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<br /> r+�ton 41 Mnv tfsnientl rt�hy tM cxi�l Bottowar i�nd 9arOv+w''�sut�bldtxi h(nt�rslt.
<br /> " (D)l�ALI�.�'�fSKb.. WRho+1l a�MOti�tttn HilpWty �f rsny ottMr porsOn UiGU lot tM piyminl oT uty obt�ttbn hacain mrnii,Rxns.�, ___ -
<br /> ond wMhout aMscHng tt� tiK► uv Gtwrp�of 4hk D�af nt T�uat upon any partlon cf lh�Pro�iy�ot th�n or ih�rotofon n�wd ws
<br /> �curay Tqr tlu tu�e�m4cfnt of�M unpuk! ob�WtWns, Lon�rn�y, trom tk:;� ta tkn�end wflha+i notk:4(p r�w r�ny p�ncsn ao --
<br /> Il�bb,(M"��aY�nd th� mth��ity or slqK any ot the ta�ms oi�tiy auLh o�fi�tTOn9,(iii) pr�►9t othe(inc3�if�c�i,(!v)rolerW or r�ecr+���eY, _
<br /> cu a•4uss to t»ra�as�f or nr-�r►m+sr�d at a.T�y th-�K+.l.enr3c�'�o�:��+,s ar:y parce�,poRk7+1.t1�'tU o}Ihfl Fro�erty�(v)taks a nebaw
<br /> wwiy nth�r or�idab��w�59cucit;R f�r any ob►q�tlon ht�vtk�n,rttinqor?�o►(vl��3{:n c�sm��o�nk�nli or utiiw'rzria���waer�t�,wKy �.��ts � _ -
<br /> nh1+.k�n tfl�eto.
<br /> (�y�yr�-,,���,r,� h�i��Ser Na •W�M�,r. MN tof��r4nr:�.L;r Lendor 6n exon:isLip Any rfph! or rp!rtsdy heroundsr, ar otherwle� R
<br /> afkxr;'r+9.�y �pplic�OM kw, sholl not be a w�hrkr ot ar proclude lhe exua�3n ot' eny suah ripht or r�y.The procunrtw+�t af
<br /> ��sunnc,�e oP tAr p�ymrnt at tox� or 6th�r li�ns.nr chu�by Lendar ahaM noR k�►t watver ol Lee►der'a rlpht to �ec�4n�te thr
<br /> mnu+rky,of ths hdebt�dtasa s�t:urKJ by thls iiseo of'irust. , --
<br /> (d)��g�LyS...��L...�?�''.�SPIN?i�lt�i.�li�!�..�'wat i.t��l��y; reotlg�. Tha�oti�n�ats and agroomen� hMre+.n cont�ilnec!shait , =__:.
<br /> bind, and iha rqhts herwnda' strap hur� to, tl� resp�tive successora and assfpns af Lan:ier end Borrawor, subjeci to th�
<br /> (�rr.-
<br /> previsfons ot p[tre�rpph 6(e) hateot. l�N cotrenants end asreertwnYS of so�rower ahatl t�e Joht end se��el The oiqotbn� and
<br /> t�d3�ps of the �SCropnphs ot this W�ad af Trust am tor convenlanca onty nnd 4ro no! to be �sod tQ ht�xdt ar d�lk+� lhe _
<br /> prmitk►ns hxeof.
<br /> l�Fi�aueat tor Notices. Tt►a p+�rtiss hareby requost th�t a copy of eny noti�e ot d�fauM heroundK and s copp of any n�t�e of �
<br /> sah har�und�r,bo rreaWd to�ch party ta thts peod ut Trust et the sd�ress Get fohh below In th0 mann�r proscribed Dy ep�ica4ts
<br /> �i, `�.."��..:� y''.T-P��..�.�l�k�1 unrsa pc�qnlingh3a Laa tn hA QAr9n Yt ettOfh9r tMRn9t.anY notlC6r p�ovf�pd(or In thl� �a�d
<br /> n� Yrusi 6heY be qNen by mRHing such naifca by cert'fied maN addressad as fol6o�, ar at suah other address as shttl be
<br /> e5�eipnnted In wrN,hp to the oths�a�artle�r,es provided herefn: --
<br /> eorrowpr RICl�116RD 1.. H/1ABAUGH .._--
<br /> ' IVIA�IY Ca HAR1flAUGH , `
<br /> . �
<br /> 4739 AVENlIE � ��°
<br /> KEARNCY NE 68847 '`-"
<br /> --• �=.=�._
<br /> �,w,� FIRST MATtONAL BANK AND T6iUST CQ. QF �"`
<br /> �"-_
<br /> KEARN�Y ;"`���
<br /> 21 WEST 21ST STREET '-="-
<br /> ICFJ►EiNEY� NEQAI►SKA 6884? �—`
<br /> f:�:. ,
<br /> rn,s� FIRST 1l�.A'di01VI►L BAl1K AAIb�'flllSY C�. AF I�=.�:
<br /> ` KEARN�Y ! .�
<br /> ;:;�!:
<br /> - 2t WFSY 21SY S3R�EET
<br /> _ . ' � KEARNEY. N�BiiNSKA 6BS48 �
<br /> - My rot�ce provtded(or In thr Ooed of Trust si�nll 6e deerned to hava been gtvon to 8orcower ar Londer�vhon gken N the me�nner ;�
<br />- d9si�l�t�sJ herNn. .
<br /> _ � (� in rt, t�xider may make or causa fa �o made reesonflhkj onVts upon and InspBC4lans of tho Prcperty, provtded that
<br /> , Lend�r shall�ive�arower notwa prbr to any such lnapectlon specHyfng reasonab[e causo thereto�e r�L�^.2d to Lendor's Interest tn ,
<br /> = t^��Nr�:�'!•
<br />_- I�,
<br /> � (q)�gn n . UpQn p�yrr�unt o!atl sums SeCUnBd Ey thi5 086d Of 71USt,LAnder;,hatl mquast 7rustee to reconvey the Propafiy
<br /> - and shs�l surrendAs thfs Oee�i ot 1'n�si and r�ll r.o'na e+Idsr+clnp Inrk�btadness secureti by thls Deed ot Tnist to 7rustee. Trustet�
<br /> .
<br /> ; uhatl reccm�¢yr the Properiy Kkhou!vrcrranly end wilhout ch�r6�to tha p�rson or prrcon.. w(}at./entitfed thpr�e,o. Sueh person ar
<br /> j persons shs'.I gay aU co:,ts at recor�JSC�n,If eny. I
<br /> - � ' (t�) �r�,� Pr��th�• .��scu'�av,n�rr.onwr+l. As ndd�tlaaal securdy tor th3 p9yrr,Ent oT tna Noio nn �re�, aqu�pmenc, and omer ;,<-,
<br /> � � F^r5ena!prepeny ucoc! fn canntrt!�n�eith tho real a�t�!e ar Improvernents lacAtod thQreon,nnd nat otheswlse c'ectamd or deomed ;
<br /> i
<br /> r; t0 b9 Gi�Att O}lh8 faA)�tdt� 60CUf8� hBfQby� shatl Go suhJt+at to n sxuriiy is�tt�r�st Mt tavCr o1 the Lesuk►under the Nehraska
<br /> -� UnNarm Camrrurclal Code. 'fh� (rstrumont cha0 bo crnstrued ns o E�curity l�reart�,.+nt und�tr cnld Coda, and tho Lender shall
<br />�� have Q)t the rtflhts a�d �o�n�dias af n^acumd party under salsf Codo In additton to the rights ttnd n2mssltns creatfld nnd nccordotf
<br /> j Ifte Lcsnder purunnt t9 lhfs Deed af Trast.
<br />''� l..
<br />= a��sae.��;tt ��l�s� PipO 9 OI 0
<br />-�
<br /> � �oco I
<br /> i -�- ,. - -s"----- --- - . -- —
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