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<br /> - ���iti111,4��1[alf!l'C1VLI:i,�R:t�1�iii�[�;f�X.l'f!(�.t''';t��;�115 fll��1C Y��(f�l'!1y Ilt u(Sl�lsdlll'4�tillii��1'u�l':t�7h�f. •
<br /> Ikid iruumu►c�lxilicic;�;ncl r;.ne�v;�ls �h;ill be acce�t:�ble t� I.�;�irl�►•.;m���1�a1(.in,�[adr.;i titnndau't inortRnga clause. i.�ndGr
<br />= _�.'t�[��lCM:.C'.'�`_'2_3 i• • i. i.. . F • �•'...�- • T�- ..-i._ai - .. .r•.......r..:�.-.J.. �. '_. ..a�
<br /> - ... -._ 'v�<w�����l��i i�v IirC1i .�(�{��v �n�'��.iv.r ♦.v���iv:.�iji. i w�wa�T�y�iii t.�l:.:�.n .�I��.K�:r�..�Y`�7 bJ.v n. ...�...Za���.1j._..�.� . .. .
<br /> pald prcmiums arrf ixntwal notins. In the m�ent o1 loss,Aorrowcr shall gtve�rumpt�r�t:ra to tk�insurance r.arrirr wxi Lend+s�.
<br /> _ :� l.�:ixlrr njay'make��mai'i►f losti if uut nt:xle prumptly hy 13otruwcr. ..
<br /> - — --- tJnless L;nder saixl IIonuwer oti�erwise agrce in writiug,in!;uraace proct�d.'s�ha11 tx r��plietl tc�aestaralion a�rc,�air af the
<br /> -•= -- -_
<br /> ��raperty oamag�u.if tnr.restoratidn or rCpair is ccnnoniicaiiy icasioic nr,d c.cr�icr',scr,firity is•nui icssena�r9f(RC fc'SI�Y110ii OT
<br />-- - repair is not cconomRCally feasible or L,ender's sccurity wuuld bc lesse;iccf, the i�urar;u►ce procceds shzU ix,uppliril to thc sum,
<br /> —=_ • l �j .;ti.., i..,,,.
<br /> ----- - - w�ar�:! hy t�:is�:turty Inst:smcrst, tivhVL�I4T {�Y ISOI ZII�.II UUV� uitti any cxc:,:.:,pai� xo L'.,^:r�•mrr. if '�r��v:er,.....r�.c...., t}:� --•
<br /> �ropr.rty,.or does iwt ans�+�cr witl�in 30 days a notice from L.ender that the inssrana caTrier ha�oFferai to sctUe a claiin, ►f�n �
<br /> __� Lender may e:ollect d,x insur;ince praceeds. I.cnder may use qhe�proc�cls to repair ar restore the Pr�perty or. to pay sun�.s
<br /> sccured hy this 5ecurity[nstrurnent, whether or not then due.The 30-day�er�oci will L�e�in wtien tiFC notice'is givcn.
<br /> -- Unless Lendcr and DFirrower othcnvisc flgr� in �vriting. any appfication of pe�ocetxts !o pri�ici�al ,hall ��t extcncll or
<br /> � po�tpone the d�ie date oi thc montizly payments referral to in ��agtsphs ! aixl 2 or ch.�ge ehe:�nount of the payments. If
<br /> _ �- unclee paragraph 2t th�:Froperty is acyuired by I.endcr.HuttoKet's rigfit ta any insura�xe�1:¢i�r,s and�racexde resu7ting from
<br /> �— damase to the Property prior to the acquisitian shali pass to Lender to the extem of¢he sums secured by t�'u�ucur+ty InstNn�ent -
<br />___—__ _ __� invnediatcly prior to the ncquisition. � _ _
<br /> 7 �,,��,��y b,.Qccupancy,Fyre�crvatiou,riiuinlenascc rand�'COtostion of the Property;Borrow�.r's Laan A�plicatton;[,a+seholc�s. _-
<br /> " -- [3orrow�r shall ocevpy.establish,and usr..the Propemy as lionower's principal residcncc wi:'iia sixty days ufter the execuuan of
<br /> ;,;r-�,��� this Security [nstrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as B�nower's princip�!rasidence for nt least ane year after
<br />- �=4"��"��•`� die date of occupancy, unless i..ender o►henvise aaraes in�wrtting, which r.onsent sball not b�unreasonabty wit�hcld,or unless
<br /> =_ - - cxtenuating circumst�nces exist wi�ich are beyoz� liaaower's cantroZ. Eforrowcr shalf not datroy, damagr, �r in►�,1ir the
<br /> ,.,M;:�;_,,;,-.� Property, nlluw thc Property to deterior�:tte, ur commit waste on the Frop:rt��. Borrower sh;ill be in defauit iF any forfeisure -
<br /> ...,.,..,.
<br /> �L � action or nroceedine, E�+hetlier civil or criminal,is be^un that in Lender's goocl faiW judgrnei;t coutd result iu forfeit�°e c;f th� _
<br />�"�'�'�"�'�� Pruperty or othenvise nilten.�lly intipair the lien created by this Sz�urity Ins��m�ent or I.endcr's security intcrest. Bor[u11-;.r piay
<br />,�,r'. _.
<br /> � ---��:,��� cure such a default and reinst�ce,as providcd in paragraph 18,by causing th�action or procF.eding tc be dismissod wath a nxling
<br />~•.��; - that, in i.enders good faitn dctcrmination, prcciudes iorfei[ure of trte iiorrowers interest in the Yropert� or otiier materiai.
<br />``��!��'''�5' ."' impairment of Rhe lien created by this Security Instrument or lxndcr's svcurity intcrest. 8arrawer shall also be in default if
<br />=_.�.,�.�,;� —
<br /> _:�,.ti,j�;m. Borrower,during the loan applrcation process.gave materially talr or inaccurnte information or statements to Len�er(or fallal
<br /> ;,. �;
<br /> ;�u«�=.,�,�:;r� ta provide I.ender with any materint information)in connection rvith tt�e loan evidenoed by el���Note. inr_luding,but not iLr►itecl
<br />:;�4�i�� ' to,rcpmscntations conccrning Borruwer's accup;uicy of tlie Property us a peincipal[rsidence. If il»s Security Insteument is on a ,
<br />�_"_,y„4y�� � leasehold. @orrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Prop�rty, the }+
<br /> "��`y'�.';�_�';�.:� l�:asehold and tl�e fcc title shall not merge unicss Lender agrees to the mergcr in wri!ing. ��
<br /> ''':�:...::".' 7.Pir�tection of Lender's Ri
<br />-�,,T�,,.;,,:,,. ` gii�s In thz Ft+opr�ty.If Boinnv�r fails to perform the cavenan�s and agreements cont�ined in
<br /> __,..._��.:�,;,"; tliis Security Insuument. or there is a Ic�al proa:e:ding that may slgnifcan.ty uffect Lender's riglrts in thc Pinpeny (suc�iias a '
<br />=Y'�=` , ' '• ' pruceeding in bankrupuy,probate. for condemmltion or forfeiture or to enforce la«•s or re�ulations),then L.ender n�ay Ja und ' •
<br /> k:, ... ' _'� pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lcnder's rights in ihc Arupeny. Lcnder's actions ax�ay .
<br />_-- ��^�:��+q� include paying any sums sccured by a licn which has priority over this 5ecuriry Instrume�►t, appearin� in courS� �it�ying
<br />- H�„`-.+N�
<br />=.°.�._s'T-�,,;,,;�;�, reasor.ablc attameys' fees and c:nte�ting on the Property to make repairs. Although Lcndcr may take action undcr this ry�t;�raph ---
<br /> .-. �;:,:..i�:,� 7, Lender does not havc to do so. --
<br /> ;:•• : Any amounts disburscd by Lendcr under this par�griph 7 shall bccome additional debt of Sorrower secured by this ="
<br /> ° Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other�erms of payment,these amounts shall bcttr inierest irom the --
<br /> . : ; dntc of disbursement at thc Note ratc mid shall be payable, �vith interest, u�nn naticc from i.endcr to Bonowcr requcs¢ing ___
<br /> .:. ;�;.;; :,� payment. `°°
<br />, , ';;-zt:.:.�., 8.Y3ortgage Insurance. If Lendcr required mort�age insur,jnce�.s a condition of nnnking the loan secured by this Security �_
<br /> "'��G;^.: ' Instmrncnt, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to m�e�tain thc mortgage insurance in effect. If, for nny mason, thc ,.-•.�,
<br /> �..
<br /> '` mortgage insurance covcr;�gc required by Lender lapses or ccases to be ii�ef-t'cct.Borrawer shall pay thc premiur.0 required to ��
<br /> ' obtain mverage subseantially equivalent to the mori;age insurance previously in effect, at a cost substnntiully equivalent to tBe ��'�'
<br />° .,�;,,�, cost to Borra�vcr of tL•e mongage insurance previousfy in cff ct, from an alternatc mortgagc insurer approvcd by [.ender. If �''
<br /> �:•�,• subst:ntially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not av�ilable, Borcow�er shall pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to
<br /> • ��'�`;� ''� onc•hvelfth of the carl mort a e insurnnce remium bcin
<br /> y • y �•g p g p:ud by Borrowcr when the insurance covcragc lapsod or ceaseci to ..
<br /> . , be in effect. Lender wilf:iccept.use and�•etain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insur:tnce. I.oss reserve ;,.;,
<br /> " Form 3028 9/90
<br /> • i'1" Pag�7 010
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