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<br /> il ix�x9i-��.AL`rl'itiC•� i1,;i=:���i:ieu, i.ii�c�cr�.fi:dt hi';,:25'�•:Y••va� i�oil.c'�,� _ icl•dS:•p 'f;�r ,���II�.•.,1LiIl p��t>Nt:s��r�ux�,�t yh�+ ;
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<br /> �� .: ��i�ai."itfua�; I)�J.1 i�lc' l�tlli,.4�.�i )�•l1��' �, Q.���ii��.�: lu b.�r�i':� .+��i�i�.l .r. i..`I ��•'::��t�tP },.i..i �•.i} l�S� �:ltl.� �.:�U�C[.� �'. t.tt:� .� .
<br /> X�arilv tnxtrunxnt. 19"PJcxrow�ar t�fin!��;��r}'..�TKSe su�ns priui ttr ihe ccp�rrl�un�A tnes prri�xl. Lr_rair��twy invcke�ny cr.�oal+ts
<br /> - --- ��r:�j.;t.'.t.,t ha;IF�;" til'Cllli��' I���,�n�htrnt k�;lhetpr f��i�l*t-r nnti�r���•�1:metxi��n Elrn7uwcr.• .,
<br /> _ . . _. .. . . .: ; � . . . ...,,_ :,.. . ... .... _'._�.,�� �... ... .�,aihcr. .. ..� _
<br /> . . . . ib. twr�Vwrr'Y-�+.Zrin w nwr--s--,.:. .. .....,._.. :.....:.. G.:....... L..:'.�.E...._._,.!J:f_..'_. .. _ . . .: � , {e. • .._.
<br /> eaionemrnt of'ihiy�t.r:udtq 1nsRnun�►t diacantinua�a� Yny cime pri��r ta tt�e urlitr ot: a�) 1 day� {or �uch � �rxia! �
<br /> � u�7jt�ItiA�fIC law muy �pr;:ify fqr rsiti�tat�n�.nt) befnrc wk uf il� �'trqferi.y purtiu�aiH.ict at:y..�swK� uf salc c:��nai in this
<br /> m Securit.y tiistnanxut;or(b)e�i1ry of a judgr.xr�t cnturrin�,his��ruric�In�2rumcnt.'f}u.�tie cutkiitions ure thue liormwec: ta!pr+ya
<br /> I.ene3cr�41 �urrts which then.woutd tx duc uiidrr th;s�;ect�rity Xn+tru.meni w7d tF►r f`•rda a� iP'na u�:cxler�t�nn ha�D ��cturnxl; (by .
<br /> cures ac�y dcfault.,f�.aY►y 9tieer rmen�r�t;i r�;agreenx�nts:(c3 p:�ys a�I exptnces; i�xr�rred in enforci�.g thi.t Sacurity.lnsinu►�+x.
<br /> r_�w i�xtudin8, Uut nat�Im:it��l ta. rea�oiu�ble i�tca.rney4'te�ti;ai�i(c1}taicev such;:,:tinn as tA:n�fur ntay,rea��n.ubly reymre to o;:eure
<br /> th7•thc._}i�n ns.th3��ecuriny �uaiiilt';;aCtt,.f�r�::r'..righir;i�s th� P�x:,:,.na ar.d*?:u�n:�:z'::u�l.ia�tior.t�,,•y!!w•:��s l^ctr!c+ �Y • � -
<br /> �� ` this �ur�ty InsUumm�t shell cuntinci�:, e.r�:t�angecl. U�u reinstatrrnznt by Burrower, thts. Ser.itrity Inurumcru and thc
<br /> — obligatian�r,ecur�hcreby tihalf remaip,�t�!'�y effrr_tive:�s if no acceteruYion had occurral.I toweve;,�his rigb.t tn rci»titate s'�ull
<br /> n�t apply ia thc ca::c=,of acccleratian ul;d�:r.��a.r.+gra��h i7.
<br /> - A4. Srs1a of.�lote; C:tsanqe of',Tl.srM;T•Serviccr. Tiic Note or a partial intcrest in the hIote�ttoge�!!� wi�h �his 5cxurity
<br /> Iastrur.�c�et�,ti�i;ly+;i;�:-sald,on�,or nx�rc Yii�'�es wittrout prior n�tic�to I3urrowcr. A sale.may result in H change in the.cntity,(know„
<br /> as thc"l.a�zn��vicer")thnt�allects monchLy pay�ments due under the Note�nd this Socurity]n�!rument.l'h�rc also nwy 6e one
<br /> tk,t3?.orr c?��n$es o�'tha Laan Scrvicer wirelateci to a sule of d�e Note. If there is u chunge of the T..onn 3crvicer.Horn,w�r will b� ' ,
<br /> �' ' �i,r�n.written nat[ce of the change in aceonianee with paragraph l4 uo(�vC:tttti applt�:4U1�law�'i un�iviiic t4i1@�iuic iiac isiunc niu'
<br /> uclJiLxs uf the new l,�nn Servicer and the address tu wliich payn�nts sl�ould tx:matle. Tlie►.intice will also rnntaia any o�hcr
<br /> = informat'sun rcyuin:d by a�plicabie law.
<br /> � _--= 20. �iazar�lau�5utsstt�tnces. Borrower shalt noi causc ar pcnnil Q�a�uicssncC, ui.c, di:p�i31, sto;4gc, a: rcte.�sc of«,7y �
<br /> htaznrdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall no� do, nor allow anyone else to da, anything �ffec!ing the
<br /> Fropeny tit,t is in violation of:u►y Environment;�l Law.The precer.iing t�vo sentences shall not apply ta Uie presenr,t, use. ot
<br /> storage an[he Pibperty of small quar.titi�;s of Hazardous Subst�nces that nre generally recoj;nize,d to be appropriste to norn�al
<br /> msidentia[uscs and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall promptty�ive Lend�r wriuen notice of any Investigatian, cluim, demand,la�v.cuit ur uttKr nctiou by any
<br /> -- - governmental ur regulatory sgenr.y oc private part?/involving dic Froperty ancl t�rey HyarAnati Suhstancc or finvironment�l Latv
<br /> of wtiich Borrawer has actual knowledge. If Borrawer learns, or is notified by any gavemme+�tal or regulntory authority, that
<br /> i �-___...._.�:_«......i wnu L[o�or.ln_�Q�F+�t�tiw�ifd„�.l��;a tha ILrnnarlt�ig fIP1Y'_CSIIN. BOST�WL'S S}L'i��OY�lillllll!I:l�(L
<br /> .. -. . Slly lC11NVOJ vi inuci��.mw�uuvu.. � . b^ 'r-"+ . - �
<br /> all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Enviranmentnr La�v.
<br /> � As use�l i�i this parsgrapli Z0, "Hlazardous�uustances=are thos�subsrances aeCn� as coxic o:i►�raws saosiariec5 bp
<br /> --=���; Bnvironm�ntal Law and the follo�ving substances: gasolinc, kerosene, other flainmable or toxic {�ctroleum producw, tox'tc
<br /> ��' pesticidc,�:and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials conmining nsbestos or formaldehyde,and eadioactive materials.As ase�in -
<br /> this FaMgraph ZD, "6nvironmental La�v" me��s fcdcral laws and laws of thc jurisdiction where the Property is locatcd that,
<br /> relate to i�calth,safety or environmental proteciion.
<br /> ----- NOI�i-UNIl=URM COVENAN'd'S.IIorrotver and L.ender Funher covenant und a�ree as follows:
<br /> -- 21.Ace�lerution;Remeclle.s.Lender shall gi�e notice lo Borrcn�•er prlar ta aceelcration folbwing A�urrowca�'s bres�ch
<br /> �; of any covenp�t or agree�nent in this Security Ins7rument (but not prtor to ac�eleratfun under pnrNgrapk+ 17 urdssg
<br /> applicable law pravtdes ot��envfse). The noiice shall spectfy: (a)the default;(b)the uction:required to ca�e the �le!'au1t;
<br /> - (c)a date.nat!�s ti�an 34 days from the date the natice Is given to B�rrower, by w•hieh tlie default must I�c cueed;and
<br /> ° (d) thsit Failure tu ciere ttie defa►uIt on or before the date speclGed In tlie rsotice mAy result bi uccelerAtiQa�of the sums
<br /> � secm�ed by thls 5exureF�Instrument und sale of the Property.T�ie notice slsall further infor�n Borrawer of the right to
<br /> - cetnstate afcer acceleratiqn and the ri�ht to bren�a couri actto� to �ssert the non�existe��se o7 a default or any ott�er
<br /> defen�sc of Borrower to ncccicrntian and salc If th�de3au�0 ds not r,ured nn or beforc thc date specfCcd fn thc nutia,
<br /> �u��� Let�der, at its uptioii, may rcqufn�Immediatc paymcnt in fr.�7 oF all sncns securv�hy ltits S�.urity Instrument w(thout
<br /> further demand and may mvoke tire power of sale and any othcr rcmedI�s permitted 6y appflrublc luav.Lendcr sha1l bc
<br /> _— ��� entiUed tn rnitect all e:+sQxtuses incurred iu pursuing the remedlc�pruvided tn thls paragraph 21,1ncla�l3n�,bot not UmEted -
<br /> � a to,rcasonabtz attorneys'fcr,s and casts uf t[tle evEdence.
<br /> ;t^���I If the�wcr of sale is involc�t, Tr�.stze shall rcca�d a notfce of deFuult ii�e.�ch cuunty in wh9ch any pnrt o� the
<br />_♦n.�l Pruperty Is locatcd and shall mai!coples of such notice in t��.�ma�uter prescribed by s��r�fitable tnw to Borro�ves nnd tm
<br /> --=- __ the oLher persoa9 prescr[bed by applicuble[a�v. After tlie tiar�e requtred by applicable la�v,Ttvstee shall give�ub9ss notice
<br /> =_�.':�,.�i of sale to the persoi�s and in thc mann�r presc�ibed by appEiruAle law.Trustee,wtt(iout demund on Borru�ser, sUAti seli =
<br /> �-9�,,:�;:�.,.:��j th��roperty at publte a�.�ction to tlu liig(�est btdder at the time und pluce aad e�nder the tern�s desig�atc-d in tl�e notice of --
<br />'= ':�` sale iu o��s or more parceis m�d in uny order Tnistee determtnes. Trustee m�y po�;tpo:�e sale of Ai�mr any parCef of ttue
<br />_e•�-r.._r��'_i pi.a b• c+bllc nnuouneement at the t3::e mid pince of any previously scheduled s�le. Lendcr or Its deslgnee may _.:
<br /> L�MY � p
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<br /> _iti�i-�-�_.
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