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<br /> �ecure w No�e baaxin� evan dwtc t►ereWith 92or �R� pzinctpaJ. �uunt uf: �:i lucen tttausand -
<br /> - tao hundxed fi�r.y Qighc and 76/100-�-�- IIlolinre ($ It3+?.• ��Ya�63.e
<br /> -�v=� xo the ard�x 4f e�ANA isl�►ND ENt!L'S1'iifir�'C Gtlk�ANY, he�ml�na�`tex raferse �o a�e th�
<br /> _ "Heneficiary", pxavldl.ng far papment o£ th� antixe pr�ncipaY bale�nce� togeClier
<br /> ----- WS.xh interea2 nt the raCe ofeleven nnd nine Kenthe pesrcenC �;9 X) per enn�+m, ---
<br /> �r� in m�nthlv inetm:llmenCe of Two hundred thirty c�.ght nn_d 74/100--�-� -
<br /> - -- ---�� " Dnilers ($ 236.74 ) each unttl �il 24 �� 1998�; at - -
<br /> _°- whiclx kime all principal euid int�reet providgd for by thie Natc: eha11 heve Ueen paS.d. -
<br />-.--- -���=`�:a; do h�reby �ran� and canvey until aREND R. B_0.ACI{, Attorne�r at LeW, the "xruotee", ____
<br /> .�.-:-W,�..,,:��;� the follawing-described propertyt �-_-
<br /> � �* �t which time all remaining ptincipal and interest ie due
<br /> -----m�-=� I,at Eight CS) and Che EasC O�e-Third ( I/3) af Lot Seven (7)a Bloei� Ei�ht (f3J, �.,
<br /> �_�� Gladsto;te PZace, an Addition to t�►e City of Grand IslanB, Hall County, Nebr.noka. °--
<br /> _�a�c� ��
<br /> .sn�'r��� �}i��w
<br /> -_'.Sf.w':. I.Td:c.
<br /> ..fttj.4 '... t` �[.�A�'� .
<br /> rs�.:-
<br /> f�t.•
<br /> :f�,'f`t�'�� �,.
<br /> � - -,. � mn n��sn •.+m m� nATn L �..�.. w.. ...�'.w�: •..�.~..�. $77 n�.�.::5�:.^..�..^.^..°�°. �" .~..".uu.~. C:.e.__
<br /> .,�; av aua.n ru�u av uva�,. :...o o�,.,...� ....�... .. •�rr s �
<br /> ry��`y�. � nevertheless. and ia c�se of de£ault in t�►e a ent of eaid Note or an art ��;,
<br /> a ,.�_.� P S'm 9 P t� �
<br /> ? �:, ;'°° thereof or inte�eest tYtereon or 1n tbe periozmance ot any covenant nereina=ter
<br /> `�' aet forth. tha�s the Truetee ehall have the power to sell the above-de�cribed "� .
<br /> l�c,+�,�1' '•�V.
<br />;,;;,r,:�r�t,,�' �r�perty, and upon r�gueet of the Beneficiary, the Trus2ee ehall file for recurd ,n..,.
<br /> �� ��.�.., f ls� the Regi9te� of A�ede' Office of Ha11 County� Nsbraeka, a Notice of �:r :°�
<br /> '��`�` DeEauit� setting forth that a breacb of an obligation� for. wiiich the eaid property -�-
<br /> :'_.:�":�r�n ° • wae conveqed as eecarity� h�s accurred� �►nd seetiag forth the nature of such ';j�
<br /> �"�"-•���'�=� � � breaeh and the Truetee's elsc�l.on to eell the property to eatiefy ths obl3gation; -��-
<br /> "':�'�'��k.���-.,��..•` and after the lapse of not lesa tilan one (1) month. ehe Trus�aQ eha11 give -.�;:;
<br /> _ ,.t
<br /> -� =- °�;-r`�- writtea notice o£ the time enai place �f� eale which may be betweea 9:00 a.m. and ..-
<br /> ���°�°""`Y'"'S°'� 5:00 p.m. �at the premioes, os at t&e tdall County Courthouse� nnd pgrticul.arly
<br />.vl.il.. .' .
<br />�v�`�.,v/� .V'I�t
<br /> :n_.,�:.�:p::���.
<br /> describing.the property to be eold; ar�id Notfce to be publisheci in a newspaper of
<br />- -•=-<• "_:��� a general circulation in Hall County, Nebre�eka, once a week for five (5)
<br />:V,-.��_`--,T.�;�� conee.cutiva weeks, th� last publication ta be at leaet tea (10) daya but not ,.
<br /> _:.;.-� nore than thisty (3m) daye psior to the �ale; and the TruAtee ehaJ.l thea eell sa3d ,
<br />-�=���z�;'r,; pxopexty at tha time and place deoigaated ia ehe Kotice, in th� manner provided
<br /> `����{.;'. x by law in effect at the �___ of filing eaid Notica, and public auctioa to the
<br />.�.. .... 'IMs
<br /> '"" ' • highest b:�clder far cash and elzall del3ver to euch purchasea a deed to the praperty �'
<br />''_.''��'.;,}�,-,J eo�d, coneietent with the law in effect at xhat time. Additionally, Truetee eha11
<br /> �=- r'�'� �. m�31 Truetor a copy oP any Notice of DeEault and Nntice of eale hereunder
<br /> - r:_::«,�..
<br /> •�''����4�:';'�'� up�n de£nule addxes�sed to them at 620 S Bleiine, Grand islami, Iv� 68803 . Out of che
<br />_'t -��• .���`:.��*°» praceede of eaid en1e� the Truetee ehall retaia �nd pay firat all fees, charges
<br /> .�'�"�s�•��r� .�; _ and coata of eale aad a].1 moaies advanced in the exerci�ae of the powe� of eale�
<br />`����*•�`��; • .;, includiag the pnymeat of the Truetee'e fees aceually incurred, and pay second .
<br /> .'-.f��`�::•�7
<br />_-•;,-.�t�;...;. „ Yhe obliEmtione eecured by tt�ie Aeed of Truet; and the balance� if any� ehall be
<br /> - - .- paid to the pereoa or pQroone lesgally entitled thereto� Any porson, iacYuding the
<br /> . : '';:� eeneficiaxy. may purchase ea�d property at euch enle. ..
<br />����� ,�:,�. . , The truetor. novenaate Chat at thc� k3me of delivery nf theee preaente,
<br /> , y
<br />-'''��+�• ' -• -"` �hey nze ecized o� z�el.d rxopexty in fee •e3mpZe� and tha� e�ici property ia f�ee
<br /> �"�'�'`�'�'� " �' of encumbrances, except enc�brancee, easementd, rights-oP-way, restricCione and
<br />-~^���� �� ���� reaerv�tian� of reeard. c►xtd they will properly maintain the pruparty. keep all
<br /> .. bulldingo �.noured for fir� and extended covera�e i�n an omouat equa7. to the
<br /> -- unpaid ba7.ance of the uforec�aid Note, with looa payable to thn Beneficiary� and
<br /> . :;' will pay ull taxe3 �and neces3meuCs a�ainet enid proger2y r+sid rsmounte due on priar
<br /> `"" ..' enae�brances� aud 3� they �ha].1 fail to pay ineureace premiume or taxes on ,.
<br /> . �ounte due on prios enaumbranaes� the Beneficiary may pay the eame and all
<br /> . amounta ao pAid sha].1 becomfz additional indebtednese due 4iereunder; and in caee
<br /> _ '+ .. of forecloeuxe, Trustor will pap any xenaonoble nttarctey fees iacurred by . �
<br /> ., l3eneficinry or T�ruatee in euch gorecloaure proccedings. •.,�:
<br /> , ,.
<br /> � � „
<br /> = `.. " .. .. � �
<br /> ' `��' �
<br /> �, ''
<br /> __ -- ---- ------------�..___.,..,,�__r--------��--_----•----- __..
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