� `�i,-ti.i . Cy.•..`., y. . i \t'__'. � �'�V�� .h. c .S�,�C ' «�••j�.G; r '�;iq. �± .
<br /> ` ,, � '' �;i�� ��s. r..- �� _�- , n ��'�r> ...v;2 �r�-',�•Y` . ..�t �-.• �dif�����. .���a.�E:r���','�1 _n ' � �,_ ���� t
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<br /> zcm- c i 1 ��jt`•1�TT 3s�zt#f� �� � -u t���� �" R � c. 1�:It\�.. � k t ,
<br /> r �r�, '�t i ! .�F$e3', — __-'4'. - - . �n. 'f„�S�'�'�g.,. . ,y . S- �. 7i4 Y- � � �: .r_:�c< i` ��f �'.t:
<br /> �d—_� .� �'i_� J, ti '�4 �. .�
<br /> �- ,y, . �- . �i,a - _
<br /> .���=s-� � � . � • ._ � � , ' . _
<br /> '�p.y,p /� r
<br /> �'rSt�y�f� i. + ` 1VilG■ilGCi��i�aa1'j � • ' ��"�..�����CO� . ` �s�� �a re} .
<br /> a12 the lm w
<br /> .;�.� � � provements Roc�r oz hemafter er�o�i the prop�y�_��{�e��ntc,a����.� .`,�• '`.Y- 4
<br /> a � Sixtu�es �ma+ or he�eaRer a psrt of the pmpeaty. Ait repIaeements aad�udditians sS�al1 uiso 6�c�y e m d [s y_t�i s S�r i�y- - � �
<br /> ° - —-— r • �IS iL'fCT1�1.' �lI���LS.�.°L�lflty TlISt(i1fIIEllt 3S(�IG°�Oj7P.i�J/.� , r�• r cf.�:
<br /> �_,� "- . 8 0 i�K O�Y E R COVENANTS tliat g+orrQvrer is tasvfully seised of the esiate hereby conveyec�aad bas the rigfit m grant'und �� ' ���
<br /> ��-�'_. __ ctmyey ttte Property and that the PropeRy is n�en�±����.eR ;•�F: .•,s.
<br /> cep2 for carumb�a,.*sces af re�rotd.8osro±�e�.rx;urtsnts and cv�'If �=t� �. � �:_
<br /> ---�'�`•� defend generafJy the titie to the Progerty againss all ciaims and dema�ds.subject to any enFUmbrartscs of reenrd. _
<br /> � '�'HIS S�CUR['i'Y(NS7RUM&N'f combines uaiifartts covenaats far aatior�ai use and non-unifotm covenanu Fvit6limhed ' .` � ..
<br /> t`„ ,� var�ations by jwisd'ccsion to oos�stitute a aniform s�vriry insuvrt�ent covering rea!praperty. .
<br />�j-`�'-.,.,.�� � UNTIFOP.M COirENANTB.Bois�aweranct l.ender covenant and agree as follo�vs: ' • ` ' � . �. ,
<br /> N : � ���_
<br /> �`� � 1. Fayta�ent of PtincigaR aad Intfrest; �` � -
<br /> �FaY�ettt and Late C�es.Borrower shall pmmptlY PaF tvh+en due che ,,� - _
<br /> pri�cip�f of arid enrerest on the debt evideAced by the NAte a�d any piepayment and late charges due ander the Note. !� �
<br /> , L -.�� .,,'�' . 2.Ftm d s por Taxes aa d I a s�r.mce gubje�to appIicahla lativ or to a written waiver by[,ender. Bomower shall_pa�to ��.'�
<br /> •�`-*�. ' Ieader an tke day moat4�ly�;sr.eat;�e�u.°.u�.�:-�i:��aif us iiot�is p�d�irfmfii�a�t�i�(1`Fnad"s'7�i: u •! �x .7'y 5,•
<br /> �jy - ��whic�h may tittain priority over this S�rity InsWrnent as a licn on the Pro `���
<br /> _ .�: � ttai �••� � _;.
<br />_ >� � or gouad sents on t6e P�Y:(b)Y�Y teasehold payntents . �'s;"�"-` W
<br />-�,`���f�- if a �°�m'•if any:(c)Yc�rIY hazard or property instiraace premiwns:(d)yeaziy flood insurance premivats. _.rT ,s-_ ���'.�.;:_
<br /> -=�:r�.�x€�_.. .� n3+;E�)y�zIy mnri$age insuraQSe�Pr�'.ims,if any;and(f)m�Y su�s PaYable by Hurrowes to Lxnder. in accordattce witl� - - -
<br /> _ `:�"�i�='" ` the pmvisions of paiag:aph 8,in lira�of the . , �:�__._--
<br /> -- �-_; PaYment of morteage insvrance ptemiuuss.These itEms ane catled Fscrotiv items.- --- �
<br />-��-r�„�"` Lender may, at any time, collect and hotd Funds in an amount aat to e�tcced the maaimu�amuur.c a leuder for a fedetally � _`
<br /> �as+mr_cv���,.,, IE1flt�lilDrt — —
<br />_.�,--=��=:-- gage toan��ay require far Borrower's escrocv socount ttader the federat Real Estate SettIement Procedur�s Acc of . --
<br /> :���' ' � 1974 as ameaded from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section.2601 et seq. ('RESPA°).untess another ta�r that applies w the Funds - ---
<br />�="�`�=� ' sets a lesser amoun� if so. Leader may. at arry time,coilect and hald Fwids in an amount net to exceed the iesser amoun�
<br /> =-€��+ _ -- -
<br /> Leuder rnay�stimate the amount of Funds d�on the basis of cumnt data aztd�sonable estirt�tPs nf exgenditures of�
<br /> ��--��:� � F.sctwv itcros or atherwise in aa�ordance vrit��aPPlicable law. Y
<br /> ;���: t ms � - -- --
<br /> �' ��' ° The Funds sha(� 6e tcetd in an imtitution wBose d
<br /> � S egosits are insured by a federal aSenc.7+, instramentaiity, or entity --
<br />�r'�"°'��=� i� [inrteding l.ender,if Lender is suc6 an ir�stiWtion)or in Federa!Home Loan Bank ' - -
<br />_ Z �!' .Lender shall appiy the Funds to pay the -__
<br /> , Escrow Items. Leader may aat charge�Qrruwer for hoIding and apptying the Funds,a�nually analyzing the escrow a�enunt,or --
<br /> an a._ °`:_
<br />--___ _ VerifYing the Fscraw Items,uniess[.ender pays Borrower interest on the Fucids and applirabte!aw pemrits I.euder to make s-�ch , �•=
<br /> _ �� a ch�rge. Horrever.Ixnder may requ;re gorro�„er to pay a one•time char�e for an iMependent rea!estate ta�c reportinn sen+ioe� �
<br /> �::' ' used by Lender in connection with this toan, untess appticabte law provides oWeawise, U�tles� atia¢re�nt.is n�,-�---- -- -
<br /> j� Y -•_ -�%:��aw�iies mic�si fv or tequi P Y atty interest or eamings on the Funds.-- -_- -
<br /> , r � -- - - g�i,ixdodersisati Ra�ne r�to a-�rrower
<br /> � ,� � Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing�however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds, l.ender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> ::::i���r� without charge. an anmeal accuuaUng of the Funds, showing cfedits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> ;� ° debit,to the Funds was made.The Funds are pleciged as additional security for all suras secured by this Sewrity Instrument. ,,
<br /> ����' '��� If tIi e F u n d s h e t d b y L e n d e r e a c e e d t h e a r uoun t s pertni tt e d to b e�he 1 d b�a licable law.
<br />-:.;ti'`t;%'= '� , . } Pp t�nder shall account to Borrowec .
<br />-h,�`�:.f� , for the ca�cess Funds in accordance with the requirements Qiapplicable law. If the amer,.ai of the fi�nds heTd by�l:x�der at any
<br /> u• time is noi sufficient to pay the�s:a-ow Items whea due,I�ar may so notify Borro���irr tivriting.and,in sucSi ca,se Borrower
<br />-_�=�"'_�::���= sJ�ali�ay to I,ender the amount rr�s to make a d���;�iciency. Borrower shal l .:;i?;,,u the�cien �
<br /> _ _,ro.r, �a •� �3± p
<br />=',T�;':•'. - tvtelve mnnthly payments.at Lender'ssote d:.�ioir.. . P cy ip no more than
<br /> =�::�����_'_
<br />-_ ..,:o;,,,._ � Upon paymeat in fu11 of all sums se�by this Secvrity Instrument. Lender shal! promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> "'�3' Funds held by Lender.If.uader pamgraph 21,E.ender shall�cquire or sell the Pro � '
<br /> * perty.Lender.prior to the acq�isition or sale �,�-�_�
<br /> `1 � of the Property,shall appty any Funds hetd by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the spms.secured by ;j_:
<br />__;;�i;•��E':'� this Security Ir�strument. _ �
<br /> ` ' �=
<br /> ' �� � ' PF yments.Unless applicable law provid�otheiwise,all payments rcx�eived by Lender ander -
<br /> �, . . 3.A Jicatton of Pa Para�raPhs �
<br /> "£' -. f and 2 shali be a lied: 6rst.to an �
<br /> ' �;'' PP y pn a ment char es dne under the Note;second.to amounts a ble urder ara
<br /> _____= tlurd.ta interest dae:fourth.to principal�e:and last.�o an late c p� P B�Ph�' �%�____��____._��-
<br /> a.r,r� r�*�
<br /> "—' y hargea due under the Note.
<br /> - _ ��C6arg�;Ltens.Borro�a:,�shall pay all taxes.ass��r,�nts.charges. fines and.impositions atuibutable to ilre Property •• �,� �-_-:
<br /> "' whidi r,ay attain priority over��is`Security Insttument. �i,L�sehold Qaymcnts ar?rr,r..�nd rent�, if an . Borrower shall
<br /> .�,�
<br /> *�., these obligations in the manner rovided in . Y p�` ; =.``�'S� ��
<br /> P para�^raph 2,or ii^ot paid in.ayat manner.Borrower shall pay them an time directly ���f€.��!�. ��'y�
<br />-, �ca.� to the person owed payment.Borrower shall yn?mptiy fumish t�Lender�Il'.c�otices of amounts t�be paid ur.der this pazagraQh. � '"`"-y'`°�--_
<br /> � 7 �� �� ��
<br /> 1 ,�� � ' If Borrower makes these payments directly,Boriower shall pror-�tly fumisn to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. � �'�'`
<br /> ��S�� Borrower�shal!promptty discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Ir.strument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in � �;': i,.:'�•�:";��
<br />__�.��a�•�
<br />;-���n,�,.�,_�; writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner aoceptable to�:der.(b)contests in good faith the lien �•.`�!ir�• � '
<br /> '-_��� , gainst enforcement of the lien in. legal proceedings whict� in the Lertder's opinion operate to prevent the '
<br />-�_-_ ., ,.. by. or defends a , � . •�,
<br />..;�-���.. enforcemeni of the lien; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien asi agra�n�t satisfactory to Lender subordinuting the lien to . '�`
<br /> ���'�-�-, ��� this Security Instn�ment. If Lender determines that an • ' '�� ��
<br /> `:-.`�';".� y pa�t of the Property is subject::�u iien which may attain,��oriry over : `'
<br /> ���,�� this Secnrity Instrnment. Lender may give Borrower a notice i�enti f ying t he lien.Bom:�uer shall sa8sfy the lien a::�.;e one ot .`.�`"�;:�. �
<br /> �.�,y�+�; :, mon;c�the actions set forth above within 10 days of the gi��-�of notice. , . °�;!r��`,. �
<br /> ;ra?�:. :',:�;
<br /> _.,34---,.•-- . ' Form3028 9/90 " . �� �`";
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