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<br /> iay tiiio::cr:tli'l8y�(1".if'Uf�l�4f19..AIY oQ tS►�fcu;;:,;ninP in Tc7Ci f::��YU�0 4R1I0�i::Cll['i�y Mfl:.3P161'iIC'il�('"1 F{l�°i'c'a��a::�cy.° .
<br /> �i(IF;I�Q�'l�.;c:CO�IY�iVAN1'�ti�nt l�arror�e.�i;lnc•�Pully::ii;;::d oY tit�c:,Yatc isc,oby��irevo�rc!�c»u.� ii°•; eit;:�•i�;i�? ts>
<br /> grant end c�}nvay tb�Pcop�•ty�nd tf�ae the �'rn�er2y i�uncncumts�r�:d,exeapt for�s�o��misr�n+.ca��P���.zu��ea, f;or�uc•��e � _ .;
<br /> ivnrranta nnd��ill dcfcnd�erieeeUy tho titla to the Propo��2y agnins2 nll clai�no and c�c:iti�and:�,r,uUj::cR tu nny eitcur,nljrancr�� ''
<br /> �,,,�
<br /> of record: - ._.
<br /> '�IiIS'.,'�:CURITY IN5 fRUMLNT camUines uni4or�t coven�nta tor netionn! u�s and non'uai[orm cuvennntn�vitf� �:���
<br /> limitc-d variutions by juri�i�ctsen iu con�,�titute o unitorm seeurity instrument covering real pf�o��iy. �y'':==.
<br /> UNI�O�tM COVEVAI3TS.�iorrower nnd Lender covenant nnd ngree av[ollaws: _
<br /> 1.Pay meni o'F Frincip�l and iotores4;Prepaymec�t m:�d Lu4e Chauges.HorraNCr shal! promptly ppy wh�n due t�..,
<br /> tho nrincinal of and interest on the devt evidenced bY tt�e�',QE��FC?any prepeyment nnd lnte chnr��duo under the hote. F�-=�
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes ynd Inausance.SuU�.sE fi�z��a�9ic=rR�7e tas► os L�u writthn eJuiver by E.ender, Horrawer shall �•r'=;�
<br /> �ay to Lender on the day monttL;�r�•:�y�cnet�!ss���e�G��a�;t��T at,e��ir�:,Qs:�ciii r.h�I��r'.�e��id�n full,n sum("Funds')�or: �n.J'
<br /> (a)Y�arly taxe�und ns:,essments t•��w::°e en*.r}��2t:�ctia�n_r.�i:,3 a�rrr G�i�T:�aer,r;,y 6eaae�acr.�e:�B as a lia:n c,r�tha YropertY� (b) I v;;,-:�
<br /> ysarly leasehold payar:��.:is�or ground.rents�z�rt R�h.r;:�'!sopzrt}�;i`t.8n�; �cD ye1r.lg haza6d v�1�r��e�rs�r irns�c�nce premiums; ia:�}�F;`
<br /> (d)yeariy flmod in�:,�:,<<,7�a premiums,i�any; Q�D.y��+rly m�crtgaga insu�ana�prcmiun�,�,if any;ATit�Q�f�'��'dY SUYl'S�1YAI?�C ;;;.,A^
<br /> hy Dorrower to LenrltT,in a.cordanc��vith Yhe provisions�'f�nra�cnph R, in lieu mf 4he payment�F cnortoag�ee�su:i�ca �s;,-
<br /> premiums,'I'hese items are called"Escrow Items."I.esnder may,s+t any time.coflect and hold Fu�c�in an ara►mun4 u��t cr;::.�
<br /> r�:i�;:
<br /> to escaed the maximum Amount a lender �mr a federally related mo�tgage loan may re.quirn [�r �t�rro�ver's er��ro�v 4..:-_-
<br /> account under the fzderal Rr.al Estate Sett3��nnent Procedures Act ot 1974 ea amended irnm time ta tima, 12 U.S.C. ""___
<br /> Seccion 2Fi01�et s��,.�"•IILESYA").unless anuthcr luw that applies to tha Funds sets a lesser amount:�f so,Y..eitdor mny, ----
<br /> at any t�mr��,coJicct�nnd hold Funr�s ncn an amaunt nat to axceed the lesser amount.�.ender may estimate the amount of =-�-�..�
<br /> Fund�ol�eE�n�ths b�nis u4 current dn2��and reasonabla estimatcs of expenditures of futura Escrow Itema or otherwise in �-��;-
<br /> .�,
<br /> nccard:�,�ec�dvitl���zpinCRb�4 IIIN. , . r°i
<br /> • ,� The�ustds s7e�9Q;�e hald in an Inatitutin�e?i��?t�ose deposita are incuretl by a federal agency,instrumentality,or entity �r,_:
<br /> • � :.,(includ'nng l.e�ndEr,xh`,?�:cn�er ie such an inatitux�c�n)or in eny Federal Hume Loan Bank.I.endor sh:�ll apply tha Funds tn • -.-
<br /> , �.;��•,. ii.�:�_.
<br /> pay tha%!��•crow Itert�:�.,'J.,�nder mny not char�� �oreower £or halding Rn;�applying tha Funds, a7��ra�uelly annlyzing the �r,;._
<br /> escrm�r�TCr�a�nt,ar veritying tha Escrow Items,•unlass L�nc?c-r;�ays Borrower interest on the Pun�la and applicable law �F?,y
<br /> permitrr,':;�;��i,crer tn ntake �uch a charge. HoNever, I.an�3er >r:saY require Borrower ta pay a u'rt�'t�me charg�:.�rr nn �:
<br /> i�denPncy��r,�,1�??x�tnv cPnnrtine scrvice vsed hy i.ender is��:r,nnectioa with this loan,unlcss apd�liCnble lavl�r�vi�es P""_°
<br /> ,otherwisa.[Jnle$s'z�t�;n�eement is mad.,ur ap�lirabie la�m:7ttires inter�est to b e pai d,Lender:��}an'li nmt be re qd,i:es!to • ''�;�
<br /> 'pay Borrower uny e�itgrtst or earinin�,s on th��u.ids.Barrav;�r artd Lencler,may agres in writin�;,91��sv.evrr,tha;3n.er�t
<br /> � �.:� shall ��aid on the f�ufids.Lensl�.•shall�i�•o¢c���3ocro�var;��'i?:hout chargs�,an ann�uaC t���p��E'.��s��'�ne Funds���:row�ng �;
<br /> , � cred'ets:�.�tD�'gUfic+tn the Fe�nds a�n�7�t�hs'pitrg�'s:�.'�i�r wAjo?5'�G�h�ebit to t�Jna FuntJs a�as rrz nJe. D�PC2?`11J1U9 IITC QD7EC1gCQ AS �w
<br /> � additia�r:��s-ecur��y 9mr a79 bumA�oured by t!hy��rc�;r�a;;3r.�,.�sear.�xnt. ' __���
<br /> If the$uR�Ys 1�11r��by Lvndar axcecd the�.^i:a«r��errnis��ad to�l�r9d by nppiicable low, G.rena�or shall nccount to ��;,;.
<br /> $orrower for the e;r�cecs.[7unds in aceordance c�av�h a;h:;r uirements of o licabl�taw.If the amount of the Funds held ��--
<br /> �l AP r;�,�r-.
<br /> by Lender at any dmc is not sufficient to puy the Escrow Itcsrne when due,I.ender may so notify 13orrawer in writing, -_____
<br /> and,i�such case Borrowe,r ahnll pay to L.ender tha amount nocessnry to make up the de.ficiency.Bo►rower shull make �ni w
<br /> up tha d�ficiency in no more then twelve monthly pAymente,at I.onder's sole dlscretion. �`f'�
<br /> Upon payment in?Gll of all suma sec:ured by this Security Instrument,Lc:nder shs�ll promptly retund to Horrower �;;,=;,
<br /> any Fuads held by Lertder. IP, under p�ra�raph 21, Lcnder shall nrquiee or sell the Pr�perty, I.ender, prior to the �
<br /> acquisition or sale of tho Pcoperty,shsil r�pply any Fund.4 held by L.ender ut tho tima o4 ucyuisition or sale ns a credit
<br /> ogainst tho sums secured by thie 5ecurity instrument. �
<br /> 3. Application of Paymen.ts. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,nll payments received by Lender urtder �''-
<br /> paragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: tirst,to eny prepaycnent charge.9 du�e under tha IJota;second,to omount�payuble �„_,
<br /> undet paragraph 2;third.to�nteresc due;�oorth,to principal�ue;and{ast,to any late chatges due under the Note. m:..;,:
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Bonower shall pay nll t�xes, e�.ssments, chargey, fines and impositions attributable to the .,...
<br /> Proporty Nhich may attain priority over this Security Instrument� and leasehold payments ar g�ound rents, if eny. ,
<br /> �onower shall pay these obligations in the mantier provided in paragcnph 2,or if not paid in that manner. Dorro�ver
<br /> shall pay ti�em on time directly to the person o�ved payment. Aorrower shall pmmptly furnish to Lender all notices of "
<br /> amuunts to t�e paid undec this paragraph.I[Bor�ower makes these payments directly,Borroe+er shall prumptly fumish
<br /> to I.ender recei�sts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly dischatge a�iy lieo which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Boreower. (a)
<br />- egrecs in writins t�tAc payment o4 the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabl�to Lender;(b)contests in
<br /> good faith the lien by,or defends ngninst enforcement o4 the lien in, legal proceedings which in the I.ender's opinion
<br /> operpte to prevent the entarcement of the lien;or(c)secunes Pmm the holder of the lien an agreement satisfuctory to
<br /> Lend�r subordinating the lien to this Security Iastru,ment.!t L.ender determines that an►y part of the Property is subject �
<br /> to n lie�� �rhich muy nttain priority over this Security[nstrument,L.ender may give Borro�ver a notice identiEying the
<br /> lien. Boscower shell satisfy tho li�n or take one or mon.of the actic�ns set forth nbove within 10 days of the giving of
<br /> noticc.
<br /> E�rm 90Ya
<br /> �-6li1li�lto+os� v.�.i o�a XCIE41DAA9 .QO Inttiel
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