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<br /> geriods th�.Esader crquir�. YT�insmrance arrier providid�the insurance shall Qe c�QSe�.ls;Eu:ro�ver suD1ecY to d.ead.�r's
<br /> -=:�_��`:- • ap�is��ich sbaU rtot fr unrzasocrsbly�vi�hhei� If Qairuwer fails to maintain coverage descrit�above.Le.zder enay.�t �=�- --
<br /> _?-k.:: 3 :.''. 'K . ---
<br /> � �..��., �"'� Lender�s tib».obtaia covera�e to pcntect l.�nderS rights�rs she Property in acsord�ce crith para�r,�pli 7. �.�
<br /> .. �:...<-�.• i °P a
<br /> ' . t�'�` ��� ' A!1 ies�aase policies and r+eaewals shati he aeceptable to Leader aad shall inciude a standard rrwrtgaga et�se. Lender � ' ��_
<br /> ` , � . � shall have the dght to tcQid ttie palicies and rertew�ls. If Lender res�uices.Bosrowcr s�all promptlg give to Le�dgr�!1 teceipts ' �------__-
<br /> � � of paid'pzemirsns arcd cenewal rtotices. In the event nf toss.Bo�xvwer sii311 give promgt rtorice ta ehe insvr;uese cas^ri�e and.,,. � _ __-
<br /> �� '�==�.` � . t.eader. Leatder may make proof of toss if not made prmmptly by Boirorrer. � � - --=—
<br /> ��,°�'� �=='< < Unle.ss I.ercder..�rtd,�vr�oner vtheruri5e a�ree in wriUng,in.suraYU�Qraceed.s sf�ati tse applie�ta restnr3uan nr rep�il#'af. —
<br /> �"t `�Y �,� cbe Ptop�tty dam,a��.,x`t'�+x restmution or rrp3ir#s esaaomical3y feasible and l.ender's security is rtai des:.;ned.. tf the = _--
<br /> ., cestnr�tzan.l4���WI,45,aof ecosomicalIy feasib�e or Lenders sec�ieyt woutd be fesserted.the insursttre procceds s6a!!br m
<br /> `- _ - =ap—yii�u'i"v,ti�Gifi�'cf,7��acii-��p"-nd�-�"u.,�:y iti3-ta�ir r�ciii��y,��i isi iN3��us�t dttF.riEf�i�ri.C��"i�ttf , .. I€ —-
<br /> . . '�� Bmrow�t abaAd�ut3,the Property,or does aot ans�ves witfim 30 days a notice from F.en�er that the�'n.surattce carrier t�s = --- —�
<br /> . .. `,'r�";; offe�+ed to.seNe,�ciaim.then Lender may coltect[he insw�nce pmceeds. Lender may use the procecds to rzpair or resto� .
<br /> . � �' che Pro�ty o:to puy s�uns secured by this Securiry Ins�ment,�vhethee or not then d�te..The 30-day perind wil!begin when
<br /> � ,_ — -
<br /> , �.� �r.• thenpli�e,isgiven. '
<br /> :�;,�:' "�`'`'` �� Uinh;�ss t:ender and Bmmwer otherwise agc�e in writing,any appli,�►tiun of proc�is to priacipal shalt nai extead or,
<br /> - � ";,.';�,'' Pactpnne the das date of the momhTY Payme�cts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change d:e amount of the Qaym�nts. If • -
<br /> -- - "�%�.'•°���� rmderparagrap5 21 the Pmprrty is aequired by Lcnder:B�wer's right to any insuzaax poficies and proceeds re5ulting
<br /> �:,`.,_.��.;,:.�: .
<br /> •••�_✓_;.��..;,.r:e�:,: '"• from damage to the Ptopeny p'rior to the acquisiuon shall pass to Leader to the extent of ihe surr.s serared by this Secwity -
<br /> ;��, - Insmiment immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> �'` � �P��9. Pire�rvat[on. Maint�eaance and Prntedton ��tt�e FeoPertY, Barrower's I.oan atpg�dcatlon; � __ -
<br />�. :t��,"� � - T�easehofds. fiormwer sha�I axupy;esmi�lish.an�use the Fmpeny as�mrow�y p�incs�t r�sidence wctS�sircty dayr�ut'hx - - , -- - _--
<br /> "• '- the exec�tian of this Security Instrument and sHall continue tn occupy the Pto�rty as Horrower�principal residence far ai
<br /> �..�;; Ieast one year after the date'of occap�cy. untess Lender oiherwise ag�ecs in wriring, wiuch canseret.shall ant 6e -
<br /> ;:;. ..;.��.:.-�:�,�� urueasona6ly withheld.or unless extenuating circumstances exist whicb are beyorid Borrawer's cuntrol. Bomower shall not
<br /> _ �� �'_� destroy.damage ar im�,ir the Ptoperty.atJaw the Froper4Y to dereriorate.or catnmit waste on the Propeny. Barrower shali --
<br /> T�e in defanit if aay farfeiture action ot pmteeding,whether civ�or crimin:sl,is begun that in Lender:s gaod faiti�jud�tent
<br /> , , .��`..
<br /> r
<br /> . . ..;��:°: couid riesuh in farfeit�e of the Property or otherwise materiaUy impair the lien created 6y this Security.Insmcmeni or .
<br />- •:�,,:f(:: Lender's secarity interest Bomnwer muy ciae such a defanit and remstais:as pravided in pa�agraph 18.6y causing the actian — _
<br /> - - ' - ................ • . �_-r...�---� -..:sf. qt,,.�. .... w.....i • .t� ' �:..w E��� iAaD..�,�.....�. °
<br /> �v-vc vt�ttu7scf�-�r[vr"", ' � -- �_.- .��..
<br /> .._. . ._—.._ . .. vr�r,o,,,,.�rs'': ���i i&s�+c'.;.�,,.-'s'8.,..oi�:�».°�is�........- � - �-- _ ..�:-.
<br /> ' interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by ttus Security insuument or Lender�s security _
<br /> �%'�- `�' interes� 8onocver shall also he in defauit if Bomnwer, during the loan application process. gave materially false or -
<br /> �•:�'�• � .
<br /> •:.t.:: ` . inaccwate infoanation or siaieuier►ts to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material infar+nation)in comsection with
<br /> ��``` � � ' � tHe lnan evidenced by tfce Nate,including, 6ut nat limited to, representations conceming Barrower's occupancy of the �
<br /> - , � - • ,�;:s Ptoperty as a ptiaciFal msidence. If this Security instrument is on a teasehold.Barrower shall compty with all dte provisions.. '
<br /> � . `��; S af the lease. If Bonower acqui�s fee titte to the Property,the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender ag�ees
<br /> ' . �.''•'� . • to the merger in writing.
<br /> . . . F. Protertton of Lender's Rights in the Pcoperty. If Borrower fails to perfonn the covenants artd agreements
<br /> ` -• , . eonta�ed m this Secarity Insuument, or there is a [egaS proceeding that may signifcantly affect Lender's ryghts in the 4
<br /> • - • Pmperty(sttc3�as a pra;eeding in barilwprcy,probate,for condemnation ar forfeit�ue or to enfone laws or tegulations),theR
<br /> � , 1[.ender inay do and pay for whatever is necessary tu protect the vai�e of the Properry and Lender's rig}�ts in the Property. .::�;�, �
<br /> � � • Y..ettder's actions may inclade paying any sums secured by a tien which has prioriry over this Secusity l�tniment,a?pcaring �w=�
<br /> . . . . �-,
<br /> ,. in oourt,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make re�airs.Although Lender may take action �"{�
<br /> +''1.�Y__ - ...-
<br /> = `�'-"'- under this ara h 7.Lender does not have to do so. ' . �� 1.%•
<br /> :.�yF�,s�;; . . P �P ';, ' '' !i�°
<br /> �,T::�..�-.. ; Any amaunts distsut�ed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become�dditional debt af Borrotiver secured by this "•,>?'�'��� s���
<br /> y.,,.._ , ' - ar,.'�- _-_.
<br /> •�:� Security Instrumen� Unless 8orrower and Lender agree to other tem�s of payment,these amounts shall bear inter+est from the a �
<br /> •,` ,��.�'� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with intems�upon notice from Lender to Bomow•er requesting ����;•�`.;
<br /> ..; :, •. �.�' � . '�': �:-�-� ,,:
<br /> � �,- �•. P�ent . . •:�,� �t,�•t�;
<br /> _�.��'"'+`�� ' 8. Mort�e insurance. If Ler.u+--„r required moagage insurance as a condition of makr.g tiie toan secured by this. ' �: �"'`'+'�'.'�%''=''`'
<br /> Security Inswmenti Borrower shall•pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in efteet. if,for any ;�;��-x;���
<br />-= reasan. the mortgage irsurance coverage mquired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Botrower shiiti pay the •-:,N. -
<br /> pmmiums mquired to obtuin wverage substantiatly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effec�at a co:t �'�!;.-:" "�
<br /> r. �. � °'�'� substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previoatily in effec�from an alternate mortga�e •..,, .' ;:;���,:#�;�: .
<br /> � ��,;;,.:�.
<br /> �nsurer appraved'oy Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage in5urance coverage is not available.Bonewer shall pay to . . :,,.,. �
<br />- • „ Lxnder each anonth a sum ual to one-twelfth of the eari mo � �nsurance rzmium b in aid b Borrower when the ' � ���;°i`��
<br /> �1 Y Y ��� F � S P Y .
<br /> _ '` • it�suratta:coverage tapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wiQ accept,use and retun these payments as a loss reserve in lieu � . ' ' .
<br /> of mortgage insurance. I,n�s reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender,if mo�4gage insurance ' . � • � �"
<br /> ' cover.�ge(in the amoune sad for the period that Lendet reyuires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again•5ecom�s • ' ' �'•"•
<br /> ' . � _�, available and is obtained.Horrower shalt pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a , ' , ��"^>.i'
<br /> '_;; . ''�. loss reserve.until the requirement fot mangage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between BoTrower . • ,
<br /> ° � •• and Lender or applicable law. . � ��� . : .
<br /> � •� ' '��� ' 9, Inspectioa. Lender or its agent may make reatonable entrics upon and inspections of the Properry. l..ender�hall '
<br /> ' ' =� gir•e Borrower notice at Lhe time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for ehe inspection. ��
<br /> _ • ��'< 10 Condemnatiaa. The proceeds of any a�vand or claim fordamages,direct or consequential,in connettion with any �
<br /> � „ :'� �
<br /> � _ ��g.�A� SingleF�mily--Faan3ertae/4YeddleMaeUhl6�f18AtlNSTRU�SENT-•Un;fortnCuc�nants.yl90 Ipu.qe.��jh���e�f .
<br /> ..,�.. � �`�€ ' . Grtat inLa�isrta Irc■ • .� � . .
<br /> ' 1� To OVa CaO:TEOU5349099 O YA�Gt&791•119f , • �
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