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<br />- }�ocY'1�,15�'Si�'f1.r�r:7)'i(4�!'a�..ir.��J?I��iiuii..u:�(�t}>!(�:..1 i_ ..3.:�uT.:'::�II'i��`,'tL�Lslli:�.�_iL.����L�d::v::. �..: 4... o .(.. .���� ' +'
<br /> liwoin sr�"lfaxMr4�:,:ue i4let�tt!tii'J.�'ruatCC ribraG�warre��tL an�rnpir�senfa ia 4��tdsr liiti9 kf�nte ca�«!r:c,h�v.tsr�t�.:;�MSbin�lbi4 G•i Ui _._,__
<br /> u�rclerlh+l�rup+��1}.�i�lllASG�t�srr�lAy�,;�rmdet�rl��dn�,i��lR,rc�r�dl�c�,�.ti�r.nt�s�1_an�!er��,ltav'rOCR�i;�o,n"ICeia,orn�,i;�ynrgt�i�<l�g�th!,nnd -
<br /> qr�y�uocp+�orr tn i�r►dvr'�IrHerMt.koer►pnri a�alnRt�►n�+�nd KN��i�lma:dama�ee,taasas nnc!tlabttfUwo Rrt�ing t;�cunn�crion wifh
<br /> th�nra�nc�+,e�re,df��f or trpnApori��f eny ti�x�rdcrug M+etsrla�lA on,.undar,iram o� ehot�t+tlhe F''raprlrty,'YHE��f3RECi01Nti
<br /> :'::,:�:.X!'.;::f.<'.�;::n.,•:'_�:►�r�����►��n�P!�!f�'Ih711e1�►6!'c�P9��!(�!?'1'!()R�iPl1F�5llA�Jd'!'S'�7HFF�ElF(:st?It3f�IP1131;Mt`i{TY,aii�Ll. --_
<br /> 10. Ariii�+n+�aat ol l�nM.Tru�Wr hei�y aul�m;o Lsnd�r 4ha ro�xte,I4AUe�and pruT3ta o!the Property;�th��7ru�iar
<br /> nhALl,�nd�.�fp accurren�e ot en�ve�tef De�ault h�reuncier,haaa ihd rtght to c4l;eictend rataln auch rer�ta,loaues sns!prqfl!s a�tn�y
<br /> brconl�due�nd��y�bl�.U�bn the oc�curronGeof an Evenl�af QePault,l.snder may.elthar In pert�an vr t�y a9+rn1,w�th or wllhout ,
<br /> ttrinQtP►p snyacHon or prx�e�tUn{�,or by a recalver epr►olntad tty a aa�!rt unc!wHhout regard to the adequacy ot Ib e+�curly,�n9�+�
<br /> q�:on�and teke pctsseaeian ot the pr�erfy,or�r�y part therz�ni,In!i�own nhmp ar In 1he name af tho't iva�2ee,and�!a arry aats whl�h ft
<br />- ,.� --a.••.�o••��w.ae2l�.lraY.1�_tnnrarar�ln7hsvnl��n mau�.rd7d�I11Sinr�srlL�h(lltuA}lhOE�fA�IN��l8liV6Hd�felfi�OP�li�1!!'ffit.�IR[lbD.
<br />. �.�-"--._.�__...._..,..._� `.-.
<br /> fnere�►ee ti�e Ir.�ome therefrom ar pr+�t+s�st tS�e.ea�r;tyi hur��At and,wlth ar wlthout taking pnsse�IOn of tha Pro�erty,Au�tar or
<br /> otho�wlce c�llect t`�e rento,lseuea end profits thsrsaf,Inclu:iln�thos9 pust due and ar.pald,and�apply the ssme,leue coeta end
<br /> expensea nl oparetlon nnd coltec4lon fncluding nttorneys'fesa,upon any Indehtedness secured horeby,all In such orderea l.endar -"
<br /> Snny deter►r.lnb.7he ente�rinp upo�5 and tefclnp pose�anion of the Property,th9 CUlloCt(on A18uCh�pnte,Inaue�l and praflla and t�ho
<br /> Np�IGetlon thereo',es c�foresafrJ,aI��H nat cure or wAlve�n��duteult or rtat!re ot dsiauit i�oret�ndur or invatldate any sct d�ne In
<br /> re�ponwlo such detai;lt or purauant taeuch notica oS deisult and,notwlthatandingthe continuanc�In posae�9lan otthe ProReAy or
<br /> the cdllxdon,racelFt mnd a�plloatlon of renta,lesuea or protlM,end Truetee and l.ender�hall Ge entiriod to exsrcl�a every rl�hR
<br /> ' pravidadforint�nvoftholoanl?arurn�teorbyle+erupano�curre�caofAny�ventoi[�elautt;tncludlnywilhoutOmltatl��therightto
<br /> exerctee ti�e povwer of selo.Further;Lander's right�end romaclles under this paragraph ehnll be cumutative wUtl,and!n no way a _
<br /> tlmka8lon an,l.endars rlghle and rorra�diea undarany aselgnmdrit ot leasee and rente re�corded�gainstthe Prnperly.L.ender.Trustee
<br /> ai7d tho receiver shall b�1labte to accoant oniy those rents actually received. —
<br /> 1�. �varih oi ON�uH.Tho tollowing shall co�s:ltute sn Gvent ot Dofault unciCr Qiil�1?ec�3 01 T�uai: �=
<br /> (e} Fallure to pay eny fnste�llment pi princ(pal or Interost o?any other sum secur�her�by wNen due;
<br /> (b) Abreachpfordetau(tun�erenyprovlsioncontalnedfntheNote,thfs0eedofYr��st,an�roftheLoan�ocuments.orany
<br /> o4har Ilen orencumbranc�n upon tha 1�cope�ty;
<br /> (c) A wrtt oE exacutlon or attachment or eny slmllar pracesa shall be entered egalnst Trustor whlch shall become a Ilen on =__
<br /> the Property or nny pnrtlon lhereof or Int�rest thereln; ��-
<br /> (d) Tfiere etiell be tilpd by or egalnst Tiustor ot�onower an actlon undor ony present ar iviuro fCdarat,stato or othcr °�-
<br /> stc�tute,law or r�quleUon relating to bankruptcyi,lnsolv6ncy or other rellei for debtors;or there shall b�appofnted any lruatee, .
<br /> .��:«t�:::y�;a�f^�,3Yn�MnrnPRf1ltAWH�f1!'O}a11n�DTiuflHdO}IhHPPOD8I�1l.OPUlOfO(tt:l.ls:;uosorprOtlt3thereof,orTrustor __ ...
<br /> or Barrowar shall make nny ganeral asslgnmani for the benotlt of credltors;
<br /> (e) Tne,safie,ifNI5ET8i,�B8S0,A58t8f1IflHfli,COf1Y6j/af1G0 p7 T6ItiR0►ESitcStntui6��o vi d�i iii wi�}�pia�i i,w 8i aii'�Iii°'as�.�sS IR Z:n+
<br />�� Property, elther voluntarlly or involuntarUy,wlthout tho express wrltten consent o1 Lender; provlcl�d lhaE Trustor shall be _
<br />:_ ' parmltted to exeauto a leaaa of the Praperty that does not contaln an optlon to puvchas�and the terrrlAl ar�hlch daes notexceed
<br /> one yeer,' , •
<br /> (Q Abandonment ot the Property;or °--
<br /> (g) !f Truetor la not sn Indlv:duai,the issuance,e�Ie,transter,ssstg�ment,conveyance or encum6rance of more than o totel __
<br /> of.r percent of(If a corporatlon)Ite Issued and outstanding stock or(Ii a partnerahlp)a total of parcent of
<br /> pArtr�oranlp Intoreeb ddring the perlod thls D�an of'1'rust rematns a Ilen on the Propertyi.
<br /> 12. R�m�di�;Accel�ratian Upon DN�uR.In the event of ony Event of Deteutt Lsndor mey,wlthout notica�except sa req�lred by '-'
<br /> law,c0ealare aA fndebtedness secu�ed hereby to be due and peyable and tho same shall thereupon bocome due and payable ___
<br /> wlthout eny presantment,demand,protost or�otice of any klnd.Thereaft�r Londer may: - -
<br /> (g) Dem&nd that Trustao exorclso the PAWER OF SRL�grentod horeln, and Trustes shall thareafter cause Trustor's _
<br /> Intersat In the Pr4perty to be sotd•and the prv�sad�to be dlstrlbuted,all ln the mannor peovldod tn the Nobraska TRUSt�eeds
<br /> Ac� ,�,�
<br /> (b) FacorclseanyandallrfghtsprovldediorinanyoftheLoanOocumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceofany�ventait�eteult; ���
<br /> and
<br /> (c) Commersce en sctlon ta foroslose th(a De�d oiTrust as e mortgage,eppoFnt a racefver,or speclttcally enforce any of tho •_---
<br /> covenartts hereof. =_
<br /> No re�medy herefn conterred upon nr reserved to Trustoe or Lvndor ts fntanded to bo oxcluslvo of eny other remedy herein,In the _
<br />- Loan Documents or by lew provlded or perm(ttad.but oach�haU bo cumulativo,ahall be In additlon to every oiher remedy glven ��_:
<br /> heraunder,ln the Loan nocumonts or now or horeaftor exlsting at law or In equfry or by siatute,and may be exerCtsed ccmcurrontly, �<�
<br /> intlepondeMly or sucCessIvaly. F�-�-=�
<br /> 13.TruN�e.The Trus!ee may�reslc�n at eny tlme wlthout cause,and Londor may gt uny tlma nnd wlthout causei pppoln4 n '
<br /> successor or substltute 7rusteo.Tru�toe shAll not bo Ilnbie to any pArty,Includln�wlthout Ilmltattor�Lendor,Botrowor,Truator or sny °__ �
<br /> purchaeer of iite PropRrtyr,•for any IUS�ordamago unfoso due to reckloss or Hrllltul misconducL und shsll not be requlrod to t�keeny ���
<br /> ' actlot� in connactlon wlth the onlCrcame�t ot thls Dood of Truet unloss IndemNfled,In wNtfng.tor all casta,comp6nsaU�n or �'•
<br /> � expensos whlch may b.s assocl�tod therewltf�.In addltlon,Trustoo may bocorno u pu�chnsor at any eate of the Property Qudtclal or T°,
<br /> .�,.,
<br /> undar thc+�+ower of sn9e grented h�rel�i);postpone the sale ot all or any�oRlon of thu Proparty.ns prarldod by l�w;or sell the �..�-
<br /> property es e,wholo,or in sop�►a10 parcals or lots at 7'rustsa's dlscietlan. _
<br /> 14. Feq and Expersst�.In tbe aVant Trustee sells tho Properry by exeralae o}power mf sale,trustao shall bo ontltlod to appty
<br /> any ealo prac�eda tlrst to�ayment o9 ell costs end expensea of exorclsing power ot sale,�r�clutling ell Truateo's fees,and Lender'e
<br /> and 7rutteo's ettarney's feey,ttctually(ncurred to extent permfttod by appllcnble law.in the evont�orrawar or 1'rustor exarctses any
<br /> �I�ht provlded by lav�to curc�an Evant ol0etault,.l.endor shall bo ontltlad to rocovor trom Trustor all Gosts nnd exponsos[�ctually
<br />- Incurrod es a resalt et TrustoPa dotaul4 inctydln�wlthout tlmltatlon alt TYr�ste;o'9 8nd attorney'a tees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> applica6ta law. �
<br /> 1 G.Futun Adraoc�r.Upon rmyuost of 6SOrrawor, Lender mey,at(4s optlon,mAka nr]ditlone{snd fuiure advanCas and�o-
<br /> - ndvArtces to[iorr�wer.Such adunnr,os and r�advancos,wlth Ir+3fltost¢horcon,shall bo secn�vad bytt�ia U�ad of'I'r+ist At aa timeahall
<br />- the prl�clpal amount of tho Indobtodnoss scc�rart�by[hta Defld oi Truat,n9t����n��n���advanced to protect tho socurity ot thl� �
<br />; I7eed oi 7YusY,oxc�od the orlpfnnl prinr,lpal�rno�nt Gtated hcreln,or$ ' �..._.._.,whlch�vor Is grcatesr.
<br /> 1C. WibcN�neu�un Fr4ti�sFona.
<br /> __ .- -• - - .. . _._ .. - • -._ .. . .. .. ..._- -�-------•-��---�'-
<br /> ' �tt) �1Qff11rtat 6il°HIAf�.C1c[HttSton oi trte Ame mr pAymom or rmwmcanon m amomzanon v�ina ouma ac���w a.��.�o .
<br />- qacd ot Truat gmnt�ci by Loncfer to nny succossc+r in Iniorost ot�orrowor shall not oporato to reteacu,In any mannor,tho IIabIUry „
<br />-- of the orig(nal8orrower end Ek►rrowor's succassora tn Intarast.Londer ahAll�ot bo rcq�lrad to commonco proccedings ngalnst
<br /> - ' Ruch ouccessor ar reluse to oxtond tlmo tor paymont or othonvtse modlty amortlzatlon otthe eums securod by thla Deed nf Truat
<br />- by raason at any domands ma�tlo by th�orlpinxl t3or�awor and Borrowor'p sucaosso�s In Intorest. .•
<br />_ (b) tandw's Kow�r�.Wlthout allocting tho Ilablllty o1 any othcr p�rcon IIn810 tor tho payment of nny obl)gailan hdraln
<br /> r.:��:IC��ct,sr.9::t:rioutatf�otlrtg ih�U�n orcharge otthl3 De�d of Tnse!�pnn en;�orts!+n at!hc►Pro�erty not�hen erlheretef[+re -
<br />- roleCSOd as securlfylor lho full umount ot nll unpafd oblfgattona,Lon�er may,iro;�tlma to tlme�nd w(thout naUco(I)�leaso ony
<br />- poreon so Ifnble,(ii)oxtond tho maturlty or altor any of the torms o}nny such obli�atlons.(III)grantuth�r Indulgences,(iv��oleaso
<br />- qr roconvoy,or aause to bo relaased or raconveyc�d nt ar+y tlmo ut lond�r's op�'.on nny purcnl,portlon ov all ot tho Proporty,
<br />_ (v)tnN,o or roteacu uny othor or nddltlonul securlry fur eny obllAatfon hor�tn montior�cd,or(vl)mako compoaltions crr othor
<br /> arrengoments wlth dobtora In ralat3on therato.
<br />.— �i ♦V. �.J +
<br /> !
<br /> - I
<br />