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<br /> t1Y.(;oude�arw3iva. 'L'he pnX�eods uF �ny awanl ur cfaetn fnr daiet►gcs, dirr.ct ar con.x�uentirl. IR C`AN1l14Xi14311 �illUl YR�I�.,
<br /> 1:71111�:i1'J�IIt?dl tll 1;��J41'�J};Ui�Ci.:+FS<<:li 1�;��i�f ��A�jr.'17y'�!i;� i'1: l�)II:C�:����Y�il �1LU U4�.u0i�,-�,7:h'llln��� :il, lh it h1".1.]S1diN'f� JlYf - .
<br /> 51t111 b4'�101t�l�3 C,e:tl(iCl'. . .. ,,
<br /> tn eh�cvrnt��f a t��tal t�k�na c�C the Prapr�ty,the�mcad<<hu1!Fe uppl.jexi to the.,ums:secured by thi�Sct�riey imtrumer�t, ��
<br /> whethe:'ur not then ilu,:,with any rxccss paid tu}�srrc►wrr. In�he c<<ent uf a�rrrtla! taking u!'ti►e Yruprrty 'in w�hh'h!hr. fair
<br /> mericct vaSise<�f tFtic Fn�perty immecii,uely heforc�he taking i4 c�qual to ar.greater than thc 11m>unt uf tFr�',urr�y xcuir�l.by•.th3:: „
<br /> Stti�utjty Intil[umrn�imm�.tifiatcly�x:fore t1i�ts�king, unless�nrr��v;�r aixP I.en�ler.�therwise a�r�c i+i wiiting, tbe wum.;sxo.ocd hy
<br /> this.Securiiy Tnsisument shall be�xduced by the aunaunt af the procacis multipliecl by the fulluwi��± fnxti��n: (a) tht toul
<br /> amuunt of tF►e ss�ms�cur�l�imn�etliateiy lserctire mr,aioung.piviuRi op @j mc iair mariici vaiuc c�i iiie PiuEmuty itttnit�'r:�i:.'�T
<br /> _ tsefu��e �he tak.ing. Any bal;ux:e shall be paiil ta f3orrawec. In ttce er•ent af a paxtiai takinb af th� Y'rupeny in which thr fafr "
<br /> markct va!u�af Ahe Pro�xrly imn�c�iatci�betor�Ihe taking is Icss Qi�n!hc v�wunt uf the sums sccucccl inintecliately br.tnrr_�tht
<br /> taki�zg, unliws 13onnwer and[.e»der atherwise agree in writiflg or unlcss applic�itsle law otHerwiso provides,ttte prcx:r.c�1s shati
<br /> ' bc applicd tm tl�c sums securcxl Dy this Secuciry Enstrument whetbce ar not tl�e sums are then dee.
<br /> �f the Praperty is abandoned by Borrow�r;or if,aiter notice by l.enc.'er co�3orrower that the corxtemnur offers to make sn
<br /> g�ug 11 �F S:!�C 8.�N.�4"i f4r rl�cn�or_� LtnlC�!4'C!'�?15�O!��^C�!�ln�vrul'.r iqithfll.�n CR?;s ane*t!!n�:ue t�lR �x'Ati�1!IC DlVtp;
<br /> I.e:nder is authoriu�d zo wllc��aixl�pply t9�:proccr.ds,at its w;�ti�u,cithcr to restoration nr repair of the Parperty or eo!t►r,sums
<br /> secared by this Sec�idty instrumcnt,witc.iiiee ur nui�iae.i ilitC. � ,
<br /> Unicss I,entE4r vnd Barrowcn• othenvise agrce in writing, any:�r;!i,:ntinn of proceetls to nrincipul sh:d! nw. estend or —
<br /> postpone the dua ds�te t,'F the rnonthly payrtients referred to in parngraphs I�nr3 2 or chai;ge the amount of s::N.n yuknts. .
<br /> 11.Btlrrower Nnt ReleASt.�d; Fori�eArs��By I.snder IVot a Waiver..�xtension ef th.e timc for payment ur maiitication
<br /> of amoniz��ttian of the sums secured!�y this Security Instnmze.nt grantetl by Lender ta aray:�uccessor in interest oF Ronower shal!
<br /> not operate to rclease die liubility of the oriFinal}3orrower or[iorrawer's succc.�.surs in�ti:l�rest. Lender shall i�at bc reqr.�ired to
<br /> commence praoedings against w�y �uµessoe it3 ia�terest or refuse to eatend time for paymcht o:otfzcn:'sss m�ify amortir>>tion
<br />.. 6� .LS_ 0.�..�', i {.. ..0 o ���� mv,�ln hv tlus nriainal RurnwaY
<br /> VI tI1C �IIUt� JGiViGti v)r ana uwu�u� suaanuusvin vj A"�va�.ivu v ..::J _� ..a...._ QY n(1I'T01iieT'f. . .
<br /> susceswrs in irte�cst. Any fori�car.u►cc by Len�cr in cxerci�ing uny right or rcmedy sh111 not bc a waiver of or plrclude the
<br /> exercice:�f nnv�iaht�r ee.medv_ •
<br /> 1�.Succrssors nnd Assigns Buund; Joint nnd Se�erssl Lfs�6ility; CasignQrs. The covenamts and agrcrmcnts of this '
<br /> Sccurity Instivment shall bind and benefit the succcssors;uid assigns af 1.,ender and Borrower, subject to thc provisions oS
<br />' paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agrc�ments shal! !�c joint ar►d several. Aa�y Borrower who w-sibns this Sccuriry ,
<br /> Instninxnt l�ut does not execute the No�e: (a) is co-signing this Secur+ty'Listn�ment only to mart�age,grant and conv�y that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;{b)is not person�lly oh9igated to pay the sums ' � _
<br /> sccurt�by this Security Ins►.�ument;and(c)agrees that l.cader and�ny other tionower��y ugree to extend,modi.fy.forlkar or
<br />' �►iake any accommodations�vith re�ard to the ternis�of this Sccurity Instrument or the Note without that Borrawrr s tonsent.
<br /> 13.Loun Char�es.if die Ioan secured by this Security InstrumGrtt is�a►bjcct to a law which scts maximum loan cli�rrges,
<br /> arui Qiat lavi is finally interpreied s�tiiat the interest or other loan cltarges.•collectal or to be colle�cted in connection with tlte
<br /> loan excec� the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan char„L shall be reducw:9 t�y the amount ne�essary to redu�:dle cliarge
<br /> ro die pennittal limir,and (b) any sums already collected frorri Soeruwer whic]i excec�ed permitted(imits wiU be r�:'FprJded to
<br />, So�rower. C,eader may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal o�ved under the Note or by makin� n diroct
<br /> payment tu BorrovrGr. If a refund reduces princigal, the reduction �vi!] 'be tctiated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> pr�epayment charge under the Note. � ' _.
<br /> 14.Noticcs.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delieering it or by mailing
<br /> it by first ctass mail unless applicable 1a�v requires use of another method. Tite�totice shall be dirociai to tt�e Properry Address
<br /> �rr any other nddr�.ss Borrower designatcs by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be �iven by first cl.+.ss mad to -
<br /> L.ender's address stnted hercin or any�ther address I.endcr design:�!cs by notic�, to Borro�ver. Any notice pmvide�for in this =
<br /> Sesuritv lnstrument shall be deemed�to have been�iven to Borrower or I.ender when�ivcn as provided in this paragr�ph. -
<br /> 3S.Governing Law; �evcrubtlity. This Sec:urity Instniment shall bc governod by fedcral lativ and the law of the `
<br /> juj•isci4r:tion In�vhich the Property is located.In the cvent tha!any provision or clause of this Sccurity Instnimcnt or the Note ~��
<br /> conflti�ts'vlith npplieable la�v,sach c+onflict shall not affect oxher provisions of tl�is Secu�ity Instrument or the Note�vhich c:in be �..
<br /> given effect without the conflicNng provision."To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declamd k,
<br /> ta be severable.
<br />, 16.�3orr+o�r•er's Cony.Borrowee shall be given or�confomiai copy uf the Note and of this Securiry Instrumznt. �
<br />. Furm 302U 919D -
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