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<br /> -":"�� tJl��l�l'.Tiitl��!f'11tI1�7��y Ei14'li��C�U Q�iC l':���k�iy c�Kafu;.Sail cl:+�fii'i:ilil�l�.".lif,A�:i�`;.til�if::i.L QGl�iny Cid.ili�2�H.��(^C!i l�p ke.i:�lvi. -�°
<br /> v ;=� 'A1ll� SI:C:UK1'I'Y IIVSTRUh1�:MT ca�nhlne� nnifo�» coveitants Por natlonal usc and�non-unlCorm covr.r��nty with
<br /> .. ._ �i+yt�f�t4 v:��i����+r.y hy jis;a�c��ctia��inc�����t�titta;.s uuiti�s�t�6cc�riiq iit3Z1ll1�ICil�CI)VCiI(i�};�e�l p�r���lrcfiy. _
<br /> - IJN�Ft)I�t�1 c:�vKWAh i�. �orrawctr and i.e��ler cavcnunt und a�rec Ks fs�llaHVS: ' � -- �
<br /> � 1. �'ment�t l�rlotctp�l and Interrat;i�ra�►3�ment x�!I,rtRe t'�hNrRcs. Ftr,rrowcr s0ia11 prom}�ily pup wt:tn�iue the
<br /> princl��al of u��d i�ucrost nn thc dcbt evi8enscd�y the N�te und any�rep:ay�ncra.�n�!lat�s cliurg�sd�e►mder thc Nute..
<br /> titi....e...�i.....�r.��,.,,.�.. .r.,h�s u,,,�ut��inw ur m a wriucn waivee bv I�cnder.Qvnrnwec siui9 lmy to
<br /> �.cnder on tho day monthly payments arc duc uiidcr thc[Vate,undl tno Nnte ls pald!n full,a ruu�t"runds°)foc: (a) ycurly
<br /> t�xe9 a�id�s�:ssi�tients wloich muy nttai�i prlorflry ovcr lhis Sccurity b�sttumcnt As a licn an the Propc�ty;(b)y�arly Icasehofd
<br /> _ ° paymcnts ur giuui�d c�;it� 07 tt�e t::,p;,;iy, if u�y� (c) 4cariy h:z�r�d or prrsperty i.ns��macc P�r.minmsc (d)Yca�l}r flood �_
<br /> insarunce pr�miums,if any; (c) yearly mortgoge insur�ncc Errenyiu+ns. if any;and(� any sum�s p�yRble by Hnrcower to
<br /> I.ender,in uccorclance with the pr�visions of pamgraph 8,in licu of�he p:�yment of mort�u�;e insur�ncr prenslums. Tbe�: -
<br /> itcros a�c Sa{led"Escrow Items:' Leitdcc may.m miy Nnsc,callect c�n.d holr�[linds in nn aitr�unt nat¢a excccd thc m�clmunr
<br /> �unount n lee�der for n federally reluted mortgage loan may require for Dnrrower's escrow account under the feCeral Real -
<br /> - Bstate Scttlemcnt Fcocedures Act of 1�74 as anien�rd from time to timco 12 U.S.C. �2601 et se�.("RESPA"),unlrss another _
<br /> law that opplies to the Fl�nds sets a lcssea amount. If so,I.endcr may.ut nny ttme,collect and hold F'hnds in an amount nat to
<br /> -- excecd the lesser amount. Lender may estimate the nmount of �ndn dtie on the basis of current dnta ond reasonable
<br />_` =y� esdmate��of exgenditures of tature Escro�v Itexns or othenvise in stceordance�vith applicnbic law. __
<br /> -' The �unds sl�ap be held in an instltution whose deposits nro insured by u fcderai agency.instr+imentality,or entity
<br />.�,,,,� (includIng L.ender,iF Lender is sach an institulion)or in any Fed�rul Home Y.oan�:�nk. Lender shall appjy tre Funds N pay
<br />---- the Hscrow Items. Lcnder may not cii:vge Borrower fur holding ancl npplying the Punds. annuully analyzing tt�e escrow �:��
<br /> = account, or verifylug the Esccow Iten�s, unlsss Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and nppllcable law g�errnits
<br /> � r.ender to make such a ch;uge. Huwever,Gender may rcyuire Bonower to pay�one-time charge for an indcpendsnt re�l
<br /> -- estate wz reporting service used by Leader in conncction with Qiis loan,unless applicnble law provides oL`�ercvise. Ualcss an
<br /> - -= agreement is made or appltcable law:�uires intcrest to he paid,Lender shall not t�e requim,�t to pay Borrower nny interest ot __
<br /> [��tmia��s op ihr.Funric, t+�„�;;:�:;,,^,��.�,5l�^!:21°v nnraa in u/ritino�hnurayc r thnt interPCt chAI)$C Dat(I OII t11C S'LI!l�9. Lcnder
<br /> --.z �' �O� --
<br /> _ shap�ive to Horrower,withaut charge,an annua!ciccounting of the Funds.showi��credits and debits to the Pl►n�s anc!thc
<br /> -� purpose for which each debit to the Funds was m�de. Ti�e HUnds are pled�ed as addItIonal socurity for rill sums secuned by
<br /> - this Security Instniment.
<br /> -`- �t'sFsc F,• � �!� �y L.�•n�ir��Yrrrrl thc�mnnun�s gcrmitted to he held by applicable law, I..ender shall accaunt to
<br /> -.� tiorrawcr for the excess Funds in accordance with the rcquirements of applicable law. If the amo�at of the Funds hcld by -�-_
<br />'-- '��� Lender at any time is not sufficicnt to pay tlie Escrow Items when due,Lender tnay so noufy Horrower in wricnng, and,in ---
<br /> -�'`� suc� case Borro�ver shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up ehe deficiency. Borro�ver shall rtrnak� up tha ____
<br />•-:c�;� deficiency ia no more thun cwelve montlily payments.at Lender's sale disce+edon.
<br /> =��' Upou payment in full of all sums secured by this Security instrum�nt,Lendcr shall promptly refu2td to Bonowcr any
<br /> � _ Ftinds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire os scl!the Pmperty.Lender.privr ta the ecquisidon or �_
<br /> -���; sale af the Pmperty,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time af ncquisition or sale as a credit against tlae sums �
<br /> _ �j secured by this Security Inswrnent.
<br /> Y;_;� 3. Applt�tion e4�nyrnent�. Un(ess applicable law Provtdes otherwise. �Il payments received by Lender undzr �'.`�-'
<br />�-..� �_a� paragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charge�duc under the Nate;second,t�amounts payable umdcr '"�"
<br />=����� paragraph 2;third.to interest due;founh,ta�rincipal due;and last,to uny late charges due under the Noze. Y_��
<br />�"��._! 4. Chnrges; Ltens. Borrower shnll pay stll 4vices, nssessments,charges, fines �nd imgositio�s attributable to thc
<br /> .,,•_..
<br /> � Ptoperty which may nttnin prioriry over this Security Inst�vment.and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower '°
<br /> _•= ?� shui! pay these�bligarions in tlte mannee provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manncr,Borrower shall pay thenn on r.,,_-
<br /> �-%� time-d'uecdy to the person owed payment. Borrowcr sh;ill pr�mpdy fumish ro Lender all natices of amounts to be paid undcr e =•-
<br />-_- ;a this paragraph. If Bomower makes thesa paymenu dirccdy,Bomowcr shall promptly fumish to I.endcr receipts evidenc.ng -:-
<br /> :-_ the payments. 4-� '.
<br /> --= Horra�ver shall prompdy dischar�e any lien which hus priority oveathis Security Inshument unless Bonrower.(a)agrees �r-�`
<br /> - in writing to the payment of ttte obligaqon secumd by the Iten in a rnan�er acce�wbie to Lender,(b)contests in gaod faith the -
<br /> - lien by,or defends against enfurcement of the lien in.legal proceedings�vhich en the I.ender�opinion operate to prevent the "'��.
<br /> � - enforcement of the l�en;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ngreement sadsfactary to Lender subordinating the lien _
<br />-�m�.�: to this Security Instrument. if Lender detennines that any part of the 1Propecty is subject ro a lien which may attain priority �`-�:'
<br />`,_� over this Security Instrument,E.ender may give Banower a notice ide��:tyeng the lien. Borrowes shaU sadsfy the lien or tsike <r�•,
<br /> tk
<br />- - one or more of ttte actions set forth ntwve within 10 days of the giving�S!nmtice. �,_,�
<br /> ;;�;'� S. Hnzard or Property Insur.u�ne. Borrower shull keep the improvements now existing or hereafter crected on the
<br />_-:�_� 1'raperty insured against loss by fire.hlzards included wlthin the term"extended coverage"and any other h�zards,includin�
<br /> _ _ floods or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. 'Aiis insurance shall be maintained in the amc,unts and for the
<br /> ��1_':IId __.
<br /> �:"=u P Corm 3028 9C�10 (paRe 7 uf 6 p�getl .
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