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<br /> . 1�1��.:�,�5fRN7�.T4W'!�f'.' .AFi+�wr�,rax�.�.F.��a..:..—�:...-.�.:.��,..,.._�......_._.—_
<br /> ,� ����°t, ,1<y;��t�>-;� . �°; .,
<br /> C.;a �._ .�.�V �
<br /> r l��NUGR'S fl; Ofl-03••'In,AE15
<br /> �L7�����1`� ����� ��T��
<br />_-� (CUI�AITI(�+NAL k�Gld'�T(i!tF IN NG1�1 ���_�-
<br /> . , i�; ��:�' I::::��.
<br /> THIS BALI.DOIv RlDER is made this �1TH de of APRIL . 1 Q95 , __
<br /> _= and ie inc�tporated into r�nd oh�ll be dec:mecl to nmencl nnd supplement the Mortgage,Dced of Trust ar "`-�
<br />�- Deed ta fieoure Debt (the "Security Instrument") of the aamo dato given by 2ho unde�signed (the �`��``"�
<br />—= "Dorro�ver")to secura tha 13orrower's Note to R",�
<br /> _ �:;''i`-
<br /> ..� - � imai�.
<br /> _' �c'�z"I.��z��z`"D e?th�sarm�dl�t�anai omererin�tha��+�p�rr.�r��sex�iQr��!:•n�t:.�;a�a,:urt�a�dP'w`7a�WLMtF7AE:�C:',�}�6u�:�t��.� , ��_.
<br />.�;.�' �4: 171Ca GIIU �9AKDf CHRC�.F�. GRANd 1��AND, NEBR:iSK/t CzE�T3 ' . . .:`�;���,�r'�`
<br /> � . �.(�('�{�,.
<br /> -- - . • , . . . _ . ,`�CIC.�.f.
<br />...... • .. . . ' . . . • . _ ' . . . - . `�iv
<br /> .UA , �'� • � i . • , IProy�e:isg����.:a3aD ' . ___
<br /> --� ,'1 ho ihYare�t�rate stated on tlle I�T�2s is cullad the"Note Rnte."�'he daw of tha Nate is cnlled the"Note �-�
<br />:':;f� Date."I undarstand the Lender may traneter the Nots,3ecurity Instrument nnd thie Rider.The I.ender nr �
<br /> anyana who takes the Note,tha Securlty Instroment and thie Iiider by trans4er and who is entit�ed to receive �""�
<br /> �� paymenta under the Note ia called the"Note Iiolder." ��,_
<br /> -.l lilJl�
<br /> -- ADDI"I'IONAL CAV7EATANTS. In addition to the cnvenants and agceamente in the Seaurity =�-.
<br /> �± 1nAtrument,Barrower and L.ende.r further covenent ancD ngrea as follo�vo�despite nnything tu tha contrury T__
<br /> ��-_
<br /> = contn�ned in theSecurity Instrumentor the Notej:
<br /> "= l. CONDiTi01liAL RIC3HT TO REPINANCB =._
<br /> Ac the Meturity 1Jato ax the Note end Security Instrumera(the"ivoio iviaiuriiy�nio"f,i�iit;a a�1a ta
<br /> - �btein a netiv lnan("Now Loan") with a new Meturity Dats of F9AY 1. 2025 � ---
<br />_— (tha"Naw Maturity Dato")And with an interest rnte eQual to the"Now Loan Ftate"determined in uccordance , _,-_
<br /> with Sactian 3 bslow i4 nll the conditions provided �n Sections 2 nnd 5 below ere met (tha "Conditionel --
<br /> - Refinence Option").1f thosa conditions ere not met,I understnnd that tho Note H�lder ie under no obligation _=
<br />