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Un!ac� Emrot�cr cad icn,..r c�rc�a�i���, c:iy <br /> � n��u1�id0 GGZL}�i PCC=iV.:��itliil;:IIYP�Y:�I OT�07 C'.ARQL'JCT�O ES�it�i�Z Ct.:l ha r;ra��S �irc4¢o cry c�auun2� �.'Oi70P1:.7 OL1;;�O�1 t�l� CCC'I;;,IJ(�:.%�� - <br /> " cr.c'i��le,�a41nt::rc,i at E:�l�r.';.-1,c�ca��d tn h�1c;c�t,cnd th�i�ta�•rinc!;scl.1?perC!cl�:s�:psy,�i�nY a4 4ii�c�curcil c'�b2;c Pa�c�;�rc:cr.;�,ft r.;'1 <br />__..... _..__ ..��...._. ... .. ,.a ..,�r �..� .. � <br /> r:.t���z..�o. .,r,CCe^r.::�o..:...:���_r.•yra,r,x uni�l tGa oertsra�i�Ia�i 1���n.A In 4�p. .... <br /> • . 2.�(�;.:1 Aga'.r.s4 YiSia.�:lild' tyiu p��y a;l 4us:cs,CII�'�8°f71Cf110�nnd oth^r cherp�a nnzlL-utebio to tho prop�r4y�•nc�n dua cnd wl:l dsicn4 t�tto <br /> � -� o . tA 4hd ptOF9f["�/8gaG19L A�l�CIF2IJI19 WIiILh WOUId ifi?p91�t11H IICII 0}LhlB dCSt�O�[RJBL LBRd�Jt G13y POQLL�O COiPOVJ3J LO Q3G1(Jtl 811y flQh[8�CIE�DI�Ot _ <br /> �oienscs w.h!cn Latrovisr r��c�li1vanflnin�;pstYies rr�.o cupply labor or matoda:�to trnprovo o�m�intcln th�prop:r4y. <br />��'�-""��' ..''''" 3.fnwr�nt�. Borrowor�vill keep the property In�urod�mder terms eccspteble to Lander et Borrower'e exponeo end for Lander'e Gone112.�All �-;r'= <br /> tnx►vanca policics ad�ll Inctuda a atnnslerd mcrtflago ctouzo In Pavor of Lende►.Looder will bo nemad as laae p9Una or ea 4ho Insurod on any ouch '�''" <br /> �:„� ., .., : tn���oticy.�m�In�vrcRCa prc�^�da mnV h�rnplt�d,e1ltAin I,cndcr'o dir.rr�tlan,tn�tth.^.►tha rostoratlon or ropclr nf the demaneA prope►2y <br /> or to tiwi�tcurod ctebt.If lend�r requfrao rnorYpape fnaurence,Borrower�proe�4a matntatn wch insurance Pur ae lonp Ea Lendor raquUae. �?=• <br /> -. ���'����� 4.Ptop�rty.Borrower wlll keop ihe properry In pood conditlon end make ell rapaire reaeonebly necasaory. �� <br /> y �....r�. <br /> • '��r:t o•�'�'""�' 6.Bx�ssN.Barrower e�reea tu pey all Lender'a expen�oa irtciudi�g roasonebte ettorneys'teea,if Barrower breake eny covananto in thta deed e,j,,_�, <br /> .: . '�, of trutt ot In eny o611getion secured by thfa deed o1 truat,dorrowe�witl pay thes�amounte to Lender ae provfded in CnHenent 61 of 4file daed of u. <br /> . „ • . . trust. `` <br /> ' 8.Pricv S�cuTity Irtteq�U1.Unlese Rorrower f(ret o6talns LendsPe written consarrt, Oorrovsior will not meke or pormit eny chanpea to eny priot -- <br /> � 6ecuricy intereste. P.orrowar wriil perform alf of Borrowsr's o6ligatians under any prlor mortpape, dead of trua4 or other security c0tc�mcnt, . <br /> ;�;;� ; ' Inatudinp E3orrowar'e cnvenente to ma4ce peymente when dua. -_=�'-, � <br /> � �� ?.Asttp�m�o�t of R�nt��nd P�ofit�.Bonowar asaigna to Lendor the ronta and proilts oi the property.Unteso Horrower and Londnr havo eflread �k��� <br /> - ' othorw s�a In writinp,@orrower may collect end rotain tho ronts as Iond as Borrowor Is not In dof�uit.If Borrowor defeuite, Londur, Lender's '`'�' <br /> ��: " apenk or a caurt appofnted recoiver mav takfl poss9sston and mana8o the proport}r and coliact the rente.Any ronto Landor coilocte �hail bo ��`* <br /> a;^�• epptled tiret to tho coste ot manaflln0 tha pro;�erty, Inoludin court costs and anorneys'fee�, commtsalona to rontal aDente,nnd any oihsr <br /> -- neCCtasry relmted ascpensea.The romaTntng emount of rente w�l then apply to poymante on the secured dabt ae provided in Covenant 1. �� <br /> '''a�` „ ,A�. <br /> .�:;,•=,-. ; '' ,z� 8.I.atNtoldsi ContlaxMr�iums:Plannsd ifNt�ev�ioprtt�ts.Bortowar agrees to romply with the provisiona ot any leaoe if thta doed of truat ia on <br /> -_ -_ . a►oasehold.It thtr deod of tru�t is�on a unit in e condominium ov n ptannod t�Nt ctovelopmont,Borrowor wlil porform all of porrowcr'B dutie� s.�� <br /> �-" . " � under the covenente,bylews,or repulationa oi the condominTUm or plannod uniY dovatopmant. <br />�".�v•. <br /> '; �+'� �• ' . 9. A�t!►aeity o1 l��dor to P�rlmn fcr 9ortowe. If Borrowar tet4a to�perform any ot Borrower's dutlan under thia dead af truat, Lender mey <br /> �. ... ..... ::.._., ��o►m tha dutlaa or causo thom to ba uertormod.L6ndar mey eipn Borrovmr'8 namu or sy any ontiount 1f neCessary tAr portotmancA.If eny <br /> �. •• cnnsuuction on tho proporcy is dicconttnuc�or not carrlad on In a reasonebto mannor,LortSer may do whatovar is nocossery to pm <br /> toct LonCer`e �``" - <br /> . „���i' sacudry latersst fn the property.Thia mAy tnclude completfnp the construction. -.- <br /> +: <br /> „ , Landor'o failuro to peAorm wi:1 not prociudo Lender from axorc(sing any of ito othor righto under the law or thin daed of uust. �� � <br /> 'J�' `'�'� Any emounts paid by Lender Eo�rotnot Lender'n security tnterest will be secured by thts deed of uuet.Such amounte wii�qo dua on demaa� •� <br /> • : ; �;�` anrJ wlil bear interoat from the dnie of the payment untll paid in tuil et tho f��ternst rute in eNect on the secured debt. <br /> 10. Defe�.�t enil�flce!!eretlon. H Borrowar fet(s to make eny paymer.t whon duo ar breake eny covonnnts under thie e�eed ot uus3 or nny <br /> '•�� '•:,-". obfipetion securod by thia dead of trust ar any prlor mortgege oe desd u4 trust,Lender m9y eccelereto tne maYUrity of tha 6e.ured c]obt end <br /> . _ d9mand Emmediete peymant and may invoke the powar of sale end any other remadi0o porm(ttad by eppilaable law. <br /> � . , •s � 11.R�qa�rt tor Hotice of Dataull.`It fa hareby requeated that copiea af the noticos of dafpult and eato be sent to eaah pflreon who Is e party � •'. <br /> ... ._-� �u�'Pif,f�Ai}�p p�I/{/PICY fft QAR�S!ISSL!'!�pIGQ(� AG CAY fQ{TII FW(QI�I; jA.X-.. <br /> �h.'•._{. 12,Pow�r of BMo.If the Lender Invokas tha povsrer of sate,tho Trustee shall first recoed in the office of the ragtster ot dceda of each county k-�-=� <br /> wheroln the Vuat property or some part or parcel thereof la situeted e notice of detault conteinlnp the infarme4ton requtrad by law.The 7r'rstee .E:. <br />' 1�r�?�;r ahall ateo meil copiee of the notice o4 default to the Bonower,ta oech parson who Is a party horoto, and to othor persons ea prascrihed by <br /> .; , � ",��;�'�'� epplicable taw. Not leoe than one month etior the Trustee recorde the notico of defuult, or two monifie If tho trust proporty Is not irt RnY '�' <br /> , . •� inoorporated city or vtilepa end Is usod tn farminp o��eretlan9 carriad on by thn t�uetor,tho Trustae shall aive publ�a notico of sale to thv porsons <br /> . . end in the manner presaltod bv eppplica4ia law.7rustoe,without demend on Borrower,ehnli seil the property at pubiio ouction to tha hiphest .•'� <br /> �,t;,�;.,,' �.. bldAer,lf reyuircd b�the Farm liomestead Protectlon Act,Trustee shall oftor tho propert�/in two soparate aoles as requirod 6y appllcqb1a law. yi;, <br /> ,;�•��. � ., , Yrutte�m�y partporte sale of eli w eny parcel of tha property by pubtio announcament�a2 tha time end place o}any previously scheduTed eete. �,; � <br />,T•� , r Lend. -.•lts dealynee may purc hase t Na praperty et any ee le. �: <br /> .:�� �.;�, Upon recelpt of paVment of the price btd,Trusteo ehail deflvor to the p�rchnsor Trusteo's deed convoyinp tho prope►ty.Tho recitfats contelnad In <br /> ;�, . ,�,�� Truetoe's deed shall bo prime incte ovidtonco of tho truth of tho statomonte corttained thoro(n.Trustee shall epp�y tho procoada of the sote in the <br /> following order: (a) 4o ell oxpensoa of the selo, Including, buE not Iimitad to, reasonablo Truatee's toes, roasanable ottorney's feos end <br /> , ° ° reinstatemont tees;(b)ta atl suma eecurod by thts deod of uust,end lc)tho balance,if any,ta the�oreona legelry entitled to recelve It. <br /> -'. � 78.Foractowr�.At Le�deYs optio�,this deod of Vust mey bo toreclosed(n the manner provido by appltcabte law for 4oroclosure of mortgagos <br /> -y.-.Yy,h,,.,... ..w •, on reoi uroP�nY• <br /> ::,i:: .�w..,:•:�•r. • � <br /> . .. �,,.. . 14.►ntp�cUon.Lender may entar the proporty to inspoct(t if Londor givoa Borrower notice beforehand.The n�tico must etato tho roasonabie <br /> _•, _. <br /> r_ . ...__„� • ceuse for loader'�Inspoctlon. <br /> ... ... <br />- , 16.Cond9mntdan.Barrower essigns to l.onder tha procoeds of eny eward or clafm for damages connoctod with e condemnation or othar tekinL � <br /> o!ell or eny pert of the proparry.Such proceads will bo epp0od es provlded in Covenent 1.1'his ossignment Is subjeat Qo the terma of eny prlor <br /> • . � secwity ayroament. <br /> -� 16.W�vx.By exercislnp an�romedy avallable to Lender,Lander doea not flive up eny rtahte to later use any other remedy.By not exercfsinp <br /> ^ :� , eny ramedy upon Bonowor's dofautt, Londor doea not walve eny rlght to Iator constder tho avont u defauit(f ft hnppons aflefn. <br /> 17.Jdnt�nd&�v�ral U�hiUty; Co-slan�ra; Saccaswa ond Assigns Bound. All duUos undor this dood of truot aro Jolnt ond sovoral. pny <br /> ,t;: � �� Borrower who co-slqna 4his deed of trust 6ut doea not co•sign tho undeAying debt inatrumont(s) doos so onty to gmnt and convoy that <br /> �. Oorcowor'e intereat fn the property to tho Trusteo undor the torrt�s of tfiis deed oi additfon,such e Borrowor uprees ihat the Lon�er nnd �� <br /> •�- • � � eny other Bonowar under this doed of trust mey oxtend,modiiv or make any othor changss in tho torms of ffifs deod af trust or the socurod <br /> ' dent wfthout that Borcowor'a cortsent end wlthaut reteasing thot 13orrower from tfio tormc ot thls doed oi Vurt. <br /> ' � The dutios end 6onefits of thia daod of truct ah�ll bind and bonaHt tho succoasore and oastpna of Londur and Borrowor. <br /> � ,. ..� <br /> - .�."�+"f'�'l� 18.Notic�.Untese otherwise roQutred 6y law,any notico to Horrower shaii bo fltven by delivering it or by maliing it by ceniflod mail addressod ta <br /> � Borto�vQ�:t tho proporiy addrass or nnY othor nddross that 9orrowcr has givon to Lond�r.Borrowor wiil givo any notico to Lond¢r by cortiftod <br /> �.:" ' • - maU ta Lender's addras9 on papo 1 of tiif9 deed of trust,or to any other eddress w1►IcA Lender has deslpnate�i.Any oihor notico to Lendor sheli <br /> '.t��,��� be eent to Len�ar'o eddress as ntated an pnpe 9 of thln daad o!Vuae. <br /> Any nottce eholl be deemed to have boen given ta 6orrower or Londor when givon In tha mannar stated nbovo. � <br /> ��� � � �'� 18.Tnrfst�r o7ltts Pro�rty or a Ban�flciN Iclt�r�st tn tM Bottowlr.t4 olt or any part of tno proparty or any intorest in it Is�old or ur+nsfarred <br /> : ,. f without Lendor's pdor wdYten consent. Londor mey domand Immodiato pnym6nt o}tfie securod debt. Lendor may aloo domaryd Immedlate <br /> peyment If the 6orrower lo not a natural parson ond o bonoiicial tnterest In tho Borrowor la aold or transforrod. Howove�, Lendor may not <br /> ' �, �.. damersG;.syr.�snt in tho a6ova nituaUono H k Is prohibitnd bq tedo�at law es of tho dc+to of thfa deed of truat. <br /> - � 20.R�convayance.VYhun tho obtiflatlon sacurod by thin dand of trust hoa 6nan pald ond Lundor hes no funAor ublipatton to moko advancos <br /> . , ' " under ttio Insvumente or ogo�amonte socwoJ 6y thla daod of Vust,tfio Truatuo chalf upon writton roquost by tho Londor, rocunvoy tAo truat <br /> � Fro�orty.Tho londCr chall d�fivor to tho Bor►owot,ar to Borrawor'e cuccossor in fntarast,tho trust dood nnd tho notn or othflr ovidonco of tho <br /> ob�igatton so oati�flod.Borrowcr ohni7 pny any racordation costa. <br /> „ ----- _ _ <br /> __ ----- -- r- <br />- • 21. SIiCCitiO�TN{4iY. londor, at Londor's option, muy ►umovo T�uatoo nnd appolnY e sucwscor truatoo 6y tirst, mofiinp o copy of tho � <br />- cubsdtu4lon of trusYeo os roqutrod by appiicablo law,ond thon,by filing tho cub�tltuUon of trustao tar rocord!n tho oftico of tho ropfator of dcoda <br /> o�cach caunty In��hich th�trvot property,or como Dart tharcof,i�aftuntcd.Tho succossor trustao,without convayonco of tho propnrty,shoil <br /> •• succaed So nll iho powcr,dutias,authority s►sd tylo of tho Truatoo nmm�d tn tho d¢od af trust and of any succossor trustoa. I <br />- ., I ' <br />_ � I <br /> ,. .• ° ., � <br />- . . .. ' fpage 7 o/21 I ., <br />- � OA91KCiiS 6Y6TEMS.IKC.,6T.CLOUD,MH G0901 fl�;OD�997•23�11 FORM OCPJATdAE 6118/91 I <br /> I <br /> „ � <br /> 1� . �. <br /> - , <br />_- _ <br /> . � I <br /> ' S <br />