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<br /> :1+���!"��11'.y iT�.:E',����<<ty� :i�ift{ii�lY 1�'r�:����Sl!C�ij/ �161t1�:1S:lfliliii.l'�l��CY.i'i.�11 fU.':Cli'..'llflllrf217Cti'1 Ur]7;Cltil�. r�Pt1�K4'C!'1�::11�,1!'f'S R��r� .. . ----
<br /> wili�lefer►�1 grnCr�Ity tht title tt►tht 1'tci�rty u�,eis�tt ali claims at�d dr.uiands,subju:t t«�n�e��;uu�taw�ce:;uf rece��d.
<br /> '1'I)fi; til:(°!1l�U'�X lNS1l�I1M[?IJ'A' conAh?n.L��ur�ifaxn� covenants fc�r r�:tlfnm�I us�c nnrl �tun-a>>ifua�m eov�:na��t; �vith _
<br /> :�(RIZCI�YAT1�11005 nY J417Sq�1'11V11IU l:UllSll�tI1C tl UIItiUi�tt N�Cdi�ey ii�Suila't:+.ia CvYc��ii�j i�ni�j�ivii�ii,y.
<br /> Ui�T1;f�)"LtM Ct�vk!tvAlv i:�. �S�mowecan4 i�r.dee co•rennnt an�agrce As•foll�ows:
<br /> • ). �y►uent c�Princip�on�e 1(nterr.rt;,Pr�}u►rmenl Wnt1 I.att S;t��rgr.s. Ilnrrowr.r shall prainptly pay�.vlten due the
<br /> pr�nclpal L!',acul i�.rie�:h�dib.�evi.�d.�.�e,e..���Nas,�,i;���n�y�wCpAyn s wtri�n�watv rthvs d4lrntjrr gwhawerish�ll nav tq
<br /> ---�---•- •«--.... ... .
<br /> l,xnsler an�ha day mantl�]y paymcius ara duc under the Notc,unGl 4ie Note i��aid in full,n sum f"Nl+nds")fur:(u) yearly
<br />_ • �::�-:and a��.:ss:�:e::ts c:�siich�;��t�!�p*'sor€ty ovcr tlii9 Scci�rity instninent�s a licn an d►�Property;(b)ycaxly Icaschold
<br /> payn�ents or ground rents on thc Property, if pny;(e)y�ar3y haz::rd ox property insurancc �r�mdums; (d� ycarly fto�d
<br /> lnsurwicc prcmiums, if any; (e)ycad� niottgage insurance premidvns,iE any; and(� a!iy su�ri� paynble by Horrow�r to
<br /> I.endcr.In accordnncc with the prov�stons of paragrnph 8, in I�cu of the payment of mortgugc insurunce pjen�ic�ms. These
<br /> it�ms;u�cullcd"L�scrox�Items." Lcnder may.a¢rmy time,collec;und hold R��ds tn an amount not to excced tlic mnximum �
<br /> amaunt a Iender fox a fed�mlly rc,lnte�! mortgnge loam m�y requice for Bocrowzr's escxow account under tl�c fedc�al Rcal
<br /> E�tats Settlement Procedurcs Act of 197a us arnended from llme to tlme,l2 U.S.C.§Zb01 et seq.("RL'SPA"),uriiess nnother
<br /> law tliat applics ta thc�1.�r.ds secs n lesser mm��►nt. If so.Lcnde,r mny,at imy timc,collect ari�i hold Funds in an amount not ta —
<br /> eacu;u ih� [cssci r„�,ou:st. i.cnd;.r may cstima:.:. th� :�m�u�: ef Purtds due on the ba:is of carrent d�te ansi rensonabl�
<br /> escimat�s of expencljtures af future Escrot�Ite�s or othenvise in Acc�rdanee�vith applicable law.
<br /> 'Ti�c FUnds shal!ke hcld in an institudon whosc �pasits are insured by a federaf ngency, instmmentali.ty,ur entity t--
<br /> (includin�;I.cnder,if I,c��dcr is such nn institution)or in any f ederal Home Loan Ban3c. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay ___
<br /> tlhe E�cruw Items. L.cndcr may not chargc florrower for holding and applying thc Plmds, annually unalyzing the escraw
<br /> account, or verifying the Escrow Itcros, unless Lender pays Borcower interest on die Punds and upplicable law permits --
<br /> Lender to make such o ci�arge. 1-Iowever,i.ender niay require Burrower to pay a onc-time churge for un indcpcndent rcal --
<br /> cstute tax rery�ning scrvice used by i.cnder in connecuon with this loan,unless r.pplicablc law provides otherwise. Unless an .. _
<br /> agreems��t is mude or upplicable law reqnires interest to be p�id,Lendec shall not be required to pay borrower uny inte�st or
<br />- :.w,� ..�ca,n.�� R��murnr nnrl I.eu[ier maV SecCC 1D Vltitlll�,however,thut interest shull Ire puid on�fte Funds. Lender -
<br /> .un8o:�......--•-^ —- - --
<br /> shsill give ro Hoirower,without chazge,an mmuai accaunting of @�e Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and tDte _-__
<br /> pi►rpose for which e�tch debit to the P1mds was ma�e. Tfie Funds ure pledged as additionul security for:ill sums sccumd by
<br />