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<br /> f�`;,••'"' •• � ' THI3DEGAOFTRUBQ'.�Rdothlr 11 d�yo! AA�ril ,1995.r"" �___
<br /> ,. ° ��,�n D�niel J. Charron aad Ma��;axet J. Charron� husbund and wif•e ao �,oint tenantr� � ��:--_
<br /> " � 909 [dest fith St. Grand Island� NL� 68801 � �� e�_�;T
<br /> wh�a madltng add�b . � �i:,;
<br /> ;�i:_ . ; � , ���� St�waxC Title Guaranty Companv �,��t�:
<br /> — ' ' Whoee mniling ag�r�in P•0. Baz: 2029 IIoua�on � TX 77252 � �::<�._�
<br /> -- - '. • ..':�. w�toe,�and r°aaweat Finnndal Nchradce,Ina.whoee malUn�[addma ie 2319 N. Webb Rd. ��:�'-
<br /> �.�,� P.O. Box 1373 Grand Ialand� N� 6$E302 �a�&neRciuy. "�
<br /> -;, -- • __ L�IiTHF38E'!'H,`�a'.�ro tr��y frrvoe:.4I,L:�sni txirII'..fn��:1,r.ad�nvay tc'14u..•t,.�s ta t!eek,t�it�poe4er af�ale,the tnlln�vieg rleecrttuwfi "i:,:
<br /> PY���� Iiall Ca�aty�Nebmslrn:
<br /> „ E. —_-.
<br /> �' Lot Z, Block 10, Rollins Addition, City af Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraelta. �d:•y-
<br /> . . •.a�a:.`�,
<br /> ,,;.:;`,; ,�..� ,��:
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<br /> f �+�� � Z1o8etker witdi Rmnemonta.hereditamente,e�d uypurteneaaa thoreunto 6elonging oa in iu�ywiae appe:tafi.ning end the nnL,iuue��atl �}�-
<br /> .
<br /> - . ,�. pcirui�'s iuo'tdv�. _
<br /> � ^ ,Thi�conveyu�oe ie iatended Cor the purpo�e of e�ecaring t�e pr�yment to BeneSiclarq of ZY�tord promiawry nota of evea dete ialhs�suat
<br /> ot 3 17$92.�� ('lbtel of Pnymentc�.Said 7bW of Payweate is repayable accondfng ta t�o terme of aaid uMe. Paymont may 6a made ia
<br /> s'�<.:_ . • advance ia eqy amonn3 at anyr time. Default ia meldng aay pe,yment ehell,et the HeaeSciary�e option and without notice or demand.nnder ss;`;,
<br /> ' tho eatlre unpafd baleac�oP e.aid loan nt onca aue a�d pdya6!e,leee any:+equired rebsW of chnsges.
<br /> " Zb pmsect the eecurity of tmle Deed of Zlruet,ltraicWs covenanta end egroee: ='.''
<br /> � I. '!b iceep the p:operty ia g,wd condition nacl nsy�ir,to psrmit no vnute theneof;to wmplete an,v 6uildtng,e2ructuz+e or impmvemeat being
<br /> , ';'si .. „• built oa about to be huilt theieoa;W reatore promAtJy eqy buildtng,etruchu�e or improvememt therwn which mny be dama�ed or da�troYed;
<br /> , and W coaiyl3r wtih aU lnwe.onli��ncee,cegulatinne�coveasnte,con�ftione nnd reatrlcttonu affect(ng tho P�P�+�Y
<br /> • •l . 2. Zb pry 6efona do]inQuenS aIl laxfiil taxea ead eeaeeementa upoa tlie pmpertyr,to lceop tho property Gree and clear of ell other chrriger.
<br /> ' Uens os encumhsnacee impafr[ng the secudLy oYth3e Deed of'14us� '
<br /> 8. 'lb Ic,sep ell bulldiags now or heroafter orsetod on the pruyerty deecribed homin coatinuouely iamirc�agninflt loea by fire or oWea d�sairde
<br /> , ,, ia aa amonnt not lew than thr�tol.�l dobt sacu�sd by P1�ii Deed of?Yuat A!1 poflcias ehall be held by tho BoaoAvinry,and be ia eur]�oompanieH
<br /> as ehe BeneSctar9�Y�PBmce and hnve loes neyn6le fuat.to thaAeae wreat mny enpeor aad then to the 7taetor. The am�aunt ;,����;^
<br /> �- ,� coUected uader aepr insusanoe policy mRy be sppl�*�S1Q�Vl13�IA0r�411t�14q�lM� cby ux+ed tn euch or8er en the Bea.eflciary shaU determine. x:,�;{.�
<br /> , .R,,, Buch appliatioa by the�eaefidary ehe11 aot caue�;�ti��q►�any p - to foreclose thin Deerl of'�Yuat or cura or waive aqy
<br />' , ,�,, dofault or nottcri of default or invalldato nqy ecL dgqsp�oi�l;; ''!3�ovont of forcclosuro,nll r(ghte of tho�Yvstor in iasuraaco
<br /> ,�,..� polidea Wen ia foroe a8e11 gass w tho purche�r nt•the fe�eloe�e eele:r°^� .• •'
<br /> � "�"��:' �. 4b obtAin the wrltt�+n wnseat of BenoBciury�►nfore selling,conneytng or otherwiso txansfarting the property ar nqy pnrt iherootand eqy ,
<br /> „ • :;� wrh eale,coaveyeaco or hanafor without tho ffione8dory's wrltten co�ont ahnll conatituto n dofault undor tho tarmo horeo�
<br /> � 6. 'lb defend nu,y act[oa or proceeding purporHng to nffect the security horoof or tho righte ar yowora of Heaoficiary or 7Yvetee.
<br /> "' • .. 0. $Lould'Ilruator fail W pay whea due nny+tn:es.asseasments,iaeurnnco promiums,llons,oncumbrnuwa or other chnrgee ngainat the
<br />, pmperty heminahove deacrlAed,Baneficiury ma�y pny tho enmo,nnd tho amaunt so paid,vrith intarest at tho mto set forrh ta tho noto eccauec7 ,
<br /> ,. ' heroby,ehall bo nclxled W aad bccomo a purt of tho alebt secured ia this Deed of Rku3R an pormittcd by ln�v
<br /> . IT IS DNPiTALLY A(}REED THAT. ;,.
<br />' " 3. Ia tho evoat my portion of Lha properEy is tnkon or d�moged in nn ominont domatn proceeding,Cha c�nt�+o cmount of 4he awnrd or eucla
<br /> _ ; portion thnreof ue msyr ba neceseary to ful�y sotia$►tho obligadon secumd homby,shnll be pnid to Seaeflctory to bo applled to anid obligntian.
<br /> 2. By ucoepting puyment oPnqy euus eecured httreby after ite due daUa,Benofictnry doe�aot wNvo ite right w requiro prompt pnymont whoa
<br />- " � '.:�,,, duo of al!oehor eums no eccurcd ar W d�clnm dofoulc for failuro to no pqy. ,
<br /> - . 3. '1R►o`Ifustao ohull reconvoy nU or nr�y Eart oP tho proporty covored by thia Accd of 7Yust to tho poraon onHticd thoroW.on writtoa mquest
<br />_. of tho R�vstor and tho$onoficiary.or upoa entiathctioa oPtho obligatloa securcd nnd vmttoa i+equeat for mconvoynnco mndo by tho Benoticiary
<br /> or tho peaenn ontltlsd thereW.
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