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<br /> N►r sum��eaurd by I�hi�`rrririly 1'mnumrt�t shall ix ir,ctu�;cd by tF�e amount H'r the pttx�cds ircuit�ii�ct by thr following
<br /> �s.�tGu;►: {a)tit�[ufai::tin:wlt��f��li,:t:!�i� :::'° , . •. . . ,., �.,.�:;�},�a �t,�,�
<br /> ,.�;:::1 is1:a::•'at:�l�Sy b_(����t{cd fal,6�iL,�li:�i�1:�.t LJ(�f)tc.. 3rlr e; i;'.t
<br />- Pre}�ir.rYy in�tnerJiatel,y {yefcire 1l�e l�lirt(t. Auy bd�ance sha'.I tx:paid!ie tiorrowcr. tn tt�e event or a ��,nimi••takm� c,r ine .. •�
<br /> Brapeny En which the fair rt�ui�CCt value.r.�f�he i'i�cny imsnccfiately he€�x�the urlcinR is lese tha�i the ameunt cif�ho cums
<br /> seuirt� Imrnc;4::�tety br1��rG�hc txkt��g,�suirss As7nrower�ml i.cndrr c�thenvise a��ree in writi�ig ur unir« appliGxble rnw
<br />, u�l�rrwisC pruvitk�,�i�r prcxce�cis tilialf lx upplied ro the sums securcd by Qt�s�ccurity In�tcumeut�vl�r.ther��r+ir�t�ha tiun�s are �
<br /> -- - - -- — ---- - ------- -- - _
<br />: - u�en a�ze. - - - - -- ..,. -- -- ._----- - - - _
<br />� if 1lte 1'ra[�e�ty is abaactancd by f7o��ro:ucr,or if,af'tcruoticu by l.cridca•ta Burr��vet di3t ttis cnnrlen'�nnr c�fiers to ir:�ke
<br /> :u�awiud ur se4tle r�cl:tim!'or�1�in?n�s,Die,rmx•er i'ciils tc�rcr,}wnd t�Lci�der tvithin 3Q days aftcr the dat� the nutfcer is c�vrn. ,
<br /> ' I.en��r is uu�huri��ed tu cofltct erid a>>ply thc p�'oceeds,at iLs optioi�,cither to n:s.nratinn�r repair of ttic Pruprny or to tritl `
<br />= stmty suured by Il�i�Security Instmment,whe�hcr tlr not thcn due.
<br /> �� Unlesti l.c:nder a:ed Sor�nwer othcrwise a�rce in writing, nny applicmion of proccLils to princ.ipa{ shall not extend or
<br />' � postpana It�e di+e date of ehe rtmnthly payments rcfcrra,!to in para�raphs 1 mx!2 or cfiangc the amount of such payments.
<br /> �1. I[�orrawer Cdnt Itelcused; 1�ortreRrance Ay Ixnder K�uc s� Waib�er. Fxtcnsion of thc timc fur �� meui ur
<br /> malific«tion ot'amcvti•r.ation of t�.e sums scx:ured by this Security Tnstniinent grantecl by I.c�dcr to a��p successor,n interrst
<br /> ' of 8orrower sl�all nnt uperute to releasr,U�e liabilitry of the orlginal Dorrawer or Borrowcr�;successots in intcrest.Lcnder
<br />_ S�twit::a�2�:.Y'yUti"'.,:� [4i C.^.11SiS1�::�j%fC.E:�G��tl^n3 8r,d:L: At2� S:fCCC�S^f!I2!!?��'3L'S!OT SC�LS�l0!'YS!'!RC� [imr fnr�taa!►1+�pi nr
<br /> �th��V:iso m�fJlf}+aAlUfiiZuitOSt OE�t}t!'sums secused hy thes Sec��rity LnstnF:r,cnt by r,��s�n of any dem:�nrf��ade by tho original ._
<br /> Dorrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearuu:e by Leizder in exe�ising any ri�ht or remedy shall nnt be a
<br /> waivcr af u:gr�:cludc thc excrcisc of any ri3t�t or rcnu�y.
<br /> � !a. 5ucc�essors and Asslgn9 Bnund;Jlotnt and Several Llabtlily�Co-signcrs. The ca�cn::�is and agrecments of tl:is .
<br /> SccuritX Ins�rument shall bind and benafit �he succes�o�s and assiUns of Len�lr.r an�Banotiver,subj�t to th�psdvisions of �
<br /> paragraph 17. Horrawcra covenams and n�reeincnts shall be joint and scveral. Any Borrotivcr�vho co-sigas this Sccurity �
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signins this 5ecuriry InsuvmeAS only to mortLnge,gvant and convey thai
<br /> Bu:ra�:er's intsmst ip the Progcrty unc�er the tcrms of this Security Ins�niment; (h}is not persnnally obligated to pay the sums __
<br /> .�,�r,�.1 h��Ii«C����rirv ln,:tnmu�nr.and!cl nar�es that[�nder m�d:3nv nthcr BatCOtver iT11y AgCCe to CXtCntl,modify,forbe•,s
<br /> or m:►��e ac�y accomnzodations �vith regnrti [o die tertns of this Security insirument or the Note without th�z BonnH�er:s
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. l..�an C�ar�es. If the loan secured by this Security Instrumcnt is subject to a law which sets m�ximum loan
<br /> euarges,:uid tliat iaw ts t►nni[y interpreted so tfiat tne intemst or ainer ioan cbar�s coiiccted or iv oc coitcciev in currnccii�i,n -
<br /> with the loan exceed the permitted limits,tlten: la}any such loan cTnarge shall be reduced by the amomtt necessary ro reduce
<br /> the charge to the peEmitted limir,and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceec�ad permitted lim�ts�aill i�e •
<br /> rcfunded to IIc.vrower. Lender may chc�os�to m:ilce this refund by reducing the principal owed u�iclGr the Note ur by mnking� ':� �
<br /> , di�ct paysnent to�orcower. [f a refund reduces princip�l,the mduction w•ill bc;treated as a partlal prepayment without any",:�
<br /> p�+epayment charge under the�iote.
<br /> 14. Notices. A.ny notice to Borrowcr provided for in Ihis Security Instrument shall b� givep�by delivering it or by;
<br /> mailing it by 6rst�lass mail unless npplicairlc law requir�s use of unather method.The notice shall be dirccted to the Propcn�
<br /> Address or any other lddiess Borro�ver designates by notice t�•Lender. Any notics to Lender shaU be given by �irst cla.�,a
<br /> mail ro L.cndcr r addres5 stated hcrcin or;u�y odtcr address Lcndcr design:�tes by noticc to Borrawcr. Any notice provided£ur.,
<br /> in this Security Instrum�nt sh:+ll be dcemcd to liave bccn givcn to Borro��;er or Lender when given �s prov�ded in this _
<br /> �arasraph.
<br /> IS. Cio�erneng Law; �everability. This Security Instrument shall bc govcrned by fcdeml law and d;c��fnr af thc
<br /> jurisdictiun in which the Pruperty is located. ]n the event that�y provisiun or clause of this Security Instrument or tlie Nuta
<br /> conflicts with applicnble law,such conflict shall not afiect otlier provisions of ttiis Sesurity Instiument or the Note which can -
<br /> be given effect without tlie conflicting provision. '[b this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and tlte [Vote:ine -
<br /> declared to be sevemble. _-
<br /> 16. BorrnK�er's Co�y. Borro►ver shall be given on�confumied copy of the Notc nnd of this 5ccurity[nstruinent.
<br />