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<br /> (a. /5��:�9lx1ti1;1�i�;iJ1t'Q3i'Y�?��:(��.;�!:9. C7�>I►11 Lfi.:;1C�':;r�t�;��'.x�C;j�•iut:"u t.S�:tli c;;����IV tE�If����?��;•II 9.'::'�:.,ttY fi�,: ;�'`'-_
<br /> l'�+s�E,:�i,y;�rl;iKi sa�.�uity �I;:fr;r:i9s i;�:;!: iu c:;rn.C:C2i6:1 l�:lcit Ec�•.c•����'tiz^I'�.�p;,jiy. lJi�vn di:�n�si;�r.�,��•r�t. f�:,ti-�r .,....._
<br /> sh11[ tia�e ihc i�iglit ti�ilxxlify,cxtci�.ci or ta�mi��tc ti�c chisifll$ IC1SCS(7f!(I ItD Cl(t`�;IIIC 11CR•lca�s,ifl I..l'II4l'Y�9 SOIi: ,
<br /> . �lise��.tic�;z. As i�s.,3 ia[lii�;��i�s,;r,�,,i a, l4i;:v�oiil "lc���"e!�:,la�u::��i..:,uUi�,�c.• if tltc Scu�rity Yntt�un;::nt ls ou ,
<br /> a icakhuld. _
<br /> t�o hSS[GIVli1ENT OF I�F.P�ITS; Ak'P�IN'C6Yk:N7" OF' RE:CEIV�R; LEIVD�R lh �Y>5.51'sSSIC9N. '
<br /> �. I3airowc:r obsolutcly and�nronciit�onall� a�signs and transfcrs•to i..c:udc:ralf thc rcnts anti mvcnucs("Ren's")c�f
<br /> - - - S�IQ I?QFCP[}r. SC�afUICSS.OT [P a�nu�m ti�c nciit5 Gi uic ��`vkta_iiy n�� [in�va�'i��.. 0�..��u.n„e n�a�,lvu;�. I A�atler [u
<br /> C,cud�r's n;ents to�ollcct Qtc fients. and agrres that cach t�nant of the'Arop�;rty shafi pay thc Renta to I.endcr or -
<br /> [,encler's agei�ts.flowever�Borrawc r shall n.•.:ciYe the Renu nntil(i)Lcndcr has givci��onowcr naticc of dcfault
<br /> pursuant W paragraph.Zl of llic 5ecurity irstrument nnd(ii)Y.ender has give�e naiiu;eo tlze teiu►�t(s)diut th:;Rcnis �_
<br /> . are to Nc paio ta Lender or Y.cnder's agent. This assignment of Rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not
<br /> an�.ssiFmncnt�or additionnl scxurity unty.
<br /> tf l.cncicr giv�s nutice af bxrarti to[3orrower: (i)all RentS received by liorrower shall be held by Rarrowar
<br /> as trusFrc for thc benefit of Le��der only, to be applied to the sums sccurcA by the Sccurity Instrument: (ii)Lendcr
<br /> shall be.�ntitled to coltect and recYive alA of thz Rents of the Praperty:(iii)I3orro�vcr agrees th�t eacF�tenant of the
<br /> Pranenv sh;:ll Qay :ill Rents du4 and unpaid ta Lender or Lender's agents u�on i.cnder's�vritten demand to the �
<br /> tcnar+r, (6cJ unless apptitaUle law provi�ies otherwise,all�Yents calLectcd by Lender nr Lcndee's agents shall be
<br /> appl�ai fnst io tite wsts of taking con9r•ill ot'ancl rnanaging thc Fro�+�sly ai�d coilt�ting ihc Rcnts,inciudic►g, but �
<br /> not Innited�ta, attomcys' fccs. receiver's fixs, pi•e.miums un recei�•ez's [sonds, repair and maantenance costs, ._
<br /> insurance premiums,taxes,assessments and other charges on the Property. and then to the sums secured hy the -
<br /> Securiry Instcument;(v)Lender,Leuder's usents or any judicially appointed�cezt•cr sliail be liable to account fi�r
<br /> unly thosc Rents actually received;.n�id (vi) L.ender shall bc cntetied to ha►ve a reccive.r appuinted to takc
<br /> pa:;srssian of and manage the Property and coltect tl�e Rents and protiGS deriveil from the�iopeny �vitliouc.►ny
<br /> showing:xs to tlie inadcquacy of the Prapc►ty ns sccuriry.
<br />�- �a-_t_�•• �Iw a eL: �«.1 n{'o�.l m,oMn,a�aina 11u� __-
<br /> li[[IC Rcn[s Vi iitc rwpriiy inc �iui �uu��wu. .� w:.:. r':o Co 5.....^8:i:..... .. .. r,...b . --
<br /> Property and of collecting die Rents any funds ex�n:nded by C.ender for suci�purposes shall become indebtcclncss
<br /> of�omower ta I..endec securcd by tiie Security Instn►ment pursunni 2o Unifarni Covenant 7. , _.
<br /> Borr,��ver rcpmsents and wnrr�ns that Bonoa•�r has not e�eeitted any �rior assignment of the Kcnts anA has �
<br /> not and will not peifomi any acs t1iaE icnuld pnvent Lcnder from eaercising its rights under th�s,pacagrapli. ; _
<br /> L.en�icr, or Lcnder's agents c�r a jadiciully :►ppainted receiver, sl��li not be rcquired to entcr upon, take
<br /> contro! of or maint;iin the Pronerty bzfore ar after giving notice of default ta t3nrnower. Ho�vevcr. l.ender, ur
<br /> I.i;nder's agents or u Jud:cially appointGd receiver, may do so at any time when�default uccws. A�►y applicat:un
<br /> of itcnts shall not cure or���aive any�1e.'fault ur io►vnlidate miy other rigiu or remedy of Lender.This assignmcnt of
<br />