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<br /> whaemriGngMMr�r�i• !!U5 L',_--Bt}�9Lr�eC.:},.L�s� '1 �!U�n...�R}2�'f�.�iL..�'R i')1........._...� •- ----Y...._ _.....�. "�-�
<br /> . ':; T�. �^itt•: N,�p•im,�]. �yH��r4r�P4nit� q�:ialt:i, flybt'.lt;ft�� _. • - - - --Ilhoroi:�'1'eucta�"I,�:�ldtla __- -
<br /> ' E�n�fio�ary,�lo Hs,',�;,,,H;r 3.o�asL.11sai+��iu�t:.�wr-�Wd+�l� . wno��m��in�nctureys ie.-„�,�4D-�.�,a-r.��u��---�--
<br /> • �ehrr�aka
<br /> __._._.Om�.,...�trabxrc�t.........b$.'E�U2�-..-....,.. ... -�.,O�Qr�In"l+ncier"I. . --
<br /> BORROI'�ER,in cnralAarst�an oi!h�Ind�bt�dn�e�hardrt►ooftAtf�nd tN�Imoe fipraln ar��tw,�Revaoaniy greniu�uiiu ou��voyo�y'State of�Nebreekn:
<br /> Wt7H'1'N�POWER dF 9ALF,tM ld.lowlnq Ayxorih�d prep�ny iocate�!Iri+hr Gcunty ut�,.,„�,.,_,�._._,_. �<1�....,»:. '�>....�--.--
<br /> Y.at 4,. B1ock 1a� Voftle'e A�iQitior� ko tlt� Ci[�y of Grand Island, ��
<br /> ' � Ht�ll �Q�an[y� N�:b��adka.
<br /> TOOETMER with atl buitdinps,iixturea end Improvements now or heraeftar erea[ed thereon�nd nli dqhro•�f•vu►y,oeaotnoi�te, ranY�,Issuos,proflts, ��
<br /> income,tonemenb,horedit�ment�,privilepee,appuetennnaee,royeltle�,nnd min�ral,oll,pn�and watei righte thereunta belonpinp, ueed ar enjoyod
<br /> wlth setd Isnd or eny pan tn�root,and th�hamartead or m�NtN int�ra�t�,IP ony, whloh Int�r�st�an l��nby reltrr�d�nd waivod. and ail ot whlch, _--_
<br /> including rsplacemehta and sdditian�tharoto ohdl bs doemed to b�ur�d rotn�ln s part of the propmry cavered hy ihl�Trust Dead;nrtd all af tha . ="�•
<br /> foregofng tup�thsr with srid prup�rry ars Asreln roferrad to as tho"property.' ' F�`�''
<br /> �-__�;.
<br /> "TO SECUH�to Lender the r�payrnent of indebiedno�e evidonaad by Borrorver'e note dated„ Anr f 1 ly,,,,,,,_,,,_�,,,.�,18,�,_,toget�o► r.
<br /> with s�y and NI renewNe,mulitloetton�,and exteneions thereo4 end aub�titutlone or e�xohnnpee tharofot,Ihnrein rofearad to a�the"Nuto")in tha �;-:'��-
<br /> prineipei eum oi 0 16.440.k0 .tofl�thor wlth inure�t et the rnM�rovlAed theroln,with a linn!maturity,if 1°"'-^-
<br /> F•_'.z_:
<br /> not eoanor pald,of �{,��yl„�1 ,�[$ )OOQ.end ea aecudty tor�ny luturs ndvanoo�thet mey bs mads by LerAer co Borrower `��-�-
<br /> from�ime to tlme end es eeeudty tor th,�peyment of eny end all other ind�btedns��ol th�(3orruwor to du L�nd�r whlah mny e+lye,oll of enid�suma �-'--y
<br /> � •nat to exceetl in the aggregate e eum aquel 4o three timea tha odginal�dncipal omount o1 tho uhova�eollad Note. '""�-
<br /> w;.;,:
<br /> OQHNOWER covenante thet Barra�wer in Ix�wtully eolxed of the Property heroby aonv�y�d ond hne tho ripht to prnnt nnd aonvey the Property,lhnttho "°�'°'
<br /> prvperty is unencumbersd by�ny mortpeps,trust deed,contraot to purchese,or otherwieo,oxuept for n„_y�pYC hl o ---- ��
<br /> B E3i �%+:-i_
<br /> r.-��
<br /> in tavor of Fn+� ' .�.. �-���.
<br /> ��°on whtoh thu urp�td b.:�anco on Lhfa dctn daea not axao�d , Burrowor omone�i+•So comply with ali tho tarms �'�="�°
<br /> ��,;;
<br /> ond provisians of uny prior mortyape,truat dood or contreot to purohese,upon the Pra�erty end to make aA pnymonte thersvn b�fore tl�oy beoome • «.
<br /> Ns.:
<br /> dol(nquont. It no name or amount le inen►ted In thla paregraph,then Borrowei oovenxnte that thore ote no hrlo�Ileny ot nny kind upan the Propony. ,�
<br /> 6oirowev further oovenanta to warrant end defond the title to tho Froperty egelnst nil claime nnd dnmonda. y,,,.:�
<br /> ;•�.
<br /> ; t�orrowoi and 4onder(urthor oovonent ond egrao as(ollnwe:
<br /> 1. BorroK�er shnli promptty pey when due the prinolpol and intereat on the indebtodno6�evidenoed�y Ihe Nolo.
<br /> 2. Qt leus4 ten dnye beforo thoy beaomo dollnqi�ont,Borrowe►ehall poy oll tauers and c+poolal�sse�umonte Iovled ur osuavaod op��lnet iho Proporty, ��
<br /> or any part thoroot.and all toxe�,leulea ond esseoamente tovled upon thle Truet Deed or the debt whlah it oen�uus.
<br /> , 3. llorrower shali keep the Improvemertt�end building+,If ony,upon thm prope�ty ineura�,with n aompeny or aam��unles npprovcd ay ih�l.onAor,lor
<br /> . r�n nmoi�ot n�t less titan ths unpaid b�lance on the IndeLUdneee securod bV thi� 7ruet Oeed wlth o otnnde�d mnit�qye�clnuse r�nh loes payuhlo to '.
<br /> the Lund�s. Borrower shsll doliv�r esid pulfay or policlas ta th�Lendet. � '
<br />= In the ovant of a loss,Rorrotvor efin!I plvoprmnpt notico to tho tnsuranoo onrrier and tho Londer and lile o pruol of las�. If�h�Oorrowsi la not othorwiso
<br />-- En dotault,the Eiorrav�or may otnct to apFly tho fnsurartoo procoede to repelr or replc�oo tho damepod Propo�ty,II oCnnoral��r.:ly fonabl��,nnd iho oocurity ,
<br /> of th�s Tnisi Dead would not ba iinpairad. If tAe 8arrowor Is in Aefault or oleate not to rc�palr ur ropinoo ihe dnmttped f'rnperiy or rc�znlr a rcpinnomorrt
<br />-- �voutd not oconomicaily tefa7iJ.�ar tho oeourity ot thi�Truot Dood�+ouid bo lmpnlrod thon tNo Insuranoe proaandn n!►sll lie r.;�pl1cA[n the lte:tl mnturinU
<br /> n,avn+��•�d:,e m wa�nm. it ebe fnwtenc�nronend�nro In oxeose o}tha total amount due on aald Nntq,th�oxoona ohntl bn pn1!�fV II1N IJOfPOWO�.
<br />_ � In�?arimoa proceects for repesir or repleaernent eho!I ha pinacd in enorow wlth tha Londar snd dlc6umed by I.ondv duriizt�ur uuan onn�pindon oT rucN .
<br />= ropair or repixcornent. If tRe lendor aaqulros tltlo to tho Proporty by oxorciclnp Ito po�•1a�ot or.lo,foroctuturo nr�tho���lco,In r.ntlufnation ot tho
<br />- tr.debtednese soeurad heroby,In �vholo or In part,thon ell dflht,Ntto end Intoresr of U�o Onrrowet In cmd to quuh Insurance pulioy or��o:iclo�ohn11 paso
<br />- to thn Lendor.
<br />- 4. For Htio purFo�o ot providtn� a fund for tTo payment of tdxee,speolal oasnesmanM and Irtai�rnnrte prnmA�mfl,�lorrnwor oh�Ell dep�oc4 ►vlth l,nndor,
<br />- on tlio detas thot pnyments are dUo on the Note,en amount oquol tn tho toxoo,a�aosernontt�ond Innumnco prcin;umn noat cfuo Ir..)0�OCl1111UtCd by
<br />- the I.andor,teas amounto otraedy depoelted therefori dividad by tho numbar of payenente on tho Plote thnt wil!boaamo dua�nlor ta If��dnte v�hr.n cuch
<br /> - toxo�,a�sossmonts and ln5uranue prom;ums will b000me duo end payrbio. Sold funda will bo hofd by tho I.ondar In n nandntr.roat her�nnp nr,r.rnar
<br />= occcunt tor tho purp000s�at lorth eUnve. If tho omounte of those tlopoelta n�o rtot oufficlent to pey Snxea,usAaoementn nnd tncurunco p�cnuums n�
<br />'_ thoy b000mo duo,thu 8arrower shall upon ror,uoat,pay Londor tho amount n0000aary to moko up tho doilolonoy.
<br />,,.�
<br />:_ 5. Unloss appllanbta law providea o:herwlae,ull poymente roaoivad by Londor undor tho Noto�nd pernqrnphx 1 nnd R huaof�on��n nn�;,n�:�:�i uv��ronor
<br />= ffrst in pnyment of nmounts payaEie tn Lenrlar by Borrower under parapraph 4 horeo}, thon to Inter�sst pnynbta uo tteo Noto, thon in Ih��pil��r.ipr.l nl
<br />- the Note,and then to Intereat end princfpal un m�y turthar odvenaos or other Indebtedneee aoouro9 horcby.
<br /> � .
<br /> � .�
<br /> � ----------------- _ - ---------�-�----...._._... ._ ---�._�._.�_.._.�� ._--_ -�-- - .
<br />