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'u <br /> l t 1:� :G <br /> (� '�t. ..1 'I'i i I. . <br /> �: . � . . . <br /> � ��-, , �-: , ,b� � <br /> . . ,l'��.���_1�.�./.°����,�: �:�.�4e�.�i.; ���+��a�.�. �,'_�.'k,; <br /> _.. Q11 `�c;�s�'�'r.:�i�s�ry.11��.�Yc;�c•�tR;it�Crb,�:;� r`'.(3��'1.:4:i(). �. � r�n�<:__. <br /> , (� _-. <br /> � .. . {'� �.. �".T:�: <br /> 7i HIS AAJtJSTA.➢LE:RA"1't�1tIAl�K is nta�de this ���'�� �.;Ny�,: ,'�� .Y I � <br /> :1, 1'99�a � mxl lS 711C:Uf�A(AIC(S IIItA A�1(I 6I11I� bC(ICC3I1Cd �0 8111tIHJ A!1(I SUp�YItlfiCdl� lI}C R�UYfBigC, �acl af <br /> � Trus t or S c c u c i ty D�c 1(t h c"S��:u r i t y l Y�s t s u n�e n t")a F t i�o s�m o d a t c g i v c n b y the undcrsi};+xxl(ti�c"AG+rrnwcr")to <br /> - -� s;,tur�the F:uxrawer's AJiuetnble Rata lVaro(the"Nctc"a tn. � <br /> iht E�uitabie BuilQi�g �nd lo�n A�aaclat.fon o4 Grtat:.:in8end,. Re�r��,Skt, A Fader.el fiavin8s B�nk . <br /> � . (the"Lendci'J�af the�arae dute finci�:ovari;7�.thu p�'��n,rty,de.r.;ilx:d i►1 dlc Su;u�ity[nSM�mcn4 ai?d loG'iteit pt: <br /> 4��i1 MAhiGHES1'�!1 Rl7�f]i�l�Pd�� I�LANf�, IVFF3RA5KA (3t�f�u3-�?.1 Ei <br /> • [Pro�erty n,ckkr.tis] <br /> ����r��crs�� �oa�Q,4�1(���'�OVIS�UN5 ALLg'WD4�f� FO�i CHAN(3t�t� ��m. �rain�arrr�RE:r — <br /> • � ., . �r;p'rS�, AND Ztf�:l•lb�G7P��'i�lLY PAYMENT. Y'HE NOTE LIMI�w �J"9'�iG 11ASL9Gl'�CaT THIE . <br /> • i3ii�t�1flV11ER'S iN7�REST �iATE �AN �HANGE AT ANY �NE 'fiflflG:; 13�!�t� �'YIiE <br /> , �INi��lMUM HATE 7NE 60RR�1FY�fl IUIIiST PI4Y. • _ <br /> ADDfTIONAL COVENANTS.In addition to the covenants and�recments made in the Security Instn�ment, ��_ <br /> �orrower nnd l..ender further ccwenant and agree as fcllativs: . -- <br /> . A.1[N�'ER�:S��A'��AND MON'THY.'Y I�AY1�N'P CHAN�ES • <br /> The Note provides for an initial iaterest rntc oY 7.00� ;fi.The Note psovides for chang�s in �^� <br /> Wc�im�.r:sc��aad the mnnthly n�ym:, follows: �_-,-; <br /> 4.1NTEREST RA'.['L�A1�1D MflNTHI.Y PAYMENT CHANGES v <br /> � (A)Ch�n;R 13ates - <br /> 5f7��e in¢crest rate I will pay may clutnge on die fust dny of MrSY 1998 .and on that <br /> ' +. day cvcry 12th n�onth therwfter.Lluh date on which tny itatcrest rate could chan,ge is cAllo�a"Chunge Dr,tu." ___ <br /> � (8P Tiee In�kx = <br /> �3egi�u►ing wiUi the Cust Ct�ar►ge Date, my interest xate will be based on an Index. The "IndEa"is the wcekly -� <br /> average yield on Unite�SWtes Treasury securities adJusted ta a canstant maturity of 1 ycar,as made avallablc by - <br /> �� the Federal Reserve Board.T��e most rocent Index figurc uvailal�le as of the dute 45 days brfor�eacl�Cbsu►se Date =-_- <br /> F_���_� <br /> is caltr�i tice'Curcerit Indsx." �:��- <br /> If the lnd��s is no lon�er avaitable�tliv Note Holder will cha►se a new index whicl�is hasod upon�omparable �;,-. <br /> info�natton.Thc Note Nolder will�ive me notice of this choice.. ` ° <br /> ,..,._ <br /> ,.•__- <br />- (C)Calculxtlan of Cbonges ��'s <br /> " Acfon:cact�Char�ge Date, the Nota kivlder wili a�lculate my new interest rate by addEng r�P`� <br /> � �y�p percentage point(s)( 2.OQp '�)to th�Curr�nt �"'�_ <br /> sat' <br /> Itxiex. The Ncte Holdec wilt then round the resul3 of this nddition to the nearest ane-ei�hth of one porrrr.nLage �%•� � <br /> �w�r,� <br /> point(OJ254b).Subject eo the limits stated in Secdqn 4(D)below,this rounsl�:l nmaunt will be my ne�v intearest �{y_,.. <br /> rate urttil the n�xtChange Datc. �'�= <br /> The Note Holder will then determine thc amount of the monthly Qayment that�vould be sufificient ro repay the C;�%__ <br /> unpaid prerx:ipal thrct I am expected to owe at the Ciiange Date in Sall on th�Maturity Date at my ncw 3nterest rnte � ���-;:;- <br /> in substantially eq�al payments.'i7ie result of this calcalation will be tn�rtew amount of my monthly paym�n4. �t� <br /> ..?. <br /> • .::.� . <br /> (D)Limits oa IY�.4erest Rate CLanges � 9.OOb rya - <br /> 'fhe intcrc:;t rte I a►rn r�ui�ed to pay at die Hrst Ci�an,�e Date�vill not be greater thau <br /> or�css than 5-40� So.Thereafter. my interest rate will never be incrcas:d or dccreased on _ <br /> any singlc Change Datc by►nore tltar►two percen s+e points(Z.OSo,�from thc rate of iaterest I ha�ve bcen payinB <br />= f'or tlie�c+c�:eding twdvc months.My intcrest rate w+ll uevcr be greater than t 2-000 0. <br /> a <br />- , My �ntorgst rate �ti71 nevor f�e lower than 5.00A,d. <br /> (k;)t;;��l'nt c D�tc c�'(:b�atges <br />- My�asc interest rate will become effective on easfe Change ilat�. I�vill pay the amount of my ne�,v montlily • <br />= p:�ymcnt hcginninE on tiic�rst monthiy payment dat�aftcr the Chan�c Date vnt:l tlic amount of my monthly <br />- paymcnt ci-ianges n�ain. � <br /> - [E1I4nsic�nf CS�auQ� ,. <br /> 'Cltc Notc l�nldsr will deliver or mail to nte a natice of a�iy cfian�;es in my intcre,t rate 1nd the amoutlt oF my <br />� ennnthly paymcnt bcfort: the eifet:tivc date of any ciran�e. 'fhe notice will incfude in�om3adorz requiral by law to <br /> b�: givc� rru: and�iso tlie 2itle and telcplionc numbcr of� ��crson �vlio �vill �ns�ver nny qucstion I ntay have <br />- rc;Earding tli�rtoticc. <br /> M1)LTIS7A7'E AQJUS�TA�LE RATE RlEfER•ARfH G�2-5in�to Fnmily•Fannle MaelF�addie Mac llnito�ni tne4rumant I <br /> Foms 3111 318�, <br />��A �-flZ�193D71 VtRP G'tlRYO�Gt FOR!dS•1COQIG77•7201 � hlrttti on R:tyNCd Nr,•.ct <br /> S <br /> �_ <br /> ,� <br /> � <br />� _ <br />