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<br /> � 1U. f'irr�tic�tud[un. 1I�o ��Tiw�tJ�0��auy a.av�aC�l or e�i.�ii,t lur�?.�uu�;.i� iliF����c ur Cnuw:qucnii::l, ift ct�;mcui:7�i ui�1� ,wy
<br /> e;�n�l,:��n�:;E��•:1 or e.11i,�r C,k.:si,^,nf',:tiy��.t�t��SUt�� 1'r<<��rty. ur fi�r ci:irvcy�;iat•a in licn uFci�uticuu�a�i��n. ,^.i::h��n:h,y a5siei�f.�n�.; .. --
<br /> :.iwtl t�e palci i��1.�nAcr. - _
<br /> . �ro�t�+t�ve�,���f n tutat takin�ccf il�e Nf�►�erty,tho proax�e+ts nhall f�a�plier.l to tlte suras w:urcd hy thi�:iccurity Factn�mc�rt,
<br /> vrtie:iccr�Fr��et Ilizn duc. witl�siny r,xcc'ss��aia tc�l3s�rr�wcr, ➢��th�cv�:nt nf a h:�nEai tnkin�; af Uac Nru�x�rty in w�ai.h ihc f�ir .
<br /> uur�;.tt Halue uf the Propea7y inimcdiat:ly�efare�he takir.g is equnl tc�nr gre�ter tiian tl�e mnount��'the�urr.�Sc.cural by this
<br /> Cer,�aii�inctnmr.�il lnm�r.li:�Llv Ix`l�1IC 11ll:L1�[Llll*..lll1�f59�OfiY14�'Cf(![�t����eY Ul�ltl'iV�tiC 0�lCC Itl 1VC�lllil.�,r,�hc�um1 scritnal hy
<br /> �..., -._•---•-•---� -
<br /> this Sc�nrity Ii�stitwSC�U�liaU ��,:reduced by ti�c amuunt af tlic proccafs niultiplied t�y tt►e fo{lmvinb fr,n:tfoi�; �a) �he tMwR "
<br /> amount�f th�sunis u:cured immcdiaiety bcfare �h�: takiu�;,uivi�etl t�y iby t{-�c: fair s�iarktt val�ic nf tlse Pra�crty a���i°.:!"s:tel,
<br /> befnre the taking. An�r batance shzll be paid ta Ciorrou�er. In the eveEu nf a panial taJ:ing of the Propert}• in wii�ch the fuer ,
<br /> markct valac of the Pro�n.rty immcdiately Ixfure the takiag is less than t6c umount af Aic sunts sc,.��red 3rnmaliatr.�y bcfarE the
<br /> taki»g,un'ess Borrotvcr ue�d Lc,7dcr othca�vise nn,re in writing or u�zlcss applicablc Eaw othenvisc pruvicics, thc proccids shall
<br /> be ap�lie�t��lie sum� securul by this Securiry instrument whcther or nat Q�e s�ms ar::tlicn dtie.
<br /> if the['rapc�ty is abs�idonuf by Borraw�r.or if.after notioc by Lender to Rurrow•er that the conslcmnor ofier.�lo makc an
<br /> n�vard or scitle a claitr�far damagcs, Borrorver fails to .r:spond to [.ender within 30 days aftec the datc the noEice is�ives�,
<br /> Lend�r is a�tliorized to mllect and apply the procecds,at its option,either to r�toralion or��pai•r of thc Yroperiy or to the sums —
<br /> sccuird by thie Securiey Instrurrtcnt,whetticr ar not then due. -
<br /> Unless Lend�r�.z:d 8orrocccr othcnvise agrce in writin�, :u�y apQlir.,�tian of proccods to pt•incipal sbali not extei�d or
<br /> posPpone tho due date of the monthly payrnznts referced to in paragraphs I and 2 or change t6e amount ot such payments.
<br /> 11.Dptro�ti•er Not Itelcased;�orbearancc By l.cnder PTot a t'Yaircr.Gxtenslon of the time fur payment�r modifi:ation
<br /> of�nwrtizaticen of th�sums secured by this Security Inscrununt granted by l.ender to any suc�:essur in intere.st of Borroticer shnll
<br /> not operste t�mtease thc Diability uf tlie origi►►al Borrower or I�onowcr's successors in intcrest. l.ender shall noi be r�quir..d to �.-.__
<br /> canmenee proccedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend tiar.e for payment ur other���ise madifp amnnization - --
<br /> of the sums secured by this Securiry Inst�iment by rcason of any aemana made oy ii�c .,�igi��a� :�,,:��c� s.- �.��..�ti's - -
<br /> succ:es�ors in interest. Any forbeamnce by I�ender in eReceising any riglit or eemedy shall not be�waiver of r�r proclude the
<br /> exercise of any ribht or rcmcdy.
<br /> 12. Saccrssors and Assigns Bound;Joint pnd Se�eral Lfab9tity; Co-si�bners. The covenants and ag�crnen[s oi fiis
<br /> Secnrity butruntent s•'l�all bind and benefit the sucoe.csors and assigns of Lered.r and aoxrou�er, subject to the pmvisions uf
<br /> P��s�P>> »• �rrower's covetzants and agrcements sh:tll be joint and se«r,il. Any Sorrowcr who co-signs diis Secnrity _
<br /> Instrum.�nt but docs not eaaute the Note: (a) is casigning this Scct�rity Instrument only tu martgage, grant and oonvey th�t
<br /> Borrow•er's interest i►e the Property under tht tetms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligatcd to pay ilie sums �
<br /> securod by ihis Security Instcument;snd(c)ag�ces that[.ender and any ather B�rrower may a�ree to extend,modify,fort�rar or _
<br /> make any nccommodations with rcgard to tiic tcrms of this Secnrity Insirument or the Note without tt�at Borro�ver's conscnt.
<br /> 13.Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> and.iiat la�v is finally interpretod sn that the interest or other loan cliarges collected or to be coflected in connectson wiUi the
<br /> lou�exeeefxxl the permittal limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduccd by tl�e amount necessary to t�ciuce the charga
<br /> to the pr.rmitted limit; and(b) any sums already a�llectr.d from Borrower which exceeded pemiitted limits will be rcfunded to -
<br /> Borrower. I.ender may ciioose to malce this reiand by mducing the principal o�ved under the Nate or by making a dim.ct
<br /> payment to Borroti��er. [f a cefund redur.cs principal, the reJuction �vill 6e treated as a partial pm�ayment withouc any =-
<br /> prepaymcnt chargc un�fer Chc Notc. ��� �
<br />- 14.Nottecs.Any nr,tice to f3onower provided for in this Sccurity(nstniment shall be�iven by delivering it or by muiling �
<br />_ it by first ct�ss mail 4nlcss appSicable la�v myuires usc of another method.The notice shall6e directed¢o the Propeny A�ldress —_
<br /> or 2uy ather address I3cc-rawer designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shail be given by first class mail to v�
<br />- Lendcr's address stated hemin ur any other address d.endcr designates by noticc to Borro�ver. Any notio�pmvidod for in ihis F;�_;;
<br />- �-�.
<br />- Security Instrt�mpnt shall 8c dcemed to have been given to Buno�ver or Lendcr when given as providr.d in this parag��h. a;_._._
<br /> IS.Gavernfng Lativ; �everability. This Sec:urity [nscrument shall be gm�emed by fateral law and thc [aw oFtiic -_-`�:
<br />- jurisdiction in�vhich the Progerty is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note "'=
<br />- conflicts witf�npplialble la�v,such conflict shall nat affect other provisions of ehis Securiry Instrament er zhe Note which c.vt be ,<�:'"
<br />- givCn ef{ect�vithout the conflictin�pruvision. To this end the peovisions of this Security Instrument an�1 a'he Note arc declared
<br />= to tx:sevcrabic.
<br />- 1Cr.�3orrow�e's Copy.Burrower shall bc givcn onc conformal copy of the Note and of ahis Se�:uriry Instrumcnt.
<br /> Farm 9028 9/90
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