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<br /> ;•'�i'�M�,•�•�hr}ik�l�!Y��.It,�t�t i�+^;u�(iE�'.c�;nn�!crneH�:+i;. 1F 1��iiicr rr��uirr.�, 1'�aiuw�er r.tlail FSCUt�l�ll';�ti�r���Y.r�ufr.r ,�1E;��..ci�tt ,; ---
<br /> o tal�rs�i�t���niu�ny anc!tr:i�:w�:J t�f?9{CCV. I�1�I1C f;VCIlI UF Ill�ti.'Y.�Ui�i+�Wr,i F�)J�)riY,:��:��,�,y,t tr.ftic: <<< :},,: i��Qu.:a�ti��cu��,rr-�;�u:,
<br /> !.emler. �..Kixi�r muy rnrkn�*r+N+f af!i}.r,il'rxx o�ack�ur►��xiv by ��xmwr�. . .. ,
<br /> �Ird�..�.q 1 ap�l.•('�I�i�I I{U.111�"q'i U�I1Cl�A7n^(11lILC�Il N1i/QU1{(.111`��I�E.Ilil9�llill:�;ilir�f:����K�711�jf�(•'i�"[<Y It'1���C:1T�l)�:11f It(St1�i'l1f.. _--
<br /> the I'ro}xny dani�cci, if 1he ne�i�m►ti�► ��r reprl�t i► ec.�nomicrally CcuiL!e tuxt lxnuer5 seeurcy�s rr� irssen�u. .���� -
<br /> resturuuun r►r rr.��elr ix n++t eranixnlially fea�i�tc nr 1.,rixierlv Recunity w�sulcS hr. Ic!sxnai,the inscu�.ux:e proaxd* sho�,l�he � . --
<br /> c�ppilyd tu dre r�U1714(i�C[fCtll Ily II115 tier�ri�y fnstwmcnt..whelhrr cir nat ihen duc;with urry excchs E�xid to Rc�rrowe�., if
<br /> ISonnwCr AFuutdons thtl 1'ru�ett�+,.pr �loes ncx answcr within 3U da,ys u uottee t��u�n Ler�ckr that the ia��urarkr.carrier hs+ �, ,
<br /> C1f�tIYf�fll'�CIt�C A C�tiFltl,thrn l.c:ncier ma Cdl[C I I11C I1LSUiAt1CC "ff(ICCCUS. i.cnuer nYa usc iiic nua.�cu i�,.�"''°"�"`"""
<br /> Y C ! Y 1 t...,�.,..a........
<br /> �t�c Nropc�ty�r W pay sums sr.curcd by tbis 3ecurity Instnamenl,wh.eticer ur not Qiea due. `i'he 3U�duy�ciai wilt bea��?when
<br /> ' :h�r.;r:iee is���c�l. � , . _--
<br /> UIII[SS I.enden nnil gare�wcr ocherwise ngree in writing,nny u�plicati!an af{�mcccds to principut sliail not extenci nr
<br /> pnstr►o��e tha duc datc of thc.mnnthly paym:.nts rcCerrcd to in puragraphs 1 nn�2 or chan�;e the amount uf t1►e paye�xntz. fC
<br /> tmd�r E�arar;raph «I ti�e Propc�ty is ncquircd by Lcn�cr,Borrowerti right ta m�y insur�nce�licies and proce.eds resulting
<br /> from dumage[o the Pru�x�Yy prior to ihc acquisition shuil Qass tq Lendcr tq tiia cr.t�nt af thc sums sccureci by this Sccurity
<br /> 3nst�umcnt intmcdiutety nriortn the acyui5i�oi�. - "
<br /> g, Occu�aRCy, Preseevs�tion, Aqooi«t�.nAnce and Protr.ction ot the Pr��perty; Bc►rrnwer's Lwen ,�.p�►Ikxtla�*
<br /> I.caasha(ds. �urrower sliatl occupy,esta'�li�l�,und use th�Property as f3orrower's principat residence within sixty days after
<br /> ehe execution of tnis Security Inairw��e�«���d shait c��¢in�c io c:,cnpy�::�P:��rt�AS�QSS4�CI� [Tf'1P.rjnRl tc�virieliCC�UC At
<br /> lenst onc yeaz after t�„ date of occup:+ncy. unless Lender othcnvise ngrees in �vriling, whi�h eonseN shxll nct be _
<br /> unrens�nably withheld,or unless extenuatinG citcumstnnces exis4 whiei� ore beynnd Corrawe:�conms{. Bortac[�er sh»i!nui --°
<br /> dcstroy,dam�ge or impur dic Praperty,:►llo�v the Propeny to dctrriorat�,or commit wastc on the Pragcny. avrro�v��sl�ail
<br /> be in defr�alt if uny forfeiture action dr proceedEng.�vhet{icr civjl or cr(minal.is 6cgun ttiat in LendcrS;good faith judgrncnt
<br /> could result in forfcEture af tt�e Property or oUier�vise matcrially impair the licn crcated tsy this Sceurity insteumcnt or
<br /> l.ender`s security tnterest. f3arra�vier inay cure such n default und t�einstate,as provid�d in paragraph 18,t�y cuusing the ac,ian
<br /> oc proseeding to be dismissed with a mling that,in Lender5 good fnith deterrninatioii,precludes forfelture of the Bomotivec:s
<br /> interest in the I'rop�rty or other material impairmcnt of the lien ceeated by dus Security Instrumcnc or Lcndcr's se�;urity
<br /> interest. ]�orrower shall �!so be in defnult if Bonower, during tiie loan application process, gave m�terially false cr
<br /> �'_r'V...'.:__�.:__--«:n..wd�h . ___
<br /> innccurate information or s[atements to Lender(or iaiieti[o proviuc i.emicr w:ii,aiiy�unic�,ti.�.wuo���s.�.,���....,�.��.............».
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Nate, includtng, but not f'rmited to, representaRians concemins BorruwerS occmpartcy of thc
<br /> ProRCrtY a5 a nrincip.d residence. If tl�is Sccuriry Inst�ument is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with nll thc provisions
<br /> of tne dease. If�orrower acquims fee title to the PropCrty,the ieasehoid and ene ice ride snu�i noi mccgc uritcss Lc;c�;e�a��aa
<br /> to thc rncrgcr in writin�;. -�-�
<br /> 7. Yrotectton ot I.ender's Rights in the ProparSy. If Borrawer fails to pecform che covenants and ngreements
<br /> caitaincd in thls Security Instrament, or then is a tegnl procceding that may significantly affect Lcndcr�s rights in the =
<br /> Property(such as n praceedin�in bankruptcy,probate,for candemnation or forfeiture ar so enforce laws or rc:gulations).d�en --
<br /> i,ender m�y do and pay for whatever is necessnry to protect die value of the Property and i.ender's righis in tih: Property. ��,:
<br /> i.ender's actions may include paying any sums securerl by a lien whic(►has priority over[his Securiry lnstrume;�t appaaring —
<br /> in coun,paying reasonable attomcys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Aithougfi Lender may talce action
<br /> undcr this paragraph 7,l.cndcr docs not havc to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional dabt of Borrower secured by this :��
<br /> Secueiey Insttutttent. Unlr,ss Borrower and Lender a�rce to othcr tertns of payment.thcse umounts shall bcar intexes[from thc ��.-
<br /> datc of disbursemcnt at the Note rnte and shall be paynble,with interest,upon norice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting =��::
<br /> nnvn�.�
<br /> payment. ==°-
<br /> 8. 14�ortgage InsurAnce. if I.ender�quired mortgage insurance as a condition of making thc loan sea:ured by ttiis
<br /> Security Tnstrurr,ent, Bonowar shail pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If far any �
<br /> �ason. rhe mortgage inaurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to t►e in effect, Rorrower shall pay th�
<br /> pr�emiums required to obtain covcragc substantinlly equivalcnt ro thc mortgage insurance previoasly in cffect. at a cost =_
<br /> substantially equivalent to�hc cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an alteinate mortonQA =
<br /> insurc�r approved by L.ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not nvlilnble,Borrower shall pay to _
<br /> Lender cach matitli a sum cqual to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgnge insurr�nce premium bein�paid by Borrower when the ��`�
<br /> insur:u►ce cocerage I�psed or ceas�d to be in effect. Lender will accept,use nnd retain these payment�as a loss reserve in lieu C::_:..
<br /> af mortgagc insurattce. Loss rescrv.°,payments may no longer be required, nt the option af Lender.if inortgag� insur;uice -'__
<br /> coverage(in the nmaunt and for the period that Lender requires)provided by nn insurcr approved by Lender a�ain becomes :�;
<br /> avniluble and is obtained.Burrowcr shnll pay thc premiums required to m�intain mortgage insur..n�e in effect,or to providc a .:.�;;;,`,
<br /> loss rescrve,until the rcquirement for mort�ge insurnnce ends in accondance with any written agr�ccment between Borr��vcr ''��°.'
<br /> ,,ti:,F
<br />: and Lendcr or applicable law. � ��=.`
<br /> �. Y�specdon. Lendcr or its agcnt may makc reaeonable entaies upon and inspections of thc F�roperty. Lender sluill -;a
<br /> give Borcowcr noNce�t the time of or pr3or to an inspeftion spccifyin;reasonable cause for the inspectian. -
<br /> 10. C'onden�ttatton. The proceecLv of any award or c(aim for c9amages.direct or consequential,in connection with any -
<br />- 5ingie Family--Fhonir Mne/FreL'�ISc Mac UNIfORb111VSTRUM17CNT••Unifomi Coven:uus 9/90 (Tr.�r.3 ajG pagesl ;%.�;;�
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