< t . ir` f� . . � ` .. . . _ . t
<br /> _ 'f-' {5 h .r,,/ a < F ,.� .. - .i-• '� R � t -' , - ' ..,_ .
<br /> {��� . . : kr i. �v - _ :y.,�� c t� - � e �.-�;y. _ _ ' . _ k
<br /> � . . _ -S''u'. "'� T ' t )`a-r.`
<br /> -_ � ,1 ~ "�` • V�O �V��• . '• .. - �•C• .-S,� . � _
<br /> , •�.,:',.• • �,�'a<. (d} f3rantor has fh'd�ht en�f is du.'y auiharFzed ta exewte end psrforr�fts Qb.Rgattar�s under thla Qead af Trust artd thesg astion�do nat and ` • � . . •.:a, ':4
<br /> - � .' s�tiaII rtot contftct wft?�iRa pcavis!ans ot eiry statut�,regut�tion.ardinence.ruis at taw,corf�aat or cther sgroemen4 rfiich may ba.0lttdin9 an G` ' , � :^
<br /> - � ` . �� ` � ma�oretm►yttma: " , ; • `'
<br /> ' t °'`:, ., ` (e) l�asstt�narptaceedU�gtsorsAalltiegandingortttreeisr.edvrflir.hmightmattriallya'teclthePcopertYend . . � _,•,
<br /> a
<br /> -r.-.�--_.--;_`` � : (fj C�runor has not vEol�ted and ehalt.not vtotata sny staaR�.ragulaxon,ordinan�ruta af Iaw.Ca�ra�e ar other eqraemCM Qr.dudinp.bart rtot � , - �.� � , '--.j
<br /> ° � - - lUs�itsd w.those gavemlr►g Ftai�6nu�IlSatetfata)Kfiteh mlgtrt mabr{allyr attsct the�rcPeRy or Len�a`e dgfits or iAUre�t tr��a P:ayertY R�us�t-. _ - .=---
<br /> � �to ti�Is Deed at Tt�st a • ,, � 4 .- .
<br /> . °� �, : 3 BRi�3t 0E�8�'FTRIfST.6rantar roProsar�te ena wsnant��pa^°er�d pereiar�m I a ms�m�eri�rtcr. tttn�e'}a e any prt°oi a�otaus: ` .� � '.. 4,°
<br /> . Ponn on 5ch�ut�B�rd to t?�ta it�d af Tru3L s.�Uet�tirar►tor er.d • - . .
<br /> 4r � ti
<br /> , . , . then tirantar�reas to pap aU�naunta owad.andpetfartn eil oEEgtttpns requ re0.undet auth deaQe of Wsi and ths fnBe�tedness ae�nd thetesy►
<br />� ^� . • . . ` and turt�ar eIIrees tRat a data�it anderarty pAar d�ad at fn�t shafi.be a detault unQe�tnL�Oeed of Trust an0�4��1t erttitte Le�er to ell rt�and t:•: � , �
<br /> ., . �emedt:smntstnsdRareinorinirtedDitgadianstoNtAteDLat�derv�out9ba�tiUeOintheavtr►totarryotherda�wlR , � . `' - " '
<br /> � . ' 1. YRAl�3FF.iis OF THE P3taPFA1Y OA tlENEF7ClAL lNiEFtE84�IH fSAANYBA�OA BSR4idYYEH4r tn the evem af a eate.oomroyanas,taase. �_ <. , . ,
<br /> R
<br /> " �-"--�� � crontra�ct tot deed or uanster to any petton af all or Bny paR of tho mal prope cta.eh�va irf fiehedute A,ar eny Irttamsi ffierein�m of e11 ar a�t ��: . �� .
<br /> � � bene�dal trtqres!tn Barrawer ar Liranmr pt Barrower ar Grantor Is nat e n�'parear,or peF�6ns�ut ie a ca�poration,ltm�aa nabiGty eompuny,
<br /> --�Y.`, ,� -- -� p�tr:e�ip,trugL ar 6ffi9r taadl engryj.tenQer may.at its oAt[an dntase tNa ou��nGtng prlect�al 0atas�t��t tha ChlEgattans��b lmemsi �-.�_.-_'�� • � -• �.
<br /> - . � thaman[mmadittsry Qua uA psyable.At LendaPe�squast,Qrantoror Bortowar,as 4hs ease may b�.ehall tumish e campteie atstamem sentng tartA
<br /> � � `' :. afl ot Eta ataotd�cidere.msmb�re.ar pnrtrse�a,aa sppropA6tt9.at►d t9;e oxta�of the:r reapecttvo oxmsrsnip tntacm�ts. � , • . •
<br /> � ° . 8 �SStBlillffEHT OF EiEttT�tn cor,aidersL'on of the O�U�etion�,whtefi ere Eecured by thi9 Oeed of Trus�Qrarttor eDsautetv e��to Le�rQer a!1 • , , � . .
<br /> !
<br /> - - - - — i'��'eE�f. �.�s�.rt�ss!�+�•_s �t cnr!r�!d�R�ens2ftet ea+,uirde!tn a11 e:E�ttno and fuwte[aases at tha Property Gnsludtng _, _ .. • .
<br /> _ - - . - -- s�dent�rq.tsne�and eubtaases).a!F e�son:erris Por uss asd axupnncy of ffie FroCestY(all cuch teasee and e�semertta�Jtetiter K�rfitan or oraf. _ - : - --.
<br /> are hereaRer[efemed to au the`Le�sas�,and e1{IIuerartties ot[esseea'portannnn�u�sder the Laa°.�s.topettter with ihe immadiffia�d co�nuing � ., � _ .
<br /> �" � _� ' rtgtre to coltect end�ece'sve a t e o f�s arns,tneamo,rece tpts,reven u e s,i s s u e s,p s o ft t s a n d a t h s r t n w m o o t a n y n e m r�n a w a r h e r e a ft e r d u e G n d u d i n g -_ , .
<br /> . myr tnoams of erry rt�lum ooming dus dudng arry redamptfon periad)undar the Leases or from ar er(aing out af tfie Ptoperty inctuding minimum �
<br /> � � ,:�6. . . rertm,aelr9ttans!carne.Dereentage�e�e.Farktng er�rnmon area malrtmnance cocmSbuBans.m�c snd tnsuranee cantrieutions.deft�en�y mrtts, r
<br /> ItqulQstnd d2�etages tollawtn8 da*�uft tn eny Leasa,e!f pracaeQ9 payeLle vnddr sny pottcy af insurancs cavedng tass of reraa,�nsiilting Uom '_ .. ..
<br /> �� , , ` urtten�ttapi1�y c�used by de�et[oa ar damage w�o Rraperty;all proaeds pay�fe es a res�dt of alessee�exeteise of an opttan to pun;haae the . . .
<br /> �.;,`.;- . PraDeRl/.all praaasQa dedved iro1�the tarminatfon ar rejeeNon at arry tease i�a dantauptcy/or othet insoNancy praoaeGing.ena e{I pmoeeds irom � ... . � .
<br /> �. erry��hts and datm9 ot erry tdnd whtNn�iramcr m:cy have agatnst an5►tessee under the Lease9 m arry occupar�af the PropsrtY(�:1 ot t�e abave are � ' � -
<br /> �. �� • , . herea�calttetivetY rtiferted to a9 the'i�enb7. 1Ns esstgnmertt ts su�ject to the�fgM,power and aW�ority given to the LartQar m co4ect and apPh► � , .,
<br /> . the Rertle. TAis assignmen!Is raoarded tn ancordance wffh aRpiic�ta statc+taw;the IIen croa�by tht9 as5i9nmeM is IMended to ba spectfi� ,.
<br /> c
<br /> " . . peReCtad.and choate upon tAe�eco�mng ot this 17sed of Trus�t.e!I ae provided b1t aPDGcable sm�law e9 amendad irom ttme 2o time.'Qs tong as � . ' , . ,.
<br /> _ � -� t h e f�!s n o t f e f e u t t��e�tl�e O b R g a N o n s o r t l f t s D e e 6 0!T r u s t,t e n d e r g r e M S I�r a r rt u r a r e v�r a h i e G c enso to coitect ail Rerna iram the Leases when �',.'�_ =� : : -
<br /> efe ---- -
<br /> ` t�:�= _.-.--- •-- dua end t�use such proceeds[n Gtantm's bustness operationa However,LenQar may at srry time[equire Qrantor to deposit e0 F�nis Ir�to an ,-` F
<br /> - � , � , a�eurtt matnffiined by 6ranior or Lmcder ei 18nder's Ir�titAton. Upon dehtult Irt tha payrtiertt ot.ot In tne par(ortnance ot,any of the QDUgaUons. (� . __`, . _ �_.k �
<br />' � , L,end`r may ai its aptton take poasession W the Froporty an�0 I�ave,hotQ,manage.le�e and operate the Property orf terms end for n geriad af time i - • .r-
<br /> d�t � '
<br /> that lgnder deema proper. L ert der may pmca e d t o co t�e c t a n d r o c s i v a a 1 1 R e r n a i ro m�e p r o p e n y,a n d L e n d a�e h a 1 3 h a v a t u 0�a w a r t o rt�f c e F < '� ..
<br /> • ' aRerations,tanava7ions.repaiB or repiacemerrts to the Rroperty as LesWer may deem pmper. lendar may syDN�tl Ra�in IandePa safe discretton ,. � . '.
<br /> • � � to Paymerrt at the 06Ggatlona or to tha ertt of tRe eost otsuch atterarians,renmratlons.cepahs artd taytacemertts and arry xpan incidart!to ' :> ;i.,:;"
<br /> � mking and remtning possesston of the�ep rty R:ria�:calry and Uie managemem and o e r s tlon W t he P rope r l y. l en dsr may k e e ps�$�e P ro p e r t y .'� , '`Y
<br /> U p
<br /> � property insured end may dJscharge any mxes,chargss,ctatm�,aSSesSmerns er,d othar tlans whhh may aaxue. Thae�ense and cost ot ihesa � , '�,�,';
<br /> f actton�may he paid Uom the Fiasita 2�eived.and anyr unpaid smoums shall he addad m ths princiRa!at tne Obiigations.Thesa amoan�,together � `, r^0.' '
<br /> :.
<br /> �-� � ��_1_ vdthath0t�.64�!l6�tpeAaR04Al:2QbAgedtot�sOCUfedbytt1L90eeQolTrust �_.
<br /> � ..�'•",'. . • , B� LFASES/iHD�IFiER AGEi�ts� Grantuc ahali aat take or fafl to tali�arry acttan which maY eause or permR 81a terminaftot�or�re , : '— � _
<br /> ,". • , � . 8
<br /> wtthhofdiag o!arry payment in camii�5?ma aeiL9 arry Lsase or other egroament('Agreement�pe�infig to the Proparty. fn additton.�to►.r�ItNn+R �
<br /> m
<br /> 't . , ' ' '.r : tender's prtor writtgn consent,sha11 no1��a)c�ati�r c�manies payable under any 1�qreemem moce than one rt�in advance; (b)modity arty � � �
<br /> =���� ! , . Ag:eemen� (a)asstgn or aiiow a Iten,Seaitity iM.�rss2 ot othsr encumbrance to 6e placed upon Qtantora righ�.:ltfa and irrte�ast in and to ar:y � . � .
<br /> , � � O g r�emant ot the amaunts p a y r a bte thereimder.ar(�cerminate or cancol artiy Agresment except tor tfie nasipayc;o�i:cf atry sum or other matertal � ?
<br /> • bcea�t Csythe oNter paRytAereto. N Grantor receive9 at any Bme erry written oommunie�tIon asserting a detautt Ey L'��nior undet an AAre e m e n t o r f '
<br /> . .�.;'�.� . � pur� to terminate ar cancai ar.y Agrenment. Cirantar ehaD prompriy tocward e copy ot such oommunicaUon (arr,��y subsaquent f . ���r
<br /> ''`�""` ca:�;�lcstlona relaUng thereto)ta Gsn-er. Ail such 1Egreemer►��1d the amounts due to Cranter Ctereunder aro horeby assi�:xa3 to Lender as ( � , , `
<br /> '�;i,;-� , aC���:ra1sxurttytarthe0haga�ar�. � '� , •j
<br /> . ' - ` 7.�t2ECTi0H OP IHDEBiEOHE�FAOM'4N�iD PAFiTY. Lender ahell bs enUtted t0 notit�/ot requito Grantotto notNy any thlyd PaRy MCtuding. �;•;'�'t .
<br /> .. . " � � Dut not limited m.tesgee�,tian�.govemmental authocitie�end insurance companias)to pay Lender any indebtedness or obligatlon owing to F �. '-+
<br /> _ •� � (;rar►tar wflA respcet to t�e ProFarty£-xnula8vory`3-tebiedness�whethar ar not e datault ex1sts undar thts DeaO o1 Trust. 3rFUrtor ehail dtiigerttly ' ' •�;�,. .
<br /> ,�.�: ,. • coEect the tr�dsbteanesaawing ta(i.�.-r�rham the:sd e;lyd partio3 ur►til t�e givtng of such notiflca�on. tn the svent that Qrantor possasaas ar receNea �-- . _ �, .,{_'�,
<br /> � r � � i�'�:�� � ��.'.� • po�asston ot et�y tn5trumerrta or at1e�c�mittanaes w3h[espeet W the IndebtaQrtess toilow(ng tt�e gitih�ot suM�eUfloaUon or ff the tnstruments or � ���9{•,,.•,�
<br /> '`�' � � other remitt9�ces oonstiMe the pre��p:�ent of any Indebtedrtess or the payment of erry tneuranca cr canQemnation proceeds,�r�tor shaii hotd ; �,�;,,�_�� ":. . �:•is�•,
<br /> �;.,...,
<br /> ' '�'`1-�� � ' such tnstruments and other romittarr��n Uust tar tendar apact irom its other propeRy,enQorsa trie ir.swmerfts and ather romlttancas to LenQer, , . • �;•�`�,;.�,
<br /> �� ��''°�� � end fmmedistety proviAe Lander wftA possesslan ot�'fe Ustr�!mente and othet�emtttances. Lender shall be enfiUed,but not requir�d,to coitect(by ! � ;.r".;`.::��.
<br /> .:.r;:: � � c- 7�� legat pmoeedings or othen�►ise).extend the ttma for paymertt,compromi�o,exchange or refease any obtigar or�f.��t�ra1,or otherwise seqie arry crf � " • ,.'�:�,::��,.�'.
<br /> :�7f" '� ,'• . the(ndebtednexs whetltm or not an everrt o!dafautt extsm under ttiis Ag►eement. LenQer sha11 not de liabte to G�foi arry actlon,ertor,mistaY.m .
<br /> •,;�i,; tt ,
<br /> omtssion or detay perteilning to the ao8ona descAbad In tAis pa�agraph or any damags9 resutUng thereirvm. tVCi�nding the foragoing,nothing . .
<br /> r' ,�:�.;;.�•�• . � here.°n shaU cause Lenderto Oe deema�a mar�age�tn�possessiart. , � .
<br /> _ '�'�t�J � • � tDSE AND IWMENANCE OF�,�'ib�Ei41/. arantor sh�D ta.'�g�t aaUon9 and make arry re�^,'.�i�neadea to matntatn the P�,�rty In pood .'�'.. . � .
<br /> ' � . � eonQ'rtion. �3tanntor ahatt nat eommit crr�ermit any waste to Bo c.�cz:r�ttad with respeet to the Pra�y. (3rantor sha:l use the�-.rarcty solely in � '�,� �. � •
<br /> 3ta
<br /> �? � aompilance wNl►appllcaDte Iaw an0 in�urancB poUcisa Qrerttor shaJl not maka erry alte�ations,adort"rcna or tmpravemenis to the Prcperty without j.�`'�:;� �� , �.
<br /> - . � � � � LendeYS prtor written canser,t Withaut limltlng fhe taregotng,alt atteraUons,addiNons and imprWemenb made to fho PropeRy shatl ee subject to : � .�:.�_,:::.
<br /> � � ', �� �t;! ihe beneflc1a11Merestbelanging to Lendet,shail not bo removed withautlsndor's prior written consen�and sAall be made at tirantoe's sole expenss. ( �••�;;�•:,
<br /> ' ��;� , � 'i ' U LOSS OA�AMAQE.Qrantar shall beartha enUre dsk of any Ioss,theft,destrue�on or damago(cumutativety'Loss or Dam�qe�to tha Proparty or , • �'�;�-:.,�
<br /> _ �� .,;,i,,, .� . : eny portlon therco!fromarry cause whatsoever. In tAo evertt ot any Loss or Oamage,GraMOr s*�,9,at the optlon of Lender,repalr the aHactee � ;; �'.
<br /> �.: , PropertytotbpravlauswndNionor�ayorcavsetObepaiCtoLenC::rthedecreaseinthofairmarkoi►alu�ottheafteetedProperty. ,;z,��;�•.'.
<br /> •, ���`�;;.;., . . t0 IN3URAHCE The Pcoparty wili 4a kep!insured tor fts tu11 insvrabio vatuo(reptacemerrt cc�1�q�Inst ail hasarQs IncluQ��:r.s9 ar damago �,:..,., . _ ,
<br /> "�'.'' cause0 bvftood,earthquakv,tomado andflre,theR c�o2hercasuatry to the extent required by Lender. Grantor may obtaln insurars�anthe Property . , ,
<br /> � '. � . irom surh wmpanleo as�9 ecceptHbto tq LnnQer►n Its sate dlsc�eUon. The Ins�,•ranoe polictes shall require th�Insuranco carr.gany to provide
<br /> � Lendor v±lth at taast � day8�wrlt¢en nottce b►�tore sucti policies aro a"^:red or canceifed in an�yma�.msr. Tho Insuca.�ce poilctas shall � �
<br /> x �� name Lt,ader as a tas�peyee and provids that no act er oinisston of Qrantor or eny othet persan shatl aftect ttte dght o9 LenC�r to de pald the .
<br /> . , Inaunu[as proceed9 yertilning to tha tos9 or damttge ot the Property. In the avent Grantor fai?s t�ecqutre or mairrtefn insase�a�.Lender(after
<br /> - ^#{ provlCing noUce as may bs required Ey taw)may in tte discretTOn procuro appropdaie Insurance ca:�rage upan the P�operty and L"ra u�nsurance cost ��
<br /> ehall Ee en advence payabte end beartng irnerost as described tn Paragraph 23 and seeured Aere?iy. Qtantor shal}fumish Lander wRh evldence of � ,'� .
<br /> •�� insurance tndicaUng ffis requlred coverage. Leneer may sct as attomayHn-tacl tor Grantor In making and settling ctatma under insurance poitcte0. � � '
<br /> ' � • csrtoemn�erry patiry or endoiainp Qrama�b name an airy draft ar negoUabte(nsuumertt drawn by anyr insurer. Atl sueh ipsurance paHclea chat►be �
<br /> •'�° Immedlahty wlpnW,p:eQyea and Qethrered to I.ender asturther securky tor the Obi(gffitana fn the event ot loas.Grantor efiafl immedtatnty gtve
<br /> • terntu rrrltbrn notia an4 l.ender Ie aW�oAUd to matcs proo!ot toss. EasD Insuranae company t9 dUaoted to make p'I ontg diractty to Lss�:a:
<br /> � in�01 t9 Lmdai nrtd Graater. Lertdor etfafl�ave tAe ngn�.et ns eote option,to appty such monioa taward tha Obtlgado s or towardthe cost of '
<br /> � robuitding ana rosmdng the Property. My amaun�may st Lender s opUOn be apptied In tho Imror�„o ordor of tho duo dates theraof. ,
<br /> �,� � '� 11.ZOHIHD AHD PANA4E COVEHANfB. Grantor sha11 not inNiato or consom to any ohanga in ths=oning provis�ons or prlvata oavenent9 affecUng
<br /> � : the use of ths Property wtthout LendePo prior written aonserK. N araMOPa use o?the Property 6acome9 a non�niamUng u�e undar any:ontng . .
<br /> h ' • provtyon,Cuentor eneil not cau�e or permit aucA use to be disoonUnued or ebnnQoned without the prlor writDen eonsern of tander. Grar�to�wtU -
<br /> ,. ._ Imm�dfahly pfavld�Land�r�YUf writDln nofta of any propoeld changse to the ianing pravlslona or pHvate oovanarne aHecting the Property.
<br /> � 1Z COHQEMMATIOM tirenta�shati Immedttt�ly pravide Lendm wHA wAttan rrbUoe ot any actual or tAroatened candemnatton or ominerrt aomeln i �
<br /> .' ' . . . pmc�ding p�R�lnin8 totha Ptaperty. A!1 monies pay�btota Qrantor trom suM conQemnatton ar taking ere herobyr assigned to LenQer and•sAa116o
<br /> applbd fira4 to 1Re paymeM o1 Londer's attomeys'feee, tegal o�enses and other costs pnctudin appralsal teas) In connecUon with tha
<br />_. conC�mntUon or eminent domaln prooeedinp�end then.atthe opUon af Lender,tnthe paymem o1 the O�IigaUone ortho rostoraUon ar repalr ot tt�s
<br /> ' 13.��'8 R[GHT TO COMMENCE Op OEFEHO LE(�AL ACTtOH�. Cirantor shall immediarnN provtde tander w(tt�written noUse ot eny acturil
<br /> ; �, • ot threatened aetIon,sutt,ot other proeeedinp atfoetln�the Propony. l3tantor hareby ap�oints Lander as fts attomeyan-fact to eammane�,intorvono
<br /> � In,and QOftnO auct�action9,enit3,ar afher tegel praaeadtngs and to compromise ar settla sny cia�m or cantrovarsy porfainlr�theroto. l.enQcr shali �
<br /> � not he Il�b!s to 6reMor for any acUan,error,misteice,omission or detay pertalntag to the aetlons�escdbed In this par�qraph or eny damages
<br /> , �,. � ,�' . . rosuWng tRer�from. fVot�tng oor►ta(rtsd herotn will provent ten�er irom taking the acUOna Cescribed In this ParagraP�in its own name.
<br /> � � fI. tH!}E6SNlFICA1(ON. Lender aht►II not aswmd or be responslbte for the pertormence of arty ot Qrantar'e obligatians with rospect to the Rroperty
<br /> . �. unQer any clrcumatMCas. Qrertor ahe111mmadtata provlde LenCer vrith vrtitten naUee of and tndemnify and hotd t�+ndor and its ahamhotders, �
<br /> ; � : dtnctoro,offtcere,mnptoyses and r,gbr�harmles��rom n11 ctalm�,damages,Itab;tiUa9(inctuding attnmeys'tees and tegal e�ensos),cuuses of ; •
<br /> actton,actlon3,sutb ana o�tfror teIIaf pra�adtngs(cvmutaUvely'Gffima'►perttilning to t�a PrapeRy pnduding,but nat Itmitad to,those invotving
<br /> � • HazerQoua MaieHaf�). Qrr,r►tar,upan the roquast of teneer,shail htro teg�counsel to dofend Londcr irom sucb Clalms.an0 pay tAO attomeys'foos. . . .
<br /> __ _ IeBal mcpeases end otharoosts inCUnad In eonnecttan thormvttt►. In tho aitEmaBvo,Londor shall be oMiUod to emptoy its ovm tagal courtsal to detend _ __ __
<br /> � � such Cialms at Gmntar'e cosw (i�antor's oblEgaBon to Intiemnify Lendar unQar this pFUagrapfi s�9ii sunrivb ftie tamnin8tI0n,reIaas9 at ibreCTOSurA ot - "- "-���" �
<br /> . th13 paed of Trust. �
<br />-. ' :. tPt�sn9 0 Fortnrvarow,e:eg:eume.Nl,e�Ea��am�� aqgosats �. -—�
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