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<br /> `•`; -f s�vr �. -
<br /> E I�' . ` , . . . .. , ., a.� t1;� `'� ��,i _
<br /> -- )' �.�t '�— \' . .. . . • li� — , ... . _OS'h ja��-�w?_—_ —
<br /> - _ � �' � � x►
<br /> � �-- �
<br /> h�� <� -- --- - - - - -- -_-, - - _ _ _. -, _ �.,T�,.�,. � -.
<br /> �.�.�-
<br /> -- .� t � � � aPP����ta�v ma s for rcin�tatement)6efore snie of the Fra u�st�ant to an , ��"`•.�.� -
<br /> ` ' Y•�Y perty F Y pnwes a.f sa�c conta�t�:cd itt this
<br /> -- `�'� `-; . � - Sectuity InsWiaent:"or(b)dnt'�y of n j�rdgm@ut enf�cing this Security Inshumen� Those conditions ace that Borrpwcr tn) ` �
<br /> °_�:�"' '�.:: •�;," _' paYs Leader cell s�ms tivLieh then tyoutd ba due undsr this Securiry Inst�ument nnd the Note as if no•acrtteraation l�,zd �°°"�°�`-----
<br /> 4 ; 'occu�s+ed:(b)cures any defauit of sny othcr covenants or ugreements:(c)pays all eapenses inc3nred iR enforeing this Speurity �.� _ _
<br /> '• ��° . Ir�stru�ers�including,but aot limited to.reaspnabte n�omeys'fees:aad(d}takcs,sach action as L,�nder may peasonably • - ---_
<br /> � `�� ;-`••�` utre co asse�se tf�t tke lien of this Securi inswmenG[.eader's ri hts in the Prn g p y
<br /> ; �c �. - � � �1 �y g perty and Bormcv�rt a61i ation co a tl�e �=�=Y�
<br /> •� ;.,�--'�' • sums sesured by t�is Securit� Inswment ehall condnue unchan;Qd. Upon reiasrat�meQt 6y Bo�ativer. this Sec�rity � �� _
<br /> --- - - �s`' I�trt�er�t and the abtigatioas seeured heieby sfiali rm�faTin�effective�as if no.atceteration had occ�ured. However,dtis � _ --
<br /> `: , ' ri�t w reinstate shal�noi app�y in the cx�se of aecekratiun uatt„t,PB�raPb 17. �-_
<br /> ' . . : .:. ,_�.; � 19 3a4e�f Note;G9�ange of I�ean SPtvQce�� The.Na2a,ar•s.partisl iaterest in the RTote(tngether with ahis S�curiry — -- ---
<br /> '.�••� : .,'; � Instt+.�ment)may 6e so1�one�r awre dmes wiUmut,ptinFazo�r.a tn Borrow�er. A saIe m�y msnit in 3 ch2i�r,e in the entity �_— -
<br />- -°;::,;":,:.� �'. .(�vwn as the"L�n Seaviser")that rn!lects manthTlA�pfl�,ts,due under the Note aad;his Secwiry Instc�rmanf. Tkcae alsg -----
<br /> ' may.f�oae ot mor�c�aages of the fwan Senricer urGC+{ttt�idn a'sale of the Note..If rhem is a change af the Loaa SrrvieQr. — ---
<br /> J: :',;•�`t- •:. . �
<br /> •�.. . ••;;•,...:: . Bflrtawer wilj.he givea written aoricr of the chrsnge in aaoid2a�with paragraph l4 a6ove and applicabte law. The aotice, ----
<br /> r.r:1 :�� --
<br /> .�;:��,;:,,.,_ 'i;Y, evill.�tai�i�r,sqre,�r[d addmss of tAe new Loan�Servicer and the address to which --- —
<br /> ��•^ PaY�n�ats sfSOWd 6einade. The untIre will
<br /> f�;.;'•- � - ''�:; also,corstai�tallY.�tsst�nfarm�ationrequinedbyapplirabtelaw. � . - ---------
<br /> .�5: —=----
<br /> ::.�;.�r 4�.• 20.-��t�df��tibstaace9. Boaower shali not cause orpermit the presence,use.dispasal,starage.o:retease of any --
<br /> r;�:;,��`�� - Hauirdnus Sutst�tt�ea on or in the Pmpe¢ty. Bo�rawer shal!not do,nor'allotv anyone else to do.anyth9ng affectin the � �-
<br /> � ' g
<br /> S f: , ; � _`:� Pmpe�ty that is in�iolation of any Envuonmentai LF►a. T4e pneeceding two sentences shall not apply to ti�preseace.us�.or �
<br /> , K,�t i_ ' storage on the Ptoperty of small quaatities af Hazardous Substrmc�s th�t are eneraU reco
<br /> � g y gnized to be apprapriat�tu noimal
<br /> � d. r�es�dential uses and to maintenucce of the Property. . _ ti. .
<br /> °—_-- `. .`� .- Borrower shall 've Lenda written aotice of ---— _
<br />-�� `� �� ,:�.. Ps'omF�Y� any investigation,ctaim,dem�d.lawsuit or nther aetion by any, --._.�. .�_
<br /> � �. � •' •gotielrunentai ar iegulatnry ageacy or privat�party invotvis�g rhe Prop�ty and any Haiardous Su6staace or Envisrmmenql
<br /> .- ----`:---;-.� � . �Lat�!.�af.which Bormwer has actnai Imowledge. If Barrower,t�arns. or is natified by aay govelameatal vr regatafory , --
<br /> • "`4�Y , anth�asiry:that anY cemoval or otber remediation of any Hazardous Suhstauce affecting the Fraperty is necessary„Bomawer
<br />_ • shall prflcApdy talie aU necessary remedial actiorss in accordance with Eavironmental Law. ---__._
<br /> . - �,�:�� �• Ag tbed in this para�aph 20�„Hazardous Substances"are those substances defiued as ma�ic or fear,aridons substances by
<br />_ t �. .f' • "; .ry� _� Envim�ntal Iaw and the foUowing s�bstances: gasoline,kerosene,other flatnmable ar foxic peuo2eum prodacts,toxic _
<br /> : pesticides and herbicides. volatile solvents,mat¢riaLs contaiflin asbestos or farmaldehyde,and radioacti�re matetidly, qs__ --
<br /> ---- —
<br /> = -: ,,,,.� -v�um�sP�agrapn Z3"Enva�iimencai i.aw°me�s fetferdl ta s and I�as of ihe jtuisdtction ar-t�ere�e Pioperty is focated �i_.
<br /> ;,�;_. that relate to heald�„safety or environmenta!pmtectiaa • -
<br /> , `' :.'�;;;4i ' , NON UNIF�JRM COVENANi'S. Borrawer and Lender funher coveitant and a�ee as foIlows:
<br /> .;�:�;,;;.,,.;r r;::,.,, .. ZL Acce[era8on;RemedIes. Lender shaU give aotIce to Borrower prIor W ar¢eieiatton foftowtng Borrocver's
<br /> ,:�•��< :°:: :,>. : breae6 of any covenant or�eement ia thts Secarity Instrumeat(but ctot prior to acceteraHon�derPara�raPh 17
<br /> !�r`�.�� � anless applErabie law provides othercvLse). Tke notice sball spedfy: (a)the defantt;tb)the actFon
<br /> :'��. . . r�quired to arre the
<br /> ` � . defani�(c)a dat�not Iess t6an 30 daps from the date We aa�tce Ls gtven to Borrawer,6y whfc6 the defanit must be
<br /> �. :;�.�;�:^� cared;s�(d)that fa3lose to cure the defaaft on or 6efore the date specified in We uotFcQ mny resn[t in acccYet�ation nf
<br /> a
<br /> • ,�:i�=;•:'r� t6e sams secured by.ttis Securidy Ias�vment aAd sale ef fha Fn�ogerty: T[ie natFce shaII further inform Borrawer o! , •:
<br /> ,.�,.,, -�-• -
<br /> � •:•r-�, the rig�te reinstate after ac��e[esatFon and the rig�it to bring A courl adIon to assert the noa-eaustence af a defaWt or �ar'�'� �
<br /> ., any ot�er defemse of Borrovaer m acrelerattoa and sa4� IS the default ts not cnred oa or tefore the dafe specif}rd in r,.1,.,.
<br />''` � , ttte notltr�,Lender at its opf2on may reqnire Immedlate paymeni in fnU oYall sums sectaed by thts Sec�Ity IAStnmrcnt � ' '
<br />-� . ' Y.ead r.shaU�en �H edd to eotie�d�oke the power ot saie and any other remedie�s permitted by appllcabte Iaw :•':;��-.�-=-�
<br />- •: expenses incurred in pw'sutng the temedIes ptovided fn t6Ls Pazage�Ph 21, '` ' ':r .;%
<br /> . ... - .. inciadiu�,l��aot timite�to.reasoaa6le attorneys'fee�s and cosfs oY titte evfdence. ,. '_^.y��
<br />�'.;-. •� '... If t2ca poweP of sale ls ipvaked,'ilrostee shall ree�rd a notice oY defanit in eac6 co u n t p ta whtch an y p a r t o f t h e --
<br /> e
<br />�. ' � P r O p e t 4 y i s l o r�t e d an d s@ a l l m a i t cop ies o f su c 6 aa![ce in ttie manner prescribed 6Y apDfIrabte law to Eorrovser and to .�.� :f�
<br />— t6e o�t►er persons preseri6ed by appfiruble Iaw Afder the tlme rc nired b a !lcabie law, �� �-.°�:��,�•
<br /> - •', - � Y PD 'Itastee shaD gtve pubflc . . . .
<br /> - -�- -;_-� � aotice of sale to We pensons and in the manner prescrihed by appfIcabte law 71raste�without demand on Borrower, �,'.�'�::
<br /> �;.::: ' . sha�sr�thePr+o p � -.��:��� Y =.
<br />-_ t . . .•,:J perty at nblic aactton to the Iil est bfdder at the time and plstoe and under the terms deslgnated in . �.�.��':��_'
<br />_ :,,...���.� We antEce oY sale in osie or more parce1s and in any order 71rustae determines. 7tustee moy postpone sate of all or 3ny • .',
<br />- ,. ~° ��5 ' P�a��e Psoperty 6�pn6lfc aaaoancement at the ttme and place oY any prev�ouyty sr�edaled saie. Letsder or its . �.'�`�°i�,�•; "'�
<br /> .; � desEg�tc�rnay purchnse the Property at a�r sule � .
<br /> �s� �'}_ � QT�san receipt of payment of We price bld,7lrastee shall de�i�er to tice nUr�ascr Trustee•s d¢ed coave � � `"
<br /> ytng the
<br /> _ ••� �e+nger4�;. The rec[tats in ihe 7Ynstee's deed shaD be piima facEe evidence af t�s trst6 oP t6e statements made t6emin. � ` � �
<br /> . . � 'llraste�A�iall appJq t�e proceeds of the sate in the Pollo�ving order. (a)to al{costs and exgens¢s of exercising the puwer . � �. � � ' �
<br /> ,:� . , ., .
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