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<br /> G'�cd�r.1r�f M � 4 � � R� ��' � a .?W�`7 �'�..�k.atb'�" ��ry�+^1 "Y�9+�r�i'�`r'{��:. .f:. ' � �,��W ky,�i�� k d� S ''°��'lr��'yC�l�t�'
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<br /> Thlt�:,UE�:t7 UF"fRUST,Is n�adm�s oi thr�?...�t�d�y ot ...�. • ,19�� by and among
<br /> th�7ru�tor,...—..�.._�1�,�sw�IIc�an�._..7 2ic}L`?'w ---hx'a��[1�nd vlf� ,
<br /> whosc�m��ling�ad�lraa�i�a �sl"l �3 t�1.d Fligiarray 30 Gr�nd.Islarcd to '�E1��3�-5097 :.
<br /> (herc�in"Trua r, w a er ane or more),
<br /> � �<:
<br /> tna�7rUa4�s. ...w._.....F.a���a'R--EI.�—a.-�hr�s.�a....C.t�p. °' ,
<br /> a-..
<br /> whas4s rnmiliri�address lu p.U. E1ox 15�D7 Gr�nd I�sland, Ed� 66�t02 �� (hereln"Trustee").and '
<br /> r
<br /> ths�an�+llclr�ry, __�iv;7 Fnint� �ank _ �
<br /> � _.. �.
<br /> whos�mr�lAn�s�<Jroys ic�c�2�15 N�p�aadra�ll Gr�nd Y��.�nd N�. 6�802-1507 (hereln"I.endec").
<br /> f�Dl�VA�UAE3LE COtdSID�f�AY14N,lnciuding Lenclor•'s ext�nalon af cr�dit idendiied hprein t6�1� Zig.�er "
<br /> , �,
<br /> �,tµ�Unnna J 'Liqler (horaln"Borrow�r",whethior one or more)snd ihe trust h�reln created,
<br /> ihe recr�ipt oP whlch is her�by��knowf�sdgr7d, ':rusior hereby lrrevpc��ly gr�nts,Crranst�rs, canvoys and aaslgn�ta Trugtge,IN ;;
<br /> TRlJti7"(',4JIT�1 PQY�JER�7�SALF,ior tl�a benetlt mnd�s�urliy pf Lendsr,urider snd subJect in the tecros and cond)tlana hereinnftsr aet �
<br /> torth,4tia renl pra,o�ty,de::csibad na latir�w�s:
<br /> LO'I' T�IIii7"Y F'GI�R f3�) ZI� k?�li'rIA1G'S FIRST SUB�?I�I�IOZ� TO CITY QF GCi�Al� �SLAPiA,
<br /> 13Fs�.i.. CC)�J"�TY, FB�BRASa�h. , r
<br /> , i::
<br /> ��,
<br /> 1'pg�th�r vrlth�sil k�ulldlnc�s,Improvements,flxtures,slreoka,elleys,pmssttgeways,na5�ements,rights,privliagas and appurtc.
<br /> ncancos Ic�c�atnd ttieraan ar In ar,yevi:at�pt ri�ining thereto,�and xhe rents,Issuea and profita,reveralons and remalnders ttierep(,and
<br /> ' such psra��ntlf�rop�rty ihr�t Is aCtcach�c�t�tti�r imprnv�mHn4�eo ea tp cqnatltutq a lixfura,includin�,but not Ilmitad ta,heeting and
<br /> �;� cn�iing ca�ulpm�nf;Hr�d Qoye2h�er wlth th�hame�tee�c!or marita!I�t�rests,IP eny,whloh in4c�rna4e ara hersby r�l�saed And welved:al;
<br /> k��, �f+r�hlch,InCiudlr�rqplaG�mbnt�and tAdd141Dr1s 4harvto,Is hereby declurNd ta he�part ot tha real astata aecurad by tha Ilen of thla
<br /> r `�''• 6aJd vt Tru3Y and x�!I a4 tho taroqoing being reatsrrad to horr�in ras tY�e"Prcperty". ^'
<br /> � �:-
<br /> � ��t 'ihl�Dao,i nt Trust shail secur�(a)tha paymerit of tho pr(ncipai sum and interest evldenced by a promissory nota or credit ; ;
<br /> ��,�,�
<br /> `�•"°'� a gr�emant data� AnrYl z�},�, 1�95 _ ._._._.,having ra maturity date dt_......_ April 23rd 1996 ,
<br /> �
<br /> �.1 in the ariglnal princ+pal amount oi�__.... ���1�•g8 ,and any and aii modificationa,extenalpne and renewals
<br /> �� , thermoS or ttisreto and any and all f�ature�dvanc�s and reudvancea to Barrawar(pr any of fl�am if more thar� vne)he�eunder
<br /> pura��ant to vno or mqre promi�sory nota�or Gr4dit agreemanls(hereln cmlled"N�ts");(b)the pAyment of other sums.advanced by
<br /> Lmndar to protact the�ecurity of the Note;(cJ the pgrformance ot�II eavenants and agreement�of 1"ruatar set Iprth fiereln;and(d)al�
<br /> present and{utura IndebSedne+�s mnd obligatipna o1 porrvwer(or�ny o1 them{f mrrre tisan wne)ta Lender�vhsther direct,Indlrect,
<br /> abnaluto c�r contin�tr nt und whacher earlsing by nate,quaranry,overdraft or ntharwise.7ha Nnta,this psed of Trust and any and all
<br /> y�' a4h�ir d�cuei�°�th;�t t�ecure th�Plot�or atherrvlse executPd In connaation thereavlth,including withnut Ilmite4ion guarantoes,security
<br /> �d�� c�c�rr�r��nantti aeia assignmants oi leas�s anci ronts,shall be rot�rrad to hecvin a9 the"LU�n Doaumants".
<br /> T+ � Truwtor covpnnnts c+nd a;�rae�s with lenciar�as fallows:
<br /> r�s r +
<br /> � � 1. �3q�r:�e�s6 at i��slehiadr�aa�e.Ail Ind�btedn�rsS s�acurad hereby 5haf1 ba pald wh�sn dUe.
<br /> t�-
<br /> F"` 2. �'i¢!�.Truscor i5 th�owner�f thz�F�ror�e�rty,iias the rlgt�t and authority to canvay tha Prpp3rty,er�warrants that the Ilen '"
<br /> d;;,,M1�,' cr�;�ted h�reby�s a lirst and prior Ilon nn tf�e f'roparty,except fq;Ilens enci encumbrances sef forth by Trust�r In wrlting and
<br /> d�livare�d ta lendar beiare exeeutlon nf this Dwed of 7rust,and the executl•an and del(very nf thin Deea of Trust doea not violate any � :,;
<br /> contract nr�thnr ol�Iigation to whlch 7rus4or is sub�eCt.
<br /> �„�i�]���, 3. 7eax�s�,.aa�u�ssm�n4n.Tc pay 6efure da�:nquancy all t�uces,�pecial aasasamonts 0nd ail o4her char�ea again�t 4ha Property
<br /> �,�a��r`'1 now or horee�fter loviad.
<br /> ��`'�Y�^� 4..ln�iorsanco.i o keep the("roperty insur�ci ac�ainatc��mage 6y iira,haxarda included within the tarm"ex4ended coverage",�nd
<br /> ��/'''� such pther hazard5 as Landor may raqulrc�,In amounts and avith companles acceptabie to Lendar;n8ming Lander as an additiqnel
<br /> ��:" n��ned insured,wRh Inss paynbio tn tho Lender.in case�+Inss under such pnlicles,the Londor la Quthvrizad tp ad�u9t,collect nnd
<br /> ;y"�f cornpromisc�,�il cl�ims thc�reunde�r and shall havd the option ot s�pplyfng rxl�ar part nf tha Inaurence proceeds(i)to�any Indebtedness
<br /> � ' scscurejd her�t�y end in such arder as l.er�dar may cletermine,(ii)tb the Trustor ta�ie usect for the repairpr r�atoration ot the Pr4perty
<br /> ��, "� nr(ili)tn,r ffiny other purpnse or obJ�ct sa:isiactory ta Londar wlihou4 affecting tha Ilen At thl�Uaed oi Trust for iFi�full amount secured
<br /> her�by h�f�ar�such psyment avar iook pi�c�a.Any appllceYl�n ot proceeds to Indebtedness ehall not exte�nci or pastpune the due
<br /> 'ti"`�:! r9�tc�01 ejny p:ayrn�nta undmr the Note,or cura any aetault th�reundar ar herr�undar.
<br /> +�",� 5, l:�c:r��r,U�on writton demnnd by LendBr,Trustnr shail pay ta Lender;in euch manner as Lend�r may dealqnate,sutticlent
<br /> aums tc�sari�k;lv L�ndor;o pay aa th�y bmcome due onq nr morv of 4ha fol►pwing:Q)all tax9s,aeaeaamen4a und olher charges agalnst
<br /> ` tha Pror�urty,(II)thn promlums qn the praperty'.naurance r��uirmc�hereund�r,end(III)tha premluma an sny mqrt�age Inaurance
<br /> �'t�h�'��' , reqi.ilr�d 4y l.encfmr.
<br /> fs. 4Ma9nten�nnc�, �aepgtre and CompUa�nco wllh Lawr.Trustor s��all kee�a the Property In good conditlon nnd repalr,ahall
<br /> promptly r�p�air; or repleq6 any irnprovr�mmnt which may be damagod or dostroyed; ahell nat commit or permi4 any wasla or '
<br /> s��� � detwriaratian af ttro properry;sMeH nat remova,demollsh ur suk�s2�ntl�ally alter e�ny 4t the Improvamenta on tha Property;shsll na►
<br /> �.�� carnmit,sut1�r or parmit ttr,y pct to bc�dan�a In ar upon iha Proparty In violstion a4 any law,ardlnance,or regulatlon;c�nd shall pay end
<br /> K�`�� ��rarr�ptly cfisch��rqe czt Truscor's cp�t end exp�nse sll IlanS,onCUmbrancea end Chmrqe8 I9vled,Impoasd qr na�eaa�d agaln�t the
<br /> r'b'�K'•`� Pro�+3rty or any Fywut ihorc�af. . �
<br /> ^""'��'��� 7. �:mis7�n9 E7am�ln.LAndor is haroby asslgnc�c9 all compen�atfon,awards,damage�and othar paym�n4s or rellof(herolnaftar
<br /> �"��Y4°
<br /> �;�,� "Nroc��:ls")In r,onr��cslon with c<�ndQmn�tlon nr pthiar 4�kin�of the Proporty ar part 4hernq►,or tor canveyance In N�u ot candamna-
<br /> � ilon.L�nder ahdll l�a�ntltla�et It�aption 4�comm�nca,uppa�r In and wraaecute In its own n�me any actlan or pracaedinga,and �, ,�
<br /> "h� ' ' .ihrall ral�o lan antltle;7 to rnake ariy compromiso ar spttiemant{n connoctlon with euch taklnp or damape.In the avent'any pprtlan ol
<br /> ''"'� t�i<f'rn�e3rty i�so takc�n or dnmagecf,Lmndmr shall hbve!ha optlon,In ItS 6�IH 4t1d Hhsplute dll3Cr9llpil,to apply all auch Prviceed�,.
<br /> n4tar cl�ductln�tharr3ir�m�II coac�an�saxp�n�en incurred hy It in cpnn�advn wI1M euoh Prpqe�qda,upon any Indeablednaes aacur�d
<br /> I�aar�tay eirr�In�uch orr.iwr a4 l.oncinr mny d��tnrmine,nr to�pply nit su�h Proceeda,aft9r auCl1 d�dLlCtIp115,tv ths reatora4lon of the
<br /> '�v���rty u�c�r�nuch candlHnng aa Lvnd�ar rnmy da9arminr�.Any eppllaaUan af Praaands to Indabtodneas el��ll not c�xtand or pvatponq
<br /> �� the dun dat�c�P ur�y psaymr�nta Uncinr 4i'sm Nofp,nr cure�ny;lofraul4 4h�rAUn�1�r car h�rpunder.Any untappllacl tund�aht�li ba paid to ,;
<br /> .��ick 'i'rucetor. ;
<br /> �'g Fj. i��rlrazm:n��rcr+t��y t.vrY�&nr.i_Ipr.,n ihy accurrpnc�c+f uin�wc�r�t at t��atault hr�r���nd�r,car it any act Iq tetkait pr lepol ptoce0dinq ,•
<br /> � <.:;
<br /> �a� unn��Prc9nr.e��J wtilcl�rr!ut�rinily t�fi�cts�i���ncicar'a Inl�ar��t In th^�x'rnp��rty,Lmndar n��+y in Itcs own dfar.rHilon,but wlt►�aut oqllqpilnn ta dp
<br /> �+'���" ' ;�U,r�rrd v�ittrr�u�riotic�3 to or d�rnnnd uac�n 7ru�4ur�nd wlthnut r�l��pdnp Tru�tar from c�ny ol�I ig��t lon,da�ny aci w h la h Trustor hae
<br /> n�re,�rc4 k�ut Inll�3 to rlu:�nd mc�y eilssa da any athor�pt It cfoe�m�rrar.as�ary fa prut�qc4 thn s�aurity hnr�oC,Tru�tor�hull,Immodlt�tely u.
<br /> +H:. ���ann d^�mund thr�r��tor k�y L.tsnd�r,pny in L.�+nder rait cn�t�and�.xp�nsoe Incurrmd�n�i�um�sxpend�d by Lender In nonneqtlon with "`
<br /> ��-��� thG r�>;c3n.;is�hy L�n�JE�r ut;6�cy ic�rar�nlnf�rf�ht�,tr�g�th�r wlth Irr4�re��t thmr�apn�t th�clePaull rtate provided In tha Not�,whlch ahmll pe `
<br /> ����`�, rsc9dcx� la tiie Indct,tc��ir�f��p n�curr�c� hc�ruby, Leandt�r ahsall not Inaur esny II�ablHty buoausd ol anything It rnay do ar omlt to do
<br /> °�"; ` h�aroundr;sr, ``
<br /> ��z�,fia
<br /> � ;.
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