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<br /> whoN r�Mklenan�rddress b.,,.�L1..�p]L7sa,,,.IIr�nA�.�:lu�d�.-tlxi.9--_-...,,_.— CauntY.Habraeks t'Tiuttna"1, �nd ti�0 5vltUitulN�y.
<br /> �._.ERtIHR81L..�A1Cr�a s ,�.nzii..�fi�".�ATTI� �s curRxxaUn+�arp�nia.�A ---.
<br /> Nw.t auaiGip c�nA�r ths laWro ol....._,,.I�17311l1T1SKn u�roae addr�aa is„�.2� SQiIT�_?.42CILS.T_..,.T'T3I�P'1'.,_...__ �__.
<br /> .LiRATiAI..l'S.T+AJ�].--23�477i1Ra�f.i?tA.,_..fi.89A2"lney f"lender'1. �•�_
<br /> G�MV�YANCF:T�pr val►�r��hrad,Horruwer kmroc�blV.�r+nt�tnd eonveyt Lo Tn�ctnn,(n Uu��v�'IM goveer 4f c.xin,tht f6AI FPOp�fiy,of which
<br /> �.,�--
<br /> Borto�va M Itw(u!y nitrd, cfe�cribod bNuw aeA Ni bt�,�.fixivau.� exi�tinp ana fu�w�s tmsxovmm�nti th�r���c►d+H ripht�-ot-wrW.
<br /> �cnrnty, r�, i�a�►b.PPCHa, incnm�, t�n�rtw►m, hondit�ma��� G'��� +�Mf eny pPAUltartnr.rne tF��unto hotanpinp (�q caNsd ttw
<br /> ��0����• nAA�m =e,•.rur,� .Ne[xasko 6FZflA, -3?�49 —_
<br /> IMIOiE!!'lY ADl1lIEti• L�i�S t�-�g�TR � ,`•"�__
<br /> (6b'in1 lGqr) (DO C��GI —. .
<br />_ L�.�R�6 R�CSCd{�+�H: �---
<br /> �JTS TSN �1�) 13PJA �LF,1F61V (12), HIACK ONB (11, :�N HART22S02i SZJBAI`1TSION, rcV.�.
<br /> (54�1/4J�x/4) dF SFCTZO:J FsIOHT (f1I, TOWN.�'iIiZY# L�L�VS.�7 (l11 NORTH. RA�IQF�
<br /> l72HS l9?. iii3'$T QE TfI� 6TFt P.N'i.� (3F2AND I�LF�N�� HRI.L CQUIJTY. PJEBR3�SKJ►. _--
<br /> �.
<br /> �_-
<br /> w�
<br /> lor.�tod bn c�a:�.'�'tt_..iCSI�AHI2, �AT.T,. County,Netrraoke.
<br /> S.ir:,�
<br /> TITtE:Bonnvwr cawn�nU srid wxrantv titie to the praperty.exc�pttar "" i-,Ll.:
<br /> f tr�.v.:
<br /> .T .., �. • . �'.:lr;?,
<br /> ilCUIIED(�qt�T�IE da�d of uuet s�curq�to Landor+r9goti�ment a�tl�e�ecured d�sbt and the Perfarm�nce of tte�e.�ravonnnt�;end�.og�eemante '. �'.i{;!,"
<br /> contoin�d in tt��ieed af vuat�od tn�ny other�ocument lr:cnrFcrat�d heraln.Secured debt.�a uasd in Mls dead o!'tturG inCludua eny amounU "'^�u
<br /> 9amvwr ovw�to Lend�r undK Mh d�sc9 of truat a undee any�i�antturn�nt ssau�d by this d�ed ot trusL end aii madiC�aticrlo;on7arubn�and ����.
<br />_ r�wsis.tl+wMOf. �'
<br /> 1'1w�sqxecl d�bt i��videnceJ 6y(Ust�N inawmertle u�d�et(M'eern�nt��kured bY thir deed o?uuat arid!ha dates theroof.l: f:�.�
<br /> ��.i'.R�MIf�,^,�71t�• Nn'rF A*m qttCLJfI�v,TY 11f3ARF,�g�'j' naTFD AnR33,�,,n, �9QG � I4:;'•
<br /> - L.�..
<br /> ��-
<br /> (�p�turo,*dw�e�o:7M above emount la secured even Ytwuph�II or pxt ot it may�wt yat be sdvanaad. Future edvancef aro c---•
<br /> carnemptatod end wfll b�eecurad to the sams nxtent�e I}mads un the date thts da�d of crust te exncuted. �-
<br /> U R�voiv;np iins of credit eqreement dated ,wI4A in►tial annuef(ntereet rete of 96.
<br /> �,�^
<br /> Atl tmoun4e awed un�er tfils apreemtnt ato s�cured even thouph ali amount�may not yet be advanced.�uture edvancea under �2L
<br /> tl�agre�r�ont ars contsmpi�t�d md wftl pv.nacured to the ama extent es it made on the date thi�daed ot trust Is executed. •
<br />- TM obow oNqetion is due end payable on _.,$PY�?�?''� '�rt� -- .--_ It not pald earlier. _
<br /> 7t�tox�l unptkl6�t�nce s�curod Ly thfs dasd ot Vu�t at eny one time shell not exceed e maximum pr(ncipal amaunt o!
<br /> ,.,gr.ftvfni mHnn!=�un prtta �nn,7��J�.��" ��n.�+nn DOIIE[��0�.1�QQ �� - {.p�u8(f1Y8t88t, ;._
<br />- plw eny ertwunt�disbursed unQar tho torms of thlt deed o!Vust to pratect the aecutity of thla deoA of truet or to pertorm any of the
<br /> cavenants conteined iro tAia deed o?trust,wltl�Interost on eucA diahuraemente.
<br />� ❑yatlrWa p�h:Tho in2erest czte on ihe obUpatian securod Dy tNe dend of VuyY mmy very aCCOrding to the turma of that obfipatton.
<br />� ❑ A copy of tfie lonn eQronmant contetning the term� under which the Intorent rste may vnry 12 attached to thic desd o}Vust end
<br />- � made a paR heraof.
<br />- RNttR3: d•Commircias c�i s�^nrat�lR*��'"r'i's ❑ —• "
<br /> ..,..� -----•�-��+— IZEitdNAriON OF{{OMES'0'r.:,7�D —---
<br />- Pursu�trt to the Farm llumeatead ProtecUOn Ac1;dosfgnation of f�omesteed ❑ Is att�ched to thfs deod of�rust and mode e part horouf
<br />- d hea bea+ti dlacl�kned;the dlncAirc►�r fs ettached to lhis daed af trus3 trnd made a pert hareof.
<br /> ...�—__.- -
<br /> a BIaNATU(i�8s Qy��bnp b�low.6otrowor apa�Lo th++t�rms�nd coyunMrta contNnad In U�t�dNd of trua�.Incfudir�p thcse on pry�2.�nd tr�
<br /> � ony da�c �bova dyr►�d Gry Borrowsr.
<br /> n e������ �
<br /> - ��r.cY»:n x�s�� B�ru.Y �
<br /> � , - -
<br /> � IACKHpWLEQt3AAE�IT:SYATE Or kG�RASKA, [�'Aun t4ZAtr^D� sare.r. _ _ _ County c�:
<br /> � �_
<br />•� The foropolnp Insvumeni waa ecknarvledged�etoca me 2n thls to�!'�+ __dny of t.�ni7Tt..�gs ..
<br /> � bV a e nr
<br />��a '.wi.vw.�wr�ww.r.�w�,�..�, ' rnticltll
<br /> Yawws w�w�7w�w�wwew�
<br />.'i CorporN.�a Of ��� lNYnf Of Coryontlen or VutnenNDl
<br /> � �w`w ibyn.�:� � � � _ ___ _ an behnlf ot the carporetlon or panrtnrehip.
<br /> � My commis�ton ex�lrea: 2;t/99/96 _ I
<br /> t�
<br /> �seN� ..�liBIB r. vn�ttra _ tn�eearv rwne�
<br />.� Thie ineVumant wa�prepar�ed by rc}{tL� *lKaautrz '
<br /> 01A�iZ�IKF.11S6Y5fLM3.INC..tiT.CLOUD,MNG0.10111�600J87•YS�IIFONAdC0.AtTdNEE/18�81 AppL# 00005'70G �p�,'��Ol?r M��RASKA
<br /> � c�nts o000000aoo
<br />