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<br /> EiMI ttuowv� � -------�^-------� .. _.
<br /> �_�.'�...�.._._.-E�.Q: Box 1�b7 Grrr►d I�iwnd, NE: fi�81a� ' �t�rin"'�n,aR��'�,and
<br /> whofa meWin�a�ddnrs fe.�...�_._.�._._..,.�..._..�,.�..�,.�.___._______..,__...�-.-._,.._.._.�.�._._._....w...._._....__
<br /> F'.lv� ��in�d Eiar�k ,.
<br /> li1A�IQ�iG1aiT. 1,..����.....r .. . __'-._ ' . "� �_.._ .
<br /> 1W15 hl. Gro�drell Grand Y�le�n�l� N�:. 6A80�-a�07 _�Mr�eirt"Iler�'7.
<br /> wtw�+m�(Iirr�a�loreea is �— .,�...--.._..._....._......._...��31 J.r�° 'file xna
<br /> FQR VAt�A�AI.�CON31tJ�fiAT10W,inc�udlr+p LendaPs exGen�lan of.cr�lh IdantiHeG i�arein to��.-M....�....�----�---M '-' -
<br /> i� M�LLTAl1 P AND JULAHH E� ZILLER_ �hKel�"P3urrowes",whathar one or m�re)mnc9 HH q'u�4 h�'Nn cr+r�Md,
<br /> the receipt of whlG�is he�eby a�knov+led9�d.Truaior hereby irrevoc�biy�ranl�,4r�nsiera,c�►nveya�nd ea�IQns 1o'I�ru�,IN
<br /> TRUST,kVITH POV�lER t7F SALti.for the banafii end noautity ol Lender,u nd�r and subJ+�ct to the tem�a ae�d conditton�hwr�iReflrr wt
<br /> 4o�►jf�Y(�p�rhr������f1���'�(��E (3? 6LflC}f .riEYEN t�) KEI2KDNHA}1 AWR D�CK�H
<br /> �.�°; �;;� t x) I�: �l.G'�': EI�NT !�� J�N K�RNOH�H l►ND D�C4{ER A�AIT�(3H TQ THti C21'Y QF
<br /> GNAkD I�i:AHb NALL CUUNT'fi N��RASKA. L�T qti6 R 11 OF BL�CK T0 QF THk� BF1ii'tii�:
<br /> �RAE ADDI7'ICI� 70 G�{A!!iA YSLlIND, ALL �H �HE CIilt �ir GRAf1� ISLAHD, ��A:�L G4U2DTY.
<br /> NF4BRASKA.
<br /> To9ethar with all bwildlnUs,imp�nvements,Qxtures,BtP68t�,alleps,paesagawey�,easemRn�t�,ri�hts,privlleges and Apq�urta�•
<br /> nanc.ea�lo�cated therwn or fn enywlaa p�ielr��np thareto,and tlte rente,ienu�and praflla,rave�roions ansl rernalnders tl�srw�,and
<br /> suci�peraonal�ropariy thet ia attechAd eo ttae improvemantsaa ae to aonat(tute a i!xcura,l�ctuding,butnat I�mtted tri,hsei�np end
<br /> cpoling equi�rr►anr•nnd Mpethnr wlth the tomestead or marNat�ntaresto,ti any,whlch Interests are hereby re�easod end w�lved;nIi
<br /> ot wflich,lnctud�n�j�tePtecoments and additic►n�R3�groto,is hereby doctared to be a part ot the real e3teM aecured by the 11�rtr'o!�ia ^
<br /> Deed of 1Y�at and all et!ho teregoln9 being refarred to herein as the"Property".
<br /> �his Dec+d oi Traat eh�fl seaure(a)tha�,ayment o1 tho princlRal sum and Interest evidenced by a promtaaury�o4e o►cremt --
<br />- April 18th 19�5 ,ha�ing a maturity date of April 23rd 199fi �,
<br /> e�roement dated _ —
<br /> � 2�4�853.63 ,snd sn and ell moditicaU��,s,�exienstona and renawats
<br /> dn!he orlg}nai princlpal amount ot g_... y
<br /> th�r�7af or thereto and anye end��li tuture advancea and readvunces to Borrow9r tor any oP thnm Rf mo�e than or��e)riereunder
<br /> pu�suant tn ane or more prare�tateary notee dr ered(t agroements(hereln called"hlo4e"};(b)ths payment of other suma edvanc�ed by
<br /> l.ender to proteattf►e securiry o4�ihe Note•(c)the performance of nll covenants and agreements of Trusior set lorih here.n;and�d)all
<br /> prusent and fuli�rm,8qdebiednt*ss nnd ob11gA21ons o1 Borrower(or any o?them ff more thAn ona)to Lender wtiethet direCt,tndircct,
<br /> absolute or cnr�ti��ont and whothetadsing B�U note,guaranry,overafraft o�oEherwisa.Tfia Nute,thle�sad of Truatand any and ail
<br /> oth�r dncuents 4hA t secure the Note or other�vl.9e exocuted E n connectlon IIher�with,including wlthout Iur�itaUon gua►an4ees,socuriry
<br /> Aqreemsnts snd�a�ignmantsc�!leases and rents,shall bereton�ed to herein es tho"Loan Oocurr�ents".
<br /> , Truator covenants en�!a;,'ra8s wttA Lender a�tollows:
<br /> t. Ptym�nt o't Ind�bMdreas�.Ali Indebtednesa securad hereby shali be pai�whan due.
<br /> 2.TiW.7rut�to:is the owner ot the Propariy,has the dght end authority to convey the Property,and warrants lhat the Ilen __
<br /> createa!hereby is a tlrat and priur Ilen on tha Property,excspt tor Itens snd encumGrances set torth by Trustar in writing at�d
<br /> deltvered to Lender betore execuUon of thls t]eed of Trust,and the execution and dellvery o1 thts�eec9 of 7'Nat does not vlolate eny
<br /> contr�ct or other obilgation to whlch Trustor Is subject __
<br /> 3. Tazea,Aa+�t�m�nts.�'o:psy before delinquency all tanes,specta{esseasmonts�nd all other charges againat the Property _
<br /> �pw or hereetter levied.
<br /> b. Inwnnc�.T�keep the Property�naurod agalnst darnage by itre,ht�zardo Included within the tR rm"extand�d cnvarage",and v_ -
<br /> such ott►er hs�zart{n es Lender may raquire,6m-amounts ond with compmnias acc�ptebte to lender,naming Lender as an additlonal
<br /> namad Insured;wiih loss payable to the Lenrler.ln cuse of los�under�u�h policies,thd Lender la auahoNzed to adjus�cailectand � _..
<br />- compromiss,e�!!ola►ma theret�nGler and shull have the optlon of apptying e!1 or part of the insurance praceeds(I)to any indebtednesa ��.�
<br /> secured heroby a�d in suah ortJer as Lender may determine,(ti)to the Trustor tn ba used tor the repair�or restoratlon o1 the Property ����:
<br /> or pll)tor nny�ther purposa or cbJect satistactory to Lender wlthout attecting the Iten ot this Oeed oiTrustiorthe tul!aroount ec�cured ;�=_
<br /> horaby betore�uoh pAymant ever took ptaca.Any epplicatiun ot proceods fo Indebtodness�haU noi extend or postpnne the due °'= -
<br /> date oi any pt�ymonta under tho Note,or cure eny detault i�ereunder or herounder. �'-��<-
<br />`:.i i3. Eocrow:Upon wdttan demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lvn.�er,In such mannor as Loe�cer may deslgnate,sufficfant ����;`
<br /> aums to enab{�lender W pAy�s ihey become due ono or rnoro ot thotallawlnd:(q ctll taxes,essessmo��ts and ather charfles aflatn�t �.,,^:
<br />- the Property,(II)t4�e premlurras an the properyr Inauranco �oquired hereunder,and(iil)the premlums on any mortgage Insurance • �
<br />_ roqulred by I.endev. S�!'��
<br />= 6. IlAainUntne�,R�p�irs e�nd Comatanc�wlth I.ews,T�ustor sNall keop Me Property in good condit[on and repair,ahaU �''
<br /> promptty repalr,or raplaco any Improvement whlch ma�be damac�ed r�r destroyQd;shall nut commit or permlt any wasta ar �
<br />= detertomtion tA the Property;ahall nnt remove,demolish or cub9ta�tiaUy c�Jter eny ot the improvem�nb cn tt�e Pro�rty;shall noi
<br />= commii,suffororpermiianysGt�obedanelnorupontheRroperrylnviolatidnofanylew,ordinance.ori�3gulatlon;¢nd3hnilpayns��
<br />- promptty Bi�charQe at Yrus���8 cost ertdaxpenss eil ltens,e►�cnmbrancas end charge�levled,im��sed or assessed apein�t tNo
<br /> � Pro�rty or any paR tho�eo9. ,
<br />- 7. Emin�r+t DomaM.Lender f�h�raby asstgned ell cornpensation,awards,damage9 and other payrnents ar refief(h�relnatter
<br /> = "Procet�s"y In cof�nection with coodonlnaUon or othdrtaktng of the Prnperty or part thoroof,or tor�convayance In Ileu of condemna- ,
<br />`� Hon.Landor cha!1 bo er�tltled a4 ito Qp�IQ�to commonco,uppear In encE pso.,acuYe in its own namo ary actlon or proaectding3,a�d
<br /> - shall al�o bo antt4od to maka any cornprortsis�or setitement In cor��o�Rl�n wlih such tnkin�or dam:ta,�o.tn tho�svont nny portion o}
<br />�B 1ho Proyorry is so 4akore or d�ma�ed.Lendor nhall hava thoopUon,in tts eufe and absolutediscretlon,to eppfy ail suc4�Proceeds,
<br />- efterdesiuctin�thorairomallcostoendoxponsaslncurrod byitinconnCCUonwltheuchProco�9o,uponAnylndobt�dnasseecuresd
<br /> y �_.y�. ...�---°---='--..�u.e
<br /> J horeby ttnd in sucti'otd6r ns Lonusr msyaeisrmma,.�r i6 a�6n'siri:;��.�,�.�.�,a��a„�,��.�,,,..�,,..o.•,..••o•a-.-••a�•.••••••�
<br /> � Prope�tyu�orvauchcand:tlansasLenderrceaydete7�nine.AnyappitcattanofPracocdatolndabmdnu;�oh�ti�otoxtendorpos4pane
<br /> = tha due date of nny payn�enb�+nder A�►e Nute,or cu�ro any doTautt 4harcund�r or horcundcr.Any un�ppticd tunds aP�all ba pafd to
<br />� "Truster.
<br />� 8. P�rbarn�etc�b�L�ndMr.Upan tB�e occurrenco ot an Event ot Qetau(t hereunder,or 14 ony uct Is taken or lega!proce8dtng
<br />:� commancedwhlchmaCdrialtyat�ect3lerAsr'aEntaraattnUsoPropasty,Lendcrm3yinit�o�nd!scret�on,butwi4hnutoblfpadontoda
<br />,i eo,and wt9hout r.aQce to or ctemand upan Yruator end witi�out relnasfng Yruator troni any obt(gatlon,do any act+vhtch T�ustot has
<br /> a a9reed but tetta to d�snd may ateo do any other act It decim�naceaaary to prota�t tt�o stacuriry horQOt Trustor ahall,tmme�tiatQly
<br /> upon domand therator by�,endsr,paytolender all coots and expense�Incurred and suma oxpende�Dy Lender In cannoctton wtth
<br /> � tP�eexorclaebyLanderofthetoregofagright�,tugetherwlihlnteroatthereonflttfiedetawtrateprovtdedtnNeNote.whlcf�shaNbe
<br /> nddod to U:e indebtedness secured hmraby.E.ender shn".I net fncur arty Itnblt(y b�cttuse of enytf+ing It may do or am14 to do
<br />�� haraundar. �
<br />' _' •�_, :,
<br /> l
<br /> � __ �
<br />