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<br /> , ; I 9. [',.�..:_�'?.C-,rc,.::t c;;;c::-t•� rc':o cfl n�y�o:�nSS on tit� ar:vuicA �?�a2 �:�;'3 �,u�. ►��lt:^a Certc::r�� tr3 lc,�r'�r r_;rc� ���+`.�;�::��, enV
<br /> � E;- t�!c -t�.:r:;, ':fra:.i C::;;� cr cr Cct L'c:ra�:;r'o irsi�i�i r.::l F:a r_;r;..:: 9;;cE io t;�y c:.:�u;::a ;:-ror:�7 t.::.'t cn t;;�cc::��;:; ��:.:.2 � ,
<br /> j p::%,�� .�o`r 1„t::is.a e:�{�i�„c•;.��'�r.�:r.t;:��t�1,,::_:.::t.c:3 t�;���fa 47Gzclp�f.li(t°iil:I�:7C;:"r:�:�;il 0}f�l:i CCetr..:i r'�';toC:.e:C fur c;�y i::::�.r.n,f�t:::1
<br /> _ naY'tC:.'^��G7 G:r,r:r..,�,�,.�..�. •' �i ..;�...;2��s;:�t t;,]C��l[TCSI d�iaY Ib{tc1�71n tu:l.
<br /> � 4 �,6�a[,;a��'.+:�!kiae.8�rrae�ar v:"I Y+��J c!t s�,�:3,e��r,sor�i�nto,cn�oYi:r ch�i��3 OSiPiUutehCo ta t�o Itirc; city��h°�di��rntl�:iJ d���:r.d 4iL'�
<br /> ��- .:,.�,� � ., Pf4i�i�Gw11il�aU��ni e��i�V�vw ap�-,�t�f�r�,}ipv!n¢uUUfy IcLnr or ria4cil�l�40 lrepaavo�or i�i��2c n iiti��iopxityns�!gr�ery rt�ltiYu,cls;�lti8 Q! �
<br /> _�',�,�. :��p° �� .
<br /> -� 3.I�x�x�nc�.@orrawar wfll Y.orp th�prap�rty Inr�x�d w�dt►t�rm•peceptoble to L�nd�r�4 8orrow�r'��xp�np rnc9 for L�nd�r'� tHn�fit.All � ;
<br /> ' _ _ � h�s��rcrcco�aLcfta�hsil inclu�a a ait�!ls�d n�art0aa rcttuaa tn(nvc�of tender.londor wll7 be�er�ied�91oQO payaa or eo the Inu�red r.n a�v auch
<br /> —__W'�� 6.�ii�:.«.1�., ��.1�+��»a.U7`�.`�[.LIC"-_�III' L��i' '�'_�.l:�t�1 II�..R!SPi'(f d.'P77ilIf}!l�to ekh_r t1e reetorntl����or Ps��alr at tho dums;�e:l Gi'�"v���� �.
<br /> - ar to tM aaaa!d�bt.IE Lind�r r�quki�mcr�qWo 6isixenc�,Oorrowa��+ar to msfnt�{n euct�In�urenc��or�s lon�u�land�r rortuirer. �;�;��...
<br /> �. , A,Proprrty,8orrow�r evilf kt�p YNs pro�rty In pood sqndi2ion end m�ke atl npUn ew�eon�bly nece�nrY. :�-
<br /> `*� ■ ---- ------ a a..0�ll l.wlu'��pe+�nua.tr�rLufltw n■:nn�h�n�itDt(111Y�'fE��.If 8arrowar brtl�kn anv aauenant�Ip.thl�d�i(1 � _,-
<br /> v.«wro.w�v.'.:v::..,.�.�r..� .Q r..
<br />�,�,�,,,n:,?� '{ ot tru�t o►In sny obllp�tiun aecured�y thli dbM of Tru�t.l�orrowsr wUl pey thes�emaunt�to Lendar o�prov�dad m cav9mat v or mn oa�a oi 4i �;;
<br /> L4� �Ay� P �f��0��
<br /> �•,.�
<br /> ��it'n Y� A.Piiar 1�k►t�tute.Uniau Borrowu f(r�t obteln9 Lendtr'e wrltton comcnto Bnrrower wlll�sot m�ke or p�rmti �ny ch�ngn tn eny prior
<br /> �����'� �nc�NxN�yip�Sarrnwir'i cuvsnints tomtk�piym,nti�when dur b�tQe.ioae undsr any �rlar mortpapa, d:ad of uusst or oth�r encurlty e�reemnM, _
<br /> .,�.:�-:xrrac�ts�t�. �
<br /> '—�•y=:�M�-`= �,�� 09 llK+b�nd Prolta.Borrower e�ef�n�to Leixfsr the anto nnd protite of the property.Unlooe OQrrow�end lender hnvo apreod :��'��
<br />'�'�?it�.'.`•+�r{�} oth�rrrr��I�n wNUr►p, 8o�rower may colloot end ret�!n tt►e rentu ea Eonp eo ffnrrower ia not In dofault.If Borrowor de}ealte, Lender,I.ancfor'o
<br /> '•���'.�'•�' oflant, or�caixt eppolntid��ooeivnt maV t�ke paasatclon and manepe the proporty end a�lluot the r�nt6. Any ren4s Lend�v collaate s1�e11 be
<br /> .["' ;':},,t.S�'�r �pA��ad(Irat to ttie coeU�of monapfnD the propany, Inctudin court coati und ettoronym'foue, cnmm(��fore to rontei sae�nts,and eny other
<br /> r,:r,h,;;.,r��,�� rsec��swY 9N�ted exjwns4a�Ti�o r�mt►nlny�mount of renit w�l tho�optrly to peymonto on the socured debt a�provlded In covenent t.
<br /> '�-J;�'�'���"�`�%' � 0.lwa�huidr.f Cflndomir�iumt;Hr�rNd Urft Wvaioprc�h.gurrow�r oprooa o compty with the provitton�of any leeee II thie dead of truit ie on
<br /> ''����;�:�' �' e�r_e�lM4d�If 11►tb dnod of tru:t is cn�unit in e cortdaminlam or e p]nnno�unit deveiopment,Borrower will pertorm ell of Borrower'e duties �
<br />` "w'J+ ��'L" und�r tM cnvonuma,byl�wa,or repufation�of the candarcdnium or planned uNt devetqpment.
<br /> �': .�".'.r"'
<br /> '����`�• '�: 8.Authod4y o!LWixfK to VMfom�1or Borroww. It Oortoviat faila to pertorm ony oi BaROwer'e dutie�under thle dead of trust, I.ai�der may
<br /> �� •� � •'` '� perform the tluQes or ceuse them to be pertormed.Londu mny cidn eorrowor's name or pey eny emount (f necetnnry tor perParmanee.If eny •�
<br />�..:�.4,..�,W�._, � 3, cansuuction on tho proporiy ia dlseanEinued or not carriad on-In o roasonabta mnnnar,Lendar moy do whatavnr Ia nocoesory to protoot Londer'o
<br /> securlty�nt�rat(n the proprrty.ThI�may include comptetinp ttie construction. .
<br /> :'::r°'s?'ivi���'� ,,.-,
<br /> � •�^�• Londev'e isfture to pe►torm vriil not proeludo Lander from oxorcisinp eny of Its othot rlDhte undor tho luw or thia doed of vust.
<br />."--:.��rt}!rrl;
<br /> Any amounts petd by Lender to R�otoct Lender'a aecurity Intereat will be eacu•ed by thia deed of trust,Such amaunte will be dua on damand
<br />__ ;_„.�;-�"" "J enJ wilt bear t�te�aat�rom tho dato o}tha paymoM unttl petd in fult at the fnterest rate in oNeat on tha securod debt. �
<br /> � !�. n.!...r�.na I►ecsi�arsttan. If Borravlcr fail�ta mako env Doymont whon duo or breaks ony covenente under thld doed of truot er eny
<br /> =`���?,': �. � � obtipeUon aacured by thlo Qeed of Wat ar�ny prmr mort4ege o�aeeo ot trusr.Landnr may eC�aio�aia ma mawrr[y oi ina 6ocu�aii�iaui ai�u -
<br /> "�'�� •��`"�� .' demand Immediate paymanY en�may irrvoke the powor oi oale end any othor remedioa permitted 6y appilcabte law. �
<br /> -:..ti..,> ,'3� - --
<br /> '{� '' 11.R�s2 7ot,Notic�of O�tiitt.It ia hereby roquested that coptos of the nottces of dnteult end eale be sent to oach porson who ie a party
<br /> ,. ��.., :�,o....::�...,....�a!a.-�S�:sct:�..,n�an en4}ni►h�!!��y�R:
<br /> � 12.Pow�r af G�Iti.{f the l.ender invokes the powar o!ea1e,the Trustee shall ftrst recurd In the oHice of the repiater of daeda of oach aounty •
<br /> �'� wheretn the trust property or some part or parcei thereo!IB eituated a notice of defauR containlng the informatton req��ired by law.The T�ustoe
<br /> � " sha11 aUo m�il copfea of the �otice of default to the Borrowsr,to oach person who is e party hereto,and to othnr peraons as prescdkod by
<br /> �'� ' pppilRAbl� law.Not tees than one month efter the Trustoe records th0 notice of defsuit,or two months If the truat prapoAy le not In any
<br />' ' •s Incwpweted cJry or vtll�ga�nd Is uaed In 4�rminQ operations carrtod on by tho vustor,tha 7mstee shall pivtf pubila notice ot nale to tho poroona
<br /> -�.�� � ` �• ' erW in th,s msmn�v pracribed bV appplicablo taw. Truotee,without domond on Borrower,ehali nell tho property at publin auction to•tho hiphoat ,
<br />-.-,���. :�f rt, .� 6iddrr.If roquked by the Farm Homestsnd Protection Act,Truatee shaU oNer tho property In two eopamta eeloa ea required by epplfr.ablo law.
<br /> �'ruatea may postpone ial o�ill or e�y�arcel of the Rraperty by publio ennouncement at the dmo end placo of eny previously echoQulod sulo.
<br />-"'�����`:.�. '_..1, Lender w IU de�tgnee rna}�purc hasn t ha prope r t y a t eny ee l o.
<br />�_� .�•:1���:.-\� •
<br />-�-+'%�•�+--�.+�=:+� Upon roeet�t of payment o}the price bid,Trustee shall doliver to the purchasor Truatne'e dood conveyfng tN�i property.The rocltlals Gonteinod In
<br />• .,.,y;��,�,,,,,y�. T►uttee'a d9ed ahell Ea prlms 4ecto evldlence of the truth of the ntotomonte contained thoroin.Truatee shall appiy tho procoeda ot th0 eele(�tho
<br />.,�_. ... .^,,�..; following otdor: (0) to ell expensee ot the sato, inclutlirtfl, but not Iimked to, reasonebio Truatoe's foes, �eeaonabte ettorney's feee and
<br /> reinatatemant foes;(b�to all sums eecured by thte dood of trust,and(o)4ho balence,If eny,to the persona Iogeily entitled to raceivo It.
<br /> �« �•�° . 13.Fa�cMwra At Lender's o�tion,thls deed of trust mey bo forecloaod In tho mannor provido by upplicablo law for foroclosuro of mortgapas
<br />°°`—�=�:���n.��.�.:: on mal property.
<br />�_�yUr.,s.:r"N`I_�}7.Sa _
<br />_: ��'n.:,�,� �4, Lender mey enter tha property 4o Inspoot It if Londor plvea B�rrowor notico boforahund.Tho notico muut stato tho reeconabto
<br />_-._._.;,.,,,,,,,,, cause o��cr'e Inspection.
<br /> .- , , ;,,t'"•i1rr- o
<br /> 1Y �
<br />`;:: - �;:. 16.Cendbmnet{c►n.Borrowor a�ai9ru to Lender the proceeds ot nny ownrd or cta:m for damaQos connnctod vrith a condo�nnatton or othor tnldng
<br /> '��;;�.- of ell or o:�y pett�f the property. Such procesda wfll 6e epplied na provlded In Covenant 1.Thie ossi8nment Is subjeat to the tarms of�rry prlor
<br /> , :*.�� eeeurftyagreement.
<br /> 90.INdwr.By exercistng any romedY avall�ble to Lender Lender daes not gtvn up any�ights to lator uso anY othor romody. Uy not axercisinp
<br /> .. . ��� any remuiy upon Borrowar'o defeult,Lendor doos not watvo eny ripht to latar consido�the flvont o defauit if it happons egaln.
<br /> ,:_.:: .':,.' ? 4 .
<br /> •- ••-•� 17..4oMrt and S�vcrr ll�bilt�y� Co-sipr»rs; Bucc�tsw� e�d Asalpns Baand. All dutiea under thls deeti o}trust ate Joint end sevarol. Any
<br />�'v�" ' ' Borrower who co•aipne this dead of vust Cut doea not co•sign tho undariying debt Instromentlel do9s so onfy to grant und convay thut
<br /> �'� ' ' � Borruvrat'a�ntereet in tho property to the Trustea under the terms of this deed of truat.In eddStion,such a Borrowar egreas thet tho Londor and
<br /> eny other Borrowar under this deed of trust may extend,modi or make eny othor chenQaa In the terms o}thls doad of trusit or tho cocurad
<br /> }� t
<br /> �- � �� � debt wfthout thst Borrower's cortsent end�vithout roiaesing that Borrower trom tho torms of Mis dond ot trust,
<br /> ��. _. Tho dutied ond boneflte of this doed of trust sheil bind ond bonofit the succnssore nnd essigns a}Lvndor end Borrowur. I
<br /> � � - fr 18.NW1cs.Untees otherwlse requtrod by lew,+�ny notice tn Borrower sha11 bo givon by dolivortng it or by mailln8 it by certitiad melt eddressod to I �
<br /> -- •••- Borrowo�tet the p:opsrty�ddto�a ar an�s ether addreaa thn:Borrowof ht�s piven to londar.Borcowar will give nny rtotice to Lender by certiftad I
<br /> m�il N•Lnnder'e eddres�on pape 1 of tt�le deed of Vust,or to en�t ot�er addresa which landor haa dosignatad.Any other notice to Lander shall i
<br /> � • � � ' be senttc►L'arv�er's addrea�ea etated on pago 1 of thfa daed of truet.
<br /> f • , Any rtaUce shail be deemad to heue bean givon to Borrower or Londer whon pivon In tho mannor stutod ebove. �
<br /> 18.Tunste�oi HN Woparty a�B�r»Ac1�1 lnt�rett In th�Bartow�r.If dll or ony pnrt of tho proporN or any Intaroat In It f3 sold or trnnsfmrrod
<br /> " �' whhout L�nd�'m prior writton conserct, Londct may domend immed)nto paymont of tho aocurod dobt. Landcr moy nlso domand immediato
<br /> " ���� paymoM if the Borrower Is not a natutel porson and a heneflclal Intoront In tho Banowor ie sold or transforred. Howovor, Londor mny not ,
<br /> " � '' demeeed paymant In iho nbovo eftueNnne If It Is prohibited by fedorel Inw an of tho date of thls doed ot trusi.
<br /> � 20.Raconvey�nce.Whon thu obtipotion coeurod by thls doed of vust has boon pald ond Londce hus no furthar obtipation to molco advancoc I
<br /> . . ^ .. _, under tfia InatrumoMa or e roemonts cocurad by thla daad of trunt,tho Trustoo ohaif upon wrltton reqaoot by tho Landor, roconvoy tho truet I
<br /> . ... � properry.Thu Londar shell�otivoP to tho Qorrowar,or to Borrowat'o euccoacor in Intereat,tho vusi deed end tho note or other ovidonco ot tho
<br />_ ' ohlf0ntion en botlaftcd.Borro�ver aAoil pny nny rocord�tion coete. �
<br /> � 29. Succs�tw Yru�t��. londcr, at Londcr'o optloo, mnv romovo Trustao ond oppoint n succoscor m.+atao Dy flnst, mnninp o copy ot tno �
<br /> aubstituttan of trustcn ns roqutrod by ap911cnbto law,nnd��an,bV filtnp tho subsUtutlon of trustoe for roa¢sd In tho uffica o}tho raplctcr of dcoda
<br /> � of oach caunty i�►vhlch tho Vu�t proptrty,or oamo part theraof, lo eituatod.Thm cuccoosor truetue,without canvoyanco nf tho property,uhull
<br /> Quccaad to atl tho power,dutEoe, outhorlty end titlo of the T�ustoo named In tho doad ot truat ond o}any succassor truatoo. '
<br /> ,• ,
<br /> I
<br /> ... I .
<br /> �
<br />_ , ' fgape Z o121 I
<br /> .�,
<br /> - - OANKEIi73VSTEA[S.INC..6T.Cl0UD,61NG030111-U00-997•1�ItIFOFJ�IOCRh7t6N�011W71 I ,
<br />