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<br /> ' und fs incaaporatcsl inro and shail bc drtmcJ tu amtiui �ar,ci �up�ricmcnL tht.�artgaYe, Lkr.cl oC'("r,ust
<br /> or Secu�rit.y l:ked(the"Security Instrumrnt")of thc�amc date givrn by thK�inde�si�nr.ct(the "lk�rrower") -
<br /> tc� sec��re l�arrc�wer's Adjustab}.a Hate Nnt�(t1�e "tdate'°J to ..
<br /> GOl.I�t.LS f E1]�RP,L SAY 1 N�5 �lA9VK ��
<br /> (c'na."1 end�r")af lile
<br /> ' same date a�i� cav�ring the property c�es�r3l�eQ in tlis�ecurity TnSt����mer�t snd �c�at�:d at: .
<br /> 412£� f�?a F11M�t)D DR 1 VE f�72PtJD 151..A�� NE 69843 .
<br /> [Pr��tcrty Addcess]
<br /> iiA�fF ANp 'iF1E MONT1ip..Y PAYR+iEhl'i'. 1'HE NpTE R.IAAITS TH� AMQUK'� THi:
<br /> Tt��MflXIMUM�ITE YHE 6�::.",�►1�lEtt MLSr PAY. 'fHE NCI�'E I�LSO CONTA►081$ • .
<br /> 7'HE OPT10N TO 1:aNVERT THE Al�Jl1ST/��LE RA9'�: TOi A�I�kD RA7E.. '
<br /> AD�DITI(tNAI., �OVGNANTS. In addition to the covenant.� c�iva���+�ee��ncnts made iia the 3ecu►.it�� •
<br /> [nstruarent� Barrowcr and 1Lender further covenant and agrco as fol.ta�c.tit�, �•
<br /> A. AQ�IUSTABLE RATE AND MONT�flY CAYbfENT CltelNt:��s'.:
<br /> The Note pravidcs far�i:tiGal ir.t:.rest rate of 6,.#31:��i'o.TI�c Note pr�vi�t�fOI Ch3E.*.�
<br /> ' in the adjustabie interest r�:t�and the monthly payments. as folla+4s: . '
<br /> fA) CiraR¢c:Uites - -
<br /> The adjus�uUle interest raae 1�vill pay may change on the firss da;�of ., e9A� , 1�9fi ,
<br /> and on that day every 12dt month thcreafter.Each date on�vhich iu�+adjut�;abl�er,terest rate could cha�ge �
<br /> is c�llled a "Change Date."
<br /> (B) The[ndcx
<br /> Beginning with the�rst Cha�►ge Batc.ny a���s.a�tc:n.r:cst ria�;rili bc:';�ased on�n In�%�s..14�e"Index" °
<br /> is.the weekly average yield on United States Treasury securities adju:�eecl va a cor.stant macuriCy of I year;
<br /> a�made available by the Feders�l Reserve Board.The mast recent Inc�ax fi,ntlrr:available us of tho date 45�:�.y�
<br /> before ea�h Change Date is called thc "Current Inclex."
<br /> If the Inderx is no longer availab!c,the Note Holder�vill choosc�a nc�v in�lex that is�aEed upe�camparabte
<br /> information.7f"'a�.c Note Holder�vill give rne notice of this choice.
<br /> (C) Csticuls�tfon of C6stnges
<br /> Hefore each Change Date, the Note Noldcr�vill culcu(1te mp ne�v•interest rate by addtng
<br /> Two ar�d ueven�Eighths percenta�;epoint(s)( 2.8750 °'o)to
<br /> the Current In�ex. �'hc Notc Hoider will then round the result of this�c!dition to thc ncarest arxe-eighth ef
<br /> one percentage point(0.12SQ/o).Subject to th:limits stated in Section•A(D)Below,this rouz:��d amuunt wiil
<br /> be my new interest rate un!il the next Change Date. _.
<br /> The Notc Holder wiU then determine thc amount of thc monthly�payment tNat would be sufficient ua
<br /> repay the unpaid principal chat I am expected co o�ve at the ChanBe Uate in full on the Maturity Date at my
<br /> r►e�v interest raie in substantially cqual paymcnts.Thc result of thiF,alcul�tion �vill be the n�w amount of
<br /> my monthly pa;�ment.
<br /> (D) Llmi�on Intcrest Ratc Changes -
<br /> The interest rate I am reyuired to puy at the first Change IDatc �vill not 6e grcatcr -
<br /> tt�an 8.8750 °lo or less than 4.$T50 %.Thcreafter,my adjustablc intcrest rate
<br /> wall never be increased ar decrcased on any sin�lc Changc Date by more than
<br /> One percentng� point(s) ( 1.0000 �'o) -
<br /> from the rate Qf interest 1 have bccn payin�for thc prcceding 12 months.My intcrest rate�vill never be greater -
<br /> th�.^t 10.7500 %, �vhich is called the "Maximum Rate." �:
<br /> (�) EfSective IIDnte of�hanges _.
<br /> My netv iiar_erest rnte�vill become effective on cacf�Chan�e Date.I�vill pay the arr�ount of my ne�v monthiy
<br /> payment beciu:ning on the first monthly paymeut date aftcr the Chanbe Date until tl�e amount of my montl�ly
<br /> payrnent changcs again.
<br /> ([') Notice oP �'!!�!e��es
<br /> The Note Nolder will dcliver or maii to me a notice of any chan�es in my�diustable intcresi ratc aud
<br /> the amount of my montlily payment before thc effectivc date of.�ny cha�gc.Thc noticc will include informasion
<br /> rcyuired by law to be given mc and also the title and tclephone number of a person�vho will lnswcr any question
<br /> I may have re�arding the notice.
<br /> hSULTISTATC•CONVCPTIQLG ApJUSTACtE tiATE AI�EA—G:;�a frry-1 Yoar Tronsury indox•Fnnnlo 1:7�a Uniform Inatnimcns
<br /> {��$45A�a3os� �cUo t o�3 Fotm 311(3 1189
<br /> VA7P�'ORTGAGC FOF161S • �6001G21•729T . tt { (
<br /> `��PrInM4 on Recrcted Pe.t2r I I���I��I����I lil�l1�I�I��1�1�I��I
<br /> �� '
<br />