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<br /> �� '� p[iS�l'i:YYl4,tl4�3i1T(�lY.'9 t2(1��K�ll: iglC�fil�: �0� IY CO•Sf�B1xla 1�1I9N.�7'.r�ClltllS► Il1SCl61iY1CllE OSlSj�IO+F�I(.iij;"•Ly�,i:��ip,St i.Ti?�Gii,�4'.:�I l�ll!I �,,"^:�.
<br /> �Lt;n � ::j I3urrU��s�cr'a i►su.•icsc u+ dr:��c��a��y=��a� 9 of thia Su:us;Cy.xc��uu��i��t:(�}�I3 i1LY jiC::�i1;11Iy Gt�;I,ga:c[i t�lx�y tlati nuj�.�, �'_.rs
<br /> - sr.�urod bY thi�Sc`cwity�'�eisicu�rx�ri'�9�►A CF����that L�erxkr ond eny otAtx Borrowu may ageu t�c�tend�moclify. f '�ear 4r
<br />,;,'{ -�-"`-'":-i`-"r'-'•� ' n,.,4�q�qYprrn�nctixulNin,ir.cuidhr!'��(!f UlC}SGG".F'?lo.i3fltilSSuC4IIiI}Ig11311'[!�`Il:n2oYt1iGNoIr.�viitiautsx!�i��rrn�vcx',cansCn,� �__y,,,_
<br /> -_.��� 13,Nqt�es� A�ny aatice to B�onnvfer piovirkci for in thl�Set:urity Instrei�nent shafl be givcn by d�lvcri.ng it a by maili�g it � --_
<br /> by firs�c.ta.c��►��i2 unless apFiicatrle l�w requires uso af�otlher meshod.'I�►e nedcc shaU be directec�w tlie Fropecty Addac�or
<br /> _.----.--==M= eny olher��h�c.vs:.:�3�pimwe�designates by not�ce W I.ender.Any nott�o to I.�enclrx sAal[be given hy�x�st class mail ta L�ettdrt's _
<br /> _ �.�,y c�dansg st�hcit;ir,���w,y�;��ss i.u�dar dcsignntcs�iy notice ta Dan�owcr.Any natica proviclaQ for i►i this Securily Instr�m�mt
<br /> -----__-`_-__ �hAq br•�.�r�c�4`n k�flvt bsen given to Bnrro�vcr or�.�ttdet whcra given as prnvid�ed in l.his patagra�t�. _--_
<br /> ------- 14.Gnvesning�.�q�;SewerabUityo 1'his Sccuriry Ynsmimcat shall bc govcmed by federal law and tho Inw of rt�a -
<br /> ---= 3urLgd3ctian in which irio Property tg loc,�ted.In d�e event tt�at any provision or clause oP this S�curitgr InsWmcnt ar l!►e�lota _-
<br /> - -'�--"`• conflicts adtfi ap�aGcable law,suciti confllct shall not affect othet pruvlslons of thfs Sectuliy InsEntment�r�to Natc wb�:h cw�bo _;�___
<br /> --~�- given e.ife,ct without the conflicting provlsion.To th3s end tho provlsinna of�his Secudty rnstmment end lho Note nro docl�ced to __
<br /> � bo s�:vunl�la.
<br />�-="'��'R=-� IS.�6orraaer'e Copy. HoRawer shall ba glve�a one confom�crl capy of+hia Sec�rtry InstrumenG ���•
<br /> ._�:��r�r.c�r� _°
<br />'arw9"�.,'t..„,c:•,� !6�As:;ignmen!of Reats. Da!rowe� uncondl�onally ns�gns nnd trr�nsfers tn Lcnder all the mait� �nd revenuea of t�o e:--�.
<br /> .__.�:�.�3� �ur.s
<br />:.�,..,r , - Property.Aoirower e�i�horizes Lende�or Lcn�ter's agents ta callect dee rents an�ff rover,ur�and hereby dlrects ench tenant of thn
<br />-=�:���F� Pinperty to pay the rcnts to Lender or Lentler's agents.Hawever.prim�t�Lender's notice tn Bora��wer of Borrower's breach of �",�'°-,
<br />";±;�,;�,vx}�;,� nny covenant or tegreemu�t in the Sccurlty Instrvment,Bonrowea shall coIlect and recclve aU rents and revenue9 of She Fmpc�cy as =
<br />� - tru.qtoe for tho bcne�t of I.ende�s�d Borrower.This assitgnment of reuts cons�tutcs an absolute assignment e�d nAt an sisslgmnent _
<br /> ��"�� for additlonal sccurlty cnly.
<br /> �w.«�
<br /> SdLtt,�:{�
<br /> .�...,.a-.,�..m.,..aK...o a.aa.t�u,ttnrrnwer. la)all rents tecCivCd fby Hormwcr�hell be held by Eotrowe,r As ttusttz for �
<br /> �,_:;};�r�r . .�.- u,.ru...n p....................._..�._. � _ - .
<br /> ,,::;:.:::�.�
<br /> ocnciii'vi L"w�i'ica`�1y.iG.�',L�3;.�t0!1�°.�ilnl,°°.�..^s2Z�!b� S�6�r�rifs�Tt�rtonmrnt;ih)ir.tttlet chall be entiSled tD CallGC[alld {`'::��:
<br />=y;!��►-ti� roceive all of the rents of the Prapecty;and(c)each tenant of tha Prope�ty s'hall p�y all cents due and unpnid to L,ender or L,ender's F:.-��
<br /> -����. agcnt on L.ender'g a�itten demand to the tenan� �''"
<br /> ;;;.�,r:- ;'�;:,:;;
<br /> .��;;� Bormwcr has not executed any prlor assignment of th�m�►ta ond has�ot and wi14 not orm any act thai would reve.nt
<br /> : � P� P r:�?ti:�,;
<br />-T�=bt;-`i;;�::�A �„��r frorn cacctcflsing its rIghts undet this DaragraPh 16. �.;3;�y?;:
<br /> ...e_NR�I'�Rf'��'a[',9 ��N'fi!�
<br />- -�..�hrt..rE:'�1 -
<br />-n?�.°.��:_:::'�.'�'� Lender shall not be re��ired.to enter upon,teke conuql af or enaintain tha Propesty before or aftcr�iving noflca of bc�etsch to ;°:�,
<br /> "��``_�"-____._��-�3 Botrowrr.H4wever.Lender or a judicially appo'v�t,ed recc�vca may d�so at uny time ttiem is a bm,ach.Aay applicxtion of re��ts �`�'����
<br /> °,'.•-��r�� shall not cm�e or asive any default or invalidato�ac►y other rag�t or remeciy of Lender.This assigiment of rents of the Properiy i •��
<br /> ,�.. ' �� '-
<br /> ��_�+�_^''!�`, shali temlinate when the debt secumd by the Security Instrume�►t is paid ln i'ull.
<br /> _'" •.?FL�c£•_-_'Y�� .P.�..
<br /> - ..=,:•zwx.._a_a C�"".
<br /> r';�.`�-.:"`�.7 NQN-UN�ORM���vHNAIV'I'S.Borrower and Lender further covcnantanc3 agree as follows: 1�;.';
<br /> 'r� F,S;l�.
<br />`:�:�'�:'::'i ' 17.Foreck�enre Proccdure.It Lender reqnEres imm�te g�ayment i�full u�eder parager�pfa 9,Lr,nder may fnvoke the Y;:,��'� -
<br />•-.yz�r:{�'' 8 'n;�;;`,
<br />-=�� •;•� power of sale antl any other remedies permitted by applk�able[aw.Lendcr ahall be�ntttled to collect all expenses incurred
<br /> _- �. � in puraufng t6e remedks under tBis paragraph 17,fncluding,but not tIiaitecl to�reasonabGe uttorncys'fees a�d costs of
<br /> '�M=Kr.•:-. title evktent-e. ;`._�
<br /> ""'°�="•��. It the power of sale is invakcd�Trustce shaU record u notice of detault in each county in which eny part of tLe
<br /> �,.:, ,,,,;
<br /> _��`:=:••N' Pcoperty is bca�ed and shafl mail copies at such autice In the manner prescribed by appikabk taw to Borrower and to tbe �:��;,,
<br /> �:=_:�:.:a,�'� �:.,„
<br /> _��,�,,,,,, , .y;� other pErsons pnscribed by a�pltcabk la�v.After t6e time requ6red by applkab�e l�w�Trustee etaall give pu6lic ttotke o! s
<br />-,w-,,;�:'"::'"�t � rak to the persnns aad in t6e monner prescribed by applirable law�.'i'rustce,wifhout de�nond on Borrower�shAll sell t�E
<br />°'F'���-:i�� v� l�raperiy at pn�lle aucHoa to the 6iguGSt bidder at the time stnd pinee end under the tern�s deaigtnaterl in the nutice ntsa�e ' .
<br /> ,. ..... ` h;'��,
<br />__ �' _;';�; in nne or mo.r� parceLs and in eny ordee Trustee determtnes. Trustee me� pz�stpone sak ot a!1 or any parcey oP the �...,,
<br />__ �-. :� 1`,',,:
<br /> k��
<br />?:� '�'�y�$ �•AF�(N�(0292) Pap�6 010 Initlatr. y
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