written natice of the cfiunge in uccorda�tce with para�r.►ph 14 above anJ upplicable law.The notice will stute the name und '
<br /> • � address of tlie ue�v L.�r.in Scrvicer m�d t0e add:ess tn �vhich payments shuuld be made. The nuticr� �vill also rantain any other
<br /> � inforniation rcquir��i by applic:iblc la�v. �
<br /> 20. Ha�urdous Sabstunres. Dorrower str.dl nut cause ur permit thc presence, usr, dispusal, stor.i�:c, ur relecise uF any I
<br /> ' H:iz.�utious Subst:uiccs un ur in Nic Property. 8orc��wcr sh:ifl not do. nor allow anyonc elsc ro du. �mything ai�fccting thc
<br /> Pmpeny th�t iti in viulation of;any Envimr.mental Ia�v. Thc prececfing t��•u sentences sliall r.ot appl�� to thc prcscnre, use. or
<br /> � stori�c rnt tfic Proper�y of s►n:tll yu;�ttitics uf Hnzanlous 5ubstances that arc�;encr.illy ra:ognizcd to bc upprupriate tii namial i
<br /> ° residcntial tescs and to maintcnancc uf dic Nroperty. ; ,
<br /> ' v�yo 3 u�a Fotm 3028 9190 `
<br />` . �
<br /> , .
<br />.. , l_ ._. _.
<br /> J
<br />