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<br /> (r.) �aiias�*ar+cm by Lerid€�r het a Walver.Any 4prbsarance by l.enciar in mxt�ai�in�any right or remsdy t��rc�under,or
<br /> othecwi�.�o affor�iaci by appifcable iaw,sstr�ll not be m w�ivar of ar preclude the exercixi af any such right nr remedy`:Tho
<br /> prncurament oP insurance or tR��p�ymc�nt c'taxea or othec Ilena ar char�,��hy Lendar shutl not be a walver of L�ndar'.a ri�ht to '°
<br /> r�ac�sferata iha�r��turity of th��indebYedn�sa�secured hy Shis Deed af Tru�t.
<br /> (ei) ^succe�:aoru and As�i�rea Fourad;duln��srad Serorel Lfabifily,Captiana.Yhe cavensnta and agreiements Marmin con-
<br /> ttsin�d sPiAll hind,��d Yhe rir�hts hert3und�ar shrall Inure to,the respeative3 succ�3sspr�and aasigns af Lender�nd Trustor,Atl
<br /> cava�:i�nts an�i�grer�m�nts ot Trasfcsr shal!he jafnt n�nd apverel.Tha�p4iona And headings af th�paragraphs oi 4hia 17eed oi
<br /> F Trust eare:tae cnirovpnlenco vrily�nci�pa r�q4 tp�.P u�sd to interprvt or d�fin�the provisions horeat.
<br /> (�) F3ac�uaat 4ssr hlcr3i�ea.Tha pa��a�h�reby r�que�t that a capy ot any nakice af deluult h�+reunder and a copy oT any noticd
<br /> c�t snlo harsund�r Ca mailad to Qach party ta�thi�pepd�f fi'r�ast�t the addre�s�et Torth ak�c+ve In ttie manner prescribed by
<br /> Eap�il,rsblo taw,Excop'.far an'y othar natice requlrt�d under applicable��w to ba givan in av�other mannar,any nnt{c0 providad �
<br /> f�r In thl:�Da�d o4'irusi shall ba glvnn kay rr���llnq�uCh natic�6y�ertilied niaN addre�r,+e�4p the a9Mer pArtl�s.,�t tha addraas s�!
<br /> for4h�bnvw.Any r�otic�prc�vic�ad tpr In ihlx peesd ni Trust shali k�e efieatlye upon mal►ing in tha mann�r de�igner9ecl herain.N �
<br /> i'rustor la morP thctn ano persr7n,notica�ant ta thQ t►ddr�aa�et fvrth abav�ahAll be nptice to All euch persons.
<br /> (� i�apcw;fibn.Lan�iar mmy m�h;�or cause to ba mcadn rqasonablo en4ri�ss upan and inspe�Uona ai the Prcaperty,provid�d �;
<br /> _, thst L�+nder si�ail�iv�Trustor noticr�privr to any such inspac�'.�n�p�cl�yfng re�tsonmble r,�use theralor relatec�Ra I.ender'a
<br /> intvrest in the�'ro�erty.
<br /> (g) 6�a��vnvey�nco.Upon pc�ymmnt ot a)I suma 9acured uy thfa qeed ol Truat,I.endar ahall requ�atl'eust��tn recenvey the
<br /> Prope�rty�a;^t:shali�urrona�r ihl�Devcl�t 7 ru5t�3nd all nptp�avidvnaing Ind9h4ednom�seeured by thls Dascl G4 TruBQ to Truetea.
<br /> Tru�Se��nhttli rr��onvay the� �'rr?�erty wf�hau4 w�arr�znty and wlthaut chnrge�ta the pqrsor�or perapna i�g�tly�ntlHed th�r9lo. •,�
<br /> "frusRnr sha�i ppy ail c��st�of r4cord�at(�n,it any. ��
<br /> � (h) peracaai�a6 P��•eparly; S�ctarity�9g�e��frnattt.As additlan�l s�'scu.rlRy for the payment pf th�+Plota,Trustor�iereby grant�
<br /> L<s�ider under Yi�n N�abrF�ska Unitorm Gommgrctal Cade a securl4y In4erv.st In aBl 1lxtures,oquipmen4,and other pc�rsnnal prnperty
<br /> usr�d iri conna�tlorr��rith th�r�al��state"qr Irn�rov,3m�nt5 located tt�arc�an,r�nd not:�therwi�e deClared nr deemed ta he a part ot
<br /> - tYics r�t�l as4[±4�s��urs�harciby,1'hi5 Inatrum�+�t�h&II�c�apnstrued s��aacurity Fogreement under sald Cada,and the 1.ender
<br /> ah�{II havtr all the rights c�nd ramddl��pf a sacurep p�r4y under sa(d Coai�In s,ddltivn►q the rlghP�oncl remedies c:reated under ' ''�
<br /> �,,y, c�nri accord�+d tha LQruiar purau�nt tn thls C�oed at 7ru�t;provided that l,and�r's rir�ht�and remc�dles und�r this par�greph shall
<br /> °'� h�cumulativw evlYh,and in no w�ay�a iimit�4lpn on,i.endar's rlght�and rvr��adiF��unele�any o4her saourity dgraament sf�7nad by ; °'
<br /> EJatrotiv�r ur i'rustor.
<br /> � (i) Q,IutSS antJ Lricunat�ranr.��.Truator heraby wMrrants And raprvsen43 thaY thete Is no d�faUlt Under th0 prbvisiona of any
<br /> rr�artc)�.g��,drapd ol Vuat,toa;3e pr purchasca caniract�iascriM�i�g t�ll or�ny part oi thp Prpparty,pr othpr cvntract,Inatrurn�3nt or
<br /> �graem�nt constitutin�a U�n or enaumbrance ag�xinst a!I or any part of the Proparty(cpllectively,"Llens"),exiatlng�1s pf the ,
<br /> dutca oi tl�is L]er�d ot'1'rust,ancl thpi nny�nd ali existing Lians remain�nmodiliad expept as disciosed ta Leneior in Truator's
<br /> writton di�ci,�sure oE Ii�n� and encunibrarrces pravided ir,r herein.Trustor shali ti�riely perlarm aU of Trustar'a oblfgatfons,
<br /> � covane�nts,r�prnsrantations and Wr�rr�antles urider any and all exisitinq and future Liens,shmtl promptly forward ta l.endet coples
<br /> w °'` i pf eH natic�s of de:fault sent In cnnnoc4lon with any and Ali axistinc�or futura Llans,and sh�ll npt wfthout Loneler's prlor wfitten
<br /> �,�� conaent in any manner modlfy tho preaisior.s of or allow any futur9 advances undsr r�ny axisting or future l.lans.
<br /> �) A�p9;��4iQn q!Paymer�ts.Unle�cs otherwise requlred by law,siirns paid to l.enaer hereunder,Includi�g wlthaut Ilmitation
<br /> pa.ymer�ts ot prinpip�l and InEqrost,Insur�nco prvr..aads,condemnatfon proaaed�pnd rnnt�and pro4it�,ahall be appliad tsy ', ,.
<br /> a� �encier to tiie amounts dua eand owing fram Trustar and 9nrrr�wsr In s�ach order as Lendar in Its saie dlscrstinn deem4 desireble. k '
<br /> (k) ��vcar�at�7f18y, IP r�ny qro�fslan nf this paad of 7rust confifcta wiYh appllcr�bir�law or fs declared invalid or otharwise y
<br /> unenTorceubl�,such confiict ar fnvalidity sl�alt not afloct the�other prnviaon�r o!ihi3 Deod of Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> �r' giv�+n�fic�ct wl4haut thaa Confllctin�provlslan,and tn this ericl tha prpvls;Gns of th�s Dtsad al TruSt�nd the NoW are declsrad to be �,"
<br /> �evc:r�Ula.
<br /> 7j�, _ (q 7'a�•n�n.The termg"Trustor"pnd"6orrcawer"shatl include bnth singular and plural;and whvn the Trusf<�r and Barrpwer
<br /> Ar�:the scamo person(s),ttiosa terms taa used in ch,la�saci oP 7rusi sh�ll ba in4erCh�ingeabi9.
<br /> �1: (m) G�vcarnln�l.x�w.Thls Qc�sd p!Trust�haU ba r�vvacned by Thd leawa of th�Stgte af Nebraske, ��
<br /> k; ,.
<br /> Trustar has r�xocut�d ihla C��ed of TrGist as of tho d�i;�written abav . ' '
<br /> ' � �
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