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' „^__._:"R•ofrower'�, a'�� <br /> xu�,m a.Annrir am�rnuupY � -- _ --- •._.. <br /> _ ' • eviwW resiomw�e w''xai�ir....l�1..�-?a���a�s.,a r..1r��« u�1� Cour.ty. f�_M8!ke 1"Tr��r.tan'l,and th�BenefF�lsry. _ ,-- <br /> _._. �'���A1 uAVrWC�ta � I+tIAN�g�"rnl�rt�u �._., — .�—��corpor�tiun orp+niz�d <br /> a�ttl�xi�tirpp w�r ths��wi of_..._._..�EBBASKB,� �vhow addreag ia.�.?R? �citrr��f�iicT ama�,gT,?. <br /> ,c�a.�asiu,.:r�.��,r, T1R41RA;YtA �n�na.:�.onQ _�•1Qtl1'"Y•ti. <br /> =— CQNY�YII�C,�: fw vwlu�na:vs0,Htxra►vm'irravowbly prn►ta and convaya xo T�uatoe,tn Yru�t,with�o+r�er of a�le,tM rexl propafy,o}which <br /> Borroww fa Aw+fuly s�sd, d�xcribed brMw�nd sN bu:tdinyt,fixttxss, �nd�xtitlrip a»d tututo bnpruvaments thaneon ynd ail r{pF�ts-oE-w�}r, <br /> u1��nrc�ts, renU,i�sues, �xutit�, (ncomn, tensmento, Aarqdinmertts, p1v}t�es and eny appurtes►ances thereiKyto balonqi�p l�II c�N�d tt�a <br /> -- 'ixans[tp�i. . . — <br /> p,��or�rr+��aa�: Q�.� � C'IJl4K •��i I11T{'1 Tl�i1'.'��_ .FIBbTA61tb ._biib� <br />.�— LE�AL���/�YIQ11� IStr�q lCilyl f4Y�Ca0o1 <br /> •-_�� LOT �WE:�,iPFi (1A), BYACK TI�F. (3) , YLI F3IsI"s��12 EiOri`ti33 SU�DrUISIt3N, YN THFf ��-_. <br /> Cl'L'Y OF' OTtAttD IEIrA,NI). H1ALT, COU'cd'Ik� I�TIsBRASHI►. — <br />-�:.7 . L_,__ <br /> ---'—� <br /> located fn_, r.unts» 'LqT.r+►m, HAT,x. County,Nehreaka. iN_ <br />-- - 411�1k�Bonowar coYen�nt�and warrante title to the praparry,except tor — ' <br /> �� <br /> --- u,�� <br /> --'�,e — _... . <br /> =- - - � 6ECUIIEI7 DEOT:This d�ad of trust�ecures tv Lender ropayment of tM eecured dabt and the perlormaoae of tha covenanu and epreement� ��"`�� <br /> ---= cont�in�d hi thi�d�ad of U��t snd In�ny othar dacument Incorporeted hbreln.Secured debt,ea used in t�t(t daed of truct,Incl�de�any amaunts �;,, <br /> -- Butrowes ow�s to lander under this deed o!uust or uoder any fn�vun�ent eecured by tfils deed nf buat,and all mndiflcation�, extendans�nd �'`` <br /> --- � renerr�id ihereof. �'�`-" <br /> - .��=a The aecurod dobt le evido+tic�d b/lU�t atf tnatrumente rnd ngreemoMe secured by thfs deed of trust end the datas thereot.l: �- .�� <br />----_ ' (� ta oA�rr-qe��st Nomta ANn qP.CilYtr�{'3�AQAiF!RMj'y�' ifATl'i) BPR�r a� ,qAS __ <br /> [���-.:; <br /> .�;�a� �Fvtu►y Adx�ncu:The ebove emou��i is saa:rsd even though ai!or psrt of it may not yet be edvanced. Future edvancea ere - <br /> '�'i�� ccntosnptatod and wfll be ee�umd to tya eeme oxton4 ee If made on the date thia deed of t►ust Is oxecutod. • <br />..Si:�,.imfY . � <br /> _ - — ��Revotvtnq Ilne of credit epreement deted ,wtth INtial ennuel interest rste o! 96. - <br /> '__---- Ati�mauM�owud under thl�epreoment�ra aecurad even thouph nil mm�unts may not yet be edvanced.Futuro sdvancos under , <br />-� the tprsement ue contempteted end wiil basecured to the same oxtent ea If inedo on the date thie dend af trust is oxecuted. <br />'.titC±i�[+� 7t�e�bovo oWfgation Is dua end pAyabie on t9-TARFR i5� i Q Q6 if not peld earl;er. <br /> '��� 7ho iatol unp�id balnnce seeurad Oy thia docd of truct et nny one time sheti not exceed e mexfmum prineipel emount of <br /> -��� zwn ainqam orvR urn.maun n,,m vniinn Oollere(b a,�nn nn ^.l,piva Intere�t, <br />-__:��� piaa any amaunte diaburae6 under tfie torma ot thla daaA o}Yru9t to protect the ee�udty of this deed of truat or to perfiorm eny of tho <br /> coveruits contalned In this daed of truet,uvitfi intoraut ort such�iebursemente. <br />'��:;'-'��,"�.�i�, ��9mis3�b R�n:7he lnterest rete on tha obligatlon secured hy thia deed of trust mey vary eccording to che terms oi tha4 obfigatton. <br />`��;���' �[,Z i4 copy ot the loan agreemoni contatrtlnp tho torme undor whlch the tnterost rata mey vary la ettochod to thia daod of truet ond <br /> _ made e art haraof. � <br /> •� . D , <br /> °��:, qlDERS: ❑Commevcl8 x� A�aT�n'��'Y'.A�'��II�G � <br /> ��a — <br />=<<:�;; �. �-�--�� 4�E$IqNATION OF HOME9YFJlD '�'�'�'°°' . <br />`°�;���� puriumt to the Farm Nomasteed P,rataotion Act,dASt�natlon of homeateed � le attachad ta t�io de¢d of trust and�rsedo a part homof <br /> :•.: �,y, <br /> -'�'��_���• �ha�bee� ��di�claimeA;th�e d�aclaimor i ached to this daed ot trust mnd made a part horaot. <br />.�,�„x. <br />'^=`�'r�� SIGMAYiiF: • sy �lo ,Ilorr to th�a mf�nd c �nte corcttfn�d In thlt dfNd a}tru�t.Ineluctlnp tha9�on p�y�Z,snd In <br />- ';-�:`,�� idics by s .urrat. <br /> ':,...,}. <br /> :1�;; ... <br /> �... � <br /> _. . Z2i1AJ]OI,NH d C11R13UIZOUGH <br />��?'c• ... . <br /> ° ACKNOWE.E9Q!!IENT:ST�1TE OF NEBRASKA,__S�RAN1�_r�t,����T.T. County ss: <br /> ��•� Tho foregotng tn�trumont waa ecknowlndped Ootore mo on thls_ nTH ,dny o4 AARif.� i qo5 <br /> �_,, � ' hy �gWner.os� n sennnp�� rn,.�r1�LIf3Q pzpcnri <br /> � . ��y�,�,., ��_ (TitlDf:il <br /> GvporN�a pf� ��d •�!i C 9�:�ti:1 lNem�of CorOaatlm�or P�nne�[h!p) <br /> - A��e�v^�� q � .g������fi��� on bohali of!hs carporution or partnorchip. <br /> My commtaefon e�cp rea: � � �e n <br /> .- (;eeq r TAA NP/LR1tR _����_INOtaY PuD:icl <br /> � . Thl9lnatrumont wes prepnretl by J,r�n MrnnK� _ ,..._._ c�A - - <br />, • ' S+t8�6��iKE115�6ttM9,INC..[Ti•CLOUD,MN 66907 It-BOOJB7•43�i1 FORM OCPINT6NE a110181 .. �RiQ��Q��I ,I�I�B17liSKA <br /> a�nL� oaoo�eia �4 .t��, . ,► <br /> CCD# 0000000000 <br /> �. <br />