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<br /> '�he followin�are aGld�ndA to th�M�rc�ay�. Plesue checi�khe�.p�lic�a�le artldendum. 'xh�
<br /> � � acicicndum Ghxkal sha]l l� In�or�wra.ed intrs� autd �cor�t�l wit�, 3�te Mart�ge. '�'hc t�erm �
<br /> � "M'iortgag,a" shxll ba d�nemed to �nclud�"Uxd oF Truac�" if applicab4e.
<br /> xx k�1A and 1�m�A A.nD�Ial'Di)M
<br /> TF�IS TAX-�X�1l1+IPT FItdANCIN�R�1�R is made this 21 ST day of APRII. , 19��
<br /> � , and is incorporated inta and shall be deemtd to amend and supplament the T4tortgage� Detd of
<br /> 'e�:�t cr ��Lrity L� {"Saces'st; Ia�tn!mens"� �f �hE �ame �iata given by the undersi�ned -
<br /> ("[3c�rrQw�r") ta secura Borrower's Note�"Nois") to
<br /> �
<br /> ("Lend�r") of the�ame date and covering the pmperry described in the See�arIty Instrument and �
<br /> lacated at:
<br /> 324 N. DARR ST. 9 GftANO ISLAND NE 68803 =
<br /> [Property Addressj ,
<br /> In addition to 1���ovenants and agreements made in the Security Instpvment, Borxower and '
<br /> i.ender further covenant and agrea to annertd Paragraph 9 of the Model Martgag�Far�n��ntitled
<br /> "Grounds fc�r Acceleratian of Debt" as by addxng additional grounds for acceleraYior�as follows:
<br /> Lender, or sucI� of its successors or assigns as may by separate Instrument assume __
<br /> respons�'taility for assuring cornplianca by tlt� Bormwer with the proviisians of �his -
<br /> 1'ax-Exempt Firza�ci�g Ridar,i»ay require immediate payment in ful�of all sums secvred �`;:
<br /> � by this Sccuriry Insisument if: ��
<br /> U�:-,.
<br /> (aj . A�II or part of tt�e Praperty is sold or otherwise transferned by Horrower ;�:.',:
<br /> to a purchasex vr other tra�5fer�e: �=��.�
<br /> �..-c-:
<br /> ��t'_
<br /> (a) Who Cannot reasonabDy be expect�r! W oc�npy the progerty as a E"�R:
<br /> *��;
<br /> principal r�,sidectce w;t�in a reasvnable time after the sal� or �ransfec, aU as �-•^-
<br /> provided in Section 143(c) and (i)(Z)of the Internal Revenue Code; or t-�'�`'
<br /> �,,
<br /> ,._ -
<br /> (ii) Who has had a present ywnershi� intcrest isi a principal residenc� �� :"
<br /> during any pazt of the thrce-year periad ending on the dat�of the s�le mr transfer,
<br /> 01(533%.4
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