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"_"��TS[�_K..z.'r�_°'L^"-� _�..o_�_�_....,_.._._...,"�""' "' <br /> " ' .. . � r �a�. <br /> � . �E�t ' �,�E�-�,'�"!�. ,. <br /> �_. «r. ; . <br /> �7.'-.��2t tl�il'I����A1 L'?.2�)(ii.^,1'ti�':'.S{�iGfG"e�T11!'it7 OY�i.^.i�::i^_!C7��:Qi;:�Oil f�l.^. �iFGti::ify. i1R[�i'��C:i':CFii=i1('i�i:;i�ii11C'.'il:':.._, � :+It(� 1. <br /> ;:�.. . , .. . , �.,....�,_.; �,.,, t,f t?r� ��. .,. !�1! r,.��ir��::��:°f�ts r.�:•_� �. :li�o,t�� �t::+l! nlr.�i f;:: cn�,�c��st t�y Eiii�� S�c��.tity ' . <br /> -•:o,°. • . . .. .;,. . <br /> �r�.?�t�. ;:.:.x. /111 t+f fi:�Gi:,•;��sl;�;�i���,�:d[aa in ti�i:;S�,:i+�ity I�r:t►in���r�i m,IU�: "P�otr2riy." � <br /> i:s7l�.l-:ilt',ri:t;["ll�li iNl�P�e'c�ti�i',.{:i,u;��ti^rc•,•i�.I;n•�lully�:�fr::�l iif th��;st,e�hcr;:�y cu�nvcycd c�►id f���t�;;ei�ht to;ti;ui?�:r:s! �.• . <br /> C�IAI'C'� I�iC,'.E�I�t(li'.i,�' i�!il� I�I�tI l�l': �fliytii�i'f 1'i Uf:C7lClltilii4il:(�, CRCC�St {UP C1iCqC�1I)iiUl�C7 QF fCCaP(I. �AIi6l%CF P/�PP(�1111!i illlil l'/l�� �?"*': <br /> ct�fc:.u3 �;:�rb:.�l1y tlu:titL,e+��1�c i'ro��;r.iy :;haiea,t a!I clninr;tmd dcmllllCls.StO��I'C110 Qf3y CIICU(11�Jf't1�ICi.S Af i'.:CQI'(I. [���,",: <br /> 'f litS Sli(�{IF21`f Y tNtiTRUl�1�t�.T coii�.hincs uniforxrs covcnants for nadc�nal usc and non-unif4nn cc�vcnants witb liniitcd <br /> Y^�'j^r+(t�����1y�1n!'!cd!!'e�Qfl(0l.'flll�lil(1Sp a�tnifaab•nt SCCUPIIy�11>II12Dl�lli C6VCPl4iH CG�I pI0}l:li}/. �r+�=`` <br />� U N1F�Rhi C.OVF?NAN'fS. 13u��t+nkcr ru�d Li:nder cnvenant an�i ngrec as fullows: <br />' �. Yaymens e�f 1'a-ineipal nnc}.�Ynfcres,t; Pi•��►ysnen2 und Lair CP�rgr.s,iia�rrawcr shall promptly p:►y vrhQn due tho <br /> principal af n��d iatetrsi esai�he cicb3 evidr�ur.c�l by die Note and any�repay�rient and lute charnes due undea•the Noie. <br /> Z. Nttnds ior�'axes nn+i insctra�lcP.Subject tu applicaGlc law or to a written �vaiver by i..ender, normwcr sha.ii pay io -- <br /> Lc�xte;rnti ti�e day n�mnhly pay�s.r:nts�rc due under the Note,until th�Note is paid ir�futl,a sum("Funds")for:(a)ye:arly tuxes <br />' ;���d aeu:ssinents wliich m;,y atwin}�rini�ity ovcr this Security[ns►rument as a Iien on the Property;lb)Yeasly Ie:ischuld puyresents _ <br /> or groun�t cents un�hc lTrapr.ny,if tu�y;(c)ycarly liazard or proper�y i�isurance p�miwns;(d)ycarly flood insuranc�premiun�s, <br /> . if any; (c) yearly�nc�it};a�e 9nsurnn.c premirams, �f any; 1nW(�uny sums paynbic by Banotivcr to Lend�r. iri aceordancc �vith <br /> ttie provisions of p.�r�gr�plt a,in lit�� of�{►�►ciu of mortga�e insurance pr�miurtis.Tl�ese i3ems are called "Escrow items." <br /> l..en;l;:.� m�y, at any time, copect aivA huld Funds in ;u� amaunt nat to exc2ed the mveimum amount a Iertder for a fedtrally — <br /> relatacl mortgagc loan m�y requircr fnr Fiorrower's escfow acrnunt under the fedcral RcaI Estatc Settlement Procc�dures Act of <br /> l974 ns lmencicJ fran time ta tinv:, 12 U.S.C. Seciion 2601 et seq. ("RESPA'),uc�lsss another law that appfies W the Funds � <br /> s�:i�a ic�sc�di�iOtfi�i. If 58, Lc�t;f..�m.zy, at any tiroe. co!lect snd hold Fssr.dS Itt 8[:DITt9t1AI II4[[f)CXCE`t�[he IL'�SC! c'1lT10!(!f. <br /> C,^r31;.;n�:y estiu�.t^d���mount of Fu:cd�d�e or�tli�bssis o�cunent da[a and r�sonable estimates of expendicures of futurc � <br /> Escrou•Items or otl;envise in accorcta.nca with applicable!:►w. <br /> Tl,z Funds sholl bc Itcld in an irsUtution whose dcposit� arc insurcd by a federat agency, insuument�lity, or entity "_` <br /> (includ ing l.encler,if Lender is sucti an in;;titutian)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.I.ender shall apply the Furrfis to pay the <br /> �scro�v Items.Lencte�niay n�t cl�aFge B��sro�ver for holding and applyiR,v the Funds. nnnually an:ilyzing the escrow aceaunt,or � <br /> verifvinx the Estrow Items: nnlesc 1 pn�er��;s Rc+*rc.Wer ipt�rret nn th�Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> a ciiarCc.Hovrcver, Lcndcr m�zy require Borrotver to pay a onc.�-tinzc cttr.rse for an inde�ndent rral estate tax reponinb servicc <br /> �icn.1 {�v I n�u1�r In ['onnectinn urith this I�an i�ul�cc annlic�hle �3LV nmvides othenvise. Unless 8t1 BGCCCRlCR°. IS made or = <br /> applic.zUlc law requires intcrest to b:paid,Lcaidcr shnll not be r�quired to pay HoRUaver:tny interest oe eamings on the Funds. - -. <br /> Borro�ver and L,cndcr may a};rce in��r:fing, ito�vevcr. that interest shall be paid on ehe Funds. shall g'sve to Borrowcr, _ - <br /> :.ia�'nnr:�;�C. �R:iiii:i.°.!��S::tra 3F!4'„A,Fi•vlc� c�inu��o CfC�itc��rl �Irhifa M t}ir����rlc ancl th.^�umncc�ftir wh¢ch c^�ch <br /> debit w the Funds�vas made.The Furtds are pledge•.ci as additional scturity For all sums secured by this Security Instrument. __ <br /> If the Cunds held by Lcndcr excced tNc amouuts p;rniitted to be held by aepplicablc law. Lender shall accotuzt to Borrower _ <br /> fi;r.e�ie exccss Fwzds in accordancc�vith the reyuirements of applicable law. If the arnount of the Funds held by Lender at any - <br />