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<br /> 1�l1Kt'Rf:Thtr,DNCt ol Tr��t to m+�d��n _._,�}ur�t�t 2 g. z39i.�.��_ .�monp thn G�antM,.,�uS..JL..Pelttlt�SL..I�m-_.._ \
<br /> .� I�OR�...1..1��781'a2i..-uticr�►m 4.1l2�a ._.�. .._._......�.-..... __ .�.. _._._��BW'fOWM"�.
<br /> ,� pti¢t�i'{) p �p111�CK. A NRY. � __..._� - -----.�.-.
<br /> iKY �_---�--�- .. _.�__ ._ _ —
<br />' wtww.rNkJ«xv addraa I�_�eti wr�Y ,oe.six�d_Z�3i.�"�+ -vy,� Gounry. Nstxwk�('Trutt�"6 arxl th�8�r��c{WY,
<br /> u� EST1�nT�_RA112NK7.R__.,k,_7A?►N n.n�x��rr�i _.__ ;s corpor��+an uraani:rd
<br /> rnd w�tinp und�r thr I�ws of„_ tsRNg�a K� �whnYe�ckkus 1�.�11�OTrru LnCIIST...S.TbtP.d3T- -
<br /> liRA�+a'► T4�.Lttl„5 NRADACK�, 1'iAFf(L'�i.�.CIn9 . .�_ I'Lond�v"1.
<br /> COIi1fEYAlACk:For v�lw r�aiwlJ,ilotrow�rr trt�vocabfy pr�nt�er�d carn�yR to'�ruet�e,!n ti�c3t,with power of e�{e,thr real prop�rty,uf wt►Ich
<br /> Qorlow�r b I�whdy sal:M,d«crib�xf I»bw �nd nN buckiinp�,flxturM,ind�xl�tinp ar�d fuitw�fmprovNnsnts ttNnon uxi NI r19hb-of-wwY.
<br /> ��senynq, r�, Ir;uw, poHn, k�come,t�n�ments, MrWk�rthnti, privtifepYp and nny�p�xutsn�nces tte��urtto t»lonpkq l�8.o�tMcl ttw `
<br /> 'prop�c'tY'1. Tar.swn .N�brark�_ �sAlL�
<br /> M10rEltYY ADDNE�i:._.�.A.2Z?,�I,S�,H.__..._ .�fiTitANII —
<br /> �.iwk:�.�.�.�«rT�17 75tt�N1 ICIry1 lrY COdN ----
<br /> T,QT �F1BNP7t—JIX (�6). R & B S�SCQNf.I ::UAD'1VISION, HA3,I+ CC�ITLJ`a"Y, N7�'?i3�.SKA. '-�i
<br /> lac�tsd In caRANn_SSr.aun� u t.� r._ County,Nobreske. �--
<br /> TIriE:Boerowa cov�nantA wxi warrrnu�tN to tte*prop�rty,exaept for _ � �-,.—
<br />• , I_,•;w
<br /> SECtN1ED l�iT:Thts d�wd of truat s�cun�to LAndet rop�ytn�nt af tha eecurmd debt�and the peKormance ot the covenante and epreements !+?". _
<br /> cont�Irnd Ir�tf�is dwd oE Vuat u�d tn�ny otha dpcumeM IncQrporet�d Mreln.Socured d�bt,es uaed(n thft deed of trusL include�any emounta �,,sl_
<br /> dcxraw�r.awr+to LN�wxi�r thta dMd o4 Uvat a undw any ir�Vument senK�d Ly tMs daed of vusL end all maliticettun�. extenrfons end --
<br /> r�wMs thar�f. L:�--
<br /> The e�curu!d�tit 1�evfd�ncsd by 1l,16t�IE InstrumsMs end�prosmenu secuMSt by thls dead of trunt and ihn datee thercof.l: �`• '-
<br /> � t► pRC�s�SSQFIY 134T�?A*?n c�r[mtmv ncaRr�� nA�Rn MAR[!iY �,9, �9A�
<br /> r:
<br /> �Rrturo Adwncsr. TM above amount fs aecurod even thuuqh�t�or part of it may not yet b�advencod. Futura edvencrs are �`� .
<br /> contemplattd erx!will bs aecured to tM e�ms axtent e�tt mtde an the date thts deed of trust la executsd. � -�
<br /> f_'_
<br /> ❑ Rsvolving lir.e of credit s9r�ement doted_._,_ ,with Inttt�l onnual intorast rato of_ 96. ..���
<br /> Alt amounts or,xd uroder thi��wment are cecured even thouph al! emounts may not yet ae advanced. Futura ndvnncee under ��
<br /> ths eyr�rnen�tx�e aont�mplsucf�nd wlll bo secured to tM eame extent as If mads on the date thls deed ot nuet Ia oxecuted. :.�:r"
<br /> The abovs oblip�Non ts due enti piyehle on , Ai�nTr. � 2pee __ if not pald oarllor. �
<br /> TM totnl unp�Id b�Ience�ncwed bt�thfs deed ot truot at eny one Ume�hall not excasd a m�xtmum principsl amauitt ot .
<br /> _�►,Ry�n: m;nnci►:n Rwn Nmma�n�£1�y E2TO a►m �ojino Do11�re(01]...Z2�4..29 1,p►us Interost,
<br /> ptus any amount�dl�b+u�ad under the te�ma of thls deed ut trust ta pratect the securtty oT th!a deed af trust or to panarm any of the
<br /> eoienant�contalned tn thlt deod of trust,with Interect on such dtabureemsnts.
<br /> �VM�ie R�H:Th�Interost rete on the abllpatian socured ty MI� deed of 2ru¢t rnay vary accordtnp to the tarme of tnat obltpatton.
<br /> ❑ A cop/of the loen a�reement contnfning the tarms under whfch the tntereet rato may vary Is atteched to thls deod of trust and
<br />- mad�e part Mreaf. �
<br /> RiDEFSS: ❑ COmroYrClo1 r��1,�LSI,i�l�t�ZL�F A1'NTR ,_. ❑
<br /> OESt(�ilATl4{�I QF WO/A�S'4EAp
<br /> Puratant to th�Farm t�omoataed Protect[ort A.t,dosignetion o4 homcstead � Is attechnd to thls dead ot vust nnd mods o�aart hnroot '
<br /> ❑ has trr�n diecl�imed;the�I�eelalmer Is e::pched to thfa deed o!truat end made e part hareof.
<br /> 5lOWATUR�:By��i�tlotrow«�prn to tfi�t�rms�red covandttt co�st�d En tfit� 04 trwt,Ynctudiny Mot�en pepe 2,end In
<br /> eny dd�ri y ' ,s�Sva�iQnod by BwrowK. .
<br />- %.�'�." ���,c ' �
<br /> ��,-,� ���
<br />_ `c.✓`.�',�'iw..�.�� ?:::ilCt."+ . L�Ft2 I« �A'x'ST(}c. - •
<br /> _ . ' _" - _—. �
<br /> !:. .,
<br /> AGKNOWL�U(iM�P17:54AT�.aF NEE3AASKA, c��tAp�YSI,,I�t3U;._,unt.i. County e3:
<br />- 7he foroeoing inptrument wea auknowledyed•tsntore mo or�thfs_____yQT� doy oi MArzr�-t, i qqs
<br />= by atts v r.arc�ea �:.� x.nar L ra2r.in;� sni�:IJB�Ip..1�SIA}�—
<br />_ � —_� - _ Rtttefep �
<br /> c_��e� —i�--r�tcaArNRiAAY=StatccfiYtattsUt
<br /> ���� e} ��S�v}�� (NNit�O1 CUpctatloet o�CMnCtttcpl
<br />_ k�����v"k� e_ _, N�f.en;n,j�y_6 1??9 _on bohelf ot tho carporatlon or partrmrehlp.
<br /> � Mycnmmi�slunoxp[rea: 5/G/9a� " e
<br />� Gnttl �LIFA.SPIIHLG �, lyotvyR2:lc1 �
<br />= iiiis(nl�uument+nas�rerar�d hy r..as RD7IGNC •'r._,___ ___"' _... ..
<br /> (,^1916��KE(14GYST[M9,�NC..6Y.CLUUD.ftiH683Jt1t•800497•43a11iOt1MOCV-MrpNEUlt6l91 �ppL# OQOQ5536 fpapefol2l NEBRaSKA
<br /> CCD# 0000000000
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