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. v2i[� �-s t Y4="'K' . •s.r r r �� ,,. . . ``+� -.•�� . _ .:. � �� y ... .�,�. y . _ <br /> �. __ '' ��5 4 - ,., � }: .i ~� 4�L�.. ��t�± v't��.i .r. � , t .. " . -�:�..i ig��,�i.,..�G � � ��:. - <br /> fr�s � �au��.tr+n yt£�,.�_+3' ' - •' � �' -s'�. �^'t - ' a 1v...� '3,� �y� � *�°,}�d:�iv-�- <br /> ° _ .:+Ta�S� -r +�rs� � f�"c ��-�.X�7Z'3+`��4 � <br /> .. . __ _ .�...,,«�,.pn.`"'�°�'�'�'3a��'�"� � 'r �y�F4.{i.,-...4 '�'�,`4T:�*_ R S". '". .��� __ '. ��`s�� ��� _ _ . <br /> - ��a'�K�� �... -s ���"..ssv�eas.aa��� -- -_ __. <br /> -_—_' _ -� — . . - ,p '— ,- �- � " . ' ' - � , .� • ` r. . ����' <br /> .--___.- _. _ _ .. _ -- -'___ '_'_ '_ -, - ` - . - ___ ' "'_' ' ' __ ` .__ �_��v .. <br /> . . . - . -���°�o��� _==__._= _ <br /> . . . � � . � . . ---___ <br /> _ . . ��3ST'1�BL� l�� ��R � '. _ _ �-___=__-- <br /> . ti ltear Tr�ry Ia��.Cags--FdaesI�ts Canve�rston iTpt�oa) . _���=°=-- .__ <br /> . - . , , . • �;sy-==-=-_ <br /> _ � THIS AUNST'AH�.E RATE t2I12EPt is made this � 14�t day of ApY'i 1. . 1995 � , ---_ =' ,--.--- <br />. . . .. ar�st is�storg�oraE�!irao�shali be deeme�ts� amead ansl svpPlement the I+ifort�e. Deed of Ttust �-f-.==�=_--==��-_, <br /> or Sec�uity Deed(the"Security Instrument"�of the sam�date�iveit by th�undersigaeci(the."Eorrower") �__--_== <br /> ----- <br /> tu secure Hoaro�er's Adjustabie Rate i�iote(the"N�ite")to - --- --- <br /> � . : -=_ - -='-= - — — - - --....,, �=_- <br /> OOLE�BUS FEaERAL.SAV 1 ti(3S �QNK - .. - -- <br /> (the"Leader")of the <br /> same date.and covering the pm�..�rty descn'bed in the Security Inswment and larated at: , � = - <br /> 2213 S AtK4iST 57'R�ET QtAND�1 SLAt1D, N6 68801 . . - <br /> [Property Addr�sZ ; — <br /> TNE 11t�TIE CONiri6UNS PR�VESIQ{1tS ALLOLNIIIEQ f[3R C�eANGE&IN TIfE Iil}TEidES� �, � <br /> RATE ANl9 •T�i��NfOlY�41ilY PAYMENT. THE W�`I��Llh1i�S Tt1E AMOUNT THE � � <br /> BOR�0�1U�i'S AII4lUSY�lBLE INT�AEST i#A'fE CAN C�.ttiE l�T ANY ONE TlA6E AND . <br /> .. �!!�!E r1}�X!!�1l�t�'!.�^3'E TM��QS::tQlN�Ar tt�JST�'QY.�Ri�TE�.E.S4!C�A!?d#!lL�� ' `� _,__ ._ <br /> TalE OPTt�H TO COl1IVEAT THE ADJlJSTABLE RA7E Tt?A FlXED RA't'E. � . . <br /> ` ADBETIONAL C07�ENAN�'S. In addidon to the coveuanu acid ageements made in the Securhy ' <br /> Instrument;Borro�•rer aud Lender further covenant and agee as follows: , ' <br /> A. ADN�I'ASLE EtA't'E AND MUIYTEdLY PAYN�NT CHANGES - <br /> — _.-. ._ _ ._ =TheNiuepsewisiegfix.gsilniti»linte.rcxtrsHenf- _ �AT�ls..T6eNc�tersrt►Yidecf�rcttan�_--- _ ___ <br /> in the adjusta6[e interest rate and the moathly paymems,as fol[ows: � � � <br /> 4. ADNSTAflLE INT�RFST RATE AND MONTMH.Y PAYNIEN�Ct3ANGFS , <br /> (A)C6aa�ge.Dates — <br /> The adjustable interest rate 3 will pay may change on the first day of May � . 1996 . <br /> and an that day every i2th month thereafter. Each date on wiuch my adjusiable interest rate.coutd change <br /> is called a"Change Date." ' <br /> (B)The Index — - _ <br /> i3��girming with the first Change adjusiable usserest rate��+ill be based on an Inilex.The"Index" — _ <br /> is th:�v:eeWy average yield on United States Treasury s�Wsities adjusted to a constant manuiry of! year, <br /> as made availabte by the Federal Reserve Board.The most recent Inde*c figure avaitabte as of the date 45 days — <br /> , before each Change Date is called the "Current Tndex." � <br /> � If the Index is uo longer avallable.thc Note Holder will choase a neN index that is based upon comparable �� <br /> ' information. The Note Holder will give me notice of this choice. . , '�°_- <br /> • (�C9ICQIAuOR OY�LA1IgC8 <br /> Before each Chan�e Date,the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding <br /> • • Two and Seven-Eighths percentage point(s)( Z.8750%)to —___ - <br /> the Current Index.The Note Hntder will them round the result of this addition to the nearest one-eighth oY ����'°" <br /> � <br /> oae'gercentage point(0.t25%).Spbject to the limits stas�S zn Section 4(D)below,this r�unded amount will � � ,Q;• <br /> . be ru.�cew iacerest race until the next Chan�e Date. • -- <br /> . �ae Note Holder wili then determine the amount of che monthly payment that would be suf�icieni to �''�` <br /> . repay the unpaid principa!that 1 am expected to o�ve at the C�an�e Dace in fuU on th�e Maiurity Date at my �'s���°'m"° <br /> :-Y�� <br /> new interest rate in substantially eyual pay�;.nts.The result of this calculation will be the new amuunt of �••�:,���'�`�;; . <br /> my�ttonthty payment. '°��~�'�"���''�'�'_ <br /> �x� irY_ •r1�� - "-� <br /> �.��i �v..r�i:.- . <br /> l ,, '2.'_r,1s�.� <br /> tD) Llmits on Iqterest Rate Charrges . � :=���-:�+-+�.��. <br /> .'., c�...t..i.:,-:.' <br /> The interest rate i am required to pay at the first Change Date �vill not t�e gteater� ��:°-- . <br /> than 8.8750%or�ess than 4.8750%.Thereafter,my adjustaba.c��.�rest rate . � , <br /> . � will never be increased or decreased on any singte Change Date by more than ° � �, ' <br /> . �e percentage point(s) ( 'I.0000%) ' �. <br /> fro:Y!i r��:rate of interest I have been paying for the prcceding 12 months.My interest rate will never be�reater � ' <br />. thau • 10.7500.�0. which is calted the "Maximum Rate." '• <br /> (�)EifectSie fl�nte of Ch3ases ' ' � <br /> My ne�v int�.�s rate�vi116ecome effecu��on each Change Date.I wii�pay the amonnt of my new monthly ` ;'', : � ' �� <br /> � payment beginnin�on the first mnnthly payment date after the Ghange Date untll the amount of my monthly • '_•� <br /> �� payment changes again. � • '. ' '�;:.. <br /> (F� Notfee of Cbnnges ' . , . • �. ,1``°`,`�.' <br /> The Note Nolder will deliver or mail tq�rne a notice of any changes in my adjustable interest rate and �' � � � � <br /> the amount of my monthly payment before tl:e effective d�te of any change.The nodce wil!include information ��� .;,� ; � .;:.�, �.� , <br /> required by law to be given me and also the title and telephone nnmber of a person who svill ans�v�r any qnestion • •;r y`:7. <br /> t rr,:sy have regarding the ttouCe. • • . . . :">��j;,'.� . <br /> tdifil�i57ATE COi11itEAfiB1E AO�Jt19TABLE RA78 RIDFA—Smpte Fmty-1 Yem Treasmy hiGez�fannto Mae thutczns tnstrument , � . <br /> ��-835A�a�os� vtigo t o13 Fortn 3118 t'til:� ' . <br /> VtAV MOi#fGaGE f0it1YS� I600)52�J291 �1 .• . . .. . <br /> L��,�,�4�� .�.. . ���������ll� �.�Jy�. - <br />