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<br />
<br />
<br /> RAYE WOODMAN and CAROLYN WOODMAN„ Partners in the C R & C Partnership, Grantor, a partnership
<br /> organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Mole of Nebraska, in ,consideration of One Dollar (S 1.00) and
<br /> other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to C. RAYE WOODMAN and
<br /> CAROLYN WOODMAN, Gmntees, the following de,.cribed real estate in Hs11 County, Nebraska:
<br /> 1
<br /> Lo` Two (2) in the West Half of the Southh;,ast Quarter (W 12 SE 114), and that part of the West Half of the Ne+ -,least
<br /> Quarter ( W 1 /2 NE 1/4) lying Sm,_*ai of the River Road, also known as the Elm Island Road, both in Section Thirty-
<br /> three (33), Township Nine (9) North, Range'Twelve'(12), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, all of the
<br /> above witF accrctinns thereto;
<br /> II~ Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4 SW 1/4), Section thirty-two (32), Township Nine (9) North,
<br /> i Range Twelve (12), West of the 6th .P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and the Soufi 20 acres of a Tract of land containing
<br /> 31.68 acres (lying South of the River Road, also known as the Elm Island. Road) in the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of
<br /> Section Thirty-one (31), Towtisbip Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (12), West of the 6th P M., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Begiiming at a fence post located in place of the original stale at the Southeast comer of said Section 31, thence in
<br /> a Northerly direction on the East bouridaiy line of said Sec}ion 31 at a distance of 1,733 feet to a gas pipe in the county
<br /> road, thence, in a Southwesterly direction along and upon said county road for a distance of 324.7'feet to a gays pipe,
<br /> thence in a southerly direction parallel to the East boundary line of said Section 31 a distance of 1,636 feet to the center
<br /> of an old nlotn]d on the South boundary line of said Section `Plrirty-one (31) (which mound is said to be the Northeast
<br /> corner of Section Six (6), Township Eight (8) North, Range Twelve (12), West of the 6th P.M., Adan),s County,
<br /> Nebraska,) thence: in vin Easterly direction along the South boundary- line of Section -T-hirty-one (31) to the place of
<br /> beginning„ said 20 acres being unimproved;
<br /> A tract of land situated in the Northwc;st Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW 1/4 SW i/4) lying No,-th of the River
<br /> road, also known as the Elm Island road, Section 'T'hirty-three (33), Township Nine (9) North, Range `I'weive (12),
<br /> West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, ',Nebraska, more particularly &scribed as follows?
<br /> Commencing at a point where the North bound Mry lino of the River Roarl, also kno:•rn as the Man island Road,
<br /> a ur rr~~( r:t7C o1 ",,eve! 11ilTty-three (33) aF)OVe dC5Crtl]gd, being the point ol'beginning, and thencc running
<br /> in a Northeasterly direction along and upon the North boundary line of the said River Road also known as the film
<br /> Island Road a distmee of 778 feet. 'thence running in a Northerly direction on a line parallel to the East Line of` „aid
<br /> Section Thirty-three (33) a distance on 16 feet- thence running, in a Southwesterly direction along and upon a line (hat
<br /> runs parallel to the North boundary line of the said River Road also known as the Elm Island Road to a point ion the
<br /> West line ofsaid Section `ll)irty-three (33), thence running South along and upon the West line of'said Section Mirty-
<br /> three (33) to the point crbeginning of the said! Tract, containing 5,6 acres more or less-
<br /> Grantor coven rots with the Grantees that Grantor:
<br /> (1) is lawlUly seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances subject to easements, reservations,
<br /> covenants and restrictions ofrecord.
<br /> (2) has legal power and law; it authority to convey the same;
<br /> (3) warrants aced will defend the fitie to the real estate against the lawful claims ofall persons.
<br /> Executed: April 1995
<br />
<br /> ' -+~+--Y---- ~_~1~~1.~~s ..~,~y~_~"..~►v'~ ~ .i_,.. L="iC~:~'K:~•YS..L_~._.-,-,._
<br /> S3'A7E Of' NU 3RASKA )
<br /> ss.
<br /> Tltc forr„going, instrument was acknowledged before me this day of April, 1995, by RAYS WOODMAN
<br /> and CAROLYN WOODMAN, partners on behalf ofC S & M Partnership, a prner. hip.
<br /> OWE IWAA1'-13tate of flftltr
<br /> 13RUIX SMITH
<br /> + Ate Comm. rxp, Sept, 19, 1998 No Public
<br /> STATF ()F NF13RASKA
<br /> County of l'iall
<br /> filed f'ar record and entered in Numerical index on at o'clock in.,
<br /> and recorded in Deed Record Page_ - _ _
<br />
<br />
<br /> t Register of Deeds
<br /> t
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