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<br /> S'�A,'�'EQk NFBR.�SIfiA 327-174'1111-703 d
<br /> � THIS DLrED OF T�tUST("�ecurity Iastniment")i�made nn �•j) ��� 19g� ,
<br /> '14►e tnsator is g{qqp�,Ey C K I�.�,I.ER
<br /> A S,I NCaLE P�RSQN
<br /> ("Hurrowcr").
<br /> 'Ih�trustcc:is ��.�g� g:�p�A1, SAV t�yG$ F3ANK
<br /> ("Trustce").
<br /> 'iYie beneficiary is �-�"�S FEGER�I. SAV I HC,S HAAVC _
<br /> � �vhich is orga��i��e�l�v�d existing ander the laws of NEBRASKA
<br /> •, and r�ho,e uddress:is• 1371 26'T�I AVEMUE •
<br /> � ' Opl,lkBliS, NE 68601
<br /> ("Lender"). BQrro�vor owes Lender tt�e princi.pal sum of
<br /> Sixty-S�ix Thousand Four Hunc�ed and No/100 -�-------___.._-----�--------------
<br /> non�.n cU.s.a ss �oa.o�a �'
<br /> 'dliis ci�bt is ev3denced 6y Bo►rotiver's note dated�he same date as this Security lnstrument ("Note"), wi2ich pro�•icics for
<br /> monthly pnymenLS.�vith the full deist,if not paid carlier,due and payablc on Msy 1. 20Z5 '
<br /> TF.�is Securiry "lna;er.i:ment secures ta L.ender. (rJ•thc repayment of ihe debt evidenced by the Note, with interest, and �11 ,
<br /> rencwals, extensidns:uid modifications: (b) �h�pnymec►t of nU othcr sums,,with intcrest,advanccd din•dcr paragraph G to --
<br /> • protect the security of this 5ecur.ity Inswment;tuicl(c�ehe pert'omiance of Borro�ver's covenanGti and agreemente. For this
<br /> purp�se,Borrowcr iRevocably�;►•ivats and convcys to Trustee,in taust,with powcr of sale,die follo�vnqg dcsrribed prnperty -
<br /> loc,,itecl in MALL County.I�fc�mska:
<br /> �vhich has th��ridress af ��y E PiEi'40�+��!ei t3R I VE Gi?M1D���yi�AA'D .
<br />= 1�fcbr;L,ka ("Propsny Addres�"):
<br /> �7_�����
<br />_ '
<br /> 'YYIGET(-I{ER �'JI'I'H ali �he improti�c�ncnts no�v on c�rcafter erccted on the pmperty, and :ill e�.zcmcnb, �ivh��,
<br /> appurtcn;mccs.rents,roynlcies,mineral.oil and g;zs rights und protit�,watcr ribhts and stock and all fixwres now un c�mafter
<br />- a paai of thc prop�rty. �1l1 n:placcmcnts;utd adJitinns sh�.ill also bc covered by this Sccurity Insuument. All of thc fumgoino
<br />= is rcf��n�ed to in Uiis S�:urity insirorncnt as th�"Pro�erty."
<br />- �3p1�RqVlGR COVElVAN7'S th�t I3o�rc���•cr�s la�vfully scized of the cstatc I�ercby comcycd cmd ha�th�right w grant
<br />_ �nd convey the Hrupeny cmd Qiat t?�e Propeity is unencumbcred,exrept fur enc�unbrsnccs oF eccurd. Burro�►�er�v:ur.mts cmd
<br />= will Qcfcnd gcncrally th�titte t�thc ProF�ny agaie�st all c1:uuLti:mJ ctcma;�ds,�uhjcet W nny cncwttbr,ttttcs ot rccorci.
<br /> L91
<br /> [�AIAI�GDL2A5feADY.fi1DN)Ii'iElUS"f' G:c:tl��:s6.;�rt;ekr�;ir.:�
<br /> ITGGiC�3)(73."J) (P�tgr��f4(`U;�eal TJC�C'i Cd'; 1•C0C•U933?JOFa�4tG�191�tt71
<br /> -
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