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<br /> it�'.'ni'� {'r•�,.i naare-+�� .,4'w 1-( i o.:��'!SU k*r�M1; � ! .�-�11�.! . . .
<br /> 'rwY� R..'w^+a°r�ly�yii'�M�C�iF 1�Y1Mlh�d. - ._•_ i . ....._. ._ _
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<br />.___ __'•--.m���wm0�6cu2nuq.`LiA44'S:[T�RRFGMI.AID'�'i7Rf+77i7e�e.9'.m'fnV»[s11em'na�.wu.nu�new�wo.wwwwww.�.w...�....w...�.�wn ...--...�o. _ ._�..
<br /> . .______'__'.'. _ . . t:J ..�._...t.
<br /> .. . . „ �� ' .. . , .. ',f - 3. �. .i�+7� �„ ' ' �±.i::.
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<br />� %� � - . �, n / ..�� . ���� �S�� . i. . . . ..,. . �•� . " ... ,
<br /> , . (at Yi�tt3l"�Y1:1�{i[,yl.�/'il�l���_ Pi'�i!'�'it�i:�7 . ��[,'i.:/�. . . , ' - --''nh
<br /> %� ' - .' �� �' . . .. —.
<br /> 1��LS Al)]175TP,8d.}?Tc.ATF,itifll?R is macia�hi+� �1 L�"�" . tlay of APFi 1 L ° _
<br /> :� �a,.�n,. � :...�� � e, , ���t .� ,
<br /> „ .':::� j:,.. �.?�:, �itr �,�.< r I �*.•(lr.�i,i�r� ���En�N`��ci«iu�f•�:i}.��"r,siu�it �1{(:rSc�e�u��n.t t)�'LYI ��S
<br /> ° 1�ust or Suc��riry t)oed ithe "Sa�urity Insuvmont")of the san►y ti.xte given t>y tho undsrsign�ed(th� "3�citYnwer")tn
<br /> .. � �°O'1���,��e`�uii5��ng�gn��uin'��sa a��i�on u4�iind�IaU:�d, N:bra�k�, A Fade�al 5�viegs 8�nk � ! _ .
<br /> � (U�e"l.etxlcr")of the:,ame date nud covcring tha praperty de�;,:ritr�l in th��Security Inr,b-ument:u9d lacatc�at: , •
<br /> ' 2�4!FE� NRtA.�NE �iQ GRAfVD ISL.ANq, NF„EiHAS!(A �A$t11-7:�17�
<br /> • • IPro�v:;ty Aadn:,�� • . -�
<br /> 7'FIE F10TE C+QrN�'/!!NS PRl�1�';;.�ClD1S A7.L11�W{hlf� FC1Ft �6i4iNCy�S IN 7'ii�� �li�f'r�lf�ST �.
<br /> RA7E ANC1 'P�IE •M0�11THLY •Ij,�Lg�ll.l.G'P�`J'; "�19l: �UUik UyVfl'fS TtlE A�fl�blC�i'� '��i� ' ---
<br /> � 9('�qRpWEi�f'S INTFREST R�11"f� ,G!'-�rl �Ct•11�NC1E A�' AI1iY dME 'i1NPfK J�I�CI '�'HE —
<br /> MAXIM4IM qa`�'E THE BORROWER MU��@•!`�'Y.,
<br /> �ll/lJl 11�Il�A.1.l.�l1�l��f.1�A.�7.In:ui�iiti�U tii iiic COveiia��i9:u�d Agi�c,i�,ii:Ii�{'i(�d�n.he�.:.�sir�+iiiSSiii�ik;u2�
<br /> Borrower and Le:ncler furQtrr eo��enant anci ngr�,.:as follow�: --
<br /> Tha Note provide,v for an initial interr.st rate of 8.675 0.Thr�•Ndte provtdes for changes In
<br /> �he interest rat°and the morithly payments,as follows: :
<br /> 8�.,1[V 1 CK1:31 lifll b Ai�!!�Tvlvi�iicsi�.=iia�`+a�u.i,i i aii►i�va�'°.°v =
<br /> (A)Chnnge Dat� .
<br /> Tnc ini;czs�ratc i�.:tS Yay u�ar'u`(wibc L�i tli��rt cla�af ��!'� , 7 9:�: ,�.r.3�r.ti.ai - --
<br /> day every 1Ztfe month thereaRer. F,�ch d.�te on whiclz my interest rate could chamge is called a"C�a�e Date." � _
<br /> ' (�i)The Index
<br /> Begini�.ing with the flni Chan�e Date.my intenest rnte wlll be based on un Index.The"Index"is thc weekly
<br /> averago yield on U�i¢acl States Treasury�ecurities ndjustsd to a con�tan�t niuturity of 1 yenr,as tnade uvailable by �
<br /> the FedarAl Rcserve Board. 'Che most recent Indorc figune available tu of the date 45 days befare euch Ci�ange Date � .
<br /> is cal(ed the"Cument Index."
<br /> i,f thc Index is no longer availnble.the tsote Tialder will choose n new index wtiir.h is based upon comparnble --
<br /> infomiation.7'ne Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. -
<br /> ' (C)CsJculaitiorc oi Changes _w
<br /> Be:fo,r,�re eacl�Ch:��e Date,the Note 1hIolder wilE calculate my new interest rate by addis�g �.:..,:
<br /> percentnge point(s)( 2.U08 v)to the Cunent ���-
<br />- inclex. The Note}Ioldcr wilt then round the result of�his addition'to the nearest one•eigiith of o¢e percentage �'- :
<br /> • �oint(�.125�/0). Subject to the unuts a?�i2�d in Section d(D) helow,th6s rounded amount will Ue my new intesest =-_:.
<br /> rate untll the neat Criongc Date. -'
<br />- The I�ote I3older witl then deternune thc amount of the monthly paymcnt that would ue sufficicnt to rcpay thc �''-�
<br /> unpaid princip�that I am�n�ectecl to owa at the Change Date in full on the Mawrity Date at my new intemst rate f�'�'�.�
<br /> t.�;�-
<br /> in substantially cqual payr3�cnts.The result of thi9 calcufatiun will be the new amount of my montWy payment. �-:':;::
<br />- , (D)LimFt�om In4erest Ratc Ct�an��
<br /> , The Interest r�e J��required to pay�t the first Changc Date will not be greatcr than a•��� % '�
<br />-- or less than lo.Thenaftcr.my intcrest rate will never be incceased or dc:crea„�cd on ��"
<br />- any singl.c�Ch;mge Dnt.,by morc than two percenwgc points (2.0%)from d�e rate of interest I havc becn paying ' '
<br /> t'`�i�te�'�`�F"���c�yrA'�bet��w�lYlynvei8ver�'e n�f ow��`t�l�n�n 4.e�5x�� �• -
<br />- . . (E)Cf(ective l�ute of�(;hnn�es
<br /> My ncw intcrost mtc will become effective on each Change Date. Y will pay th�amount of my ne�v mon!tily
<br /> �s�ment bcginnin� on the lryt moutiily payn�ent dutc after the Changc Uute until the amount of my montlily
<br /> _ • paym�nt cha�igcs ngatn.
<br />_ (I��Noticc�f Ciuin�csT
<br />= Thc Notc Holder��ill deliver or inail to me a nodce of any chan�es in my interest rate and the mnount of xny
<br /> - _�_�.�__�---_ �----�--••-�---- �--- -_�� �_��-=-�--�-- --.�_��
<br />_ Rtvir[niy j�i�y►ricrti`vcttnc nro cncs.a��c vmc�n nn�vnt+:s�c. a�cc��'vi.v.v �.m ftn.11.tttG IttIlNtRtAtNti tG�UtIiA!UY ifi�v iv -.
<br />° bc�ivea me +and:�lso die tidc and telepliouc number of a person who �vip answcr any questi�n I may tvzve
<br />° rc�ardin�the nntice. .
<br />