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<br /> �61!�-!,�!ti;c��r':�{!� t�ii•tif�: t:•;ti:. t•r��r...q•. a:���n�t 1111 ilc�im�:.'ntti�°<-rRrcrtrt., vOhjt�'!to,i�nc;wt:;T.`;:::��'..:'`:�'Y��:f
<br /> TM13 S[;�URTi1' ih5�I2L��tt:tv'1 t•;uni5i��u��il•�r�,�w�ee�:U lor�u�turtu�2 ust acHf ni�n-I:i�d��:m c:r+cnrrix.� w;�t� lu�uRai .."
<br /> d:+ti:+li,.n,h+v juriul��li�»: I��cn�-�•lil►�7�"c m1if��l'���sC,iu^ty inst:t�me�'dCnyi+f�{ltl fCAI{h7�C%tY.
<br /> � 4ilvit'aiinm�.��Y rirn�vt�a.Uuccv..�� �u�+�.iw.��.,.r w,..... ww.p........:.,_::..-:..� . .. �� .. . -. . ,
<br /> :l. !P!y-�sc oC �'rioeipd�rsi IM�e�ene; Pre�wy�t �a�d Wr CY�tr. Horrawrr shoti pramplty ptr wt�ea d� t�.;
<br /> pri�o�•i�v�t of arni interesl ent 1ht drht r.vi�ir.nceci!�y the Nc�tr.aawi ar+.V pr.:peyn�nt�u1;Yte chargex due ut!der Y#re Hn�e.
<br /> . 2. }�utwk fat�T�xci pei! lur•yrsa�txr. tiubjott t�r a{►pli�ablr PAw or to a writttct wsiver I�y i.ender, Sa�rrowes aMli p�y w � .
<br /> I.end..r an the dsy uwmti,l�•fr�aeinrrii.c.:�re[4ie,u�etrr iI�N��t,urail.ihe Ncite is w+islia_€v1I,���_(:'�unis"j Cor._(s�tx�r!'�T�.et_ "
<br /> , arxi aa�s�mrnts whiih uwy att�iii�,�i��iity nvcr this Sccurity Lutrument ac a lisn ott the Pii�perty:tb)yestly leasehoid pa�yment� ,,
<br /> �..� 1 ;.t :,,._<. .«..�.,...,
<br /> or gcuutKi truis cnf ti�r Fiujxiis+,if au�y'�ti.}j%4�;�y.r�.ac� o�];tG�.t.�.}'i�;us»z'.:.:�.�.trii4^::;(:!}�:�:f�, flL. �t_�»•• � -
<br /> if any� (e) yearly nxntguge fns�ran:•e��r�:miu�tts:iE'any; anct(t) any surru payablG by Botrowtr ta Ix�rler, in stxecalance wi1fi..
<br /> thc pravisicmv of ��ara{�raph R, iu lie:u of the pa,yment of iix�rtgage insuranco pren►iurres. Tt�se itcmc we called"i'�cmw lteim."
<br /> [.r+�1tr raay, at any fin:e, cr!!la:t ;anrlli�ld a=uncls ii� �n mr►ount ixx t�exceed ihe �rwxirnu►n w�x��t a iender far x foderafly
<br /> relaeeci uxirtgage iean nL►y iequire; fue�!�rrcowrr's ecerow acc�u+�t uncier the fal�ral lteat F�tiu►te :'x;tiSCI7k;11I FtYI('f�4FGL ASt 4F�
<br /> 1974 a�amended f�c,m time tc� time, 12�t1.�.C. Sc�ction 2601 et srq. �"R�..�PA"),unlesr�anott�er law th�t applies t�t,he Fuads
<br /> sets a ieitier am�ufl�. IC�R, I,arde.v ma��. at any time,cullect anct hold Puc�cis in an arnount uot to cxeeed ihe lesser ba»ur,t. ,
<br /> Lender may cstimatc the amotr.;t of�'uttris duc on thc t�is af�current data a�xl reasunable estimates aY cx�knq,ir,ur�s nf iuturc
<br /> Escrow Items oc atherwi-x in accord�u�c�with eQplicable i��y. „
<br />- Thc Funds �halt be I�etct in an 1�y��htutiort wl3ose dcnosits nrc i�.�sused t,y a fc�r.ral agency, iircarucn�n�ality, or rrtity
<br /> (including[.c:xicr,if Lc�ider is such an.institudon)or in any Federal Homc Laan Bank.[,eixtee shall apply t�c Furd.s to p�ny the
<br /> F?ticrotv Itcros. Lcndcr u�ay nox cl±.ar�e F3orrower for hulding and nppSyin�the E�unds,annually:tuslyzing the escrow accbunt,or =
<br /> verifying thx Escrow Itcsns,ue-ilcss Ler�iler pays Bortbwe_r intcrest on thc Funds and a�licablG law pe�mils Lcncier ta nwie sudt
<br /> a c4�a�gr,. However, Lendcr may reqair Qorrawer to pay a one-time cl�arge for:►n independeitit real estnte'tax reponing servica '
<br /> uscu uy L�:«dcr in connec[inn wiui thia iviui, unl�ss appliable law provides o4heewise. Unless nn agreement is marle.�t
<br /> npplicable law rcquires intcrest to be paid,Lendcr shali not bo rcquireci to pay I3onower any interest or earnings on�the kund4.
<br /> isorrowcs ancl 1..enuer may ugr�c in�vriiing, 6o�vever.ma�9mor�i si�aii i��ai�:,;,u�a:unds. Lender sh•r.l[give t�:°�»; • -�
<br /> withuut ct►�rge, an annual accnunting,of tlia Fwids, sl�awing ceedits and debits to the Funds an�the pv�ose for which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.TUe Funds arc pledged na sdailional sccuriry for 1i[sums sccurer�iry this�ecvrity�strurneni:- ��
<br /> If thc Funds held by[.ender exceed tlic amounts permetted Yo be hcid by applicable law,i_xnder shal!account to Bt►rrawer •
<br /> for the exeess Funds in accordancc with Uu:res{uirements of applieable law. If the amounY of tlie Funds hoid by l.ender at an}�
<br /> tintc is not suff icicnt ta pay the Escrolv Items when duc, I.cndcr mny so notify Borrowcr in writin�, and,in such case Barrow;.s
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amouaet necessary to make up tlic deficiency. Borru�ver sh3f! utalce up the deficiency in ixa n�ore tfia�ti _
<br /> twelve�nonthly paym�nts,nt Ler.;3er's sole discrction. . . .
<br /> Upon payment en tull ot a►i sti�zns seaareri by tlii� Security Instsum�at, Ler.de� shall promptly refund tu Bosrower any
<br /> Funds held by[.ender.If,under parnEr.�pl�2Q,L,ender shall acquixe or se{I ehe Pcoperty,Lender,priar tn the acquisition or sw'„;;
<br /> of the Property, shall npply uny Funcls held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sule as a credit agai►�st the sums sec:ueed by
<br /> tliis Security Instrument. • '
<br /> 3.Application oY Paymeats. Unless applicab(e law pravides otherwise,all paym��i�received by Lender under paragraphs
<br />- 1 and 2 sha11 be applied: first, to any prep�yment charges cEuc undex the Note; second.to amounts payable under parngraph 2;
<br /> third,to interest due;founl�,to principal d�ca;and last,to any late ct�ae�es due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Charges;Liens. Bomower shall pay all taxes,asscssments,chargcs;fines and impositions atYtibutable to the Prope�ty
<br /> whicl� may attain priurity over this��Sccurity Instrument,and leaschold p��yments or ground rents, if any. 9orrawcr shall pay
<br />_ these abligations in the ma�u��provided in paragraph 2. ur if not paid in thut manner, Borrower shall pay ihcm an time dinectly.
<br /> ro the pcnon owcd payment.Burro�uer sf�all promptly fumish to Lcnder all notices of amuunts to be paid undcr tliis paragrap'�.
<br />_ If Borrower mal:es these payments direcNy,Borrower shall promptly furnish to LQnder receipts evic�encing the pay�nents.
<br /> Horro�ver�12�11 prompUy d'isch�rgc any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrowcr: (1)abrces in
<br />- writing to the payment of the obli�ation secu►�ed by the lien in a manner acceptable to fi.ender;(b)coutests in goad fuith the lien
<br />- by, or defends a�ainst cnfor�ment of the lien in, lcgal proceedings �vhich in the Lender's apini�n operate to prevent the .
<br /> enforcemcnt of tlm licn; or(c)secut�es from thc huldcr of the lien an a�reement satisfactory to Lendcr subordinatin�the lien to
<br />_ tl�is Security Instniment. If Lender determines that any pan of the Property is subject ta a lizn whicl�may atttin priority over
<br />- this Sccurity Instrument. Lcnder n�►y give IIorrower a noticc idcntifying thc lien.�orrower shall satisfy the licn or takc orte or �.
<br />- ntor�of dic actiwis set forth above within l0 days of thc giving of notice.
<br />- Form 3020 �J190
<br /> vcg7 2 0+e t�.
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