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<br /> �:�ri�tinrn hy.jnriKCiict4nn tn r.vnsiitu�e a unitc�rnt x:c�stily in:t�urt►ent cnr•ering irn!p�Yr�trYy. "
<br /> ZTf«�(;�14�lR�'{'S�%L•',�(:��1i�.4.}Stil'ii�✓�'�'.i'SUGf�..:.:i�I�:l'C1��L"II:�:I1�:111i�Q:CiI'�:�:3�1`��lil✓.•i: �� � .
<br /> 1. t��c oc��rpa a�a Y�,ar r�'�rnw►yu►�,e w�t �..�� e:laar�s. l��rzrs�wcr �Il prumFKjY i�Y wirttv �di�c its� ..
<br /> �rinc;�rii of and iaiie►YSt�n the�rbt evickrxeci by tt►�Ni+t�curc!ac►y prcpuynknt ar:+l l�ee chargr.;�uc e�r►�er thr Ncxtr. _
<br /> 2. 1M'u�s tar'lrxes bnd ima�urs�ceo Subjec.t ca a�>p�icabl� L•►W�;tu a�rit�c�t�aivcr fay l.r��er, ISc;rrower�huil ��ay tu
<br /> TreiYler an tM:day►nonthly paynxnis arc d�tt u�Hier sl��iotr,unii!it�e Nnte iv ps+id In full,a sum("�unds''}f�r,:{a)yenriv las,�s
<br /> a�wi-»�sr..�snsents wntich ina;r atiai!i prinrity uvr:r tltis Sccurlty Qntitzu�Yte��t as a�ien�r,n 1he!'xo{terty:lb)ytarly leasei�oid paymen�
<br /> �r Erx►r��,rr.nf;un tha Property.if:sny:tc�3'carly E��r.�u�ar�sroperty insur�Cs�n�m�iums:(d)ycarly fla�d inaurur�:c{xcntiems,
<br /> if�uyy: (r,)��;.urTp tttc��cp;aqe insurnnce prf^�z4�'�x�,�ff�fn;/; a►xl (f� any��fitkii3i(�ayublt��l>y I�orrowcr ta l.endcr, in accprduncc wit�
<br /> the p��:visiulss of�uir�raph 8,in li�a�c�f.t�ic;�ayiz.�,�t�f n�nrtgagc insut�ac�r.,�rf;�ciiti��.'�i:ese items are caUcd"�scrr��4 fitNCr,�,:;..
<br /> C„c;x;�>r.�.�r.�ysru at s►ny tinx:, Gcr'3::�.� nn�!.lio,'.,:�;t'u'rr'.��•ita,m� u:nounz not tct exctit�t[tc�•�'itnxintu�n .�mouiit u Icculcc fur�► Y��;s�P3Zjt;��
<br /> r�:t:�t�a� su�t.9�;Eka to�n mx�:rc:�i.ss�,fcr,??�ortowtr's cssrow�ccaunt unctcr tht f�-cle�.�l Rral t?stat�Sr{tlen�ent P►medure.3 .e'�s�:n#
<br /> 1�374 aa am:.r�tes�from tin�:W ti»>e; t2 U.S.C. 5ectiQn 2601 et spq. ("ItF,SPA"),uatcss another iaw that a��lies ta U�Fan�l.s
<br />" scts a lesser ami�unt. If so, Lender�ay�, at any time:. coflect und hutd Funds in an um��nt not Sa exceeci the Itsscr.amount.
<br /> a.' �c u'� : �: at� �•nnehl� cfimatr. F n ��xlipirea s�f Cuturc -
<br /> j.CCUici ui:iji riiiiird'ac i��F;d�iw'liiiu`t3f�iII('wLi d...^,II t:7.'�S.^.:��.°.�f Ct:�:t% t�,. 32'�f'�'a_...._.._ti f__..._._5 O_ _X. .
<br /> Lscrow Iten�a ur ot!►er�vir.�in.s�:oarclance wittz appl(sable iaw.
<br /> 'E'he Fuixls shall [� ?!�a�T xn �re institution whnse deposits are insured bf•3 federal agency, instwr�tality, ar entity
<br /> (lnclu�iing Lcncicr,ff F�x:r.'r,t�.�a such an institation)or im m�y�cdcral Homc Loan Bank.Lc�dcr::1�aSl apply tlie Funds ca pay tiz�
<br /> Es�:row fU:ms.�-;rm�:r.r:�rv mot charga�orruwer for iiolding and applying th�Funds.annunlly�nalyzing the escrow acsouni,or
<br /> v:;.rii'}riizg tlte�s�.uw�tc:rs, unless l.endcr psys Bonowcc interest on tf�c Eunds and applic;ab!Y l��v permits Lender to rnatc�such
<br /> :.chsrfie. :ia:rsre:. Lerxf-r:^tsy re�e�ee Borrower to p:�y a one-tin�e charge for an independc�t re;+l estate tax renarting scrvice _
<br /> usod_by [.encier in com�c�n with this loan, unless appli�;abPe la�v pruvides otherwise. Unless an agr«ment is maJe or
<br /> applicaUle law requices�e:c.rst to be paid.I.ender shall n�t be rc9uired ta pay Barrowcr any interest or eaniings on the L�unrJS. -
<br /> Borrc�wer arx3�nder niay agree in writin�, howcver. that interest sh.sll be paid on the Fun6s. i..ender shall givc to Bnrrower,
<br /> without chsrgs. an annual acca�unNng of the Funds, showinQ crcc�its and debits to the Fr�rds sr�d die pu�ase for which each
<br /> �►» ._. � ia...� to i c .+.��o�•�. a oc a�fd'. �1 c.,cv�rit fiir?II c�im�cer�tred 6y[his Serutily incmimc�nt.
<br /> ,.,�t«.lt,: ur...o..��-...T.te.u....___pl�,,�—--���-------•Y--- •
<br /> If dic Funds heid b�'L�aidcr ex�:e.r.,d the amaunts�crmitted to be heid by applicable law,Lender shall account to Hurrower
<br /> 4 ar thc exGess Funds in�a*dance with die requiremr�t:of applic.lble law.If ihe amount of the Funds hetd try L.ender at uny ,..
<br /> tisne is nat suffcient to pay''2he Escrow Items when dus,i.ender may sa notify Bonor�er in�vrit�np,suui,in such case Eonower
<br /> s�!al(pay t+��.;�.�er the amount necessar•3r t�make up Hie defi:ien+ey. l�orrower sh�ll makc up tlie.deficicr_cy in no more ttutn
<br /> twelve nusr.�::�;�ayments;�t I.ender's sblz:discretion. =
<br /> LJ�on payn��nt in:f��E 4f stll sums secure�d by tfii:. Security Instrumenc, Lkd.dL'P shal! ptnmptly refuari to Borrativer any __
<br /> Farxis lteld by Lenden i'f;atnder parsgcaph 21,L.ender shull acquirc or seli the Propert}+,I.�nder,prior to eheacquisition or sale
<br /> of the Pro�.►erty, sha�!apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acqulsitior�or salc as a cmdit ag�inst rha sums socur�ecl by =
<br /> this Security 7nstrum�nt. –
<br /> 3.Appl➢cs►tton of Paymeuts.U:iless app{icable law pruvides otlierwise,all paymcnts mceived by Lender under pamgraphs
<br /> d and 2 sl�all be applied: fi�st, to nny prepayment ch:irges due under the lVote: sccond,to amounts payable undcr paragraph 2;
<br /> t�hIrd, to int�rest ciue:fourth,to principal due;and l�st,to uny late charges due t»�!er tlie Note.
<br /> 4.Ctt�eges; Licns.L'orrowcr shaU pay nl! taxcs,ctssessn�ents,charges,flr.es and impositions amibutablc to the Property -_.
<br /> which may attuin prIoiity ov�r this �ecurity Instrument. and le�sehold payments or�round re��.s, if any. Borrowcr sha11 pay =
<br /> these obligattons in the manner provided in g:vagrrph 2,nr if not�a�r}.i�tl�at manner.Borrovicr s��nU pay them on time direcdy
<br /> to th4 taerson ow«1 paymcnt.Qorrower shali promptly funnis..'1 r.o I,endcr all notices of:unounts to be paid un�cr tliis paragrnpl�. _
<br /> ' ;f°.f Barrcwer malces these payments dlrecdy,Borrowes sl:i�]6 pmmptly furnisl�to Lender reeeipts evidencing tin�nayments. -
<br /> • Borrower shal:promptly discharge any lien whir;�i�as priority ovcr this Se�urity Instrument untcss Borrowcr: (a)agmes in -
<br /> writing to the payment of thc obligation secure,d by t}►�lien in a er��ner acceptablc tu L.cndcr, (b)rnntests en go�d f:►ith tl�..li�n =
<br />- by, or defends agninst cnforcement of the lien {n, legal procceu"sc�s �vhic!► in tlae L.ender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforccanent of the lien; or(c)secur�s from the holder oF the lien an a��+eement satisfactory to Lsnder subordinatin�the lien to =
<br /> dus Sezuriry Instrument. [�Lender detcrmrines that ar�y�art of thc Pmperty is suGjr,ct to a lien which may attuin priority over
<br /> this 5ecuaty Instrument.L�ndcr may give Borcawcr ai rtotia;identifying ihc lien.�4orrotiver shall satisfy tlie lien or take�ne or
<br /> more of the sctia�s sci forth abovc�vitltin t0 days of thc giving of noticc. • t
<br /> Form 3028 8150 ;
<br /> �
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