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('(3ccnztic:a�y')hrrM. -- <br /> �rki .�.�S:ll '�Y�_. ...�_..._.__...... _- _...�....�. <br /> �ct+xnried�e tfist it Er u>ukrstaxt�hat(�)Ihc Dccd of ilust to tc executed hy 7iusta•is u t�ust dttd¢�ad nW a�uortF,�c and(h)�h�{x�rr n1'sate��wlQtst <br /> t„�cn�!,�+.x�a�r'r�u��a�u.tdes enbstantiatly right��.nd c�Migaduns to the Tiuttc�than n+�ieriy,a�;e(n tha evu:t af a def�uft ur osrach id��tdl�aion. <br /> Trus!or acknovrkdtes thyt thfs AcAnnwkdgtnxnt was mada�rrior to the exccuHrn of the Dted of Titest. <br /> [xccuuJ and dcllveeed this �7�h ..._..-d�'01' �xix ~~_~yr—,�,^"',�v"��: �R' <br /> �s <br /> Truswr Hu � . fdrandon <br /> �' �. ,��,,�;,C�/ ..__.. <br /> 7n�stor IrxcYtLCaS A:EiraIldOI6 -- ;_:.. <br /> .�...���.�� --- — — r�_ <br /> TRUSf DEED <br /> THIS DL•EA OF TRi151:m�dc anJ enured inW tti?s l��!day af_ RL�i11 .— .19..�5_ <br /> w,o���f2uah D. BXandon end_Fxancea A.Szan.d�tnr,nnd•* �,— •+++«+., *�s••�1^..o r,.�p� '�,—�,�ntstcq <br /> �h419bT1¢](7 and wife as joi.r�tc tenante �— <br /> �' a,�S�curitv Pacific Pinancia]. Servic�a.Ina.,g�,�fciuy; _ <br /> 741'CNC:S:iE•Tli:'i'hat the Trustor il�c� 6y tQttst�ta gta�t� Lvtr�ain und sell,comxy and cuntum with PowYr of Sale uMO the Tcustea <br /> tho fallowing d�:scribeQ Rexl Estnte i�clnctina ull buildir�r, imprnvemrm.v, and fixture9 of every kind now or hereaRer erceted oc �ltced on the ,�,e. <br /> ���4���� ��],1 Couaty,in the St�io of NebnsYa: k� <br /> The westerly 30 feet of I,Q� 2 nnd the Eaate�ly 35 �eet of Y.ot 3 in Block 12 in E.�`;;Y: <br /> ]ParkhilL Thirc� Suhdivirsivn, ttmll CountX, Nebzaska. r-__ <br /> [r-}: <br /> F�'� <br /> � �:,:,- <br /> F?:::' <br /> L'_'''.. <br /> fr. <br /> . . . a;.f• <br /> .. � . , �..t i <br /> , � '�atxi�.se.s�on of stid prope�ty in now deliveted unro said 7iustce; r� <br /> �? ' <br /> .. . <br /> � 7�0 HAVC?AND'PO FtOLD tLe same,wiih aif righu.�rivitc�cs,and nDpnnrnances thercto bclor�nE unro ih�:71ro:tce,his c�ecutmq udminis�ntocs,hcirs. ' . <br /> � anc!nsvigps fon:��er.Ar,d the Trustor hereby expnssiy H3ives.�nleat<s.cn1 relinquisiies unto the Trusiee ail rig�t.title,ci�tim,intaYSt,beneril.nnd estate whateve.�. <br /> - 'v�and to the ubovcdesetibed property urtd each and e.�';fy p.ut thtreof,whicfi Is piven by or rcsulb'(rom�It.laag•of'.tho dV6UtrsSc�Dertuinina to the <br />— eacenptio�of homestsad_And Uic T�tistm co��enants with nc�Trustee that hc will fo�ccr warr.�nt ond dcknd thc title ro the smio c�ainst thc hwNl ciaims <br /> of'otl�nrons whnmsoever. ,. <br /> [A1 TRU,iT tiOWcVER.lor.tlie foltowing dtscre"�act y�nrposcs:To sccum fLll and pmmfit p:tfottnance of sil!�he tenns and tortditions of that <br /> � Rer�lving Loa�Agrcrn�cnt of etien date hem+vith(inctuding panicuta�ty,but rmt exclusivcly,prcmpt�ayment uS'all sums whic�a[C ot may become . <br /> - GxgaL-Jc from fime to lime thcreundcry�vhich Rc��olvin„Laart Agrcmcnt obli��ata b;ncticiary,subject to the cond�tiunv stated thercin,to adv:.nce to 7rusror <br />= up to S ,piu9 finartce and o:hcr c;vlr�cs(�aid Ceti�',vinB Loan A,rcemcnt is hercin�tler refcr�d tn os'note').(or) � <br />- � j�nic uP 6atc hcrc�fith,in d�e�rrinci��l sim oP U.S.S��•QA�-50 payab!e in rr.ontlily instalhnrnts of pri�cipal a��d inicrcst,with thc <br />-- __�e�y'vy,inrfr}tn�inrca �'�t saontr u�ut.du un8 n1Y..�lc an�or�],-?1•_—�n�5 .19_,and any eatcnsiona rcnc�vals,modiGcations <br /> _:::_- <br /> � ur n,r,asncin;S►fic,CUf. <br />:_� <br /> - ., <br /> - ic i5 e�rcd bv attd b:.t:���ci pa[ti:s h.rc;o tha:utttil filii�g ot Roticc uf 1}:tault,the Trustar sh.:ll:l l l psy aii prcsent und Ntum taxes¢nd nsscssments, <br /> - ecncr.�l and spc�i�l.a�.wut ssiJ prup_riy Cefure thc samo Mcomcs dclinQucin or ucrionab.G(2)kccp ali imptmemcnu crecscci uu li�c iN�d i�uu�cu:v ma��,: <br />-- «yuiiYd Grnn tiutr,to timo by benefuiary s��inst toss by firc und othcs hazattls,casualtic�nnd¢uati�y;rncics,in s�ch amount�and for such ptriods as azc <br />-_ �:!sonal�ta and�r.eN be rcqaircd 0�•bene8ciary,nnd:o kecp c+il policics oP such insutancc in f'orce or cffcct upo�the propcny hrMen dcscrib¢d conny�Uy nssi�ncd <br /> 1 and dc)ircrcd to h:ncficiary;(3)pay end comply wti.h all pie terms and cortditions of any licn,dain;or in�cbtedncss eiiat may 6e senior tu or t¢kc p�scedrnce <br />-� ovrr this Trost!?cccl as soon as any 5¢cn payrscnt an or of such licr4 c(aim ar indcbtcdntss shall bccum,aac:nnd upo�faifun:uf Trustot to kecp any s�1d <br />�+i' � rr.�y p�y s�ch ta!�.pay frr such insunrt�e ur pqy of(seen Gens ot ctaims or indeUtedne>s as the case ntsy be,nnd tAe rnoncy so expended. <br />= �vith intcrest at 9�{+cf ar.nwn,sh�ll be sccurcd by tA[s Trust Ueed,and Qse Tn�s�or ugrces to rep�y�ht san:e upon demand,and upon failurc to do so the balance <br />— c3 tl�t atlact�e�l rtota rk�a9 br,co�r.e inmicdiatcty dec�nd gay'a'�:c at thc option ot lhc hcncRciary;(4)spccificatly confer uputt tht Trustec t1�2 po�ear of sale <br /> us pra�;dr.d f�Nc6raska Ixw:(51 retain posss��'on oi tt�c prcmiscs and collcct tlic rcnb and re�znucsilterefrom. <br /> � ^•.�3170•0101 NE , <br /> ;� o�«ip�n�. <br /> _ _ _— <br />